Common function / stored procedures and incompatible updates - sql

We have a number of modules within a larger suite that all use a common set of stored procedures and functions, due largely in part to the fact that they all use a common set of data and tables. This approach ensures that all modules receive the same answers for when making the same calls - a very good thing (especially in the financial industry)
However, the downside of this approach is that when we update one module in the suite that requires a change to one of the shared stored procedures or functions it requires that we update almost the entire suite. Which is a bad thing due to time and cost.
What kind of strategies can be employed to mitigate this suite upgrade issue every time we update a single stored procedure, while minimizing the management complexity.
This is similar somewhat to the version issue that Microsoft had with DLL(s) / API(s) where you would see a signature change on an API that would necessitate a xxx2 version, which is not ideal cause then you have basically two versions which both need to be maintained and upgraded with the potential that they get out of synch (i.e. two different answers for the same question).
Any strategies or best practices in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Two strategies are views and stored procedures.
Use views to access the data in the tables. This way, you can change the underlying tables (for one module) and not have to change other modules immediately. Eventually, you can get around to changing that module as well. For instance, you might split one table into two different tables for one module. Other modules will never notice, because they access a view, and you just modify the view to return the original data.
Along these lines, you never want to use select *, because the columns, their names, or their ordering might change.
The second strategy is to wrap all insert, update, and delete into stored procedures. This has a second advantage that you can do checking, logging, and notifications in the procedure. You can try to mimic this with triggers and constraints, but I find the stored procedure approach much more maintainable.


How to avoid SQL statements spreading everywhere in your app?

I have a medium-sized app written in Ruby, which makes pretty heavy use of a RDBMS. As our code grows, I found the ugly SQL statements are spreading to all modules and methods in my app and embedded in many application logic. I am not sure if this is bad, however, my gut tells me this is quite ugly...
So generally in any languages, how do you manage your SQL statements? Or do you think it is harmful for maintainibility to let many SQL statements embedded in the application logic? Why or why not?
SQL is a language for accessing databases. Often, it gets confused as being the API into the data store for a larger application. In fact, you should design a real API between the data store and the app.
The means several things.
For accessing data stored in tables, you want to go through views in the database, rather than directly access the tables.
For data modification steps, you want to wrap insert/update/delete in stored procedures. This has secondary benefits, where you can handle constraints and triggers in the stored procedure and better log what is happening.
For security, you want to include database security as part of your security architecture. Giving all users full access may not be the best approach.
Unfortunately, it is easy to write a simple app that uses a database directly, whether in java or ruby or VBA or whatever. This grows into a bigger app, and then the maintenance problems arise.
I would suggest an incremental approach to fixing this. Go through the code and create views where you have nasty select statements. You'll probably find you need many fewer views than selects (the views can be re-used -- a good thing).
Find places where code is being modified, and change these to stored procedures. I always return status from the stored procedure for error checking and put log information into a table called someting like splog or _spcalls.
If you want to limit permissions for different users of your app, then you might be interested in this.
Leaving the raw SQL statements in the code is a problem. Just wait until you want to rename a column and you have to find all the places where this breaks the code.
Yes, this is not optimal - maintenance becomes a nightmare; it's hard to forecast and determine which code must change when underlying DB changes occur. This is why it is good practice to create a data access layer (DAL) to encapsulate CRUD operations from the application logic. There is often an business logic layer (BLL) between the application logic and DAL to enforce business rules/logic.
Google "data access layer" "business logic layer" and even "n-tier architecture" to learn more.
If you are concerned about the SQL statements littered around your application logic, maybe consider implementing them as Stored Procedures?
That way you will only be including the procedure name and any parameters that need to be passed to it in your code.
It has other benefits too, a common one being easier to re-use in multiple files.
There is much debate about speed and security of Stored Procedure and you will never get a definitive answer about that so I won't even open that can of worms.
Here is how you do this with Java: Create a class that encapsulates all access to the database. Add a method to the class for each query you need to run.
The answer for ruby will be similar to this.
It depends on the architecture of your application but a simple solution is to keep each sql in a file, qry.sql. For each Ruby module (or whatever is used in Ruby to aggregate related code) you can keep a folder SQL with these files. So, the collection of SQL folder/files form the data access layer of your application. The Ruby code provides the business layer. If your data model changes (field names, etc), you can do greps to identify the sql files that need changes. Anyway, definitely separate SQL from your logic code.

Dynamic sql vs stored procedures - pros and cons?

