Why is there a resource/operation required instead of type/value using claim based auth - wcf

Our old software architecture used role based validation. We now want to use claims based authorization. As a matter of fact, I think we always used something modelling claims, even if we used role base technology.
The lowest level are Privileges. A privilege may be "invoke the user service adding a user" or short "UserService.Add". Privileges can be assigned to groups. Users can be members of groups. In the end, through group membership, a user can have a list of privileges.
The old system used a combination of UserNamePasswordValidator, IAuthorizationPolicy and CodeAccessSecurityAttribute to have attributes that were written above the service method and on call of the service method, the validity would be checked. If the user didn't have the required privilege, access would be denied. Worked great.
[CompanyRoleRequired(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = "Common.Connect")]
[CompanyRoleRequired(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = "SomeServiceName.Save")]
public void Save(IEnumerable<Data> data)
// code
Now I'd like to use claims based authorization. Keeping the model above, I would create either a claim for each former privilege, or maybe a claim for each service with valid values of it's operations. For example, instead of "UserService.Add" I could add a claim "UserService" and people with the former privilege would get the claim with the value "Add". I would like to offer the service developers the same ease of access checking, so I'd like the required claims to be annotated above the service method. Microsoft already provides a ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute for this.
Instead of implementing IAuthorizationPolicy, I implemented ClaimsAuthorizationManager.
Question 1) The authorization manager gets called twice. Once with the soap url and once with my attribute. I've googled a lot and it seems to be by design. I don't have a problem differentiating between the calls and checking only my calls, but maybe I didn't see something. Is there an option or an easy way to not get called on soap calls with the urls and only getting called for the attributes?
Question 2) The access check offers the ability to check if the pricipal has a claim. Obviously, a claim has a type/name and a value. I would have expected the attribute to offer such an interface. However, the attribute wants to know about the resource and operation. The access check function I need to overwrite also needs to check resources and operations. Why is that? Do I need to map resource/operation to claims in my AuthorizationManager? And if I don't see any need for it, would it be ok to just put the expected type and value of the claim in the attribute as resource and operation and map them 1:1 in the authorization manager? Or do I miss out on some important security feature if I do this?

Q1) That's unfortunately the case - and since both the "automatic" calls and the attribute/.CheckAccess use the same claim types you cannot easily distinguish between the two. I wrote about that here: http://leastprivilege.com/2011/04/30/what-i-dont-like-about-wifs-claims-based-authorization/
Q2) You are missing the concept here. The idea is to NOT check for specific claims - but to rather annotate the code with "what you are doing". The person that writes the business code typically does not know exactly who is allowed to call it (or which claims are exactly needed). You only tell the authZ poliy that you are about to add a customer (as an example). The authorization manager's job is to figure out if the principal is authorized to do that (by whatever means). Separation of concerns. See here: http://leastprivilege.com/2011/04/30/what-i-like-about-wifs-claims-based-authorization/

