Entity Framework left outer join not working - wcf

I have an Entity Framework model with the following classes (I have simplified the classes for simpler viewing):
-PuzzleId (int, primary key)
-ProgressId (int, primary key)
-PuzzleId (FK)
-UserId (FK)
In PuzzleItem I have a number of levels. The PuzzleProgress keeps track of which level the user is at by inserting a record of that level when the user completes a previous level. For a start a new user will have one entry in PuzzleProgress with PuzzleId = 1.
In my code, I am using the following statement to perform a left outer join, so that I will get a list of all puzzles, and indicating to me which puzzle has not been solved. I made reference to this post from StackOverflow.
Here is my code:
var result = from pzs in e.PuzzleItems
join prg in e.PuzzleProgresses on pzs equals prg.PuzzleItem
into pzs_prg_tbl
from pzs_prg in pzs_prg_tbl.DefaultIfEmpty()
where pzs_prg.UserId == userId
select new SimplePuzzleItem()
PuzzleId = pzs_prg.PuzzleId,
PuzzleName = pzs_prg.PuzzleItem.Title,
IsUnlocked = (pzs_prg == null?false:true)
After running the code, only the first level of this new user is returned (while the PuzzleItem table has 3 records).
I've tried playing around with the code but the one I pasted above is the nearest I can get to, can anybody point me in the correct direction? Thanks!

It's a bit hard to say exactly without seeing more of the code, but where pzs_prg.UserId == userId is probably negating the left outer join.
What I mean is, if you're intending PuzzleItems LEFT JOIN PuzzleProgress then you want all PuzzleItems even when there is no PuzzleProgress. But the where pzs_prg.UserId == userId means PuzzleProgress cannot be null, because it must have a UserId (of value userId). So, you effectively have an inner join.
Personally, I don't like the "correct" way of doing joins (left or inner) in linq, so this is how I would correct the linq statement:
var result = from pz in db.PuzzleItems
from pg in db.PuzzleProgresses
.Where(pg => pg.PuzzleId == pz.PuzzleId)
.Where(pg => pg.UserId == userId)
select new
PuzzleId = pz.PuzzleId,
PuzzleName = pz.Title,
IsUnlocked = (pg != null)
This reads a lot more like SQL joins, which I learned a long time ago so it fits my thinking.
If you want to re-factor the join type syntax, look at this 'LINQ Joining in c# with multiple conditions'

I think the where clause is filtering out the records. You need to include the where clause in your left join. Like so:
var result = from pzs in e.PuzzleItems
join prg in e.PuzzleProgresses on new { pzs.PuzzleId, UserId = userId } equals new { prg.PuzzleId, prg.UserId }
into pzs_prg_tbl
from pzs_prg in pzs_prg_tbl.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new SimplePuzzleItem()
PuzzleId = pzs_prg.PuzzleId,
PuzzleName = pzs_prg.PuzzleItem.Title,
IsUnlocked = (pzs_prg == null?false:true)


Slick function for SQL exists

I want to construct an SQL along this but try not to use sqlu.
select el.oid, el.name, el.res_cat from el
left join bk on (el.cat = bk.cat and bk.oid=100)
where not exists (select 1 from dates bd where
el.oid=bd.lots_oid and bd.bk_oid = bk.oid) and el.e_oid=bk.e_oid
Are there Slick functions for SQL exists or not exists? Thanks
Update 1
I realized my mistakes when I revisited my Slick code again. I want to apologize for the false alarm I set. This is not an answer and hopefully someone can help me to rectify my mistakes. For the time being, I am using Slick's plain SQL to continue my work.
The Slick query I constructed didn't work. It was close to the SQL I wanted. What I did was,
val elQuery = elTable.joinLeft(bkTable)
.on((el, bk) => el.cat === bk.cat && bk.oid === 100)
val query = for {
a <- elQuery if bdTable.filterNot(bd => a._2.map(_.oid === bd.bkOid).isDefined && a._1.oid === bd.elOid).exists
} yield a
finalQuery.result.statements.foreach(x => Logger.debug(s"xx => $x"))
I notice filterNot does not generate a SQL not exists. This is the other portion that lost me.
I don't have enough reputation to make comment yet. But I assume that you want to get all rows that doesn't exit in dates table. I would rewrite your query like below:
el.oid, el.name, el.res_cat.cat
LEFT JOIN bk ON bk.cat = el.cat
AND bk.e_oid = el.e_oid
AND bk.oid = 100
LEFT JOIN dates bd ON bd.lots_oid = el.oid
AND bd.bk_oid = bk.oid
bd.lots_oid IS NULL
Instead of taking NOT EXISTS, you can achieve the same thing by LEFT JOIN dates and specify on WHERE condition that the primary key (PK) for dates IS NULL. I don't know the PK for dates table, so I just add the column I know. You should adjust it to the PK of dates table.
LEFT JOINing and WHERE PK IS NULL ensures you that the row doesn't exist on the left joined table.

