Password strength check: comparing to previous passwords - cryptography

Every now and then I come across applications that force you to change passwords once in a while. Almost universally, they have this strange requirement for the new password: it has to be "significantly" different from your previous password(s).
While at first this sounds logical, next thing I think is: how do they do that? Do they store my passwords in plain text? I would have accepted the answer that they do, if it wasn't for the fact that these are kinds of applications that pretend to care about security so much they force you to change your password if it is expired! Microsoft Exchange is one example of this.
I'm not very good at cryptography and hash functions, so my question is this: Is it possible to enforce this kind of policy without storing passwords in plain text?
Do you know how this policy is implemented in real world applications?
UPDATE: An Example.
I was recently changing my Microsoft Exchange password. I only use Web Access, so it might be different a little -- I have no idea.
So, it forces me to change my password. What I do sometimes is I change it to something new and then change it back almost immediately. The freaky part is that It did not allow me to even change it back because of this. I tried changing it a little, by adding a letter in front of it or changing one symbol -- no luck, it was complaining.

With a typical hash, the best you can do is see if the new password is exactly equal to previous ones. You can break the password into multiple hashes in order to get more flexible with comparison, for example 3 hashes:
Alpha characters only
Numeric characters only
All other characters
You could for example require all the hashes to change to be accepted, to prevent users from just changing their password from SecretPassword01 to SecretPassword02.
A cryptographic expert may weigh in here on if this could be made as secure as a single hash.
NOTE that this is not as secure as a single hash, so before you go implementing this, make sure you have really done your research.

When changing password you're usually asked for the old one to confirm your identity. It's then trivial to compare the old one and the new one to see how much they differ. TBH I don't know how to compare to several previous passwords without storing them, but that's getting into the territory of ridiculous policies anyway.


Is SQL Injection/XSS attack possible with preg_replace?

I have done some research on how injection/XSS attacks work. it seems like hackers simply make use of the USER INPUT fields to input codes.
However, suppose I restrict every USER INPUT fields with only alphanumerics(a-zA-Z0-9) with preg_replace, and lets assume that I use the soon-to-be-deprecated my_sql instead of PDO or my_sqli.
Would hackers still be able to inject/hack my website?
Short version: Don't do it.
Long version:
Suppose you have
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = $user_input
If this happens, then some inputs (such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) are still possible, though the "attack" would be limited to the point of probably being harmless. The solution here could be to restrict the input to [0-9].
In Strings ("$user_input"), the problem shouldn't even exist.
You have to make sure you implement your escape function correctly.
It is incredibly annoying for the end user. For instance, if this was a text field, why aren't white spaces allowed? What about รก? What if I want to quote someone with ""? Write a math expression with < (or even write something apparently harmless such as i <3 u)?
So now you have:
A homebrew solution, which has to be checked for correctness (and may have bugs, as any other function). Bugs in this function are potential security issues;
A solution which is unfamiliar to other programmers, who have to get used to it. Code without the usual escape functions is usually wrong code, so it's masssively surprising;
A solution that's fragile. What if someone else modifies your code and forgets to add the validation? What if you forget the validation?
You are focusing on solving a problem that's already been solved. Why waste time doing something that takes time to develop and is hard to maintain when others have already developed proper solutions that take close to no effort to use.
Finally, don't use deprecated APIs. Things are deprecated for a reason. Deprecated can mean stuff like "we'll drop support at any minute" or "this is has severe issues but we can't fix it for some reason".
Deprecated APIs are supposed to be used by legacy applications of developers that did not have enough time or resources to migrate. When starting from scratch, use the supported APIs.

Store trial usage values in registry or not

I have developed a Visual Basic.Net application and wish to have a limited usage of 15 times. Where is the best place to store the current usage times?
Is the registry the best place? I know that the user can just monitor the API calls to the registry and then can modify the value.
You could use encryption, perhaps. Also, if you do some Googling, you'll find that the consensus made by all programmers, is that there is no sure-fire way to protect against hackers etc. (especially when it comes to licensing/security/trials.
See my post on my licensing system.
I suggest storing it in several places, and not as a raw value (perhaps encrypted, compressed, hashed?), then check whether all stored values are equal (or even better still, add uo to a certain value, or when used in a calcualtion, equal a specified value. This is what I implemented.
Hope this helps :)

Double salt for hashing passwords?

