Is it ok to use dynamic SQL in this case? - sql

Let me start by saying I am biased; I hate dynamic SQL under all circumstances. That being said, is this scenario considered good practice for dynamic SQL?
sqlDataSourceObject.SelectCommand = String.Concat(
"select top ", maxRows,
" col1, ",
" col2 as myData, ",
" '' as blah, ",
" col3 as Fromperson ",
" 'Corporate' as toPerson, ",
" Convert(char(11), orderDate) as orderDate, ",
" carrier, ",
sqlString3 + " AND areaCode = '" + currArea + "'"
This query may run once, then change the value for sqlString1,2,3, or currArea and run it again against a different SqlDataSource.
This code makes me angry to read. Its hard to read, it can change with the sqlString variables, I cant run it without copy/pasting into SSMS and I have to go track down several variables to make a single change.
But, like I said I am biased so I am asking you. Is this code, written in 2001 before LINQ, as good as a stored proc or some other technology, generally OK from a good practice perspective?
If not, how would you have improved it (remember no LINQ, this is 2001).

A point of clarification:
Dynamic SQL is normally taken to mean that the semantics of the statement change based on some external factor. In other words, the column names or even the base table(s) might be altered. This was common to do for pivot queries in the old days.
It's kind of hard to tell because I don't know what's going into those awfully-named sqlStringX parameters, but I think that what I'm seeing here is really just inline SQL which happens to be riddled with SQL injection vulnerabilities. It is trivially easy to parameterize. Fix this ASAP, please. Inline SQL is fine but there is no reason to be using raw strings instead of parameters.

Stored procedures would be one idea of how to better handle these types of queries. Granted the stored proc may just execute what the parameters pass but that would be my suggestion for one way to improve that code so that the DBA can know what indexes may be useful to help optimize the query. SQL injection attacks as #Jarrod Roberson points out are also quite likely with this kind of code.
PS: I wrote this kind of code back in 1998 where I had ~20 possible parameters in writing a "Find Customer" routine that was one of my first assignments out of university so I do understand where this kind of code can originate.

I'd use a stored procedure myself. But in any case, no matter what, use parameters. They way you' have it there is not secure at all, and as you say, makes me angry to look at. :-)
Here's one reference that might help (not stored procs per se, but still uses parms)


Reasons for Prepared Statements with Bind Parameters over Interpolated Statements with Escaped / Quoted Parameters

