Store trial usage values in registry or not -

I have developed a Visual Basic.Net application and wish to have a limited usage of 15 times. Where is the best place to store the current usage times?
Is the registry the best place? I know that the user can just monitor the API calls to the registry and then can modify the value.

You could use encryption, perhaps. Also, if you do some Googling, you'll find that the consensus made by all programmers, is that there is no sure-fire way to protect against hackers etc. (especially when it comes to licensing/security/trials.
See my post on my licensing system.
I suggest storing it in several places, and not as a raw value (perhaps encrypted, compressed, hashed?), then check whether all stored values are equal (or even better still, add uo to a certain value, or when used in a calcualtion, equal a specified value. This is what I implemented.
Hope this helps :)


Is it good practice to count on the file system as a database?

I'm working on an web application that uses SQL as a database back-end. One issue that I have is that it sometimes takes a while to get my DBA to create or modify tables in the database which under no circumstance am I allowed to modify on my own.
Here is something that I do is when I expect users to upload files with their data.
Suppose the user uploads a new record for a table called Student_Records. The user uploads a record with fname Bob and lname Smith. The record is assigned primary key 123 The user also uploads two files: attendance_record.pdf and homework_record.pdf. Let's suppose that I have a network share: \\foo\bar where the files are saved.
One way of handling this situtation would be to have a table Student_Records_Files that associates the key 123 with Bob Smith. However, since I have trouble getting tables created, I've gone and done something different: When I save the files on the server, I call them 123_attendance_record.pdf and 123_homework_record.pdf. That way, I can easily identify what table record each file is associated with without having to create a new SQL table. I am, in essence, using the file system itself as a join table (Obviously, the file system is a type of database).
In my code for retrieving the files, I scan the directory \\foo\bar and look for files that begin with each primary key number from Student_Records.
It seems to work very well, but is it good practice?
There is nothing wrong with using the file system to store files. It's what it is used for.
There are a few things to keep in mind though.
I would consider a better method of storing the files - perhaps a directory for each user, rather than simply appending the user id to the filename.
Ensure that the file store is resilient and backed up with the same regularity as your database. If your database is configured to give you a backup every 10 minutes, but your file store only does a backup every day (or worse week) then you might be in for a world of pain.
Also consider what would happen if the user uploads two documents that are the same name.
First of all, I think it's a bad practice, in general, to design your architecture based on how responsive your DBA is. Any given compromise based on this approach may or may not be a big deal, but over time it will result in a poorly designed system.
Second, making the file name this critical seems dangerous to me; there's no protection against a person or application modifying the filename without realizing its importance.
Third, one of the advantages of having a table to maintain the join between the person and the file is that you can add additional data, such as: when was the file uploaded, what is the MIME type, has the file been read by anyone through the system, is this file a newer version of a previous file, etc. etc. Metadata can be very powerful, and the filesystem offers only limited ways to store it.
There are really two questions here. One is, given that for administrative reasons you cannot get changes made to the database schema, is it acceptable to devise some workaround. To that I'd have to say yes. What else can you do? In theory, if it takes two weeks to get the DBA to make a schema change for you, then this two weeks should be added to any deadline that you are given. In practice, this almost never happens. I've often worked places where some paperwork or whatever required two weeks before I could even begin work, and then I'd be given two weeks and one day to do the project. Sometimes you just have to put it together with rubber bands and bandaids.
Two is, is it a good idea to build a naming convention into file names and use this to identify files and their relationship to other data. I've done this at times and it's generally worked for me, though I have a perhaps irrational emotional feeling that it's not a good idea.
On the plus side, (a) By building information into a file name, you make it easy for both the computer and a human being to identify file associations. (Human readable as long as the naming convention is straightforward enough, anyway.) (b) By eliminating the separate storage of a link, you eliminate the possibility of a bad link. A file with the appropriate name may not exist, of course, but a database record with appropriate keys may not exist, or the file reference in such a record may be null or invalid. So it seems to solve one problem there without creating any new problems.
