Import CSV to existing sqlite database table - ruby-on-rails-3

I've searched all over this forum for solution to the above problem, but everything I tried didn't work. Basically, i have a model Library, with corresponding libraries table in my sqlite3 database. I have a csv file named libraries.csv which contains all the data I want to import into the database.
I tried the method on the second answer on this page but it's still not working. I made sure to create my rake file 'import_libraries.rake in the lib/tasks folder and I also saved the libraries.csv file in that folder but i keep getting this error message:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'import_libraries' (See
full trace by running task with --trace)
This is the current code I'm using:
require 'csv'
desc "Imports a CSV file into an ActiveRecord table"
task :import, [:filename] => :environment do
CSV.foreach('libraries.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
But when I run bundle exec rake import_libraries, I get the error message above.
Is there anything I am doing wrong? i would appreciate your help guys. Thanks
I renamed the rake file from import_libraries.rake to just import.rake On running bundle exec rake import, the error message i now get is:
rake aborted! invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
C:/Users/username/rails_app_name/lib/tasks/import.rake:4:in `block in
' Tasks: TOP => import (See full trace by running task
with --trace)

Based on the error you're getting and the task you have defined, you should be calling:
bundle exec rake import #=> you're currently calling import_libraries which indeed doesn't exist
With rake you call a task based on the name you give to the tasks, not on the name of the file (remember you can have many task inside each of those rake files).

I finally solved the problem by using this code:
namespace :csv do
desc "Import CSV Data"
task :import => :environment do
require 'csv'
csv_file_path = 'lib/tasks/libraries.csv'
CSV.foreach(csv_file_path, headers: true) do |row|
row = Library.create!({
:column_name1 => row[0],
:column_name2 => row[1],
:column_name3 => row[2],
:last_column => row[6]
puts "Success!"


Passing a yaml array containing package data to puppet through Hiera

puppet version: 4.9.4
hiera version: 3.3.1
What i am trying to do is have httpd reload when a new version of package-x/y is installed, and it doesn't seem like the array from Hiera is being passed correctly.
for my httpd.pp file, I have:
class service::common::httpd (
$service_state = undef, # undef = unmanaged
$service_run_at_boot = undef,
$packages = undef
) {
service { 'httpd':
ensure => $service_state,
enable => $service_run_at_boot,
subscribe => $packages,
restart => "/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful"
and in the yaml file for hiera, I have:
service::common::httpd::packages: [Package['package-x'],Package['package-y']]
running puppet with this gives the error
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Lookup of key 'allow_virtual_packages' failed: Unable to parse (/root/repos/puppet-config/data/nodes/<location of yaml file>): did not find expected ',' or ']' while parsing a flow sequence
also saying that its missing a comma between flow collection entries. I've tried many different combinations of spaces and commas as well..
I have also tried including the packages inside the class with an include statement.
What am i doing wrong?
The yamllint utility is quite useful for analysing Puppet Hiera YAML files. When I tried it on your file I got:
▶ yamllint spec/fixtures/hiera/data/common.yaml
2:25 error syntax error: expected ',' or ']', but got '['
2:39 error too few spaces after comma (commas)
The syntax error there reveals that the file is simply invalid YAML.
But how to fix it?
Confusingly, a line in a Puppet manifest like:
subscribe => [Package['package-x'], Package['package-y']]
When compiled into a JSON Puppet catalog becomes:
"subscribe": ["Package[package-x]", "Package[package-y]"]
And you can place the same JSON string in the YAML file to make valid YAML like this:
service::common::httpd::packages: ["Package[package-x]", "Package[package-y]"]
You can also use single quotes in the YAML i.e.
service::common::httpd::packages: ['Package[package-x]', 'Package[package-y]']
More info on how to compile the Puppet catalog in my blog post here.
hiera doesn't know what Package is. just quote it, since its a string.
service::common::httpd::packages: [ "Package['package-x']",
"Package['package-y']" ]
works perfectly.
or you can just change [ "Package['package-x']", "Package['package-y']" ] to [ 'package-x', 'package-y' ]
works flawlessly. see below.
beats::packetbeat::packages: [ acl, htop ]
class beats::packetbeat (
$packages = undef
) {
package {
ensure => "$version",
subscribe => Package[$packages],
Notice: /Stage[main]/Beats::Packetbeat/Package[acl]/ensure:
current_value 'absent', should be '2.2.51-14.el7' (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Beats::Packetbeat/Package[packetbeat]: Would have
triggered 'refresh' from 1 event
Notice: /Stage[main]/Beats::Packetbeat/Service[packetbeat]: Would have
triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
Notice: Class[Beats::Packetbeat]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from
3 events

Is there an option to list the targets (maybe with a description) in fake?