I'm thinking of hashing user passwords with two different salt strings, one stored in the code which is the same for all users and another stored in the database for which each user has their own unique value.
Would this be more effective than simply storing the values in the database?
Any advice, opinions appreiated.
The effect is miniscule if anything at all. Consider that a static, hard coded salt can be viewed as nothing more than an alteration to the hashing algorithm - it happens exactly the same way every time, so it may as well be considered part of the algorithm.
But the purpose of the salt is to create some randomness that is similar to extending the (minimum) strength of the password, for the purpose of making offline cracking (including rainbow tables) more resource intensive (non-rainbow-table cracking will require more CPU time, and rainbow tables will require all salts for all strings).
The only way that you'd get any value from this is while the static salt is unknown - the equivalent to the algorithm being unknown. If your binary or your source is available to the attacker, then reverse engineering will demonstrate the algorithm and the hard coded salt.
And if this issue goes public, you will probably have to deal with flack from many security enthusiasts who believe that anything not perfect is completely broken, even though your product already does the right thing and the additional step is just useless.
And, of course, you'll have to deal with maintenance issues of having a static salt - backwards compatibility and bug fixes around the hashing code can be a pain.
The very small benefit of static keys (or salts) is simply not worth the cost. Always make keys and salts dynamic.

What are the best rules to follow for what characters to allow in a password?

Without thinking about it at all I just want to say I should allow every character. It gets hashed in any case, and I don't want to limit people who want to create strong passwords.
However, thinking about it more, there are plenty of characters that I have no idea what effect they'd have on things. Foreign characters, ascii symbols, etc. to name a couple.
I tried to Google but I can't find any definitive standard for what people do. Even most professional organizations don't seem to know. It seems to be a common practice for many sites to disallow special characters altogether, which is just silly and not what I want to do.
Anyway, are there any standard recommendations for length, allowed characters, and so forth?
I'm not sure if it matters, but I'll be using ASP.NET w/ C#
Any printable, non-whitespace ASCII character (between 33 and 126 inclusive) are typically allowed in passwords. Many security professionals (and SO commenters) are advising the use of a passphrase in place of a password, so you'd have to allow spaces. The argument is that due to their length, and since phrases aren't in a dictionary, passphrases are more difficult to crack than passwords. (A passphrase can also be easier to remember, so a legitimate user doesn't have to keep it written down on a sticky-note right on their monitor.)
Some strong password generators use a hash, so I'd put a very high limit on the length (512 or 1024) just to be inclusive. Password generators today often yield strings of 32-128 characters, but who knows what hashes will be used in the next few years.
Non-ASCII characters certainly make things harder when it comes to entering the password on limited devices (mobiles, consoles etc) - but usually not impossible. Arguably if the user wants to do that, you should let them. It's easy enough to do a reasonable and consistent thing - encode in UTF-8 before hashing, for example. You'd only get into difficulties if some input device sent the characters as a composition (e.g. e + acute accent instead of "e acute") - but I suspect that wouldn' t happen in real life. (You could decompose everything yourself, but that would be a lot of trouble to go to for an edge case.)
I'd restrict it to printable characters, however. Putting tabs, form feeds etc in a password really is asking for trouble.
Not an expert, but I hate when characters I choose and not that bizarre are rejected. So, I think I agree with your gut.
Short answer: allow as much as the system backing it can support. Nowadays there's really no excuse not to use full unicode support for text entry, and that includes passwords. I don't think you need to worry about problems with characters as long as they're handled literally (but I'm not a pro in this field--beware of sql injection).
I have a pet peeve against sites that impose restrictions on passwords... any kind of restriction. I like sites that will tell you how strong your password is and recommend you make it stronger, but forcing a user to type at least 8 characters, or to require both letters and numbers, etc. is just plain frustrating.
If you need to have a maximum field size (for example for storing in a database) try to make it large enough for anything that people would type out by hand. There's really no such thing as a too-large password field since there's always the potential to use an automated, generated strong password, but 64 to 128 characters would certainly suffice.
Fundamentally, most of the unicode class of characters should be allowed. Do skip however control characters (e.g. 0-31 besides space), the byte order mark (0xfffe and oxfeff). Further, you want to first canonicalize the representation to get rid of problems caused by differing representations. You might issue warnings though for characters that seem to be too hard to enter, but users will guard against that themselves.
Remember: When you are storing passwords, all passwords should be encrypted with a one-way algorithm like md5 of sha1. Since these algorithms always yield hexadecimal numbers, you don't need to worry about SQL injections or anything like that.
So, as long as you can md5 or sha1 a character, it should be accepted.
If you are talking about preventing SQL-injection type of attacks, it is probably a better idea to make sure your code does what it is supposed to do, rather than relying on restricting the input so the problem becomes easier.
For non-ascii characters, I don't see that as a more difficult problem if your input can be correctly represented as a binary string (and not as text), which is then passed to your hash function or key generator, etc.
Add another vote for "let the user include any and all characters that their interface allows them to enter". I wouldn't even disallow tab or control characters. Your software has the capability to accept arbitrary byte strings and hash them, so accept arbitrary byte strings as passwords. To do otherwise reduces the space which an attacker must search in a brute-force or dictionary attack.
(Of course, even if you do allow everything, 99% of users will still use their pet's name as their password...)
Eventually you may have to print out the clear password in a confirmlation email sent to your users.
PS: Might consider also encoding problems in the email, if it's not standard ascii (eg. Japanese characters), it's possible that a user will not receive the email in the proper format or simply can't read it on another system due to fonts not being installed.
All this weighs in the "printable" ascii characters range.