Potential minuses are: (a) You may have characters in the key that are not legal in file names. You may be able to just strip such characters out, or this may cause duplicates. The only safe thing to do is to escape them in some way, which is a pain. (b) You may exceed the legal length of a file name. Not as much of an issue as it was in the bad old 8.3 days. (c) You can't share files. If a database record points to a file, then two db records could point to the same file. If you must make two copies of a file, not only does this waste disk space, but it also means that if the file is updated, you must be sure to update all copies. If in your application it would make no sense to share files, than this isn't an issue.
You have to manage the files in some way, but you had to do that anyway.
I really can't think of any over-riding minuses. As I say, I've done this on occassion and didn't run into any particular problems. I'm interested in seeing others' responses.
I think it is not good practice because you are making your working application very dependent on specific implementation details and it would make it pretty hard to work with in the future to maintain, or if other people later needed access to your code/api.
Now weather you should do this or not is a whole different question. If you are really taking that much of a performance hit and it is significantly easier to work with how you have it, then I would say go ahead and break the rules. Ideally its good to follow best practice methods, but sometimes you have to bend the rules a little to make things work.
First, why is this a table change as opposed to a data change? Once you have the tables set up you should only need to update rows in that table every time that a user adds new files. If you have to put up with this one-time, two-week delay then bite the bullet and just get it done right.
Second, instead of trying to work around the problem why don't you try to fix the problem? Why is the process of implementing table changes so slow? Are you at least able to work on a development database (in which you have control to test and try out these changes)? Even if it's your own laptop you can at least continue on with development. Work with your manager, the DBA, and whoever else you need to, in order to improve the process. Would it help to speed things up if your scripts went through a formal testing process before you handed them off to the DBA so that he doesn't need to test the scripts, etc. himself?
Third, if this is a production database then you should probably be building in this two-week delay into your development cycle. You know that it takes two weeks for the DBA to review and implement changes in production, so make sure that if you have a deadline for releasing functionality that you have enough lead time for it.
Building this kind of "data" into a filename has inherent problems as others have pointed out. You have no relational integrity guarantees and the "data" can be changed without knowledge of the rest of the application/database.
It's best to keep everything in the database.
Network file I/O is spotty at best. In addition, its slower than the DB I/O.
If the DBA is difficult in getting small changes into the database, you
may be dealing with:
A political control issue. Maybe he just knows DB stuff and is threatened
when he perceives others moving in on his turf. Whatever his reasons, you need
to GET WORK DONE. Period. Document all the extra time / communication / work
you need to do for each small change and take that up with the management.
If the first level of management is unwilling to see things your way,
(it does not matter what their reasons are), escalate the issue
to the next level of management. In the past, I've gotten results this way.
It was more of a political territory problem than a technical problem.
The DBA eventually gave up and gave me full access to the TEST system BUT
he also stipulated that I would need to learn his testing process,
naming convention, his DB standards and practices, his way of testing, etc.
I was game.
I would also need to fix any database problems arising from changes I introduced.
This was fair and I got to wear the DBA hat in addition to the developer hat.
I got the freedom I needed and he got one less thing to worry about.
A process issue. Maybe the DBA needs to put every small DB change you submit
through a gauntlet of testing and performance analysis. Maybe he has a highly
normalized DB schema and because he has the big picture, he needs to normalize or
denormalize your requested DB changes to fit into the existing schema.
Ask to work with him. Ask him for a full DB design diagram.
Get a good sense of his DB design philosophy. Implement your DB changes with
his DB design philosophy in mind. Show that you understand that he's trying
to keep the DB in good order (understand normalization, relational constraints,
check constraints) Give him less to worry about. He needs to trust that you
will not muck up his database.
Accumulate all the small changes into a lengthy script and submit them to the DBA.
This way, you won't have to wait for each small change to go through all of his
process / testing. In addition, you're giving him a bigger picture view of your
development planning (that is in step with his DB design philosophy) instead of
just the play by play.

