IntelliJ include a directory contained in an excluded directory? - intellij-idea

Can IntelliJ include a source directory contained in an excluded directory?
I am using Google Protocol Buffers and am placing the generated class files in the target/proto-generated directory. I have already excluded the target directory, is there a way to mark proto-generated as a source directory and leave the target directory excluded?
target <excluded>
proto-generated <include>

Thanks CrazyCoder for
"See for the workaround."


Configure CMake to show include directory in QT Creator

I'm trying to figure out how SFML's CMake configuration shows the <SFML/*> include directory in a project folder.
My test project has include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) but the include folder does not appear in the project structure like SFML's
The folder will show up if you have added any source files from within that directory (or a subdirectory below it) to any target in the project. Since you are talking about headers, you can simply add the header files as sources to an existing target. CMake will just ignore them as far as the building of that target is concerned, but it will then add those headers to the project's list of files. I've also seen people add a static library target with nothing but headers listed just so those headers show up in the project view. A bit hacky in my opinion, but it gets the job done.

Mark symlink to folder outside a project as a source folder

Suppose I have a scala project like this:
And I symlink another folder /tmp/outside as scala/outside (outside may contain subdiretories), how can I make it appear as a source folder in intellij?

Something strange with Project Paths in IntelliJ 14.1.4

So, something has started to act weird in my intelliJ project. I even tried removing the iml and .idea data, to no avail.
I go to Project Structure. There, I have a content root. Withing, I have three folders - one for my jar (and jni lib), one for Samples and one for Tools (just tools written to use the jar). The jar, Samples and Tools are marked blue (sources).
In the jar folder, I have my source tree (com\company\projectname\XXX), a lib folder, a folder for my JNI lib and a folder I created call 'junit', which is the focus of this question. It is marked in Project Structure in green (Tests).
Within, I have a folder structure eerily similar to my code: com\company\projectname\junit.
When I open a file in junit\com\company\xxx\junit, I have a big red underline under my package; line which tells me: "Package name '' does not correspond to the file path ''.
I was under the impression that marking a folder as 'Tests' would instruct the IDE to use that as a "parent" folder, if you will, eliminating the need to prepend another folder name.
How can I separate the code from unit tests and in fact, create two junit test suites (one is for internal use, the other is a 'skeleton' for distribution), park them under one "umbrella" folder and NOT have to prepend the package names with that folder name?
Update: Project structure:
Based on your screen shot, the issue is that the junit directory is a subdirectory of another source directory, namely MyProvider. A source directory (whether a "production" source or a unit test source directory) cannot be a subdirectory of another source directory.
You need to either:
move the junit directory out of MyProvider so it is a sibling directory, or
unmark MyProvider as a source directory, create a main (or some such directory) in MyProvider, mark it as a source directory, and then move the com directory/package into main.
Option 2 would be the preferred way to deal with this as it follows a very common directory structure standard.
UPDATE (Following comment from OP)
Here's a couple of screenshot showing the configuration you desire:
I removed the .IdeaIC15 folder and started over. Working for now. Something must have gotten confused in the config, either as part of the update, or in the course of operation. I have taken a backup copy as it is now, so if this happens again, I will have something to check.

Rename/move .idea folder for IntelliJ project?

Is it possible to rename the .idea folder that's automatically created by IntelliJ or move it to a different location?
Renaming the .idea directory is not possible; IntelliJ IDEA always reads project files from the directory with that exact name, and it can't be changed.
Moving is sort of possible. The locations and content roots of modules in IntelliJ IDEA are completely independent from the location of the project itself. Because of that, you can create a project in a directory that doesn't contain any code, and set up modules with content roots pointing to the directories where the code is located.

Determining whether a file is linked to a project or not

I'm writing a project documenter and I write out the full file path of each compiled file. This is for the VB.NET language so .proj files are written in xml.
Any file that is linked to the project exists on the same drive so at least one of the directory levels are the same for all files. I currently have it set up to put the project directory path on files which exist inside the project since it only shows the name of the file and the residing directory it lives in if its in a directory inside the project. For files outside (linked in) to the project I initially saw their files paths were "..\..\..\dir\filename". So I set it up to take off all the "..\" and put the necessary directories in front of it and all that worked fine. Now for this one .proj file some of the linked in files have their full file path with no "..\".
How can I properly distinguish these three possible inputs?
System.IO.Path.IsRooted will tell you whether a path is rooted, i.e. is a full path, or not. If the path is not rooted it is a relative path. You can use Path.Combine to resolve the full path from a relative path.