Modify SQL Row to set back date - sql

I am currently running a PHP script that is grabbing data from Facebook and putting it into my SQL database. I want to now be able to see what Facebook posts were posted within 2 hours of the data grab, and I realized that the NOW() command was making a time that was 4 hours ahead of the offset for the Facebook server.
This brings me to three questions:
1) Is there a way to do a select command where I can offset the date by 4 hours?
2) Is there a way to modify rows to offset the date by 4 hours?
3) Will these methods actually set the entire date back, so that if a date is, let's say at 1:00 today (March 13th), it will be modified to be 21:00 the day before (March 12th).
Thanks so much!

Any place you use a date in SQL you can use the DATEADD function, in a select, in an insert and in a where
To go back just use a negative number
So, this
DECLARE #datetime datetime = '2013-03-13 01:01:01.110';
SELECT DATEADD(hour, -4, #datetime);
returns this:
2013-03-12 21:01:01.110

1) Is there a way to do a select command where I can offset the date by 4 hours?
2) Is there a way to modify rows to offset the date by 4 hours?
You shouldn't be modifying the data.
3) Will these methods actually set the entire date back, so that if a date is, let's say at 1:00 today (March 13th), it will be modified to be 21:00 the day before (March 12th).
If you're using the DATEADD/DATE_ADD function and your date is in a date type, then yes.
SQL Server Manual
MySQL Manual


SQL - Find Date in Range that is same day as another Date

I'm looking for a solution in SQL.
Assume I have a source date, say 08/28/2018 (which is a Tuesday). I also have a date range beginning 09/17/2018 and ending on 09/23/2018.
How do I find the date for same day as the source date. The answer should be 09/18/2018.
Just not sure how to do this with SQL.
(I'm hitting other tables, just need to get this little bit).
So solve this I used the following query...
select dateadd(day, datepart(dw, '08/28/2018')-2, '09/17/2018')
Now, I can parameterize this and it will work fine.

how to write a sql to calculate working hours minus rest time

I have a table of rest time in work shift
Begin end
12:00 12:30
17:30 18:30
Now I want to write a SQL to calculate actual working hours given the start and end time. For example if start at 9:00 and end at 15:00, the actual hours is 6-rest time=5.5 hours and if start at 9:00 and end at 20:00 the actual hours is 10 hours. How to write a procedure to check it in SQL server? Thx.
There are no schema details to work with here, which means the following SQL is generic and will have to be altered to fit your db.
(datediff(minute, shiftStartTime, shiftEndTime)
- datediff(minute,breakStartTime,breakEndTime)) / 60.0
FROM yourTable
If they can have multiple breaks, you need to sum up all the break times in minutes before deducting it from the shift period.
the calculation is specifically in minutes because the datediff counts the number of boundaries passed, so the date diff in hours between 11:59 and 12:01 is 1, even though the break is 2 minutes, you would count that as 1 hour if you count hours using the function.
If you can provide more schema details, we would be able to craft a more complete statement.
you can try below way using DATEDIFF
select *, CONVERT(time(7),DATEADD(s, DATEDIFF(s,S,E),'00:00:00')) from QQ!18/01213d/1
for your case column name will be
select *, CONVERT(time(7),DATEADD(s, DATEDIFF(s,Begin,end),'00:00:00')) from yourtable

Get the month and year now then count the number of rows that are older then 12 months in SQL/Classic ASP

I know this one is pretty easy but I've always had a nightmare when it comes to comparing dates in SQL please can someone help me out with this, thanks.
I need to get the month and year of now then compare it to a date stored in a DB.
Time Format in the DB:
2015-08-17 11:10:14.000
I need to compare the month and year with now and if its > 12 months old I will increment a count. I just need the number of rows where this argument is true.
I assume you have a datetime field.
You can use the DATEDIFF function, which takes the kind of "crossed boundaries", the start date and the end date.
Your boundary is the month because you are only interested in year and month, not days, so you can use the month macro.
Your start time is the value stored in the table's row.
Your end time is now. You can get system time selecting SYSDATETIME function.
So, assuming your table is called mtable and the datetime object is stored in its date field, you simply have to query:

DATEDIFF - How many days until Sunday

In SQL Server, trying to write a age-off report for inventory purposes. Each week, the inventory system marks thousands of rows for deletion. This takes place on Sundays # 06:00:00 as part of weekly SQL DB purge schedule.
Using (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms) format for closed_time, how can I calculate the numbers of days between that date, until next Sunday of the current week? And to be more elaborate, is there a way to narrow it down to the exact DD:HH:MM? The problem is the each client's Sunday DB schedule for purge varies. So that might be difficult to compute. Might be easier to just calculate whole days until Sunday 00:00:00. I tried using the DATEDIFF function with no success.
DATEDIFF(DAY, closed_time,DW) AS Days_Until_Purged
WHERE closed_time DESC
Thx in advance
If you choose any Sunday in the past (Such as 06:00 Sunday 2nd January 2000), you can calculate time that has GONE BY since then.
Then, if you take that and do modulo 7-days you get the time that has gone by since the most recent Sunday.
Then, if you do 7 - time_gone_by_since_last_sunday you get the time until the next sunday.
I'm going to do this in minutes to cope with a client that has a setting of 06:30.
#batch_processing_time SMALLDATETIME
#batch_processing_time = '2000-01-02 06:00'
(60*24*7) - DATEDIFF(minute, #batch_processing_time, closed_time) % (60*24*7)
That's the number of minutes from each record's closed_time until the next #batch_processing_time.
Divide by (24*60) to get it in days.
try this:
select 8-DATEpart(w, closed_time) AS Days_Until_Purged from DB1 ...
This should solve your problem


For my website I must select all messages sent between midnight (the previous night) and midnight (the next night). Basically, it's a 24 hours range.
I don't know how to do that as I store the date in a timestamp format in my DB.For example, last message was posted on 2013-10-18 11:23:35.
What I want is all message posted between 2013-10-18 00:00:00 and 2013-10-18 23:59:59.
Is that possible, if yes, how could I do that ?
You can calculate the required time in T-SQL as :
-- for previous day mid night as start time
declare #start_datetime datetime,#end_datetime datetime
Select #start_datetime = DATEADD(d,0,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()))
-- for current day mid night as end time
Select #end_datetime = DATEADD(SS,86399,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()))
select #start_datetime, #end_datetime
and then use you column name to check whether it exists between these two values.
To find out what happened between DatetimeA and DatetimeB, the sql keyword between is not your friend. It generally causes one to miss records. This construct is better.
where YourDateTimeField >= StartDateTime
and YourDateTimeField < JustAfterTheEndDateTime
In your case, you can simplify it with
where YourDateTimeField >= DateA
and YourDateTimeField < TheDayAfterDateA