Non-managed COM-compatible language available other than C++ [closed] - com

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Closed 9 years ago.
Reading the CLR Profiling Overview:
The profiling API can be called from any (non-managed) COM-compatible language.
Other than C++ (and VB6?), what non-managed COM-compatible languages are available?

These are the ones that I know, please everyone feel free to edit the answer to add more.
You mentioned the first two.
C++: COM is based on the Windows/Intel C++ ABI.
Excellent native support is available from Delphi/Object Pascal.
VB6 supports the most commonly used constructs
C is capable of using COM, but a lot of work.
VBScript, and JavaScript (in MS implementation at least) support the Automation subset.
Jython has some COM support but I don't know whether this is limited to the Automation subset
Python has COM support and the ability to write shims where needed.
Perl can support COM with the ability to write shims where needed.
SWIG allows many other languages to be used with COM.


develop metro style apps for Intel based processors and ARM based processors [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to ask if there are any differences when I develop metro style apps for Intel based processors devices or for ARM based processors ?
Are there limitations in code? Or do some APIs not work? Or can I write only one Windows 8 metro style app and run it on both?
If you're using C#, you can compile for both platforms without jumping through any special hoops. Only if you use libraries with specialized platform-dependent code (which aren't that many nowadays) you need to be careful.
In the API, I haven't come across functions that were restricted to one of the platforms either.

How can I learn to develop programs in Objective-C without a Mac? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Does a cloud IDE or another tool exist to develop and compile programs using Objective-C?
Well if you just want to learn Objective-C you can use GNUSTEP:
However if you want to develop Mac or iOS apps, buying a Mac is your best option. I recommend buying a Mac Mini as XenElement stated. You can use Monotouch, however you will use C# instead of Objective-C:
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) has an Objective-C compiler. However, the really interesting part of Objective-C is found in the Frameworks. Apple uses Cocoa which is a updated revision (more or less) of the old NextStep frameworks. There is a GNU clone called GNUStep that works fairly well, but has a steep learning curve. There is also a project on SourceForge called libFoundation which only provides some core objects and frameworks saves GUI frameworks. You should be able to install a gcc/GNUStep or gcc/libFoundation on most linux distributions so you can start playing with Objective-C without having to pay for a mac.

Universal Programming IDE [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm searching for a good IDE that supports multiply languages and compiling of them, syntax highlighting, uploading of microcontroller projects etc.
The problem is; I currently have 8 different IDE:s, each for a different language (Programmer's Notepad (PHP, HTML), Qt Creator (C++ with Qt libraries), Eclipse C++ (C++), Eclipse Java (Java), Processing (Processing), Arduino IDE (Arduino), AVR Studio (AVR (C)), Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express (Visual C++)), and I am sure more will be added to the list.
So what I'm searching for now is a Windows (or cross plattform) Programming IDE with support for as many languages as possible, and not only with syntax highlighting (PN), I want ONE button to compile a program and ONE button to Run/Upload the program, not multiply from a list.
Can someone please help me?
Eclipse with according plugins can support almost all of the above, except maybe for VC++

What software is available for program 'workflow' visualization? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'd like to create a flowchart/map visualization of how my project works, what is the best software available for this purpose? I'm not looking for something to do it automatically, I'd like to manually create the flowchart.
This is for a project done in Objective-C if that helps/matters.
OmniGraffle is pretty good. It even creates class diagrams from an Xcode 3.x project.
Other web applications that do this, that are not already mentioned:, is free and uses Google Drive or Dropbox for storage (including Google Drive Realtime). I co-founded this.
Lucidchart is native JavaScript, like
Creately and Cacoo are Flash implementations, although Cacoo are moving away from Flash.
Aside from my obvious bias, I would suggest Lucidchart or Gliffy (mentioned above).
If you (a) like gliffy and (b) want a desktop-based app that does the same thing, take a look at yEd. Supports BPMN and traditional flowcharts (as well as myriad other drawing notations). Nice and easy to use, cross-platform. Oh, and free :-)

Tutorials on PyObjC [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know if there are any tutorial websites for learning PyObjC apart from the home page of the project itself. I'm enthusiastic about being able to use python to develop native code and be productive without learning how to program in some of the other more traditional compiled languages. Anywhere I could get a screencast or good beginner tuts would be excellent.
You could start with Will Larson's stuff. You could read the Apple docs and do the temperature conversion thingie. You could do what I did and get Hillegass's book and then do the examples using PyObjC. You could read my stuff. I have lots of simple examples, but I'm just an amateur. You don't need to worry about Objective-C yet, but if you stick with it, you probably will.
And you really must learn that case matters.