why I can't set nothing to variable in vb.net? - vb.net

I have a a problem with my vb.net.
my code
class business{
buiding as string
I load data from mongodb
Dim collection1 = db1.GetCollection(Of business)("tablebusiness")
Dim list = collection1.Find(query1)
For Each abiz In list
Dim biztemp = abiz
biztemp.buiding = nothing '//// (but I get biztemp.building = "") why??
'biztemp.building = "" here


VB.NET extract data from API

I am a beginner in VB.NET and i am trying to extract data from an API and add it to a listview column but i don't know how to extract the data.
[This is the API][1]
[1]: https://tmnf.exchange/api/tracks?author=lolsport&count=40&fields=TrackId%2CTrackName
It is a API for downloading race tracks for Trackmania.
The data is shown as follows {"TrackId":9707620,"TrackName":"lolsport R444"},
Now what i need is the TrackIDs and TrackNames.
i have two columns in my program where i want to sort them into like so.
**TrackID** **TrackName**
9707620 lolsport R444
How can i do this? i googled a lot about regular expressions but i cant seem to find anything that works.
Dim Data As String = "{""TrackId"":9707620,""TrackName"":""lolsport R444""}"
Dim dataaray() As String = Data.Split(",")
Dim dataval() As String
Dim fileloc As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\Test.txt"
If Not File.Exists(fileloc) Then
End If
Dim objwriter As New StreamWriter(fileloc, True)
Dim i As Int32 = 0
Dim val As String
objwriter.WriteLine("**TrackID** **TrackName**")
For Each rw As String In dataaray
dataval = rw.Split(":")
val += dataval(1).Replace("""", "").Replace("}", "") & vbTab
If i = 1 Then
val = String.Empty
i = 0
End If
i += 1

Insert AutoCAD Block on a specific layer VB.NET

I'm trying to insert a block from another file and then change the layer of the block. I can get the block to insert into the modelspace but can't find a way to change it's layer. I'm hoping someone can help me out with the below code.
Thanks in advance.
Public Shared Sub Add_Hardware()
Dim doc As Document = AutoCADApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = doc.Database
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
Dim pStrOpts As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("NewFilename")
pStrOpts.AllowSpaces = True
Dim FileName As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pStrOpts)
Dim Layer As String = ed.GetString("Layer").StringResult
Dim ObjId As ObjectId
Dim bt As BlockTable = db.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)
Using dbInsert As New Database(False, True)
dbInsert.ReadDwgFile(FileName.StringResult, IO.FileShare.Read, True, "")
ObjId = db.Insert(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName.StringResult), dbInsert, True)
End Using
Dim curUCSMatrix As Matrix3d = doc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem
Dim curUCS As CoordinateSystem3d = curUCSMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d
Dim BlkRef As New BlockReference(New Point3d(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ), ObjId)
BlkRef.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(RotateX, curUCS.Xaxis, New Point3d(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ)))
BlkRef.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(RotateY, curUCS.Yaxis, New Point3d(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ)))
BlkRef.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(RotateZ, curUCS.Zaxis, New Point3d(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ)))
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(BlkRef, True)
End Using
End Sub
To change the layer of the block reference, simply set its Layer (or LayerId) property.
BlkRef.Layer = LayerName

CATIA-VBA error: Function or interface marked restricted ... automation type not supported in Visual Basic

I've recorded a line creation in a VBA macro file, and it generated the following code:
Sub CATMain()
Dim partDocument1 As PartDocument
Set partDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim part1 As Part
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part
Dim bodies1 As Bodies
Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies
Dim body1 As Body
Set body1 = bodies1.Item("PartBody")
Dim sketches1 As Sketches
Set sketches1 = body1.Sketches
Dim originElements1 As OriginElements
Set originElements1 = part1.OriginElements
Dim reference1 As Reference
Set reference1 = originElements1.PlaneYZ
Dim sketch1, sketch1Variant As Sketch *
Set sketch1 = sketches1.Add(reference1)
Dim arrayOfVariantOfDouble1(8)
arrayOfVariantOfDouble1(0) = 0#
arrayOfVariantOfDouble1(8) = 1#
Set sketch1Variant = sketch1
sketch1Variant.SetAbsoluteAxisData **
part1.InWorkObject = sketch1
Dim factory2D1 As Factory2D
Set factory2D1 = sketch1.OpenEdition()
Dim geometricElements1 As GeometricElements
Set geometricElements1 = sketch1.GeometricElements
Dim axis2D1 As Axis2D
Set axis2D1 = geometricElements1.Item("AbsoluteAxis")
Dim line2D1 As Line2D
Set line2D1 = axis2D1.GetItem("HDirection")
line2D1.ReportName = 1
Dim line2D2 As Line2D
Set line2D2 = axis2D1.GetItem("VDirection")
line2D2.ReportName = 2
Dim point2D1 As Point2D
Set point2D1 = factory2D1.CreatePoint(21.285706, -30.501825)
point2D1.ReportName = 3
Dim point2D2 As Point2D
Set point2D2 = factory2D1.CreatePoint(112.826553, -68.875053)
point2D2.ReportName = 4
Dim line2D3 As Line2D
Set line2D3 = factory2D1.CreateLine(21.285706, -30.501825, 112.826553, -68.875053)
line2D3.ReportName = 5
line2D3.StartPoint = point2D1
line2D3.EndPoint = point2D2
part1.InWorkObject = body1
End Sub
The issue is that when i run the code as is after recording I get the following error:
Error in loading dll.
Than I add sketch1Variant object at line * and run the code again.
This time I get the
"Function or interface marked restricted, or the function uses an automation type not supported in Visual Basic" error for line **.
I don't know what's wrong.
Any info is highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
The basic rule is this: When using VBA, any CATIA method which takes an array as an argument, or returns through an argument must be called on a variant object.
You have declared Sketch1Variant as Sketch. And SetAbsoluteAxisData takes an array as an argument.
What you want is this:
Dim Sketch1 as Sketch
Dim Sketch1Variant as Variant
(or just leave the "as variant" part off).
With this change you should be able to get past your problem.
In the future please do a web search first, because this is a VERY common question. coe.org is a good site to search.