I have read many strong views (both for and against) SPs or DS.
I am writing a query engine in C++ (mySQL backend for now, though I may decide to go with a C++ ORM). I cant decide whether to write a SP, or to dynamically creat the SQL and send the query to the db engine.#
Any tips on how to decide?
Here's the simple answer:
If your programmers do both database and coding work, keep the SQL with the app. It's easier to maintain that way. Otherwise, let the DB guys handle it in SPs.
You have more control over the mechanisms outside the database. The biggest win for taking care of this outside the database is simply maintenance (in my mind). It'd be slightly hard to version control the SP vs the code you generate outside the database. One more thing to keep track of.
While we're on the topic, it's similar to handling data/schema migrations. It's annoyingly complex to version/handle schema migrations, if you don't already have a mechanism for this, you will have yet another thing you'll need to manage. It comes down to simply being easier to manage/version these things outside the database.
Consider the scenario where you have a bug in your SP. Now it needs to be changed, but then you hop over to another developers database/sandbox. What version is the sandbox and the SP? Now you have to track multiple versions.
One of the main differentiators is whether you are writing the "one true front end" or whether the database is the central piece of your application.
If you are going to have multiple front ends stored procedures make a lot of sense because you reduce your maintenance overhead. If you are writing only one interface, stored procedures are a pain, because you lose a lot of flexibility in changing your data set as your front end needs change, plus you now have to do code maintenance, version control, etc. in two places. Databases are a real pain to keep in sync with code repositories.
Finally, if you are coding for multiple databases (Oracle and SQL compatible code, for example), I'd avoid stored procedures completely.
You may in certain rare circumstances, after profiling, determine that some limited stored procedures are useful to you. This situation comes up way less than people think it does.
The main scenarios when you MUST have the SP is:
1) When you have very complex set of queries with heavy compile overhead and data drift low enough that recompiling is not needed on a regular basis.
2) When the "Only True" logic for accessing the specific data set is VERY complicated, needs to be accessed from several different codebases on different platforms (so writing multiple APIs in code is much more expensive).
Any other scenario, it's debatable, and can be decided one way or another.
I must also say that the other posters' arguments about versioning are not really such a big deal in my experience - having your SPs in version control is as easy as creating a "sql/db_name" directory structure and having easy basic "database release" script which releases the SP code from the version control location to the database. Every company I worked for had some kind of setup like this, central one run by DBAs or departmental one run by developers.
The one thing you want to avoid is to have your business logic spread across multiple tiers of your application. Database DDL and DML are difficult enough to keep in sync with an application code base as it is.
My recommendation is to create a good relational schema, but all your constraints and triggers so that the data retains integrity even if somebody goes to the database and tries to do something through some command line SQL.
Put all your business logic in an application or service that calls (static/dynamic) SQL then wraps the business functionality you are are trying to expose.
Stored-procedures have two purposes that I can think of.
An aid to simplifying data access.
The Stored Procedure does not have
any business logic in it, it just
knows about the structure of the
data and exposes an interface to
isolate accessing three tables and a
view just to get a single piece of
Mapping the Domain Model to the Data
Model, Stored Procedures can assist
in making the Data Model look like a
given Domain Model.
After the program has been completed and has been profiled there are often performance issues with the pre 1.0 release. Stored procedures do offer batching of SQL without traffic needing to go back and forth between the DBMS and the Application. That being said in rare and extreme cases due to performance a few business rules might need to be migrated to the Stored-Procedure side. Make sure to document any exceptions to the architectural philosophy in multiple prominent places.
Stored Procedures are ideal for:
Creating reusable abstractions over complex queries;
Enforcing specific types of insertions/updates to tables (if you also deny permissions to the table);
Performing privileged operations that the logged-in user wouldn't normally be allowed to do;
Guaranteeing a consistent execution plan;
Extending the capabilities of an ORM (batch updates, hierarchy queries, etc.)
Dynamic SQL is ideal for:
Variable search arguments or output columns:
Optional search conditions
Pivot tables
IN clauses with user-specified values
ORM implementations (most can use SPs, but can't be built entirely on them);
DDL and administrative scripts.
They solve different problems, really. Use whichever one is more appropriate to the task at hand, and don't restrict yourself to just one or the other. After you work on database code for a while you'll start to get a more intuitive feel for these things; you'll find yourself banging together some rat's nest of strings for a query and think, "this should really go in a stored procedure."
Final note: Because this question implies a certain level of inexperience with SQL, I feel obliged to say, don't forget that you still need to parameterize your queries when you write dynamic SQL. Parameters aren't just for stored procedures.
DS is more flexible. SP approach makes your system more manageable.