In Ruby (RAKE) you can document your tasks in the following way
# rakefile
desc "cleans ./temp"
task :clean do
p :cleaning
desc "compile the source"
task :compile => :clean do
p :compiling
$ rake -T # Display the tasks with descriptions, then exit.
rake clean # cleans ./temp
rake compile # compile the source
Is this possible with fake ?
The same is implemented in FAKE, as I found out when reading the source
// build.fsx
Description "remove temp/"
Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
CleanDirs [buildDir; deployDir]
// on
Dependency graph is shown with .../fake.exe --listTargets or -lt
Available targets:
- Clean - remove temp/
Depends on: []
- Build
Depends on: ["Clean"]
- Deploy
Depends on: ["Test"]
- Test
Depends on: ["Build"]

CSV::can't convert String into Integer

I would like to import csv file into my database. I am using Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 3.2.13 and the gem 'csv_importer'.
I am going to fetch productname and release_date from csv file
In my controller
def import
csv_text ='test.csv')
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|
puts row #getting entire values from csv
puts row['productname'] #getting error
If I print row/row[0], I am getting entire values from csv file as
in my log.
If I print row['productname'], I am getting error as can't convert String into Integer.
How can I rectify this error?
It looks like you are actually expecting the FasterCSV API, which does support a signature like parse(csv_text, :headers => true).
In Ruby version 1.9 the CSV library in stdlib was replaced with the FasterCSV library. Your code looks like it might work straight up in Ruby 1.9+.
If you want to use the FasterCSV style API without upgrading to a newer Ruby, you can grab the gem and use it instead of CSV:
require 'fastercsv'
csv_text ='test.csv')
csv = FasterCSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|
puts row['productname']
CSV.parse(str_or_readable, fs = nil, rs = nil, &block)
Parse lines from given string or stream. Return rows as an Array of Arrays.
... so row in your case is an Array. Array[] takes an Integer as argument, not aString`, which is why you're getting the error.
In other words; row['anything'] cannot work, but row[0] and row[1] will give you the values from column 1 and 2 of the row.
Now, in your case, you are actually calling CSV.parse like so:
CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
Looking at the docs, we see that the second argument to CSV.parse is the field separator. You're passing :headers => true as a field separator. That tells CSV to split each row whenever it encounters the string "headerstrue" - it doesn't, so it doesn't split each row.
If you remove the second argument to CSV.parse you should be closer to what you expect.

Ruby CSV read strings and numbers from MySQL exported csv

I exported tables and queries from SQL.
The ruby (1.9+) way to read csv appears to be:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach("exported_mysql_table.csv", {:headers=>true}) do |row|
puts row
Which works great if your data is like this:
Works fine (The first line is a header, the attributes). However, if the data is like this:
Then we get the error:
.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/1.9.1/csv.rb:1894:in `block (2 levels) in shift': Missing or stray quote in line 2 (CSV::MalformedCSVError)
I think this is because the id is stored as a number, not a string, and thus has no quotes, and the csv parser expects ALL the entries to have quotes. Ideally I'd like to read "Bob" as a string and 1 as a number (and stuff it into a Hash of hashes)
(Have tried 'FasterCSV', that gem became 'csv' since ruby 1.9)
Was pointed out that the example worked fine (derp), was looking in the wrong place, it was an error with multi-line fields, question moved to Ruby CSV read multiline fields
Using the input you provided, I am unable to reproduce this.
1.9.3p194 :001 > require 'csv'
=> true
1.9.3p194 :002 > CSV.foreach("test.txt", {:headers => true}) { |row| puts row }
=> nil
The only difference I see between our environments is that you are using rbenv, and I am using RVM. I also verified this on another machine I have with ruby 1.9.3-p194. Does the input you provided exactly match what is in your csv?

Capistrano run in sequential mode

I was wondering is there is a way to specify to the run command of Capistrano a way to operate in sequential mode rather than in parallel (typically via an environment variable)
If possible, I would like to avoid a conditional statement to switch between a run call and a find_servers_for_task(current_task).each do |hostname| ... end loop.
Any advice?
Ok, I found the correct syntax finally. You can limit the scope of a run command via the :hosts specifier (thanks Andriy Yanko). Example:
before "mytask", 'set_roles'
########### mytask #####################
desc "Example of a sequential run of capistrano"
task :mytask, :roles => :dynhosts do
find_servers_for_task(current_task).each do |hostname|
info "=> run mytask on #{hostname}"
run "whoami", :hosts => [ "#{hostname}" ]