Not sure if this is going to be helpful to you but ClaimsAuthorizationManager has method that can be overridden (LoadCustomConfiguration) that you can use to load your policy from XML file. That policy might be designed in a way to allow mapping between resources and actions and roles. I've built in-code access control list instead that looks like this:
public interface IAccessControlList
List<CustomAccessRule> Rules { get; }
public class CustomAccessRule
public string Operation { get; set; }
public List<string> Roles { get; set; }
public CustomAccessRule(string operation, params string[] roles)
Operation = operation;
Roles = roles.ToList();
My claims authorization manager looks like this:
public class CustomClaimsAuthorizationManager : ClaimsAuthorizationManager
private IAccessControlList _accessControlList;
public CustomClaimsAuthorizationManager(IAccessControlList accessControlList)
_accessControlList = accessControlList;
public override bool CheckAccess(AuthorizationContext context)
string operation = context.Action.First().Value.Split('/').Last();
CustomAccessRule rule = _accessControlList.Rules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Operation == operation);
if (rule == null) return true;
if (context.Principal.Identities.First().IsInRoles(rule.Roles)) return true;
throw new MessageSecurityException(string.Format("Username {0} does not have access to operation {1}.", context.Principal.Identities.First().Name, operation));
And here is an example of one access control list implementation for one service:
public class SampleServiceACL : IAccessControlList
public List<CustomAccessRule> Rules { get; private set; }
public SampleServiceACL()
Rules = new List<CustomAccessRule>();
Rules.Add(new CustomAccessRule("OpenAccount", "Manager", "Owner"));
Rules.Add(new CustomAccessRule("CloseAccount", "Manager", "Owner"));
Rules.Add(new CustomAccessRule("SendEmail", "User", "Manager", "Owner"));
And I'm applying this at service host base level by using:
protected override void OnOpening()
IdentityConfiguration identityConfiguration = new IdentityConfiguration();
identityConfiguration.ClaimsAuthorizationManager = new CustomClaimsAuthorizationManager(new SampleServiceACL());
this.Credentials.IdentityConfiguration = identityConfiguration;
As a result, I'm not using attributes at all, all authorization logic is centralized in claims authorization manager over ACL.
Now if you don't like this approach, and you're still in pursuit of attribute that will check for specific claims, you can then derive from CodeAccessSecurityAttribute and actually implement that logic. What is given by MS out of the box is good, but it does not mean you should stick to it by any means. Also logic for checking the claims can be implemented as an extension to identity, i.e.:
public static class IdentityExtensions
public static bool IsInRoles(this ClaimsIdentity id, List<string> roles)
foreach (string role in roles)
if (id.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, role)) return true;
return false;
So you might build extensions, custom attribute, and then use extensions in the attribute to perform your validation logic.
Again, this is just something that I've already done. Might not be what you're looking for but it's one type of custom solution.


Better option to "where to declare actions?(oop)"

Doubt about where to define the actions that are going to act on attributes of one class?
Ex:-Account is a class where we going to define attributes of account like account no,holder name.
As usual Employee(class) of the Bank can add,update(crud) operation on customer's account.
My doubt is in which class we have to define those (crud)actions either in Employee class or in Account class?.
Because these operations are performed by employee in real time.On the other hand,Actions need to act on Account attributes may define in Account class itself,which is the better one?
'Actions need to be performed on attributes ,defined in same class is better' or 'Actions are defined in class with respect to whose actions are they(actors) is better'?
In my understanding of the problem you describe, such "operations" go in the service layer.
You can see in the link I shared above that Martin Fowler describes the service layer as:
Defines an application's boundary with a layer of services that
establishes a set of available operations and coordinates the
application's response in each operation.
So, in my view of your solution, both Employee and Account are just POJOs like #Rotka said. In my view the interfaces for your layers would be somewhat like
At the data source layer:
interface AccountRepository {
Account findById(Long id);
Account save(Account account);
And I doubt that you can delete a bank account, you could put it a state of inactivity though.
Than your service layer could be somewhat like
interface AccountService {
Account openAccount(Account account);
void closeAccount(Account account);
transferFunds(Account source, Account target);
What you call employee is probably the wrong abstraction to use here. You probably think in terms of users, like is the current user allowed to open accounts?
So, consider the following hypothetical implementation
class DefaultAccountService implements AccountService {
private SecurityContext securityContext;
private Validator validator;
private AccountRespotiroy accountRepository;
public Account openAccount(Account account) {
throw new UnAuthorizedException("You cannot open accounts");
Set<ConstraintViolation> violations = validator.validate(account);
if(violations.size() > 0){
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid account", violations);
return accountRepository.save(account);
IMHO , Employee class should be a simple POJO , in order to use it in other components , and you should create an AccountOperation Service (an EJB in Java EE context)
public class AccountOperation
Customer customer;
Employee employee;
public void createAnAccount(){
public void deleteAnAccount(){
public void debitAnAccount(){
For creating and deleting an account - create an instance of the account, and then pass the "whodunnit" as the employee - or some related identifier when something is done:
Account Account = new Account(Customer, AccountNumber);
For transactions you need two accounts - the credit and debit account. Because a transaction spans multiple accounts, the following method needs to be in it's own class:
public void AccountTransaction(Account CreditAccount,
Account DebitAccount,
float TransactionAmount.
Employee Employee){
CreditAccount.creditAccount(TransactionAmount, Employee);
DebitAccount.debitAccount(TransactionAmount, Employee);
most likely this method would be called by a number of "transaction types" (loan, interest payment, money transfer, etc.)

