wso2 api manager configuring the STORE and PUBLISHER security - api

I am running API Manager version 1.3.0 and have successfully connected the management console to our Active Directory domain. I can login to the management console with no problems but I can't login to the Publisher or the Store.
The documentation sounded as though once the configureation of user-mgt.xml was complete it should work. What am I missing? Any assistance appreciated.

What's the error message shown in UI and printed in the terminal,when trying to log in to Store/Publisher? Did you added necassary permissions for the role of the trying user as described in


Persistent access control exception error message on Moodle

I am trying to enroll a user on my Moodle site via using the Moodle API.
My Moodle instance is hosted on AWS and all relevant ports are open and listening. So, from the network perspective, I can commit that is all ok.
The steps I have already done based on Moodle Documentation:
I have enabled web services on Administration > Mobile app >Mobile settings
I have gone through the 10 steps on the overview of allowing an external system to control Moodle as explained in the documentation (shown also in this Youtube video)
For testing purposes, I am using Postman. Some requests are going through (e.g. getting the token for a certain user, getting the list of all courses, etc.)
But when I try to i.e. create a user or enroll a user in an existing course I am getting this error:
"exception": "webservice_access_exception",
"errorcode": "accessexception",
"message": "Access control exception"
The way I am trying to i.e. create the user is as follows:
In the body section I am sending the following data:
Based on my research, most of the contributors suggested enabling web services, but as mentioned above I have enabled them but the problem persists.
Can someone help me solve the issue here or maybe suggest a way of debugging it?
Fortunately, I managed to solve the issue for both user creation and user enrollment.
Here is a great guide that helped me. In addition, you need to add some additional functions to the web service (roles wary based on what you want to do in Moodle) and also you need to alter the permissions of the new user (again depending on what you want to do)...

Azure Ad b2c custompolicy starter pack local signin

I have tried to make custom policies. then I used custom policy starter pack from
First I registered new user, then I tried sign In process but it doesn't work.
Error message says "The username or password provided in the request are invalid"
Do you have any solution of this?
*I registered B2C_1A_TokenSigningKeyContainer and B2C_1A_TokenEncryptionKeyContainer.
*And I replaced each keys particular place on SignUpOrSignin.xml(followed the guidance from microsoft web page )
One of the common causes of this issue is the misconfiguration of application IDs of IdentityExperienceFramework and ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework.
Check out this to make sure the configuration is correct.

Fusionauth ADFS integration issue

I'm evaluating the FusionAuth server locally on my windows machine and I'm trying to set up a identity provider to a adfs server. I have followed the steps as outlined in the docs.
After I login at the adfs I get a 405 error at the /samlv2/acs page.
I have enabled the debug flag on the provider. However no events show up in the System -> Event log page. Should I be able to see these events there?
Under logs catalogue I see a "fusionauth-search" file but no "fusionauth-app" log. Is the fusion-app log the correct place to debug this problem? What could be the reason why it is missing?
This looks to be a bug in FusionAuth version 1.7.3.
As a workaround, modify your relying party configuration to use /oauth2/callback instead of /samlv2/acs.
This has been resolved in version 1.7.4. Thanks!

WSO2 - Identityt Server - ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager

I have installed WSO2 Identity Server, configure the file user-mgt.xml (as ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager) in order to connect to my OpenLdap server.
1.- If I create an "inetOrgPerson" in LDAP, I can see this user at WSO2 admin console (users and roles)
2.- If I create a user with its password (no more data at the beginning) via WSO2 admin console and I can see this user in my LDAP.
But, here it is my problem. If I go to wso2 admin console, search for a user , to the "user profile" and update it, I obtain this error
"Error while updating user profile of test2. Error is: unknown"
On the log I have this error.
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.profile.ui.client.UserProfileCient} - org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: unknown
Could anyone help me, please?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards
Finally, I solved it.
My problem was that I had claims named in one way at WSO2 and with other name at my LDAP (you can configure this on the administration console of WSO2, Claims, List, click on "")
Example attached (CN in my LDAP, mapped to fullname of WSO2)enter image description here

IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.0 - Operation Console user configuration

I have created users for various roles of MobileFirst Operation Console as below.
worklightadmin as wladmin
worklightdeployer as wldeployer
worklightmonitor as wlmonitor
worklightoperator as wloperator
In WAS, mapped these users to Worklight_Administration_Console --> Security role to user/group mapping, respective roles.
Restarted the WAS server. Tried to login to the MobileFirst Operation Console.
Successfully login but getting this message
You are not authorized to perform this operation.
I am not sure what other setting need to be configure. If i login using WAS IBM Console admin userid and password, i am able to see all the runtime.
From the comments:
Actually, i missed to map the users and group to
WorkLight_Administrator_Services application in WAS. Once added its
started working fine.