VB.net extracting values from text file

I have a text file named range.txt with the following contents:
I need to get the value 67 into a variable called gbl_min and 89 into a variable called gbl_max.
While the information in the question is woefully inadequate, here is an attempt:
Dim data As String = File.ReadAllText("range.txt") 'MTN_G_ST_TT:i=67:a=89
Dim results = Regex.Matches("[ai]=([0-9]+)(:|$)", data)
gbl_min = Integer.Parse(results.Item(0).Groups(1).Value)
gbl_max = Integer.Parse(results.Item(1).Groups(1).Value)
You read and split text:
Using sr As New IO.StreamReader("C:\\tmp\range.txt")
Dim strLineData As String = sr.ReadLine()
Dim oArr = strLineData.Split(":")
If oArr.Length = 3 Then
Dim gbl_min = oArr(1).Replace("i=", "")
Dim gbl_max = oArr(2).Replace("a=", "")
End If
End Using

Search line in text file and return value from a set starting point vb.net

I'm currently using the following to read the contents of all text files in a directory into an array
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
Within the text files are only 6 lines that all follow the same format and will read something like
I'm trying to then search for the word "forecolour" and retrieve the information after the "=" sign (black) so i can then populate the below code
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = ' this needs to be the above result
I've only posted parts of the code but if it helps i can post the rest. I just need a little guidance if possible
This is the full code
Dim numfiles As Integer
ReDim AllDetail(0 To 0)
numfiles = 0
Dim lynxin As New IO.DirectoryInfo(zMailbox)
For Each txtfi In lynxin.GetFiles("*.txt")
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
ReDim Preserve AllDetail(0 To numfiles)
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uName = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uCode = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uOps = 'Needs to be populated
numfiles = numfiles + 1
End Sub
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = Would be the actual file path
AllDetail(numfiles).uName = Would be the detail after “unitname=”
AllDetail(numfiles).uCode = Would be the detail after “unitcode=”
AllDetail(numfiles).uOps = Would be the detail after “operation=”
Within the text files that are being read there will be the following lines
For the purpose of this array I just need the unitname, unitcode & operation. Going forward I will need the dateplanned as when this is working I want to try and work out how to only display the information if the dateplanned matches the date from a datepicker. Hope that helps and any guidance or tips are gratefully received
If your file is not very big you could simply
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
For each line in allLines
Dim parts = line.Split("="c)
if parts.Length = 2 andalso parts(0) = "unitname" Then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = parts(1)
Exit For
End If
If you are absolutely sure of the format of your input file, you could also use Linq to remove the explict for each
Dim line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitname"))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
Looking at the last details added to your question I think you could rewrite your code in this way, but still a critical piece of info is missing.
What kind of object is supposed to be stored in the array AllDetails?
I suppose you have a class named FileDetail as this
Public class FileDetail
Public Dim uName As String
Public Dim uCode As String
Public Dim uCode As String
End Class
numfiles = 0
Dim lynxin As New IO.DirectoryInfo(zMailbox)
' Get the FileInfo array here and dimension the array for the size required
Dim allfiles = lynxin.GetFiles("*.txt")
' The array should contains elements of a class that have the appropriate properties
Dim AllDetails(allfiles.Count) as FileDetail
For Each txtfi In allfiles)
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
AllDetails(numFiles) = new FileDetail()
AllDetails(numFiles).uPath = txtfi.FullName
Dim line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitname="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitcode="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("operation="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uOps = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
numfiles = numfiles + 1
Keep in mind that this code could be really simplified if you start using a List(Of FileDetails)