Repositories and Services, MVC Model - fluent-nhibernate

So I've been learning about the Repository model, and it seems that it is expected that Repositories do not do a lot of intricate logic. However I also read that most of the business logic should not be inside of my Controllers. So where do I put it?
I've looked at some sample applications and it seems that they have another layer called Services that do more intricate logic for things. So how does this factor into the MVC pattern?
Do I want to build my services to access my repositories, and then my controllers to access my services? Like this?
interface IMembershipService
bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
interface IMembershipRepository
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
class MembershipRepository : IMembershipRepository
public MembershipRepository(ISession session)
**// this is where I am confused...**
class MembershipService : IMembershipService
private readonly IMembershipRepository membershipRepository;
public MembershipService(IMembershipRepository membershipRepository)
this.membershipRepository = membershipRepository;
public bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
// validation logic
public MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password)
return membershipRepository.Create(username, password);
class MembershipController : Controller
private readonly IMembershipService membershipService;
public MembershipController(IMembershipService membershipService)
this.membershipService = membershipService
The marked part of my code is what confuses me. Everything I have read said I should be injecting my ISession into my repositories. This means I could not be injecting ISession into my services, so then how do I do Database access from my Services? I'm not understanding what the appropriate process is here.
When I put ValidateUser in my IMembershipRepository, I was told that was 'bad'. But the IMembershipRepository is where the database access resides. That's the intention, right? To keep the database access very minimal? But if I can't put other logic in them, then what is the point?
Can someone shed some light on this, and show me an example that might be more viable?
I am using Fluent nHibernate, ASP.NET MVC 3.0, and Castle.Windsor.
Should I instead do something like ...
class MembershipService
private readonly IMembershipRepository membershipRepository;
public MembershipService(ISession session)
membershipRepository = new MembershipRepository(session);
And never give my Controllers direct access to the Repositories?

Everything I have read said I should be injecting my ISession into my repositories.
That's correct. You need to inject the session into the repository constructor because this is where the data access is made.
This means I could not be injecting ISession into my services, so then how do I do Database access from my Services?
You don't do database access in your services. The service relies on one or more repositories injected into its constructor and uses their respective methods. The service never directly queries the database.
So to recap:
The repository contains the simple CRUD operations on your model. This is where the data access is performed. This data access doesn't necessary mean database. It will depend on the underlying storage you are using. For example you could be calling some remote services on the cloud to perform the data access.
The service relies on one or more repositories to implement a business operation. This business operation might depend on one or more CRUD operations on the repositories. A service shouldn't even know about the existence of a database.
The controller uses the service to invoke the business operation.
In order to decrease the coupling between the different layers, interfaces are used to abstract the operations.

interface IMembershipService
bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
Creating a service like this an anti-pattern.
How many responsibilities does a service like this have? How many reasons could it have to change?
Also, if you put your logic into services, you are going to end up with an anemic domain. What you will end up with is procedural code in a Transaction Script style. And I am not saying this is necessarily bad.
Perhaps a rich domain model is not appropriate for you, but it should be a conscious decision between the two, and this multiple responsibility service is not appropriate in either case.
This should be a HUGE red flag:
public MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password)
return membershipRepository.Create(username, password);
What is the point? Layers for the sake of layers? The Service adds no value here, serves no purpose.
There are a lot of concepts missing.
First, consider using a Factory for creating objects:
public interface IMembershipFactory {
MembershipCreateStatus Create(string username, string password);
The factory can encapsulate any logic that goes into building an instance or beginning the lifetime of an entity object.
Second, Repositories are an abstraction of a collection of objects. Once you've used a factory to create an object, add it to the collection of objects.
var result = _membershipFactory.Create("user", "pw");
if (result.Failed); // do stuff
_membershipRepository.Add(status.NewMembership); // assumes your status includes the newly created object
Lastly, MyEntityService class that contains a method for every operation that can be performed on an Entity just seems terribly offensive to my senses.
Instead, I try to be more explicit and better capture intent by modeling each operation not as a method on a single Service class, but as individual Command classes.
public class ChangePasswordCommand {
public Guid MembershipId { get; set; }
public string CurrentPassword { get; set; }
public string NewPassword { get; set; }
Then, something has to actually do something when this command is sent, so we use handlers:
public interface IHandle<TMessageType> {
void Execute(TMessageType message);
public class ChangePasswordCommandHandler : IHandle<ChangePasswordCommand> {
public ChangePasswordCommandHandler(
IMembershipRepository repo
public void Execute(ChangePasswordCommand command) {
var membership = repo.Get(command.MembershipId);
Commands are dispatched using a simple class that interfaces with our IoC container.
This helps avoids monolithic service classes and makes a project's structure and location of logic much clearer.