To protect against SQL injection one is advised to use prepared statements with bind values. This ensures, that the database can distinguish between the actual logic in the SQL (which has to be parsed, interpreted and optimized) and the data (which doesn't need interpretation) and therefore will not interpret and execute commands which are found in data.
Another method accomplishing some protection is using an escaping library, which disarms significant chars in the data, so that they will not be interpreted.
It seems to me that in general it is advised to prefer prepared statements with bind parameters over escaping the input. Prepared statements with bind values do for example have some performance benefits in loops.
My question: is there any security reason to prefer prepared statements with bind values over escaping? And if yes, what are the exact reasons?
One reason I might think of is that "escaping is tricky" and the escaping library needs to match exactly the database features... anything else?
One reason is that escaping only works to protect quoted string literals. For example (I'll use pseudocode since you didn't reference any particular programming language):
$escapedName = EscapeString("O'Reilly")
$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE name = '$escapedName'"
In the above example, the apostrophe should be escaped, so it will become WHERE name = 'O\'Reilly' and therefore be safe to interpolate into the SQL query without causing any error.
However, numbers don't need to be quoted in SQL, and escaping a string that contains an apostrophe won't do the right thing:
$escapedId = EscapeString("123'456")
$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = $escapedId"
This will result in WHERE id = 123\'456 which is still an error.
You might say, "well put the number in single-quotes" but this isn't always possible, for example the LIMIT clause in MySQL required real integers, not a quoted string containing digits.
Besides the above issue, it's just easier to write code using parameters instead of using escaping!
For example, you could write code like the following:
$sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6)
VALUES ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['col1']) . "', "
. $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col2']) . "', '"
. $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col3']) . "', '"
. $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col4']) . ", '"
. $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col5']) . "', '"
. $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col6']) . "')";
Can you spot the mistakes? With enough time, I’m sure you can. But it will slow down your coding and may give you eyestrain as you look for missing quote characters and other mistakes.
But it’s so much easier to write this, and easier to read it afterwards:
$sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
Query parameters are safe for more data types, and they help you write code more quickly, with fewer mistakes. That's a big win.
The whole statement of question is coming for one ancient grave delusion
escaping which disarms significant chars in the data
Is, frankly, a nonsense.
There are no all-embracing "significant characters". A character that could have a devastating effect on one query part if cut loose, could be as harmless as a lamb in another. And vice versa.
There is no abstract all-embracing "data". All query parts are distinct, but escaping works for only one part.
And there is no such practice as "using escaping for protection" whatsoever.
Escaping is intended to escape special characters in SQL strings. And never has been intended for any protection. It's just a technological measure that has been awfully misunderstood and mistreated. It is like claiming that we are following a proper syntax in our programs solely for the protection. We are following the proper syntax to make the interpreter / compiler understand our code. Same here. Escaping is used to produce syntactically correct SQL strings. Which are of course injection-proof as a side effect. But again - the mission of escaping is anything but protection.
And here comes the the Escaping problem #1: strings are not the only data types to be used in the query. While using string escaping on the any other data literal is a straight road to disaster.
Moreover, even for strings, escaping is an essentially detachable measure, which alone constitutes a whole can of worms, making your code is prone to human errors of all sorts and constituting the Escaping problem #2:
Citing my article on the matter, Why should I use prepared statements if escaping is safe?:
As you can see, formatting a value for a database is effectively split into two parts, escaping variables and quoting values in the query. And this is where all the magic happens lies the cause for innumerable real life cases of SQL injections.
With your simplified example, where all the code is bound together, it is hard to overlook the proper routine. But in the real life the code is much more complex, consisting of large distinct modules. And escaping is done in one module while quoting in another. Or not. Nobody can tell actually. I'd just trust that this value has been escaped already. Or I will escape it just to be sure, and introduce extra escaping characters in the data. Or I am a new dev, who don't understand the example you posted here, and I was watching a youtube video that said escaping prevents SQL injection. I know the value has been escaped already, so I can put in the query safely. And as it is an integer, why would I waste quotes on it?
Or I know that the data has been escaped already when it was entering the application, so I won't have to escape it during some internal manipulations sometime later (when moving into another table for example). And have a first class second order SQL injection as a result.
Trust me, I've seen all these cases in the wild. Such a separated formatting introduces a total mess and a wast opportunity for injections.
Unlike escaping, prepared statements always make sure that a query part is treated properly.
Though I have no empirical evidence on the matter that I can point to that proves it's used, it's perhaps worth pointing out that using prepared statements that use a mix of parameter variables and constant values would allow a database query optimizer to know which parts of a query will be varied by the application and which parts will be constant. This could be of use in query planning. If you get into a mode of quoting all your data along with the query then the optimizer can't guess which parts are likely to very and which parts are fixed without keeping history of all variations of the query and looking at differences to work out which parts vary.
--we could infer that name will vary and type will not
--but we'd have to analyze all queries sent to work this out
SELECT * FROM person WHERE type = 1 AND name = 'john'
SELECT * FROM person WHERE type = 1 AND name = 'mark'
SELECT * FROM person WHERE type = 1 AND name = 'luke'
--we can easily say that type will vary and name will too
--the previously seen queries would infer differently
SELECT * FROM person WHERE type = #t AND name = #n
I mentioned I've never read anything that indicates it's used, but one can read about decisions that sql server makes called Parameter Sniffing, whereby it caches and reuses plans based on the first set of values it sees loaded into parameters, which might not generate optimal queries in all cases
Of course; this may harden your resolve to ditch parameters, or use hints to make the db re-plan the query every time, but it would be better to work with the server rather than against it, and use techniques to make it plan based on common or optimal-as-possible values
Even if we aren't getting cute with tweaking plans according to what we know about variables and constants, using a prepared statement should, at the very least, allow the db to compile and then reuse that compilation effort rather than redoing it, lowering the amount of resources that must go into readying a statement for run.
Think about your proposal in front end language terms:
To change the value of a variable action you could either change the runtime value with a simple value assignment in memory:
sayHello(string name){
console.print("hello " + name);
var name = console.readString(),
Or you could instead build a whole new script file with the new value in it, write it to disk, invoke the compiler on it, quit the running version of your app and start the newly compiled version:
disk.write("sayHello(string name){console.print(\"hello \"" + name +");}", "c:\\temp\\new.lang");
launchExe("langcompiler.exe", "c:\\temp\\new.lang");
It's ridiculous to self modify the program and recompile just to change a value used in a function call, right?
Except that's what a db server does with every unparameterized SQL it receives, unless it goes to some effort to work out whether the query it just got is mostly the same as one it got X minutes ago except for some data part, extract that data, plug it into the compilation effort from 5 minutes ago..

SQL Server GenRepeatingChars?

On my Sql Server Query i have found a query where there is a statement.
" dbo.GenRepeatingChars('0',8) AABBCCDD "
here AABBCCDD is may table column name. but What is the use of GenRepeatingChars? Please can any one brief me in details...
It is hard to say without looking at the function, but repeating character masking sometimes used as obfuscation method. Provide the GenRepeatingChars function to better understand the purpose.

