I'm working on some VB6 code to connect to a database to return a specific subset of data. All the info needed is in the one table but I'm having a bit of trouble in establishing the correct approach to selecting my results based off of the results from another query.
Below is the SQL generated by Access when I created my queries there but I'm trying to convert them for use in my VB6 application:
'*EDIT --
" & Chr(34) & lstAb.Text & Chr(34) & "
The above thanks to David pushed steered this code in the right direction. From there, I used the debug window to confirm my selections in Access which was truly a magnificent experience. Had to tweak my aliases a bit but everything became very apparent when Access was asking me to key in other values that should've already been declared.
Thanks again to David!
You might be far better off doing some proper joins between the two tables, rather than specifying a sub-query. However, that's not the problem, I don't think.
Looking at the code, I believe that you're missing some quotation marks around your criteria. You say:
"...clone_id = " & lstAb.Text & ") ORDER..."
This should probably be:
"...clone_id = " & Chr(34) & lstAb.Text & Chr(34) & ") ORDER..."
to give you quotations around the text found in lstAb.Text.
An easy way to test these kind of functions is to Debug.Print(sSql) and look at the Debug window to see what the SQL is looking like. Take a copy of that SQL, drop it into a new query in MSAccess (you can tell the query to "View SQL"), then try to figure out where it's going wrong.
This is much easier to see if your query doesn't have a nested query in it, as you can view the query designer.
You specify Details.func_ID) Like "Simp_*". In your data sample, there are no records with Simp_ string in it
I know this is a loaded question but I want to understand the theory here.
I've tried googling and checking SO for this and i DO understand the SQL injection threat.
My question is: Do you ALWAYS needs parametised queries?
If I have a user input box to search for "pxName"
I have a string:
"SELECT * FROM tblPeople WHERE fName = '" & pxName & "'"
I completely see the risk here, we are open to attack because the user has the power to insert what they want into the input box.
If however I have a variable that I have created.
Created new record via an ADODB recordset.
Obtained new PK
run query:
"SELECT * FROM tblPeople WHERE personID = " & NewPrimaryKey
Is this a threat?? As in, should this be parametised as parametised queries are "what you do" or am I actually at risk of SQL injection even though there is no place for a user to even input their dodgy strings to perform an attack?
The main fact is I have created an access app just for me to use and now a bunch of friends with similar businesses are keen to try it. It isn't using Parametisation at all at the moment however of maybe 50 query strings in the VBA, there are only 2 with actual user input boxes, the rest are reports and self generated variable queries like the one above.
Coming from years of web development where PHP and SQL statements were so simple, this recent task I've been required to undergo with MS Access and VBA is absolutely doing my head in at how much it complicates SQL statements. Mind you I have no prior knowledge about VBA so it could be extremely simple and I'm not just getting it, but all I want to do is
"SELECT type FROM tblMatter WHERE id='$id'"
When I wear my PHP cap, I want to think okay, we are going to have one row of data, that's going to be an array, and I want one object out of that array. Simple.
VBA, however, complicates the $#!t out of it. So far my code looks something like this
Dim matterSQL As String
Dim matterRS As Recordset
matterSQL = "SELECT type FROM tblMatter WHERE id'" & id & "'"
Set matterRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(matterSQL)
MsgBox matterRS![type]
CurrentDb is defined much much earlier in the code to open the connection to the database, and the error is on the line containing OpenRecordset with the error: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
As I said, I'm new to VBA so I don't know what the heck I'm doing, and all the documentation on the internet is nowhere near helpful. But all I want to do is to get one piece of data from the table.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I needed to build upon this with another query that takes the info from the last query to run. Same kind of ordeal:
Dim costSQL As String
Dim costRS as Recordset
costSQL = "SELECT email FROM tblScaleOfDisb WHERE category=" & category
Set costRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(costSQL)
MsgBox costRS![email]
This time I'm getting an error on the line containing OpenRecordset with the error: Too few parameters. Expected 1.
Which I don't understand because the code is practically the same as the first half of the question. What have I done wrong?
You are missing = in the condition
try below
matterSQL = "SELECT type FROM tblMatter WHERE id='" & id & "'"
Also if id is numeric you don't need '
matterSQL = "SELECT type FROM tblMatter WHERE id=" & id
Too few parameters. Expected 1.
This happens when the field name in your sql query do not match the table field name
if the field name are correct i believe the the datatype of category is not numeric then you have to use '
costSQL = "SELECT email FROM tblScaleOfDisb WHERE category='" & category &"'"
Always try to use parameterised query to avoid SQL injection
You must understand or prepare few things before you start coding on a new platform. such as
Using Keywords/ Reserved keywords
Capturing Errors
basic arithmetic operations/ string operations.
Available functions / methods
Ways of cleaning your variables after using it
in your case you also need to learn about MS ACCESS SQL. Which is pretty similar to standard SQL but (limited to and) strongly influenced by MS Access internal functions.