LINQ not returning all child records

I have a query in the DB:
SELECT GreenInventoryBlendGradeID,bgx.blendgradeid,
FROM [GreenInventory] gi
INNER JOIN [GreenInventoryBlendGradeXref] bgX
ON bgX.[GreenInventoryID] = gi.[GreenInventoryID]
INNER JOIN [BlendGrade] bg
ON bg.[BlendGradeID]=bgx.[BlendGradeID]
That returns 3 records:
TypeID Desc
1 XR
2 XR
1 XF2
var GreenInventory = (from g in Session.GreenInventory
.Where(x => x.GreenInventoryID == id && x.GreenInventoryBlendGradeXref.Any(bg=>bg.GreenBlendGradeTypeID > 0) )
select g);
I have tried different Where clauses including the simple - (x => x.GreenInventoryID == id)
but always have only the first 2 records returned.
Any Ideas?
If I try the following:
var GreenInventory = (from gi in Session.GreenInventory.Where(y => y.GreenInventoryID == id)
join bgX in Session.GreenInventoryBlendGradeXref.DefaultIfEmpty() on gi.GreenInventoryID equals bgX.GreenInventoryID
join bg in Session.BlendGrade.DefaultIfEmpty() on bgX.BlendGradeID equals g.BlendGradeID
select new { GreenInventory = gi, GreenInventoryBlendGradeXref = bgX, BlendGrade = bg });
I Get back 3 of each objects and the correct information is in the BlendGrade objects. It looks like the 3 GreenInventory objects are the same. They each include 2 of the GreenInventoryBlendGradeXref objects which show the the same 2 records as before.
So I not clear on what the original problem was. Also dont know if this is the best way to resolve it.
Thanks for the answers. If anyone has a further thoughts please let us know.
Based on the few details you present, I would assume that you are missing a join. I have no experience with EntityFramework (I assume that you use this ORM), but as far as I know, the ".Include" tries to ensure that the set of root entities will not change and will not contain duplicates.
Your manually created query seems to indicate that there is at least one 1:n relationship in the model. The result you get from LINQ show that only distinct GreenInventory entities are returned.
Therefore you need to adjust your query and explicitly declare that you want all results (and not only distinct root entities) - I would assume that with an explicit join EntityFramework will yield all expected results - or you need to adjust your mapping.
The first place I'd look in would be your model and joins you have defined between the entities. You might also want to check your generated SQL statement:
or use Visual Studio IntelliTrace to investigate what was sent to the database.

How can i do this SQL in Linq? (Left outer join w/ dates)

My LINQ isnt the best, neither is my SQL but im trying to do something like this in LINQ (its kind of in pseudo-code)
select * from CarePlan c
-- only newest Referral based on r.Date (if more than one exists)
left outer join Referral r on r.CarePlanId = c.CarePlanId
where c.PatientId = 'E4A1DA8B-F74D-4417-8AC7-B466E3B3FFD0'
The data looks like this:
A Patient can have a bunch of careplans
each careplan can have 0 to n referrals (I want the newest referral per careplan - if any exist)
Would like to return a list of careplans for each patient (whether or not they have a referral or not, if it has more than one referral - grab the newest one)
Thanks for any help guys
In LINQ you use the DefaultIfEmpty to achieve a left outer join - examples at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397895.aspx
Assuming that the referrals are not a (potentially empty) collection on the care plans so you're joining two collections together ...
Your query it would be something like:
Get the latest referral per Care Plan:
var latestReferrals = from r in referrals
group r by r.CarePlanId into lr
select new { CarePlanId = lr.Key, LatestReferral = lr.OrderByDescending(lrd => lrd.Date).First()};
Find the combined details:
var q = from c in CarePlan
where c.PatientId = 'E4A1DA8B-F74D-4417-8AC7-B466E3B3FFD0'
join lr in latestReferrals on c.CarePlanId equals lr.CarePlanId into gj
from subReferral in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { CarePlanId = c.CarePlanId, LatestReferral = (subReferral == null) ? null : subReferral.LatestReferral };
Depending on whether you want many referral properties or just a few you may or may not want the whole Referral object in the second part or just extract the relevant properties.
You may be able to combine these into a single query but for readability it may be easier to keep them separate. If there is a combined solution you should also compare performance of the two approaches.
EDIT: see comment for joining patients/other tables from care plans
If Patient is joined from Referral (as per comment) then its more complex because you're doing several left outer joins. So switching to the slightly more concise syntax:
var combined = from c in carePlans
where c.PatientId = 'E4A1DA8B-F74D-4417-8AC7-B466E3B3FFD0'
from lr in latestReferral.Where(r => r.CarePlanId == c.CarePlanId).DefaultIfEmpty()
from p in patients.Where(patient => patient.PatientId == ((lr != null) ? lr.LatestReferral.PatientId : -1)).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { c.CarePlanId, PatientName = (p == null) ? "no patient" : p.PatientName, LatestReferral = (lr == null) ? null : lr.LatestReferral };