How can I kick the user if I change IsConfirmed column?

I use ASP.NET SimpleMembership..
My scenario;
The user login and then I change IsConfirmed column to false on webpages_Membership table..
And the user try to change page, the login page seems to the user..
Your most sensible options are to use any of the authentication related steps in Global.asax.cs, or to derive from AuthorizeAttribute. Given that non-confirmed users are going to have to get to somewhere (for example in order to confirm their account) then you probably don't want the former. With either approach their next request will get denied.
Therefore, I would just extend your [Authorize] attribute to do something like the following, and just use that in the appropriate Controllers and Actions instead of [Authorize] (I'm assuming C# as you didn't specify language in your tags):
public class AuthorizeIfConfirmedAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute {
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) {
if (!base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext)) return false;
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity user = httpContext.User.Identity;
return WebMatrix.WebData.WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(user.Name);
public class MyController { ... }
(If you want to use a custom property on your UserProfile class instead of IsConfirmed then you can simply adjust this code accordingly).
The advantage of this approach is that it keeps all your authorization logic in the usual place, and you can also combine it with role enforcement, e.g.:
[AuthorizeIfConfirmed(Roles = "admin")]
public class MyController { ... }
Note that if you use WebApi or SignalR you may have to include these checks in however you are performing request authorization for the apis as well.
I user Application_AuthenticateRequest in Global.asax.. Because my application needs authenticate on all pages..
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest()
if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
bool isConfirmed = (..your codes here..)
if (isConfirmed == false)