SQL execution will return n Rows as result. Each row will have n number of columns. You need to understand how you need to loop through result sets.
Please do have some error capturing method. I will help you to understand the direction before spending hours in Google.
in your first SQL: you have a reserved keyword Type. use square brackets to escape reserved keywords. In where condition numeric fields must not have string quotes and strings must have them.
Tip: You can use the MS Access visual query builder to build your query and copy the SQL to VBA.
list of reserved keywords in MS ACCESS: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/286335
list of functions: http://www.techonthenet.com/access/functions/
Error handling : http://allenbrowne.com/ser-23a.html
Clean/close your objects after usage by explicitly setting as nothing: Is there a need to set Objects to Nothing inside VBA Functions
An intern has written the following vb.net code:
Public Sub PopulateUsersByName (name As String)
'Here, the parameter 'name' is unsantized, coming straight from the form
Dim query As String = ""
query += vbNewLine + " SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.[Users]"
query += vbNewLine + " WHERE FirstName LIKE '" + REPLACE(name, "'", "''") + "'"
query += vbNewLine + " OR LastName LIKE '" + REPLACE(name, "'", "''") + "'"
'Execute SQLCommand with above query and no parameters
'Then do some other stuff
I have explained that in general, one should never use string concatenation when trying to do something like the above. The best practice is to use either an SP, or an SQLClient.SQLCommand with parameters.
His logic is: any sql varchar(xxx) gets sanitized by replacing all single quotes with two single quotes (and adding additional single quotes at the start and end of the string).
I am unable to provide an example of something the user could type that would get around this - I'm hoping I can find something more convincing than "But, as a general principal, one should avoid this - you know... coz... well, don't argue with me - I'M THE BOSS AND MY WISH IS YOUR COMMAND.".
Note: The code will always connect to our Microsoft SQL Server. But I can imagine it failing to sanitize the input on some other SQL Implementation.
Just to make it a little clearer, what I'm looking for is a possible value of the parameter name which will allow someone to inject SQL into the query.
Try this with his code using '%_%' (with and without the single quotes) as the input....same as this in SQL....
select SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.[Users] from TBL_EMPLOYEES where FirstName like '%_%' or LastName like '%_%'
irrespective if it failing or not, his is very poor code... fair enough this one is only a one liner, but anything more than that, including complicated SQL statements would be difficult to maintain and debug.. in any case, using Sps gets him used to using them AND allows him to take advantage of the flexibility and power of T-SQL... LOL, i'd dread to think how some of the SQL I have written would look like in code.....
You know, I come across code like this (and a lot worse) all the time... just because it might work for a while DOESN'T mean it's the right way to do it.... If your intern that does NOT listen to experience he will NEVER make a good developer and that is sadly a fact
I once reduced a junior developers attempt at importing a CSV file (50 million rows) in the same way your intern has done, from her 300 lines of code (which was never going to work) to just one line of LINQ to convert it to XML (we couldn't use Bulk Insert or bcp) and a fancy SP... Was bullet proof, job done....
I can get a list of all your users. If name = %%
Now I know the full name of everyone in your database.
I would consider that a security hole.
Sanitizing is not the answer. You can by pass quotes and use "smuggling". A good example is http://danuxx.blogspot.com.br/2011/08/sql-injection-bypassing-single-quotes.html
Also a good practice (to use dynamic queries) is to use parametric dynamic queries. Also SPs can do the trick (if you don't use dynamic queries inside it off course).
Let me start by saying I am biased; I hate dynamic SQL under all circumstances. That being said, is this scenario considered good practice for dynamic SQL?
sqlDataSourceObject.SelectCommand = String.Concat(
"select top ", maxRows,
" col1, ",
" col2 as myData, ",
" '' as blah, ",
" col3 as Fromperson ",
" 'Corporate' as toPerson, ",
" Convert(char(11), orderDate) as orderDate, ",
" carrier, ",
sqlString3 + " AND areaCode = '" + currArea + "'"
This query may run once, then change the value for sqlString1,2,3, or currArea and run it again against a different SqlDataSource.
This code makes me angry to read. Its hard to read, it can change with the sqlString variables, I cant run it without copy/pasting into SSMS and I have to go track down several variables to make a single change.
But, like I said I am biased so I am asking you. Is this code, written in 2001 before LINQ, as good as a stored proc or some other technology, generally OK from a good practice perspective?
If not, how would you have improved it (remember no LINQ, this is 2001).
A point of clarification:
Dynamic SQL is normally taken to mean that the semantics of the statement change based on some external factor. In other words, the column names or even the base table(s) might be altered. This was common to do for pivot queries in the old days.
It's kind of hard to tell because I don't know what's going into those awfully-named sqlStringX parameters, but I think that what I'm seeing here is really just inline SQL which happens to be riddled with SQL injection vulnerabilities. It is trivially easy to parameterize. Fix this ASAP, please. Inline SQL is fine but there is no reason to be using raw strings instead of parameters.
