How to move between a Pivot Control in Windows Phone 8 programmatically - windows-8

I have a situation where i need to move to different pivots on a Pivot Page in Windows Phone 8
but i am unable to find a way to achieve that.
here is the screenshot:
I want to switch to "Map" pivot when i tap on any LongListItem.

Actually is quite simple,just what you have to know is to which index you wanna move
YourPivotControl.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

Pivot controls are largely list-based and pivot along data points. Basically, if you have apps that are driven by list items,then Pivot control is the best bet for you:
Selecting an item in the page described has nothing to do with the Pivot control, Pivot control only helps you in going from List to AddP, via Map.
And to scroll through the pages; see example attached:
Do hope this helps.


Looker cannot adjust spacing on visual

I have been unable to find a way to lock in the spacing of columns in a visualization in Looker.
Every time either in dev mode or not or when editing the dashboard if I adjust the size of the columns they will not stay that way when saving the dashboard. For example this is what it looks like where the name section is spaced way out.
Is there a way to lock in the spacing of column within looker visuals?
I am getting this:
I want this:
Mike, you can also hard code the width for each column in the Edit section of the table chart:
Of coarse after posting a question on this I finally stumbled onto the option to freeze columns in the edit window. So instead of deleting my post I will just put my findings here so that if someone happens to have this problem they can find the answer here.
In the visualization edit window you can select the 3 vertical dots next to a column and freeze the column size. This works for all columns individually.
Hi there this is a known issue in Looker dashboards according to Looker support. The way to fix this is to adjust the fields width manually with your cursor in the Look before the visualization gets into Looker. Not ideal but it works.

PivotItemHeader in two rows?

I'm currently building an app where I use a PivotControl as the standard navigation. I managed to style the headers now but after some thought I realised that I should probably make the whole app sizeable for different screens. Not every screen (especially in IoT scenarios) will be a full HD screen :D
Thats the current control:
My problem now is that when I make the screen and the PivotItem smaller it just cuts off the end of the pivots like you can see at the right of the picture.
What I would rather have is that when the PivotItem gets smaller I want the Headers to stack.
Like in this quickly googled example:
But I don't know how I should make that possible...
Does anybody have an idea?
What are you trying to build?
Could the content be organized in other way?
Pivots or similar controls (tabs, segmented controls etc) work best with few items that are important to the user and deserve the central stage.
The screenshot you added violates several UI best practices and I suggest you find an alternative to structure your UI that is user friendly.

XAML Table with sorting by column clicking in C++ UWP App - design and binding problems

I'm just beginning to build a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) C++ app using VS2015. I've worked in Android before and in .NET, but not UWP (and before you suggest using .NET, I'm using this as a project to get more C++ experience). I'm trying to add a screen to the app that will basically have a table with data that can be sorted by clicking on the corresponding column (one click for ascending, another to reverse. Click a different column header to sort by it instead).
Searching for help on this is a mass of craziness however. Half of the results recommend gridview but when I try to implement them parts of gridview turn out to be unavailable in the UWP platform and I can't seem to make it clickable. Others recommend listview but I want to have multiple columns that get sorted together on clicking of one, and keeping them in sync seems like it could get complicated. There are a variety of other options but I'm getting lost in the mix, particularly when some are then unavailable for UWP and MSFT seems to often have out of date documentation.
I'm also new to this XAML/binding approach and a bit lost with it. With an Android app version of this application I had an sqlite database from which I pulled a table that could be displayed to the screen. I was planning on a similar approach here but in that case what do I bind to? Do I query the database, build a table in memory, and then bind to that? That seems clunky and problematic if columns have different data types. And if gridview doesn't work, in what do I then display it?
That's a kind of vague and wide question I know, but this seems to be one of those instances where further research makes me more lost rather than bringing clarity so after a few hours of searching I thought I'd just ask for advice. This seems like it should be such a simple task that I must be doing something wrong. Any recommendations you have are most welcome!
There is no Control as you said in UWP.
Also it seems the data grid control to display data in a table is that you want. Please refer the DataGrid in this link: When we click the corresponding column the column can be changed.
We should be able to bind the date to the ItemsSource of the DataGrid and set the head name to DataGridTextColumn.
There is a sample for it, you should be able to see it in

Windows mobile app List view carousel

Am developing windows mobile app in 8.1. Looking for a control like List view carousel.
Only one item needs to be shown at a time. User needs to swipe to go next / previous item. Order will be highlighted in below dots
Use a flipview. Check this for more info
You could create a control containing a Pivot with custom template for Image, header textblocks and other things you want and a LitView, also with custom template for showing which item is selected. It will need to change selected index according to pivot changes.
As Sjon wrote, nobody will code it for you so after my hints I think you should manage to build it.

Is it possible to resize a DateTimePicker or MonthCalendar Control in

Essentially I want to re-size my dateTimePicker control to fit its parent container. I have tried to do this both through the Control Editor and programmatically but I simply cannot get the drop down calendar to expand at all. So 2 part question:
a) Is this even possible to do?
b) Is there an easy-to-implement solution to having a good looking calendar that fits its parent field? (i.e. using a data grid or something similar)
Any help or knowledge is greatly appreciated!!!
The size of both objects is fixed and defined by the size of its font. Thus you might change its size by affecting the font size. This works fine with DateTimePicker but does not seem to work with MonthCalendar. After a quick research I have found a pretty curious recommendation on the MSDN forum: "you can consider third party MonthCalendar controls to meet your requirement temporarily".
There are quite a few third-party options (after a really quick search I found this) or you might even create one by your own. I personally haven't ever had any problem with the in-built controls but if the size is so important for you I guess that you would have to search/develop something by your own.
Further recommendation: rely on WPF which does contain a resizable control (DatePicker). I want to highlight here that I don't like WPF at all and that thus this recommendation is because I don't see any other option (inside .NET).