How to access Request.Properties outside of Web API Controller

I'm setting a Property on Request.Properties inside a DelegatingHandler after I pluck some data out of a header on an incoming request to a Web API.
This all works fine. I can also access Request.Properties from within the controller as well as in my Action and Exception filters. However, I also need to access this data from outside of the controller (I call a business layer class from the controller). It is data I want to include in some logs in other places,
I can see HttpContext.Current from this class, and I can see the original header from here, so I guess I could pluck it out again, but since I have already done this and put it in the Properties it seems to make more sense to get it from there. However, I don't seem to have access to the Request.Properties from anywhere else.
If this isn't the right way to do this, how else would I pass around this per-request data so that it was accessible from anywhere on the stack in Web API?
I also need to access [Request.Properties] data from outside of the controller (I call a business layer class from the controller). It is data I want to include in some logs in other places... However, I don't seem to have access to the Request.Properties from anywhere else. If this isn't the right way to do this, how else would I pass around this per-request data so that it was accessible from anywhere on the stack in Web API?
You can get it from HttpContext.Current, though it is less than ideal. Keep in mind that if any other non-web applications consume the same business layer, then HttpContext.Current would be null. HttpContext.Current is only non-null when you are running in IIS, and an IIS thread is handling the execution of the request stack. If you ever plan to self-host the web api using OWIN without IIS, there will be no HttpContext.Current.
Personally, if the data really is important enough to be passed into the business layer to be logged, then I would just pass it to the business layer method:
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> SomeAction(SomeModel model) {
... other code
someBusinessLayerObject.SomeMethod(arg1, arg2, Request.Properties["myHeaderKey"]);
...If you need other values from Request.Properties, then you can just pass the whole dictionary to the methods that will end up using its values.
A third option if you are using an inversion of control container would be to add some kind of scoped object dependency class and put the data in there. Then constructor inject it into your business layer class:
public interface IHaveRequestData {
IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; set; }
public class RequestData : IHaveRequestData {
public IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; set; }
// ioc registration pseudocode
iocContainer.Register<IHaveRequestData, RequestData>(Lifetime
public class SomeController : ApiController {
private readonly IHaveRequestData RequestData;
public SomeController(IHaveRequestData requestData) {
RequestData = requestData;
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> SomeAction() {
// you may even be able to do this part in an action filter
RequestData.Properties = Request.Properties;
public class SomeBusinessLayerComponent {
private readonly IHaveRequestData RequestData;
private readonly ILog Log;
public SomeBusinessLayerComponent(IHaveRequestData requestData, ILog log) {
RequestData = requestData;
Log = log;
public Task SomeMethod() {