Nhibernate condition on join with IQueryOver

I was searching for similar problem on google and stackoverflow for almost 2 hours but did not find any solution.
I have 2 tables with relation 1 to many.
1) [Accounts]
PK Account_Id
int User_ID
2) [Temporary_Accounts]
Fk Account_Id
char IsAccepted {'1','0',null}
varchar name
And 2 mapped classes
1) Acc
int Id;
User user;
TempAcc Temp; //cause each Account can have 0 or one TempAcc (with IsAccepted == null)
int Id;
bool IsAccepted;
string name;
I want to display all accounts for given user_id with additional information(f.e name) for Accounts which has record in [Temporary_Accounts] and IsAccepted == null.
so the SQL should look like:
select acc.Account_Id, acc.User_Id, tempacc.Name
from Account acc left join Temporary_Account tempacc
on (acc.Account_ID = tempacc.Account_Id and tempacc.IsAccepted is null)
where (acc.User_Id = 65);
but my IQueryOverquery:
IQueryOver<Acc> query = (...)
query.JoinAlias(f => f.Temp,
() => Temp,
.Where(f => f.Temp.IsAccepted == null)
.And(f => f.user.id == userid);
generates such sql:
select acc.Account_Id, acc.User_Id, tempacc.Name
from Accounts acc left join Temporary_Accounts tempacc
on (acc.Account_ID = tempacc.Account_Id)
where (acc.User_Id = 65 and tempacc.IsAccepted is null);
so I am getting less results than in first correct query.
Do you have any Idea what should I change or what could I do to obtain results from first query ? My Idea was to leftjoin Accounts table with subquery which selects all IsAccepted=null accounts from Temporary_Accounts table ,but I am not sure how to do it in Iqueryover or Icriteria.
I will be grateful for any advices
Since you have a 1-Many between Acc and Temp your sample sql will produce a Cartesian product.
The Queryover you will need uses a Subquery and looks something like the following:
Acc accountAlias = null;
var subQuery = QueryOver.Of<Temp>()
var results = session.QueryOver<Acc>(()=>accountAlias)
Producing SQL like this:
select *
from Accounts a
where a.User_Id=65
and exists (
select t.Account_Id
from Temporary_Accounts t
where t.IsAccepted is null and t.Account_Id=a.Account_Id
This article on nhibernate.info is very helpful for figuring out complex queries with QueryOver.
If you need to also find Accounts which do not have any corresponding rows in Temporary_Accounts then you need two subqueries and a Disjunction.
Acc accountAlias = null;
var hasTempAccount = QueryOver.Of<Temp>()
var doesNotHaveTempAccount = QueryOver.Of<Temp>()
var results = session.QueryOver<Acc>(()=>accountAlias)
Since NH 3.2 you can add extra conditions to a JOIN. See this answer for further details: Adding conditions to outer joins with NHibernate ICriteria/QueryOver query
Temp tempAlias = null;
Account accountAlias = null;
dto dto = null;
var results = Session.QueryOver<Account>(()=>accountAlias)

AX2009 EP Custom lookup with joined tables

I'm trying to make custom lookup (in .Net) using 2 joined tables:
AxLookup nameLookup = e.LookupControl;
Proxy.QueryBuildDataSource emplTable = null;
Proxy.QueryBuildDataSource dirPartyTable = null;
using (Proxy.SysDataSetBuilder sysDataSetBuilder = proxy.SysDataSetBuilder.constructLookupDataSet(this.AxSession.AxaptaAdapter, TableMetadata.TableNum(this.AxSession, "EmplTable")))
nameLookup.LookupDataSet = new DataSet(this.AxSession, sysDataSetBuilder.toDataSet());
using (Proxy.Query query = nameLookup.LookupDataSet.DataSetViews[0].MasterDataSource.query())
emplTable = query.dataSourceNo(1);
dirPartyTable = emplTable.addDataSource(TableMetadata.TableNum(this.AxSession, "DirPartyTable"));
dirPartyTable.addLink(TableDataFieldMetadata.FieldNum(this.AxSession, "EmplTable", "PartyId"), TableDataFieldMetadata.FieldNum(this.AxSession, "DirPartyTable", "PartyId"));
dirPartyTable.joinMode = 6; //should be an exists join
nameLookup.Fields.Add(AxBoundFieldFactory.Create(this.AxSession, nameLookup.LookupDataSetViewMetadata.ViewFields["EmplId"]));
nameLookup.Fields.Add(AxBoundFieldFactory.Create(this.AxSession, nameLookup.LookupDataSetViewMetadata.ViewFields["DirPartyTable!Name"])); //not working!!
nameLookup.SelectField = "EmplId";
Now when I use the lookup it gives me an errror about the Name field in DirPartyTable (key not found) Does someone know how to add a lookupfield in a joined table?
I'm sure the join works ok, made some other lookups with ranges on the joined table (and ofcourse no lookupfields on the second table) and that works ok.
Any help is appreciated!
This has been discussed in the following blog post:
The answer is that you cannot use a datasource with a join with the AxLookup control as it was built to support only one DataSetView and will throw this exception if you have more than one.