SQL Injection: Why is the following code dangerous?

An intern has written the following code:
Public Sub PopulateUsersByName (name As String)
'Here, the parameter 'name' is unsantized, coming straight from the form
Dim query As String = ""
query += vbNewLine + " SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.[Users]"
query += vbNewLine + " WHERE FirstName LIKE '" + REPLACE(name, "'", "''") + "'"
query += vbNewLine + " OR LastName LIKE '" + REPLACE(name, "'", "''") + "'"
'Execute SQLCommand with above query and no parameters
'Then do some other stuff
I have explained that in general, one should never use string concatenation when trying to do something like the above. The best practice is to use either an SP, or an SQLClient.SQLCommand with parameters.
His logic is: any sql varchar(xxx) gets sanitized by replacing all single quotes with two single quotes (and adding additional single quotes at the start and end of the string).
I am unable to provide an example of something the user could type that would get around this - I'm hoping I can find something more convincing than "But, as a general principal, one should avoid this - you know... coz... well, don't argue with me - I'M THE BOSS AND MY WISH IS YOUR COMMAND.".
Note: The code will always connect to our Microsoft SQL Server. But I can imagine it failing to sanitize the input on some other SQL Implementation.
Just to make it a little clearer, what I'm looking for is a possible value of the parameter name which will allow someone to inject SQL into the query.
Try this with his code using '%_%' (with and without the single quotes) as the input....same as this in SQL....
select SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.[Users] from TBL_EMPLOYEES where FirstName like '%_%' or LastName like '%_%'
irrespective if it failing or not, his is very poor code... fair enough this one is only a one liner, but anything more than that, including complicated SQL statements would be difficult to maintain and debug.. in any case, using Sps gets him used to using them AND allows him to take advantage of the flexibility and power of T-SQL... LOL, i'd dread to think how some of the SQL I have written would look like in code.....
You know, I come across code like this (and a lot worse) all the time... just because it might work for a while DOESN'T mean it's the right way to do it.... If your intern that does NOT listen to experience he will NEVER make a good developer and that is sadly a fact
I once reduced a junior developers attempt at importing a CSV file (50 million rows) in the same way your intern has done, from her 300 lines of code (which was never going to work) to just one line of LINQ to convert it to XML (we couldn't use Bulk Insert or bcp) and a fancy SP... Was bullet proof, job done....
I can get a list of all your users. If name = %%
Now I know the full name of everyone in your database.
I would consider that a security hole.
Sanitizing is not the answer. You can by pass quotes and use "smuggling". A good example is
Also a good practice (to use dynamic queries) is to use parametric dynamic queries. Also SPs can do the trick (if you don't use dynamic queries inside it off course).

Is avoiding SQL statements in programs a good idea?

I recently came across a program which is developed using sql statements in a table with a code for each statement. rather than having specific sql statements in the program itself.
So, rather than having code like this:
string query = "SELECT id, name from [Users]";
They use code like this: (simplified)
string firstQuery = "SELECT queryText from [Queries] where queryCode = 'SELECT_ALL_USERS'";
string userQuery = cmd.ExecuteQuery(firstQuery);//pretend this directly returns the result of the first query
The logic behind this as far as I've heard is that it makes the program easier to maintain as the developer is free to change the "user sql" without having to actually change the program.
However, this struck me as maybe a little counterproductive. Would this kind of code be considered a good idea?
EDIT: I'm not looking for suggestions like "use an ORM". Assume that sql queries are the only option.
In my opinion, this approach is ridiculous. There is value (maintainability, modularity) in separating as much SQL from the middle tier as possible, but to accomplish this end, I would recommend using stored procedures.
No i really dont think its a good idea to proceed further with design.
As a test or learning activity is a differetn part, but going foward with such implementations is definately not advisable.
1. We get complete modularity. The Real Business Schema can change at any time, and we do not need to modify the Running application to get the results from Different schema (Considering result Format dont change).
1. With this implementation we are firing 2 SQLs to Database each time when we want to execute 1. I/O call including DB calls are always performnace hit, and with this implementation we are doubling the performance which is definately not advisable.

Is there some way to inject SQL even if the ' character is deleted?