Repository OO Design - Multiple Specifications

I have a pretty standard repository interface:
public interface IRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
TDomainEntity Find(Guid id);
void Add(TDomainEntity entity);
void Update(TDomainEntity entity);
We can use various infrastructure implementations in order to provide default functionality (e.g. Entity Framework, DocumentDb, Table Storage, etc). This is what the Entity Framework implementation looks like (without any actual EF code, for simplicity sake):
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
public TDomainEntity Find(Guid id)
// Find, map and return entity using Entity Framework
public void Add(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
// Insert entity using Entity Framework
public void Update(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
// Update entity using Entity Framework
There is a mapping between the TDomainEntity domain entity (aggregate) and the TDataEntity Entity Framework data entity (database table). I will not go into detail as to why there are separate domain and data entities. This is a philosophy of Domain Driven Design (read about aggregates). What's important to understand here is that the repository will only ever expose the domain entity.
To make a new repository for, let's say, "users", I could define the interface like this:
public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>
// I can add more methods over and above those in IRepository
And then use the Entity Framework implementation to provide the basic Find, Add and Update functionality for the aggregate:
public class UserRepository : EntityFrameworkRepository<Stop, StopEntity>, IUserRepository
// I can implement more methods over and above those in IUserRepository
The above solution has worked great. But now we want to implement deletion functionality. I have proposed the following interface (which is an IRepository):
public interface IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
: IRepository<TDomainEntity>
void Delete(TDomainEntity item);
The Entity Framework implementation class would now look something like this:
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity, IDeleteableDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
// Find(), Add() and Update() ...
public void Delete(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
entity.IsDeleted = true;
entity.DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Update entity using Entity Framework
// ...
As defined in the class above, the TDataEntity generic now also needs to be of type IDeleteableDataEntity, which requires the following properties:
public interface IDeleteableDataEntity
bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
DateTime DeletedDate { get; set; }
These properties are set accordingly in the Delete() implementation.
This means that, IF required, I can define IUserRepository with "deletion" capabilities which would inherently be taken care of by the relevant implementation:
public interface IUserRepository : IDeleteableRepository<User>
Provided that the relevant Entity Framework data entity is an IDeleteableDataEntity, this would not be an issue.
The great thing about this design is that I can start granualising the repository model even further (IUpdateableRepository, IFindableRepository, IDeleteableRepository, IInsertableRepository) and aggregate repositories can now expose only the relevant functionality as per our specification (perhaps you should be allowed to insert into a UserRepository but NOT into a ClientRepository). Further to this, it specifies a standarised way in which certain repository actions are done (i.e. the updating of IsDeleted and DeletedDate columns will be universal and are not at the hand of the developer).
A problem with the above design arises when I want to create a repository for some aggregate WITHOUT deletion capabilities, e.g:
public interface IClientRepository : IRepository<Client>
The EntityFrameworkRepository implementation still requires TDataEntity to be of type IDeleteableDataEntity.
I can ensure that the client data entity model does implement IDeleteableDataEntity, but this is misleading and incorrect. There will be additional fields that are never updated.
The only solution I can think of is to remove the IDeleteableDataEntity generic condition from TDataEntity and then cast to the relevant type in the Delete() method:
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
// Find() and Update() ...
public void Delete(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
var deleteableEntity = entity as IDeleteableEntity;
if(deleteableEntity != null)
deleteableEntity.IsDeleted = true;
deleteableEntity.DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
entity = deleteableEntity;
// Update entity using Entity Framework
// ...
Because ClientRepository does not implement IDeleteableRepository, there will be no Delete() method exposed, which is good.
Can anyone advise of a better architecture which leverages the C# typing system and does not involve the hacky cast?
Interestly enough, I could do this if C# supported multiple inheritance (with separate concrete implementation for finding, adding, deleting, updating).
I do think that you're complicating things a bit too much trying to get the most generic solution of them all, however I think there's a pretty easy solution to your current problem.
TDataEntity is a persistence data structure, it has no Domain value and it's not known outside the persistence layer. So it can have fields it won't ever use, the repository is the only one knowing that, it'a persistence detail . You can afford to be 'sloppy' here, things aren't that important at this level.
Even the 'hacky' cast is a good solution because it's in one place and a private detail.
It's good to have clean and maintainable code everywhere, however we can't afford to waste time coming up with 'perfect' solutions at every layer. Personally, for view and persistence models I prefer the quickest and simplest solutions even if they're a bit smelly.
P.S: As a thumb rule, generic repository interfaces are good, generic abstract repositories not so much (you need to be careful) unless you're serializing things or using a doc db.

How to tackle behavior variation with StructureMap?