AutoFac WCF proxy with changing ClientCredentials

I'm writing a WCF service and am using the AutoFac WCF integration for DI. I have a slightly weird situation where I have a proxy to another service that requires credentials. The credentials will change based on some parameters coming in so I can't just set the values when I'm setting up the container and be done with it.
public class MyService : IMyService
private ISomeOtherService _client;
public MyService(ISomeOtherService client)
_client = client;
public Response SomeCall(SomeData data)
// how do I set ClientCredentials here, without necessarily casting to concrete implementation
What's the best way to set the credentials on proxy without having to cast to a known type or ChannelBase. I'm trying to avoid this because in my unit tests I'm mocking out that proxy interface so casting it back to one of those types would fail.
Any thoughts?
You can do it, but it's not straightforward, and you have to slightly change the design so the logic of "decide and set the credentials" is pulled out of the MyService class.
First, let's define the rest of the classes in the scenario so you can see it all come together.
We have the ISomeOtherService interface, which I've modified slightly just so you can actually see what credentials are getting set at the end. I have it return a string instead of being a void. I've also got an implementation of SomeOtherService that has a credential get/set (which is your ClientCredentials in WCF). That all looks like this:
public interface ISomeOtherService
string MakeACall();
public class SomeOtherService : ISomeOtherService
// The "Credentials" here is a stand-in for WCF "ClientCredentials."
public string Credentials { get; set; }
// This just returns the credentials used so we can validate things
// are wired up. You don't actually have to do that in "real life."
public string MakeACall()
return this.Credentials;
Notice the Credentials property is not exposed by the interface so you can see how this will work without casting the interface to the concrete type.
Next we have the IMyService interface and associated request/response objects for the SomeCall operation you show in your question. (In the question you have SomeData but it's the same idea, I just went with a slightly different naming convention to help me keep straight what was input vs. what was output.)
public class SomeCallRequest
// The Number value is what we'll use to determine
// the set of client credentials.
public int Number { get; set; }
public class SomeCallResponse
// The response will include the credentials used, passed up
// from the call to ISomeOtherService.
public string CredentialsUsed { get; set; }
public interface IMyService
SomeCallResponse SomeCall(SomeCallRequest request);
The interesting part there is that the data we're using to choose the set of credentials is the Number in the request. It could be whatever you want it to be, but using a number here makes the code a little simpler.
Here's where it starts getting more complex. First you really need to be familiar with two Autofac things:
Implicit relationships - we can take a reference on a Func<T> instead of a T to get a "factory that creates T instances."
Using parameters from registration delegates - we can take some inputs and use that to inform the outputs of the resolve operation.
We'll make use of both of those concepts here.
The implementation of MyService gets switched to take a factory that will take in an int and return an instance of ISomeOtherService. When you want to get a reference to the other service, you execute the function and pass in the number that will determine the client credentials.
public class MyService : IMyService
private Func<int, ISomeOtherService> _clientFactory;
public MyService(Func<int, ISomeOtherService> clientFactory)
this._clientFactory = clientFactory;
public SomeCallResponse SomeCall(SomeCallRequest request)
var client = this._clientFactory(request.Number);
var response = client.MakeACall();
return new SomeCallResponse { CredentialsUsed = response };
The real key there is that Func<int, ISomeOtherService> dependency. We'll register ISomeOtherService and Autofac will automatically create a factory that takes in an int and returns an ISomeOtherService for us. No real special work required... though the registration is a little complex.
The last piece is to register a lambda for your ISomeOtherService instead of a simpler type/interface mapping. The lambda will look for a typed int parameter and we'll use that to determine/set the client credentials.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register((c, p) =>
// In WCF, this is more likely going to be a call
// to ChannelFactory<T>.CreateChannel(), but for ease
// here we'll just new this up:
var service = new SomeOtherService();
// The magic: Get the incoming int parameter - this
// is what the Func<int, ISomeOtherService> will pass
// in when called.
var data = p.TypedAs<int>();
// Our simple "credentials" will just tell us whether
// we passed in an even or odd number. Yours could be
// way more complex, looking something up from config,
// resolving some sort of "credential factory" from the
// current context (the "c" parameter in this lambda),
// or anything else you want.
if(data % 2 == 0)
service.Credentials = "Even";
service.Credentials = "Odd";
return service;
// And the registration of the consuming service here.
var container = builder.Build();
OK, now that you have the registration taking in an integer and returning the service instance, you can just use it:
using(var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var myService = scope.Resolve<IMyService>();
var request = new SomeCallRequest { Number = 2 };
var response = myService.SomeCall(request);
// This will write "Credentials = Even" at the console
// because we passed in an even number and the registration
// lambda executed to properly set the credentials.
Console.WriteLine("Credentials = {0}", response.CredentialsUsed);
Boom! The credentials got set without having to cast to the base class.
Design changes:
The credential "set" operation got moved out of the consuming code. If you don't want to cast to the base class in your consuming code, you won't have a choice but to also pull the credential "set" operation out. That logic could be right in the lambda; or you could put it in a separate class that gets used inside that lambda; or you could handle the OnActivated event and do a little magic there (I didn't show that - exercise left to the reader). But the "tie it all together" bit has to be somewhere in the component registration (the lambda, the event handler, etc.) because that's the only point at which you still have the concrete type.
The credentials are set for the lifetime of the proxy. It's probably not good if you have a single proxy in your consuming code where you set different credentials just before you execute each operation. I can't tell from your question if that's how you have it, but... if that's the case, you will need a different proxy for each call. That may mean you actually want to dispose of the proxy after you're done with it, so you'll need to look at using Owned<T> (which will make the factory Func<int, Owned<T>>) or you could run into a memory leak if services are long-lived like singletons.
There are probably other ways to do this, too. You could create your own custom factory; you could handle the OnActivated event that I mentioned; you could use the Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 library to create a dynamic proxy that intercepts calls to your WCF service and sets the credentials before allowing the call to proceed... I could probably brainstorm other ways, but you get the idea. What I posted here is how I'd do it, and hopefully it will at least point you in a direction to help you get where you need to go.
The approach we ended up taking is to cast ISomeOtherService to ClientBase,
This avoids referencing the proxy type. Then in our unit tests we can set up the mock like so
var client = new Mock<ClientBase<ISomeOtherService>>().As<ISomeOtherService>();
So it can be casted to ClientBase, but still setup as ISomeOtherService