If I remove all the ' characters from a SQL query, is there some other way to do a SQL injection attack on the database?
How can it be done? Can anyone give me examples?
Yes, there is. An excerpt from Wikipedia
"SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = " + a_variable + ";"
It is clear from this statement that the author intended a_variable to be a number correlating to the "id" field. However, if it is in fact a string then the end user may manipulate the statement as they choose, thereby bypassing the need for escape characters. For example, setting a_variable to
1;DROP TABLE users
will drop (delete) the "users" table from the database, since the SQL would be rendered as follows:
SQL injection is not a simple attack to fight. I would do very careful research if I were you.
Yes, depending on the statement you are using. You are better off protecting yourself either by using Stored Procedures, or at least parameterised queries.
See Wikipedia for prevention samples.
I suggest you pass the variables as parameters, and not build your own SQL. Otherwise there will allways be a way to do a SQL injection, in manners that we currently are unaware off.
The code you create is then something like:
' Not Tested
var sql = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = #id";
var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, myConnection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#id", request.getParameter("id"));
If you have a name like mine with an ' in it. It is very annoying that all '-characters are removed or marked as invalid.
You also might want to look at this Stackoverflow question about SQL Injections.
Yes, it is definitely possible.
If you have a form where you expect an integer to make your next SELECT statement, then you can enter anything similar:
SELECT * FROM thingy WHERE attributeID=
5 (good answer, no problem)
5; DROP table users; (bad, bad, bad...)
The following website details further classical SQL injection technics: SQL Injection cheat sheet.
Using parametrized queries or stored procedures is not any better. These are just pre-made queries using the passed parameters, which can be source of injection just as well. It is also described on this page: Attacking Stored Procedures in SQL.
Now, if you supress the simple quote, you prevent only a given set of attack. But not all of them.
As always, do not trust data coming from the outside. Filter them at these 3 levels:
Interface level for obvious stuff (a drop down select list is better than a free text field)
Logical level for checks related to data nature (int, string, length), permissions (can this type of data be used by this user at this page)...
Database access level (escape simple quote...).
Have fun and don't forget to check Wikipedia for answers.
Parameterized inline SQL or parameterized stored procedures is the best way to protect yourself. As others have pointed out, simply stripping/escaping the single quote character is not enough.
You will notice that I specifically talk about "parameterized" stored procedures. Simply using a stored procedure is not enough either if you revert to concatenating the procedure's passed parameters together. In other words, wrapping the exact same vulnerable SQL statement in a stored procedure does not make it any safer. You need to use parameters in your stored procedure just like you would with inline SQL.
Also- even if you do just look for the apostrophe, you don't want to remove it. You want to escape it. You do that by replacing every apostrophe with two apostrophes.
But parameterized queries/stored procedures are so much better.
Since this a relatively older question, I wont bother writing up a complete and comprehensive answer, since most aspects of that answer have been mentioned here by one poster or another.
I do find it necessary, however, to bring up another issue that was not touched on by anyone here - SQL Smuggling. In certain situations, it is possible to "smuggle" the quote character ' into your query even if you tried to remove it. In fact, this may be possible even if you used proper commands, parameters, Stored Procedures, etc.
Check out the full research paper at (disclosure, I was the primary researcher on this) or just google "SQL Smuggling".
. . . uh about 50000000 other ways
maybe somthing like 5; drop table employees; --
resulting sql may be something like:
select * from somewhere where number = 5; drop table employees; -- and sadfsf
(-- starts a comment)
Yes, absolutely: depending on your SQL dialect and such, there are many ways to achieve injection that do not use the apostrophe.
The only reliable defense against SQL injection attacks is using the parameterized SQL statement support offered by your database interface.
Rather that trying to figure out which characters to filter out, I'd stick to parametrized queries instead, and remove the problem entirely.
It depends on how you put together the query, but in essence yes.
For example, in Java if you were to do this (deliberately egregious example):
String query = "SELECT name_ from Customer WHERE ID = " + request.getParameter("id");
then there's a good chance you are opening yourself up to an injection attack.
Java has some useful tools to protect against these, such as PreparedStatements (where you pass in a string like "SELECT name_ from Customer WHERE ID = ?" and the JDBC layer handles escapes while replacing the ? tokens for you), but some other languages are not so helpful for this.
Thing is apostrophe's maybe genuine input and you have to escape them by doubling them up when you are using inline SQL in your code. What you are looking for is a regex pattern like:
A semi colon used to prematurely end the genuine statement, some injected SQL followed by a double hyphen to comment out the trailing SQL from the original genuine statement. The hyphens may be omitted in the attack.
Therefore the answer is: No, simply removing apostrophes does not gaurantee you safety from SQL Injection.
I can only repeat what others have said. Parametrized SQL is the way to go. Sure, it is a bit of a pain in the butt coding it - but once you have done it once, then it isn't difficult to cut and paste that code, and making the modifications you need. We have a lot of .Net applications that allow web site visitors specify a whole range of search criteria, and the code builds the SQL Select statement on the fly - but everything that could have been entered by a user goes into a parameter.
When you are expecting a numeric parameter, you should always be validating the input to make sure it's numeric. Beyond helping to protect against injection, the validation step will make the app more user friendly.
If you ever receive id = "hello" when you expected id = 1044, it's always better to return a useful error to the user instead of letting the database return an error.