ExpressJS: Inject Include into Jade using Javascript - express

Say I have files such as follows
.name= name
.desc= desc
Now I want to have a button on my page that, when clicked, injects the previous into the document. I want this because I need to add people to the page. How would I go about doing this?
Should I just use an HTML file in this case?

Jade renders on server side. So you should call method with ajax that will return rendered html. Another option is to do this with JavaScript:
function addPerson(name, desc, parentId){
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'person';
var nameContainer = document.createElement('div');
nameContainer.className = 'name';
nameContainer.innerHTML = name;
var descContainer = document.createElement('div');
descContainer.className = 'desc';
descContainer.innerHTML = desc;
var parent = document.getElementById(parentId);
input(onclick="addPerson('#{name}', '#{desc}', 'personContainer');", type="button")

So similar to the previous example, I use express to host the Jade HTML for the person input in its own url something like this...'/person/:name/:desc',adddoc.person2);
Of course the person2 implementation is just a render of the Jade.
mixin personField(desc,name,valuefname,valuelname)
Then in my Javascript (using JQuery)
function stump(name, desc){
function(data) {
var $parents = $( "#parents" );


is there a way to add LinkedIn insights code so it gets properly triggered in Vue

is there a way to add LinkedIn insights code so it gets properly triggered in a Vue project? or does adding the code before the closing body tag suffice?
If you want to include LinkedIn insights code into the whole app then use it in the main.js file. Else you can use where you want for specific pages.
Below is the example code that you can use and it will work.
(function () {
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
var b = document.createElement("script");
b.type = "text/javascript";
b.async = true;
b.src = "";
s.parentNode.insertBefore(b, s);
window._linkedin_partner_id = "0000000"; //paste your id here
window._linkedin_data_partner_ids = window._linkedin_data_partner_ids || [];

How can I to empty the content of html tag?

Hello I am loading a few of data each API call, inside a tag, but when I do the second call this data is appended to the data of the previous call.
The question is how can I clear the content of a div?
I am using this for select that div
In order to add contet I am using the following code:
responseJSON.forEach(element => {
let card = Vue.extend(card)
let instance = new card({
propsData: {
ch: element
Before running the responseJSON.forEach, you can clear everything in the div first by running
this.$ = ""

VueJS handle URL fragment to action without Vue Router and without jQuery

I am currently using VueJS 2.x and have not gone VueRouter yet (and am not able anyway).
Quite simply, I want Vue to detect a URL fragment like and for example simulate the click of the following modal link:
<a :id="" :click="openModal(">Open this record</a>
Should I just parse window.location myself or is there a more elegant way to do it? I also want to not use jQuery.
This is our script for parsing args from the hash. It lets you put a query string after the hash, that will be parsed by the script. If, like us, you also need to pass an url that you don't want parsed, put it at the end in a 'src' argument.
var args = (function () {
var returnVal = {};
var argString = window.location.hash;
//everything after src belongs as part of the url, not to be parsed
var argsAndSrc = argString.split(/src=/);
returnVal["src"] = argsAndSrc[1];
//everything before src is args for this page.
var argArray = argsAndSrc[0].split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < argArray.length; i++) {
var nameVal = argArray[i].split("=");
//strip the hash
if (i == 0) {
var name = nameVal[0];
nameVal[0] = name.slice(1);
returnVal[nameVal[0]] = decodeURI(nameVal[1]);
return returnVal

Storing an iframe's elements (the ones in the page that it is has loaded -- like <table>) in a variable

How can I store the elements of an iframe into a variable?
This is something I want to happen within the parent.
I know the elements should have an id to implement this repeatedly proposed solution that does not work:
var foo = document.getElementbyId([IFRAME ID]).contentWindow.document.getElementbyID([ELEMENT ID]);
nor does this code work:
var foo = document.getElementbyId([IFRAME ID]).contentDocument.getElementbyID([ELEMENT ID]);
Saving each section into individual variables makes no difference.
var x = document.getElementbyId([IFRAME ID]);
var y = (x.contentDocument || x.contentWindow.document);
var foo = y.getElementbyID([ELEMENT ID]);
What works? Please demonstrate a solution in jfiddle.
I tried running this function with the iframe id passed into it (on my site there is a jukebox page which is loaded into the main iFrame and it has an iFrame itself -- which has an id called 'albumcover'):
function showIframeContent(id) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(id);
try {
var doc = (iframe.contentDocument)? iframe.contentDocument: iframe.contentWindow.document;
alert("The jukebox page's iframe URL is" +
catch(e) {
return false;
I then received this message:
[ Permission denied to access property "href" ]
-- 100% of my site, all referenced data...everything, is within a public_html folder...same domain, same hosting service area...the works.
What in the world is going on?
Thanks again.

Google Script - Adding dynamic parameters to href from handler

I have a Google Script published as a web app which uses UI service to display an interface with several listboxes. I can get at the values selected thru server handlers.
My problem is that I need to add these values to a url in a anchor defined in my doGet routine. (I am calling a JotForm url, and need the dynamic parameters to pre-populate the form)
I can't see how to modify the anchor from the handler function, or any other way to invoke the url I build in code.
When you want to modify any widget in a Ui created with UiApp, each widget must have an ID that you can use to getElementById() and manipulate the way you want just as if you were in the doGet function.
Here is a simple example to illustrate : (online here)
function doGet(){
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test');
var serieNames = [' serie A',' serie B',' serie C'];
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','30px');
var namesHandler = app.createServerHandler('showPilots').addCallbackElement(panel);
for(var n in serieNames){
var serieSelect = app.createRadioButton('pilotSelect',serieNames[n]).setId('s'+n).addClickHandler(namesHandler)
return app;
function showPilots(e){
Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e));// you can see the source parameter in e that returns the widgets ID of the button you clicked to call the handler
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var serie = e.parameter.source; // get the ID
app.add(app.createLabel('you clicked '+e.parameter.source));// then get this widget by its ID and modify it
app.getElementById(serie).setText('Clicked');// modify it
return app;// update Ui
EDIT : here is a version that manipulates anchors, it is perfectly possible to change the url from a handler.
test here
code :
function doGet(){
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test');
var links = ['link 1',' link 2',' link 3'];
var linkshref = ['','',''];
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','30px');
var namesHandler = app.createServerHandler('changeUrl').addCallbackElement(panel);
for(var n in links){
var linkWidget = app.createAnchor(links[n], linkshref[n]).setId('s'+n);
var btn = app.createButton('change links',namesHandler);
return app;
function changeUrl(e){
Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e));// you can see the source parameter in e that returns the widgets ID of the button you clicked to call the handler
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var links = ['New link 1','New link 2','new link 3'];
var linkshref = ['','',''];
for(var n in links){
return app;// update Ui