Can a ravendb collection forced to be in memory? - ravendb

Can I force a ravendb collection to stay in memory so that the queries are fast. I read about aggressive caching but the documentation only talks about the request caching. If I have sharding enabled can I force all the shards to cache the collection in memory ?
Any help is appreciated,

RavenDB doesn't really have "Collections" in the sense you are thinking. The only thing that collections are used for is to filter documents by their Raven-Entity-Name metadata. This serves a few purposes:
The Raven Studio UI can group things to make them easier to find.
Indexes can use a shortcut form of docs.EntityName instead of having a where clause against the metadata in every index.
But that's pretty much it. They aren't isolated on disk. For example, when Raven indexes documents, every index considers all documents. Docs get discarded quickly if they don't pass the collection filter, but they are still put through the pipeline.
You can read more about collections here.
Also - As long as you are still in a learning phase, you may want to post these style of questions on the RavenDB Google Group instead. You will get a much better response. You won't get much rating on StackOverflow when you are asking non-code "can X do Y?" questions. Come back here when you have written some code. See the ravendb tag for other questions that have been answered, and you'll get a feel for what StackOverflow is for. Thanks.

You don't need to do that.
RavenDB will automatically detect usage patterns and keep frequently requested documents in memory.


What is the best way to return most recent posts from Fauna DB for a blog, etc

I am building a simple custom headless CMS with React to save data in Fauna via API Gateway and Lambda. To list my posts in the admin, I would like to get the data from my collection sorted by a date value.
When I create a new index to do this, I expected to get the same data/structure that is in the default index that is created. However, what I've found is that it returns only the data explicitly defined in the index without any keys to describe what values are present.
I asked this question without the context before and got a great response, but I would like to know more generally what the best and most performant practice would be to accomplish this in Fauna. I have not discovered a way to sort data outside of creating an index.
This default behavior is counter intuitive to me. It seems there would be a simpler way to return the data in reversed order. I would love to know why this is the default behavior. I'm sure there are good reasons for it rationalized by folks who are much smarter than I am. Thanks for any guidance.
there is indeed a very good reason for this. In contrast to many other databases, FaunaDB took the decisions not to allow you to do inefficient things in order to save you from unpleasant surprises. When you sort data in a database, it either uses an index typically one of two things happens:
There is an index defined because you knew you were going to do that, you care about performance and you thought about it. The index is used for the sort.
You forgot about the index, or your data is so small that you didn't care, the query engine is going to still do this yet is going to do this in a horribly inefficient way.
If you end up in the second case where you forgot and you do this on massive data, then you might have a performance problem, if that database is auto-scaling and pay-as-you-go than ok.. no problem.. the database should be be able to handle but since it's pay-as-you-go, it'll be expensive.
The same counts for sorting. Maybe a database has a clever way to reverse a sort order but it might just as well not use the index and do something super inefficient by running over that complete dataset until to the end and start reading in reverse order.
To avoid nasty pricing surprises, most things that you can do that requires an index to do efficiently will not be possible without defining that index in advance.
Is that the answer you were looking for?