CWebUser and CUserIdentity

I'm building an authentication module for my application and I don't quite understand the relation between CWebUser and CUserIdentity.
To set the user id to Yii::app()->user->id I have to do that in my UserIdentity class and create a method:
public function getId() {
return $this->_id;
But to set isAdmin to Yii::app()->user->isAdmin I have to create a method in my WebUser class:
function getIsAdmin() {
$user = $this->loadUser(Yii::app()->user->id);
return intval($user->user_level_id) == AccountModule::USER_LEVEL_ADMIN;
Why can't I just create the methods the UserIdentity class? What is the division of labour here?
The UserIdentity (UI) class is like an ID card, where as the WebUser class is the actual person plus everything you know about them.
The UI class gives you authentication via database, webservices, textfile, whatever. It lets you know what the key attributes are and allows you to manipulate them. The user however can give you more information about what they're allowed to do, there names, granular permissions and such.
OK, end metaphor
The UI class holds the key information, so when asking for the users ID it will refer to the User Identity class to get the Identifier for the user.
Anything that isn't related to identifying or authenticating a user is in the WebUser class
Clear it up at all?
Your example
You gave the getId function as an example, but that can be created on WebUser to override the default, which is to pull from the state.
So not sure what you mean here.
I like how the accepted answer used real life examples to make it easier to understand. However, I also like how Chris explained it here with example.
User information is stored in an instance of the CWebUser class and
this is created on application initialisation (ie: when the User first
connects with the website), irrespective of whether the user is logged
in or not. By default, the user is set to “ Guest”. Authentication is
managed by a class called CUserIdentity and this class checks that the
user is known and a valid user. How this validation occurs will depend
on your application, perhaps against a database, or login with
facebook, or against an ldap server etc...
And what is the benefit of using all those classes? I can do everything just by User model. If I set scenario "login", password will be checked during validation. If validation is OK, I can set to session my own variable like this:
$model = new User("login");
$model->attributes = $_POST["User"];
if ($model->validate())
Yii::app()->session["currentUser"] = $model;
// .. show error
In User model I have then static methods to check this variable
public static function isGuest()
return isset(Yii::app()->session["currentUser"]);
public static function getCurrent()
return Yii::app()->session["currentUser"];
And I can call it very shortly:
$model = User::getCurrent();
// instead of writing this:
So why should I use so complicated hierarchy of classes that is suggested by Yii? I never understood it.