Where should database queries live?

Should queries live inside the classes that need the data? Should queries live in stored procedures in the database so that they are reusable?
In the first situation, changing your queries won't affect other people (either other code or people generating reports, etc). In the second, the queries are reusable by many and only exist in one place, but if someone breaks them, they're broken for everyone.
I used to be big on the stored proc solution but have changed my tune in the last year as databases have gotten faster and ORMs have entered the main stream. There is certainly a place for stored procs. But when it comes to simple CRUD sql: one liner insert/update/select/delete, using an ORM to handle this is the most elegant solution in my opinion, but I'm sure many will argue the other way. An ORM will take the SQL and DB connection building plumbing out of your code and make the persistence logic much more fluidly integrated with your app.
I suggest placing them as stored procedures in the database. Not only will you have the re-use advantage but also you'll make sure the same query (being a select, update, insert, etc...) it is the same because you are using the same stored procedure. If you need to change it, you'll only change it in one place. Also, you'll be taking advantage of the database server's processing power instead of the server/computer where your application resides. That is my suggestion.
Good luck!
It depends / it's situational. There are very strong arguments for and against either option. Personally, I really don't like seeing business logic get split between the database (in stored procedures) and in code, so I usually want all the queries in code to the maximum extent possible.
In the Microsoft world, there are things like Reporting Services that can retrieve data from classes/objects instead of (and in addition to) a database / stored procedures. Also, there are things like Linq that give you more strongly typed queries in code. There are also strong, mature ORMs like NHibernate that allow for writing pretty much all types of queries from code.
That said, there are still times when you are doing "rowset" types of things with your queries that work much better in a stored procedure than they work from code.
In the majority of situations, either/both options work just fine.
From my perspective, I think that stored procs are the the way to go. First, they are easier to maintain as a quick change to one means just running the script not recompiling the application. Second they are far better for security. You can set permissions at the sp level and not directly on the tables and views. This helps prevent fraud because the users cannot do anything directly to the datbase that isn't specified in a stored proc. They are easier to performance tune. When you use stored procs, you can use the database dependency metadata to help determine the affect of database changes on the code base. In many systems, not all data access or or even CRUD operations will take place through the application, having the code there seems to me to be counterproductive. If all the data access is in one place (an idea I support), it should be in the database where it is accessible to all applications or processes that might need to use it.
I've found that application programmers often don't consider the best way for a database to process information as they are focused on the application not the backend. By putting the code for the database in the database where it belongs, it is more likely to be seen and reviewed by database specialists who do consider the database and it's perfomance. We support hundreds of databases and applications here. I can look in any database and find the code that I need to find when something is slow. I don't have to upload the application code for each of hundreds of different applications just to see the part I need to do my job.

Stored procedures or inline queries?

