Universal Programming IDE [closed] - ide

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm searching for a good IDE that supports multiply languages and compiling of them, syntax highlighting, uploading of microcontroller projects etc.
The problem is; I currently have 8 different IDE:s, each for a different language (Programmer's Notepad (PHP, HTML), Qt Creator (C++ with Qt libraries), Eclipse C++ (C++), Eclipse Java (Java), Processing (Processing), Arduino IDE (Arduino), AVR Studio (AVR (C)), Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express (Visual C++)), and I am sure more will be added to the list.
So what I'm searching for now is a Windows (or cross plattform) Programming IDE with support for as many languages as possible, and not only with syntax highlighting (PN), I want ONE button to compile a program and ONE button to Run/Upload the program, not multiply from a list.
Can someone please help me?

Eclipse with according plugins can support almost all of the above, except maybe for VC++


Non-managed COM-compatible language available other than C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Reading the CLR Profiling Overview:
The profiling API can be called from any (non-managed) COM-compatible language.
Other than C++ (and VB6?), what non-managed COM-compatible languages are available?
These are the ones that I know, please everyone feel free to edit the answer to add more.
You mentioned the first two.
C++: COM is based on the Windows/Intel C++ ABI.
Excellent native support is available from Delphi/Object Pascal.
VB6 supports the most commonly used constructs
C is capable of using COM, but a lot of work.
VBScript, and JavaScript (in MS implementation at least) support the Automation subset.
Jython has some COM support but I don't know whether this is limited to the Automation subset
Python has COM support and the ability to write shims where needed.
Perl can support COM with the ability to write shims where needed.
SWIG allows many other languages to be used with COM.

NXT programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to program some stuff for a LEGO NXT robot. The "API" included with the robot is quite limited, so I went on to find some alternatives. There seems to be a bunch of languages/add-ons/compilers for this task. The thing is that I don't know which one to choose, or even use. I'm on a mac with OS 10.8.
I am good with C#, Objective-C, and can work my way around C/C++ and Python. Thanks for your help.
If you like C, I suggest you try out Not eXactly C, a modified version of C for programming NXT bricks. If you prefer a version more like C, give RobotC a try. RobotC is commercial software, however.
Getting NXC up and running is as easy as installing the Bricx Command Center IDE. NXC works with the standard LEGO firmware, but it also comes with an enhanced version with bug-fixes and enhancements. RobotC provides its own IDE and firmware which you can try a 30 day trial and then purchase a license key from the RobotC website.
If you really like Python, have a look at nxt-python. It's as easy as installing a compatible driver/interface for nxt-python to communicate with the NXT brick, and then installing the latest release of the nxt-python libraries. How to do so is clearly outlines on the Installation page.
I suggest you setup BricxCC and nxt-python, and give them a try first. If NXC isn't right for you, you can grab a trial version of RobotC that you can try out for 30 days before purchasing the full version.

How can I learn to develop programs in Objective-C without a Mac? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Does a cloud IDE or another tool exist to develop and compile programs using Objective-C?
Well if you just want to learn Objective-C you can use GNUSTEP:
However if you want to develop Mac or iOS apps, buying a Mac is your best option. I recommend buying a Mac Mini as XenElement stated. You can use Monotouch, however you will use C# instead of Objective-C:
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) has an Objective-C compiler. However, the really interesting part of Objective-C is found in the Frameworks. Apple uses Cocoa which is a updated revision (more or less) of the old NextStep frameworks. There is a GNU clone called GNUStep that works fairly well, but has a steep learning curve. There is also a project on SourceForge called libFoundation which only provides some core objects and frameworks saves GUI frameworks. You should be able to install a gcc/GNUStep or gcc/libFoundation on most linux distributions so you can start playing with Objective-C without having to pay for a mac.
GNUStep: http://www.gnustep.org/
libFoundation: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libfoundation/

GUI for Dialog-design for WiX [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
WiX is great in that there is no GUI, you just write the installer you want it to be. No fiddling with GUI-wizards!
However, drawing GUI is actually one thing I prefer to use a GUI for.
So, is there any Dialog-drawing program which exports WiX-data?
(I suppose else-wise perhaps I could transform what Visual Studio's forms editor does to WiX-XML.)
I created a full list of editors for WiX here: https://robmensching.com/blog/posts/2007/11/20/wix-editors/ (which is amazingly still up to date)
You can try WixEdit.
SharpDevelop also has built-in capabilities for laying out a WiX dialog. I prefer it over WixEdit.
this is excellent GUI IDE and it is open source.....
try this...
download IDE from here:
If you use Visual Studio 2008/2010 and want to install an application that requires .NET framework you might be interested in having a look at SharpSetup. It allows you to graphically edit installer UI as WinForms controls (and use VS designer for that).

Is there a VB 6 to VB.net conversion guide? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
While I used to VB 6 like the back of my hand, it has been a very long time I have never attempted to convert a large project. Are their any guides to help me along the process?
There is Dan Appleman's Moving to VB .NET
10 Things to Avoid When Moving From VB6 to VB.NET
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Migration Resource Center (an excellent resource)
Moving from VB6 to VB.NET (Windows Forms)
These 2 tools can be useful in conversions:
Code Advisor for Visual Basic 6.0
Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Assessment Tool
At this http://migrationguide.artinsoft.com/ you will find a good guide, as a matter of fact is a whole book addressing a lot of issues of VB6 migration.
You can also look at the blogs in artinsoft which provide good information and also there is a tool by this company that you can download from MSDN.