Stored procedures would be one idea of how to better handle these types of queries. Granted the stored proc may just execute what the parameters pass but that would be my suggestion for one way to improve that code so that the DBA can know what indexes may be useful to help optimize the query. SQL injection attacks as #Jarrod Roberson points out are also quite likely with this kind of code.
PS: I wrote this kind of code back in 1998 where I had ~20 possible parameters in writing a "Find Customer" routine that was one of my first assignments out of university so I do understand where this kind of code can originate.
I'd use a stored procedure myself. But in any case, no matter what, use parameters. They way you' have it there is not secure at all, and as you say, makes me angry to look at. :-)
Here's one reference that might help (not stored procs per se, but still uses parms)
I've got a particular SQL statement which takes about 30 seconds to perform, and I'm wondering if anyone can see a problem with it, or where I need additional indexing.
The code is on a subform in Access, which shows results dependent on the content of five fields in the master form. There are nearly 5000 records in the table that's being queried. The Access project is stored and run from a terminal server session on the actual SQL server, so I don't think it's a network issue, and there's another form which is very similar that uses the same type of querying...
SELECT TabDrawer.DrawerName, TabDrawer.DrawerSortCode, TabDrawer.DrawerAccountNo, TabDrawer.DrawerPostCode, QryAllTransactons.TPCChequeNumber, tabdrawer.drawerref
FROM TabDrawer LEFT JOIN QryAllTransactons ON TabDrawer.DrawerRef=QryAllTransactons.tpcdrawer
WHERE (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName Is Null
Or [drawername] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany.SearchPostcode Is Null
Or [Drawerpostcode] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchSortCode Is Null
Or [drawersortcode] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount Is Null
Or [draweraccountno] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque Is Null
Or [tpcchequenumber] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque & "*");
The Hold up seems to be in the union query that forms the QryAllTransactons query.
"TPC" AS Type,
INNER JOIN TabCustomers ON TabTPC.TPCMember = TabCustomers.CustomerID
"CTP" AS Type,
0 as CTPXXX,
INNER JOIN TabCustomers ON Tabctp.ctpMember = TabCustomers.CustomerID;
I've done a fair bit of work with simple union queries, but never had this before...
Two things. Since this is an Access database with a SQL Server backend, you may find a considerable speed improvement by converting this to a stored proc.
Second, do you really need to return all those fields, especially in the tabCustomers table? Never return more fields than you actually intend to use and you will improve performance.
At first, try compacting and repairing the .mdb file.
Then, simplify your WHERE clause:
[drawername] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName, "") & "*"
[Drawerpostcode] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode, "") & "*"
[drawersortcode] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode, "") & "*"
[draweraccountno] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount, "") & "*"
[tpcchequenumber] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque, "") & "*"
Does it still run slowly?
As it turned out, the question was not clear in that it is an up-sized Access Database with an SQL Server back end-and an Access Project front-end.
This sheds a different light on the whole problem.
Can you explain in more detail how this whole query is intended to be used?
If you use it to populate the RecordSource of some Form or Report, I think you will be able to refactor the whole thing like this:
make a view on the SQL server that returns the right data
query that view with a SQL server syntax, not with Access syntax
let the server sort it out
How many rows are in QryAllTransactons?
If your result returns 0 rows then Access may be able to see that immediately and stop, but if it returns even a single row then it needs to pull in the entire resultset of QryAllTransactons so that it can do the join internally. That would be my first guess as to what is happening.
Your best bet it usually to do joins on SQL Server. Try creating a view that does the LEFT OUTER JOIN and query against that.
Your goal, even when Access is running on the SQL Server itself and minimizes network traffic, is to only send to Access what it absolutely needs. Otherwise a large table will still take up memory, etc.
Have you tried running each of the subqueries in the union? Usually optimizers don't spend much time trying to inspect efficiencies between union elements - each one runs on its own merits.
Given that fact, you could also put the "IF" logic into the procedural code and run each of the tests in some likely order of discovery, without significant additional overhead from more calls.
Get rid of those like operators.
In your case you don't need them. Just check if the field starts with a given value which you can achive whith something like this:
Left([field], Len(value)) = value
This method applied to your query would look like this (did some reformatting for better readability):
LEFT JOIN QryAllTransactons
ON TabDrawer.DrawerRef = QryAllTransactons.TpcDrawer
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName Is Null
Or Left([drawername], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany.SearchPostcode Is Null
Or Left([Drawerpostcode], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchSortCode Is Null
Or Left([drawersortcode], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount Is Null
Or Left([draweraccountno], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque Is Null
Or Left([tpcchequenumber], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque)
Note that you're comparing case sensitive. I'm not totally sure if the like operator in MS-Access is case insensitive. Convert both strings to upper- or lowercase, if needed.
When you upsized did you make sure the tables were properly indexed? Indexes will speed queries tremendously if used properly (note they may also slow down inserts/updates/deletes, so choose carefully what to index)