First of all there is a partial question regarding this, but it is not exactly what I'm asking, so, bear with me and go for it.
My question is, after looking at what SubSonic does and the excellent videos from Rob Connery I need to ask: Shall we use a tool like this and do Inline queries or shall we do the queries using a call to the stored procedure?
I don't want to minimize any work from Rob (which I think it's amazing) but I just want your opinion on this cause I need to start a new project and I'm in the middle of the line; shall I use SubSonic (or other like tool, like NHibernate) or I just continue my method that is always call a stored procedure even if it's a simple as
Select this, that from myTable where myStuff = StackOverflow;
It doesn't need to be one or the other. If it's a simple query, use the SubSonic query tool. If it's more complex, use a stored procedure and load up a collection or create a dataset from the results.
See here: What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code and here SubSonic and Stored Procedures
See answers here and here. I use sprocs whenever I can, except when red tape means it takes a week to make it into the database.
Stored procedures are gold when you have several applications that depend on the same database. It let's you define and maintain query logic once, rather than several places.
On the other hand, it's pretty easy for stored procedures themselves to become a big jumbled mess in the database, since most systems don't have a good method for organizing them logically. And they can be more difficult to version and track changes.
I wouldn't personally follow rigid rules. Certainly during the development stages, you want to be able to quickly change your queries so I would inline them.
Later on, I would move to stored procedures because they offer the following two advantages. I'm sure there are more but these two win me over.
1/ Stored procedures group the data and the code for manipulating/extracting that data at one point. This makes the life of your DBA a lot easier (assuming your app is sizable enough to warrant a DBA) since they can optimize based on known factors.
One of the big bugbears of a DBA is ad-hoc queries (especially by clowns who don't know what a full table scan is). DBAs prefer to have nice consistent queries that they can tune the database to.
2/ Stored procedures can contain logic which is best left in the database. I've seen stored procs in DB2/z with many dozens of lines but all the client has to code is a single line like "give me that list".
Because the logic for "that list" is stored in the database, the DBAs can modify how it's stored and extracted at will without compromising or changing the client code. This is similar to encapsulation that made object-orientd languages 'cleaner' than what came before.
I've done a mix of inline queries and stored procedures. I prefer more of the stored procedure/view approach as it gains a nice spot for you to make a change if needed. When you have inline queries you always have to go and change the code to change an inline query and then re-roll the application. You also might have the inline query in multiple places so you would have to change a lot more code than with one stored procedure.
Then again if you have to add a parameter to a stored procedure, your still changing a lot of code anyways.
Another note is how often the data changes behind the stored procedure, where I work we have third party tables that may break up into normalized tables, or a table becomes obsolete. In that case a stored procedure/view may minimize the exposure you have to that change.
I've also written a entire application without stored procedures. It had three classes and 10 pages, was not worth it at all. I think there comes a point when its overkill, or can be justified, but it also comes down to your personal opinion and preference.
Are you going to only ever access your database from that one application?
If not, then you are probably better off using stored procedures so that you can have a consistent interface to your database.
Is there any significant cost to distributing your application if you need to make a change?
If so, then you are probably better off using stored procedures which can be changed at the server and those changes won't need to be distributed.
Are you at all concerned about the security of your database?
If so, then you probably want to use stored procedures so that you don't have to grant direct access to tables to a user.
If you're writing a small application, without a wide audience, for a system that won't be used or accessed outside of your application, then inline SQL might be ok.
With Subsonic you will use inline, views and stored procedures. Subsonic makes data access easier, but you can't do everthing in a subsonic query. Though the latest version, 2.1 is getting better.
For basic CRUD operations, inline SQL will be straight forward. For more complex data needs, a view will need to be made and then you will do a Subsonic query on the view.
Stored procs are good for harder data computations and data retrieval. Set based retrieval is usually always faster then procedural processing.
Current Subsonic application uses all three options with great results.
I prefer inline sql unless the stored procedure has actual logic (variables, cursors, etc) involved. I have been using LINQ to SQL lately, and taking the generated classes and adding partial classes that have some predefined, common linq queries. I feel this makes for faster development.
Edit: I know I'm going to get downmodded for this. If you ever talk down on foreign keys or stored procedures, you will get downmodded. DBAs need job security I guess...
The advantages of stored procedure (to my mind)
The SQL is in one place
You are able to get query plans.
You can modify the database structure if necessary to improve performance
They are compiled and thus those query plans do not have to get constructed on the fly
If you use permissions - you can be sure of the queries that the application will make.
Stored procedures group the data and the code for manipulating/extracting that data at one point. This makes the life of your DBA a lot easier (assuming your app is sizable enough to warrant a DBA) since they can optimize based on known factors.
Stored procedures can contain logic which is best left in the database. I've seen stored procs in DB2/z with many dozens of lines but all the client has to code is a single line like "give me that list".
the best advantage of using stored procs i found is that when we want to change in the logic, in case of inline query we need to go to everyplace and change it and re- roll the every application but in the case of stored proc change is required only at one place.
So use inline queries when you have clear logic; otherwise prefer stored procs.