Catching SQL Injection and other Malicious Web Requests

I am looking for a tool that can detect malicious requests (such as obvious SQL injection gets or posts) and will immediately ban the IP address of the requester/add to a blacklist. I am aware that in an ideal world our code should be able to handle such requests and treat them accordingly, but there is a lot of value in such a tool even when the site is safe from these kinds of attacks, as it can lead to saving bandwidth, preventing bloat of analytics, etc.
Ideally, I'm looking for a cross-platform (LAMP/.NET) solution that sits at a higher level than the technology stack; perhaps at the web-server or hardware level. I'm not sure if this exists, though.
Either way, I'd like to hear the community's feedback so that I can see what my options might be with regard to implementation and approach.
Your almost looking at it the wrong way, no 3party tool that is not aware of your application methods/naming/data/domain is going to going to be able to perfectly protect you.
Something like SQL injection prevention is something that has to be in the code, and best written by the people that wrote the SQL, because they are the ones that will know what should/shouldnt be in those fields (unless your project has very good docs)
Your right, this all has been done before. You dont quite have to reinvent the wheel, but you do have to carve a new one because of a differences in everyone's axle diameters.
This is not a drop-in and run problem, you really do have to be familiar with what exactly SQL injection is before you can prevent it. It is a sneaky problem, so it takes equally sneaky protections.
These 2 links taught me far more then the basics on the subject to get started, and helped me better phrase my future lookups on specific questions that weren't answered.
SQL injection
SQL Injection Attacks by Example
And while this one isnt quite a 100% finder, it will "show you the light" on existing problem in your existing code, but like with webstandards, dont stop coding once you pass this test.
The problem with a generic tool is that it is very difficult to come up with a set of rules that will only match against a genuine attack.
SQL keywords are all English words, and don't forget that the string
is perfectly valid in a form field that, for example, contains an answer to a programming question.
The only sensible option is to sanitise the input before ever passing it to your database but pass it on nonetheless. Otherwise lots of perfectly normal, non-malicious users are going to get banned from your site.
One method that might work for some cases would be to take the sql string that would run if you naively used the form data and pass it to some code that counts the number of statements that would actually be executed. If it is greater than the number expected, then there is a decent chance that an injection was attempted, especially for fields that are unlikely to include control characters such as username.
Something like a normal text box would be a bit harder since this method would be a lot more likely to return false positives, but this would be a start, at least.
One little thing to keep in mind: In some countries (i.e. most of Europe), people do not have static IP Addresses, so blacklisting should not be forever.
Oracle has got an online tutorial about SQL Injection. Even though you want a ready-made solution, this might give you some hints on how to use it better to defend yourself.
Now that I think about it, a Bayesian filter similar to the ones used to block spam might work decently too. If you got together a set of normal text for each field and a set of sql injections, you might be able to train it to flag injection attacks.
One of my sites was recently hacked through SQL Injection. It added a link to a virus for every text field in the db! The fix was to add some code looking for SQL keywords. Fortunately, I've developed in ColdFiusion, so the code sits in my Application.cfm file which is run at the beginning of every webpage & it looks at all the URL variables. Wikipedia has some good links to help too.
Interesting how this is being implemented years later by google and them removing the URL all together in order to prevent XSS attacks and other malicious acitivites