What event is rised when changing between two BorderContainers using TabBar component? - air

I am developing Adobe Air desktop application using Apache Flex 4.9.1 SDK.
I am using a TabBar control in order to go through different windows. For a window I am using a BorderContainer control.
My question is:
Is there any event raised(in the BorderContainer control not in the TabBAr control) when you change from one window to another using the tabs. The event in TabBar is "change", but I need to capture this moment in the BorderContainer. I have tried "FocusOut", "Hide", "Deactive" events, but they are not raised. So does anybody knows what is happening in the BorderContainer when the tab is changed?
Thank you in advance!

Use the change event on the tab bar ..


Add a menu button on control bar in videojs

Hi I am using videojs player framework version 5.2.4.
I am trying to add a custom button in control bar menu. I tried code given here add item in control bar
But it seems that our version of video js is causing a problem in calling functions.
Is there any help for current version of video js? Also I want it to show/hide automatically as control bar hide and show.
Please help.

Windows Universal App Message Dialog with Progress Bar

I have a progress bar user control that I would like to act like a MessageDialog so that it blocks the screen until the progress bar is 100%. Does anyone have a suggested way of doing this or a good example? Thanks!
I ended up using the Callisto library with the Custom Dialog that mimics the MessageDialog behavior. Here is an example/reference: https://github.com/timheuer/callisto/wiki/CustomDialog
As far as I can understand you are using UWP (Windows 10), then you can use ContentDialog. You can put any content in it, including the progress bar.

.Net Form Layout - create Chat UI like facebook or google hangouts

I want to create an application and chatting is involved. I am currently struggling to format existing controls or to create a control with the following conditions:
a container is docked to the main form's bottom
inside of that container, a button can be used to toggle a chat
component (e.g. text edit) to become either visible or invisible
if visible, the chat component is aligned with the button that was
pressed but does not force a resize on the container of the button
So basically I want to achieve a facebook or google hangouts like chat layout in vb.net that can also scale dynamically according to the current window size. Nevertheless it should always stick to the bottom.
Please keep in mind that this question is not about making the chat work but only the layout/design problem I am facing.
My current approach is the following:
FlowLayoutPanel docked to bottom with buttons
RichEdit as placeholders to simulate the chat component
My current layout
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do?
Set the anchors to the bottom of the page/panel.
On the designer, click the control you want to edit, find the Anchor property and change it to bottom (and left/right/top, whatever you'd like).

Why the WebView is always on top and can't handle focus etc.?

Suppose you have in your Metro application the WebView component taking all the "page" height (except the "title bar" of course). At the left side from the WebView you have some other elements. You also have some buttons in appBar with ListView menus attached to the button press events. Now try to see your ListViews and also try to move focus between the page elements with TAB key ;)
I already have some workarounds.
I just wanted to ask if somebody knows WHY Microsoft did it so?
The WebView has it's own HWND (Window), while your Metro app renders in a second HWND. There is a long history in Windows development regarding windows and overlaps. Usually when a window is in front of another window, the OS only draws the top window pixels.
That's what's happening here. The WebView windows is drawing over top of your other UI elements.

Using Popup control in Window 8

Is there any property of pop up , wherein we can dim the window app.
As in metro app there is no Child Window control available , so using
popup in place of it but the problem in popup is when it is open the
user can still interact with other control on window app.
So is there an workaround to make the window app dim when pop is open.
I'm not sure to understand what your trying to do. You can put a Border as first child of the popup which exposes the Background property. So if you specify a not null Background (Transparent for instance) the popup will catch every interactions.
It sounds like you want the MessageDialog class. The popup is meant to be non-modal, letting the user close it by just clicking away from it. The MessageDialog is a regular modal popup that does not let the user interact with the rest of the app when it is displayed.
If you really insist on using the popup control, here is a simple workaround:
Make the popup use all the screen (using a grid or border), then set that background to Black with opacity 0.1 (or any other color you see fit, this is to give a "dim" effect), then inside this popup, place another container with the size and margins that you want to act as your "real" popup.
Because the popup takes the whole screen it will prevent the user from clicking anywhere in the screen.