SQL Server 2005: Wrapping Tables by Views - Pros and Cons

I am working on a legacy small-business automation system (inventory, sales, procurement, etc.) that has a single database hosted by SQL Server 2005 and a bunch of client applications. The main client (used by all users) is an MS Access 2003 application (ADP), and other clients include various VB/VBA applications like Excel add-ins and command-line utilities.
In addition to 60 or so tables (mostly in 3NF), the database contains about 200 views, about 170 UDFs (mostly scalar and table-valued inline ones), and about 50 stored procedures. As you might have guessed, some portion of so-called "business logic" is encapsulated in this mass of T-SQL code (and thus is shared by all clients).
Overall, the system's code (including the T-SQL code) is not very well organized and is very refactoring-resistant, so to speak. In particular, schemata of most of the tables cry for all kinds of refactorings, small (like column renamings) and large (like normalization).
FWIW, I have pretty long and decent application development experience (C/C++, Java, VB, and whatnot), but I am not a DBA. So, if the question will look silly to you, now you know why it is so. :-)
While thinking about refactoring all this mess (in a peacemeal fashion of course), I've come up with the following idea:
For each table, create a "wrapper" view that (a) has all the columns that the table has; and (b) in some cases, has some additional computed columns based on the table's "real" columns.
A typical (albeit simplistic) example of such additional computed column would be sale price of a product derived from the product's regular price and discount.
Reorganize all the code (both T-SQL and VB/VBA client code) so that only the "wrapper" views refer to tables directly.
So, for example, even if an application or a stored procedure needed to insert/update/delete records from a table, they'd do that against the corresponding "table wrapper" view, not against the table directly.
So, essentially this is about isolating all the tables by views from the rest of the system.
This approach seems to provide a lot of benefits, especially from maintainability viewpoint. For example:
When a table column is to be renamed, it can be done without rewriting all the affected client code at once.
It is easier to implement derived attributes (easier than using computed columns).
You can effectively have aliases for column names.
Obviously, there must be some price for all these benefits, but I am not sure that I am seeing all the catches lurking out there.
Did anybody try this approach in practice? What are the major pitfalls?
One obvious disadvantage is the cost of maintaining "wrapper" views in sync with their corresponding tables (a new column in a table has to be added to a view too; a column deleted from a table has to be deleted from the view too; etc.). But this price seems to be small and fair for making the overall codebase more resilient.
Does anyone know any other, stronger drawbacks?
For example, usage of all those "wrapper" views instead of tables is very likely to have some adverse performance impact, but is this impact going to be substantial enough to worry about it? Also, while using ADODB, it is very easy to get a recordset that is not updateable even when it is based just on a few joined tables; so, are the "wrapper" views going to make things substantially worse? And so on, and so forth...
Any comments (especially shared real experience) would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
P.S. I stepped on the following old article that discusses the idea of "wrapper" views:
The Big View Myth
The article advises to avoid the approach described above. But... I do not really see any good reasons against this idea in the article. Quite the contrary, in its list of good reasons to create a view, almost each item is exactly why it is so tempting to create a "wrapper" view for each and every table (especially in a legacy system, as a part of refactoring process).
The article is really old (1999), so whatever reasons were good then may be no longer good now (and vice versa). It would be really interesting to hear from someone who considered or even tried this idea recently, with the latest versions of SQL Server and MS Access...
When designing a database, I prefer the following:
no direct table access by the code (but is ok from stored procedures and views and functions)
a base view for each table that includes all columns
an extended view for each table that includes lookup columns (types, statuses, etc.)
stored procedures for all updates
functions for any complex queries
this allows the DBA to work directly with the table (to add columns, clean things up, inject data, etc.) without disturbing the code base, and it insulates the code base from any changes made to the table (temporary or otherwise)
there may be performance penalties for doing things this way, but so far they have not been significant - and the benefits of the layer of insulation have been life-savers several times
You won't notice any performance impact for one-table views; SQL Server will use the underlying table when building the execution plans for any code using those views. I recommend you schema-bind those views, to avoid accidentally changing the underlying table without changing the view (think of the poor next guy.)
When a table column is to be renamed
In my experience, this rarely happens. Adding columns, removing columns, changing indexes and changing data types are the usual alter table scripts that you'll run.
It is easier to implement derived attributes (easier than using computed columns).
I would dispute that. What's the difference between putting the calculation in a column definition and putting it in a view definition? Also, you'll see a performance hit for moving it into a view instead of a computed column. The only real advantage is that changing the calculation is easier in a view than by altering a table (due to indexes and data pages.)
You can effectively have aliases for column names.
That's the real reason to have views; aliasing tables and columns, and combining multiple tables. Best practice in my past few jobs has been to use views where I needed to denormalise the data (lookups and such, as you've already pointed out.)
As usual, the most truthful response to a DBA question is "it depends" - on your situation, skillset, etc. In your case, refactoring "everything" is going to break all the apps anyways. If you do fix the base tables correctly, the indirection you're trying to get from your views won't be required, and will only double your schema maintenance for any future changes. I'd say skip the wrapper views, fix the tables and stored procs (which provide enough information hiding already), and you'll be fine.
I agree with Steven's comment--primarily because you are using Access. It's extremely important to keep the pros/cons of Access in focus when re-designing this database. I've been there, done that with the Access front-end/SQL Server back-end (although it wasn't an ADP project).
I would add that views are nice for ensuring that data is not changed outside of the Access forms in the project. The downside is that stored procedures be required for all updates--if you don't already have those, they'd have to be created too.