Developing a search and tag heavy website

I'm in the planning phase of developing a very tag heavy website. Everything will essentially be associated with tags and the entire site would be based on searching these tags.
Now, I've been thinking a lot about going the nosql route here, since from what I read and understand, it makes the most sense for something like this.
Would it be best to go with this database system? Would it makes sense to go with the relational database system? Should I think incorporating something like SOLR?
What would the ideal setup be?
Ideally they would be user generated, but we all know how that would turn out with giving users that much power. So, let’s change up the requirements and say that users WILL NOT have the power to create tags.
Searching on tags based on text matches is something that would probably be useful and needed. If the tag is “garage sale”, the search for “sale” should also pick this up, at a lower relevance for sure.
I can’t imagine the usage being so much that scaling would be an issue.
I would spend a bit of time thinking about these tags. For example, are these tags going to be user generated or will you provide a few tags and let users select which ones they want?
Will you need to search on tags based on text matches? For example if a tag is "garage sale" do you want to search for "sale" to also pick this up? Maybe at a lower relevance?
Also, what kind of usage are you looking at? One good thing about Solr is that it's super easy to scale and synchronize data, it is easy to deploy multiple nodes, shard collections and replicate data to other nodes, something that traditional databases struggle with.
Another thing to keep in mind is that most of the time, Solr is not the official "repository of record", most of the time the data gets fed to it from a DB somewhere, but all reading activities are done from Solr.
See this answer for a SQL solution. Offhand I can't think of any advantage to using most NoSQL databases (i.e. key-value, columnar, or document) as the SQL solution will be more compact and ought to give good performance; a graph database may be appropriate if you're doing a lot of navigational type queries on your tags, but it doesn't sound like that's the case.
Use of Solr (or ElasticSearch or whatever) is orthogonal to your primary database; it may be appropriate to incorporate a search tool if users are typing inexact tags for search, but I recommend integrating a stemming library or something along those lines before turning to a full blown search tool.

Why RavenDB reads all documents in indexing process and not only collections used by index?

I have quite large database with ~2.6 million documents where I have two collections each 1.2 million and rest are small collections (<1000 documents). When I create new index for small collection, it takes lot of time indexing to complete (so temp indexes are useless). It seems that RavenDB indexing process reads each document in DB and checks if it should be added to index. I think it would perform better to index only collections used by index.
Also when using Smuggler to export data and I want to export only one small collection, it reads all documents and exporting might take quite a lot of time. Same time custom app which uses RavenDB Linq API and indexes can export data in seconds.
Why RavenDB behaves like this? And maybe there is some configuration setting which might change this behavior?
RavenDB doesn't actually have any real concept of a "collection". All documents are pretty much the same. It simply looks at the Raven-Entity-Name metadata in each document to determine how to group things together for purposes of querying by type and displaying the "Collections" page in the management studio.
I am not sure of the specific rationale for this. I think it has something to do with the underlying ESENT tables used by the document store. Perhaps Ayende can answer better. Your particular use cases are good examples for why it might be done differently.
One thing you could try is to use multiple databases. You could put the your large-quantity documents in one database, and put everything else in another. Of course, you may have problems with indexing related documents, multi-map/reduce, or other scenarios where documents of different types need to be together on the same database.
Seems that answer to my question is coming in RavenDB 3.0. Ayende says:
In RavenDB 2.x, you still have to pay the full price for indexing
everything, but that isn’t the case in RavenDB 3.0. What we have done
is to effectively optimize the process so that in this case, we will
preload all of the documents taking part in the relevant collection,
and send them directly to be indexed.
We do this by utilizing the Raven/DocumentsByEntityName index. Which
has already indexed everything in the database anyway. This is a nice
little feature, because it allows us to really take advantage of the
work we already did long ago. Using one index to pre-populate another
is a neat trick, and one that I am very happy about.
And here is full blog post:

Is RavenDB Right for my Situation?