Password strength check: comparing to previous passwords

Every now and then I come across applications that force you to change passwords once in a while. Almost universally, they have this strange requirement for the new password: it has to be "significantly" different from your previous password(s).
While at first this sounds logical, next thing I think is: how do they do that? Do they store my passwords in plain text? I would have accepted the answer that they do, if it wasn't for the fact that these are kinds of applications that pretend to care about security so much they force you to change your password if it is expired! Microsoft Exchange is one example of this.
I'm not very good at cryptography and hash functions, so my question is this: Is it possible to enforce this kind of policy without storing passwords in plain text?
Do you know how this policy is implemented in real world applications?
UPDATE: An Example.
I was recently changing my Microsoft Exchange password. I only use Web Access, so it might be different a little -- I have no idea.
So, it forces me to change my password. What I do sometimes is I change it to something new and then change it back almost immediately. The freaky part is that It did not allow me to even change it back because of this. I tried changing it a little, by adding a letter in front of it or changing one symbol -- no luck, it was complaining.
With a typical hash, the best you can do is see if the new password is exactly equal to previous ones. You can break the password into multiple hashes in order to get more flexible with comparison, for example 3 hashes:
Alpha characters only
Numeric characters only
All other characters
You could for example require all the hashes to change to be accepted, to prevent users from just changing their password from SecretPassword01 to SecretPassword02.
A cryptographic expert may weigh in here on if this could be made as secure as a single hash.
NOTE that this is not as secure as a single hash, so before you go implementing this, make sure you have really done your research.
When changing password you're usually asked for the old one to confirm your identity. It's then trivial to compare the old one and the new one to see how much they differ. TBH I don't know how to compare to several previous passwords without storing them, but that's getting into the territory of ridiculous policies anyway. quarantine techniques

I was thinking of an efficient way to add quarantining abilities to my antivirus application:
copy the file into a specified directory and change its extension to none (*.).
save the file's binary code in an XML database.
Which way is better?
However, I have no idea how I will recompile the binary code once the user wants to restore the file.
A way to do this is to encrypt the binary file using an encryption engine and moving it into a quarantine folder, you could create a random password and encrypt the file with that password and store it somewhere (that password could also be encrypted with a master key). That is probably the easiest way of quarantining. To unquaranine, just write the complete opposite of the quarantining code. Enumerate the files into a list and filter it out, then when the user clicks on an item and presses unquarantine, it calls the unquarantine function with the filepath as the variable.
If I had to do this (and again, I wouldn't want to be in this situation in the first place, per my comment), I would use an in-process database engine with native support for encryption and large-format binary data. I think sql compact or sqlite both fit this.
I would not use xml, because it's plain-text and the binary data could be easily extracted, and I would not just change the extension, because the file could still easily be executed. Neither are much of a quarantine.
Note that the renaming option is probably the most "efficient" of what I've seen discussed so far, but when dealing with security software correctness should always be your first concern over efficiency. There are times when you can compromise correctness for performance (3D game rendering software does this all the time, to great effect), but security software is not in this category.
What you can do is optimize later. For example, anti-virus engines use heuristics (rules of thumb that will only hold most of the time) to make their software faster, they do this in a way that favors false positives that must then be more-closely checked rather than potentially missing a threat. This only works because the code that more-closely checks each item was written and battle-tested first.

how to create a system-wide independent universal counter object primarily for Database keys?