Repositories and Services, MVC Model

So I've been learning about the Repository model, and it seems that it is expected that Repositories do not do a lot of intricate logic. However I also read that most of the business logic should not be inside of my Controllers. So where do I put it?
I've looked at some sample applications and it seems that they have another layer called Services that do more intricate logic for things. So how does this factor into the MVC pattern?
Do I want to build my services to access my repositories, and then my controllers to access my services? Like this?
interface IMembershipService
bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
interface IMembershipRepository
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
class MembershipRepository : IMembershipRepository
public MembershipRepository(ISession session)
**// this is where I am confused...**
class MembershipService : IMembershipService
private readonly IMembershipRepository membershipRepository;
public MembershipService(IMembershipRepository membershipRepository)
this.membershipRepository = membershipRepository;
public bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
// validation logic
public MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password)
return membershipRepository.Create(username, password);
class MembershipController : Controller
private readonly IMembershipService membershipService;
public MembershipController(IMembershipService membershipService)
this.membershipService = membershipService
The marked part of my code is what confuses me. Everything I have read said I should be injecting my ISession into my repositories. This means I could not be injecting ISession into my services, so then how do I do Database access from my Services? I'm not understanding what the appropriate process is here.
When I put ValidateUser in my IMembershipRepository, I was told that was 'bad'. But the IMembershipRepository is where the database access resides. That's the intention, right? To keep the database access very minimal? But if I can't put other logic in them, then what is the point?
Can someone shed some light on this, and show me an example that might be more viable?
I am using Fluent nHibernate, ASP.NET MVC 3.0, and Castle.Windsor.
Should I instead do something like ...
class MembershipService
private readonly IMembershipRepository membershipRepository;
public MembershipService(ISession session)
membershipRepository = new MembershipRepository(session);
And never give my Controllers direct access to the Repositories?
Everything I have read said I should be injecting my ISession into my repositories.
That's correct. You need to inject the session into the repository constructor because this is where the data access is made.
This means I could not be injecting ISession into my services, so then how do I do Database access from my Services?
You don't do database access in your services. The service relies on one or more repositories injected into its constructor and uses their respective methods. The service never directly queries the database.
So to recap:
The repository contains the simple CRUD operations on your model. This is where the data access is performed. This data access doesn't necessary mean database. It will depend on the underlying storage you are using. For example you could be calling some remote services on the cloud to perform the data access.
The service relies on one or more repositories to implement a business operation. This business operation might depend on one or more CRUD operations on the repositories. A service shouldn't even know about the existence of a database.
The controller uses the service to invoke the business operation.
In order to decrease the coupling between the different layers, interfaces are used to abstract the operations.
interface IMembershipService
bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
Creating a service like this an anti-pattern.
How many responsibilities does a service like this have? How many reasons could it have to change?
Also, if you put your logic into services, you are going to end up with an anemic domain. What you will end up with is procedural code in a Transaction Script style. And I am not saying this is necessarily bad.
Perhaps a rich domain model is not appropriate for you, but it should be a conscious decision between the two, and this multiple responsibility service is not appropriate in either case.
This should be a HUGE red flag:
public MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password)
return membershipRepository.Create(username, password);
What is the point? Layers for the sake of layers? The Service adds no value here, serves no purpose.
There are a lot of concepts missing.
First, consider using a Factory for creating objects:
public interface IMembershipFactory {
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
The factory can encapsulate any logic that goes into building an instance or beginning the lifetime of an entity object.
Second, Repositories are an abstraction of a collection of objects. Once you've used a factory to create an object, add it to the collection of objects.
var result = _membershipFactory.Create("user", "pw");
if (result.Failed); // do stuff
_membershipRepository.Add(status.NewMembership); // assumes your status includes the newly created object
Lastly, MyEntityService class that contains a method for every operation that can be performed on an Entity just seems terribly offensive to my senses.
Instead, I try to be more explicit and better capture intent by modeling each operation not as a method on a single Service class, but as individual Command classes.
public class ChangePasswordCommand {
public Guid MembershipId { get; set; }
public string CurrentPassword { get; set; }
public string NewPassword { get; set; }
Then, something has to actually do something when this command is sent, so we use handlers:
public interface IHandle<TMessageType> {
void Execute(TMessageType message);
public class ChangePasswordCommandHandler : IHandle<ChangePasswordCommand> {
public ChangePasswordCommandHandler(
IMembershipRepository repo
public void Execute(ChangePasswordCommand command) {
var membership = repo.Get(command.MembershipId);
Commands are dispatched using a simple class that interfaces with our IoC container.
This helps avoids monolithic service classes and makes a project's structure and location of logic much clearer.