I have an interesting situation where I'm near the end of an evaluation period for a RavenDB prototype for use with a project at our company. The reason it's interesting is that 99.99% of the time, I believe it fits Raven's sweet spot; it repeatedly queries for new data, often, and in small batches (< 1000 documents at a time).
However, we do have an initial load period, where we need to load two days' worth of data, which can be 3 million (or more) records in some cases.
A diagram might help:
It's the Transfer Service that is responsible for getting the correct data out of three production databases and storing it in RavenDB. The WCF service will query this data and make it available to its clients.
Once we do the initial load of millions of records/documents into RavenDB, we'll rarely have to do that again.
As an initial load test, on a machine with 4GB RAM and two processors, it took just over 23 minutes to read the initial data. In this case, it was only about 1.28 million records. I eliminated all async operations from this initial load, because I wanted each read to not be interfered with by other read operations. I found the best results this way.
I know it's not recommended, but to accomplish all this, I had to change settings that aren't recommended to be changed:
I had to increase the timeout:
documentStore.JsonRequestFactory.ConfigureRequest += (e, x) => ((HttpWebRequest)x.Request).Timeout = ravenTimeoutInMilliseconds;
In the Raven.Server.exe.config, I had to increase the page size (to int.MaxValue):
<add key="Raven/MaxPageSize" value="2147483647"/>
And in my retrieval methods, I had to use Take(int.MaxValue):
return session.Query<T>().Where(whereClause).Take(int.MaxValue).ToList();
Remember this is all for that one-time, initial load. After that, it's many queries, quickly, and often. I should also note that each document is self-contained in RavenDB. There are no relationships to manage.
Knowing all this, is RavenDB a good fit?
A good fit for what?
Full text search? Yes. Background aggregations (map/reduce ones)? Yes. Easy replication and sharding, say scaling? Yes...
Ad-hoc reporting? No. Support for probably thousands of third party tools? No...
If you're talking about performance, you probably want to look at Orens latest post on that. His numbers are quite similar to your ones:
From what I understand of your question, you need to "prep" the WCF web-service. To do this you read 1.2M docs from RavenDB (in about 23 mins) and hold them in memory, so the WCF service can then serve queries from them, is this right? Or am I missing something?
Why not get the WCF service to send it's queries to Raven one-at-a-time? I.e. for each query it gets from a Client, ask RavenDB to do the query for it?
From what you've told us in the other answers comments, I believe the only good way to serve the wcf clients fast enough, is to actually store everything in memory, so just the way you do it now.
The question, if RavenDB is a good fit for that situation depends on whether your data model benefits in others way from the document oriented nature. So, in case you have dynamic data that would require some kind of EAV in a relational databases and lots of joins, then RavenDB will probably be a very good solution. However, if you just need something you can throw flat data in, then I would go with a relational database here. In terms of licensing costs and ease of use, you might also want to take a look at PostgreSql, as this is a really awesome database that comes completely free.

Most optimized way to store crawler states?

I'm currently writing a web crawler (using the python framework scrapy).
Recently I had to implement a pause/resume system.
The solution I implemented is of the simplest kind and, basically, stores links when they get scheduled, and marks them as 'processed' once they actually are.
Thus, I'm able to fetch those links (obviously there is a little bit more stored than just an URL, depth value, the domain the link belongs to, etc ...) when resuming the spider and so far everything works well.
Right now, I've just been using a mysql table to handle those storage action, mostly for fast prototyping.
Now I'd like to know how I could optimize this, since I believe a database shouldn't be the only option available here. By optimize, I mean, using a very simple and light system, while still being able to handle a great amount of data written in short times
For now, it should be able to handle the crawling for a few dozen of domains, which means storing a few thousand links a second ...
Thanks in advance for suggestions
The fastest way of persisting things is typically to just append them to a log -- such a totally sequential access pattern minimizes disk seeks, which are typically the largest part of the time costs for storage. Upon restarting, you re-read the log and rebuild the memory structures that you were also building on the fly as you were appending to the log in the first place.
Your specific application could be further optimized since it doesn't necessarily require 100% reliability -- if you miss writing a few entries due to a sudden crash, ah well, you'll just crawl them again. So, your log file can be buffered and doesn't need to be obsessively fsync'ed.
I imagine the search structure would also fit comfortably in memory (if it's only for a few dozen sites you could probably just keep a set with all their URLs, no need for bloom filters or anything fancy) -- if it didn't, you might have to keep in memory only a set of recent entries, and periodically dump that set to disk (e.g., merging all entries into a Berkeley DB file); but I'm not going into excruciating details about these options since it does not appear you will require them.
There was a talk at PyCon 2009 that you may find interesting, Precise state recovery and restart for data-analysis applications by Bill Gribble.
Another quick way to save your application state may be to use pickle to serialize your application state to disk.