I would like to create/use a system-wide independent universal 'counter object' that can be called via COM in a thread-safe manner.
The counter object will be passed an ID to identify which counter to return, handle the counting, 'persist' the count (occasionally), have reasonable performance (as fast as possible) perhaps capable of 1000 counts per second or better (1mS) and be accessible cross-process/out-of-process. The current count status must be persisted between object restarts/shutdowns.
The counter object is liklely to be a 'singleton' type object implemented in some form of free-threaded dictionary, containing maybe 10 counters (perhaps 50 max). The count needs to be monotonic and consistent, (ie: guaranteed unique sequential values).
Each counter should have a few methods, like reset, inc, dec, set, clear, remove. As a luxury, I would like to have a variable-increment (ie: 'step by' value). To support thread-safefty, perhaps some sorm of critical-section or mutex call. It just needs to return a long/4byte signed integer.
I really want something that can be called from anywhere, including VBScript, so I figure COM is my preferred solution.
The primary use of this is for database keys. I am unable to use autoinc or guid type keys and have ruled out database-generated counting systems at this point.
I've spent days researching this and I have really struggled to find a solution. The best I can find is a free-threaded dictionary object that can be instantiated using COM+ from Motobit - it seems to offer all the 'basics' and I guess I could create some form of wrapper for this.
So, here are my questions:
Does such a 'general purpose
counter-object already exist? Can you direct me to it? (MS did
do an IIS/ASP object called
'MSWC.Counter' but this isn't
'cross-process'/ out-of-process
component and isn't thread-safe. (but if it was, it would do!)
What is the best way of creating such
a Component? (I'd prefer VB6
right-now, [don't ask!] but can do in VB.NET2005
if I had to). I don't have the
skills/knowledge/tools to use
anything else.
I am desparate for a workable solution. I need specific guidance! If anybody can code something up for me I am prepared to pay for it.
Whats wrong with GUIDs? a) 16bytes if I'm lucky (Binary storage), 32+bytes if I'm not (ANSI without formatting) or even worse(64bytes Unicode). b) I have an high-volume replicated app where the GUID is just too big (compared to the actual row data) and c) the overhead of indexing and inserts d) I want a readable number! - I only need 4 byte integer, so why not try and get that? I know you will say that disc-space is cheap, but for my application the cost is in slow inserts, and guids don't help (and I have tried/tested) but would prefer not to use if I have a choice.
Autonumber/autoincs are evil: a) don't get the value until after the insert, b) session specific, c) easy to lose/screw up on a table alter, d) no good for mutli-table inserts, (its not MS-SQL Svr) plus I have a need for counters outside my DB...
By the sound of it, what you're looking to create is an ActiveX EXE. They run in their own process but can be accessed from any other process by instantiating an object from it as though it is just another COM object. It handles all the marshaling necessary to sync its internal thread with the threads of any process calling it. Since all you planning on using is integers, there's no need to worry about the thread safety of objects passed between the threads.
More than likely you can use the MSWC.Counter object within that ActiveX EXE and let it do the counter work.
A database engine is already very good at generating unique primary key values for a dbase table. Either by marking the column auto-increment or by using a Guid. Trying to create your own is a grave mistake. System wide is just not wide enough, it fails miserably when your app grows and more than one machine starts using the database.
Nevertheless, you can get what you want in VB6 by creating a COM server. It's been to long, I forgot the exact names of the project options, something resembling "single use".
I have implemented a similar solution implemented as a REST web service - accessible from any technology that supports http.
Simple c sharp backend implementation using a singleton pattern and will scale nicely under IIS.
The whole thing sounds like a twisted idea, so why should I not add another twisted one. :P
Host an old-skool ASP page.
You can use Application.Lock with a counter then, just like in the sample.
Added benefit: use it from any platform/language. (e.g. other HTML pages with XMLHttpRequest. :)
If you save the value at say every 100th request to a file, you do not even have to worry about IIS resets.
Just set the starting value to last saved value + 100 in Application_OnStart. :P

enCapsa -what is it and what is used for?

It may not be a pure programming question but I'm looking for information about enCapsa. Do you know what it is, have you ever used it? I'm reading some papers about it but I can't really see how it works and what it can be used for in an IT company (and this is what i am supposed to find out).
Basically enCapsa is a shared data storage system, focused on providing a way for storing any kind of data (even from etherogeneous data sources such as different designed db tables) and consequently obtain it through a sort of human friendly queries, just like on a search engine. They offer the possibility to upload data from everywhere (it's CSV based) and later download to use wherever you need it.
Usages are many, consider it's a centralized DB accessible through web and they say it meets high security standard.
A usefull way to employ this service is to have data stored in there without the need to keep them synchronized across company computers.