I have a set of componentes registered to StructureMap. What should be the best way to resolve a component depending on the actual Tenant?
Small example:
There are two tenants, say, Yellow and Green.
I have an IValidator that has two implementations: YellowValidator and GreenValidator.
Say the application is MVC and that the tentant comes form the URL.
So, I just need the proper IValidator to be injected depending on the tenant.
I've seen many solutions for multi-tenant applications that deals only with multitenancy of data, normaly configuring different databases depending on the tenant. That involves only parameter passing. But this is the case where variation occurs in behavior, not in data. I want the IoC container to Resolve the right instance transparently.
EDIT: more info:
The IValidator interface have a simple method bool Validate(), but the implementation require some injection.
There are other custom validators, but they are used by both tenants.
There is a clear tentant strategy based on the URL. This means that each request can have a different tenant, and that a single application serves both tenants.
There are many ways to skin a cat. It's hard for me to guess the design of your application, so here is an idea. Things that come in mind are to hide validators behind a composite, to allow users of the IValidator interface to know nothing about having many implementations. Such composite can look like this:
public class ValidatorComposite : IValidator
private IEnumerable<IValidator> validators;
public ValidatorComposite(
IEnumerable<IValidator> validators)
this.validators = validators;
public bool Validate(object instance)
return this.validators.All(v => v.Validate(instance));
You can create multiple composites and register them by key where the key is the name of the tenant (but without keyed registrations is probably just as easy). Those composites can be wrapped in yet another composite that will delegate to the proper tenant-specific composite. Such a tenant-selecting composite could look like this:
public class TenantValidatorComposite : IValidator
private ITenantContext tenantContext;
private IValidator defaultValidator;
private IDictionary<string, IValidator> tenantValidators;
public ValidatorComposite(
ITenantContext tenantContext,
IValidator defaultValidator,
IDictionary<string, IValidator> tenantValidators)
this.tenantContext = tenantContext;
this.defaultValidator = defaultValidator;
this.tenantValidators = tenantValidators;
public bool Validate(object instance)
string name = this.tenantContext.CurrentTenant.Name;
return this.defaultValidator.Validate(instance) &&
The ITenantContext is an abstraction that allows you to get the current tenant within the current context. You probably already have something like that in place, but I imagine an implementation to look something like this:
class UrlBasedTenantContext : ITenantContext
public Tenant Current
// Naive implementation.
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Contains("tenant1"))
return Tenant1;
return Tenant2;
Create a TenantValidatorComposite would be easy:
var defaultValidator = CompositeValidator(
var tenantValidators = new Dictionary<string, IValidator>()
{ "tenant1", new CompositeValidator(GetValidatorsFor("tenant1")) },
{ "tenant2", new CompositeValidator(GetValidatorsFor("tenant2")) },
var tenantValidator = new TenantValidatorComposite(
new UrlBasedTenantContext(),
I hope this helps.

Optimum Way To Restore Domain Object

This is such a simple and common scenario I wonder how did I managed until now and why I have problems now.
I have this object (part of the Infrastructure assembly)
public class Queue {}
public class QueueItem
public QueueItem(int blogId,string name,Type command,object data)
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
BlogId = blogId;
CommandType = command;
ParamValue = data;
CommandName = name;
AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
public Guid Id { get; internal set; }
public int BlogId { get; private set; }
public string CommandName { get; set; }
public Type CommandType { get; private set; }
public object ParamValue { get; private set; }
public DateTime AddedOn { get; private set; }
public DateTime? ExecutedOn { get; private set; }
public void ExecuteIn(ILifetimeScope ioc)
throw new NotImplementedException();
This will be created in another assembly like this
var qi = new QueueItem(1,"myname",typeof(MyCommand),null);
Nothing unusal here. However, this object will be sent t oa repository where it will be persisted.The Queue object will ask the repository for items. The repository should re-create QueueItem objects.
However, as you see, the QueueItem properties are invariable, the AddedOn property should be set only once when the item is created. The Id property will be set by the Queue object (this is not important).
The question is how should I recreate the QueueItem in the repository? I can have another constructor which will require every value for ALL the properties, but I don't want that constructor available for the assembly that will create the queue item initially. The repository is part of a different assembly so internal won't work.
I thought about providing a factory method
class QueueItem
/* of definitions.. */
public static QueueItem Restore(/* list of params*/){}
which at least clears the intent, but I don't know why I don't like this approach. I could also enforce the item creation only by the Queue , but that means to pass the Queue as a dependency to the repo which again isn't something I'd like. To have a specific factory object for this, also seems way overkill.
Basically my question is: what is the optimum way to recreate an object in the repository, without exposing that specific creational functionality to another consumer object.
It's important to note that by repository I mean the pattern itself as an abstraction, not a wrapper over an ORM. It doesn't matter how or where the domain objects are persisted. It matters how can be re-created by the repository. Another important thing is that my domain model is different from the persistence model. I do use a RDBMS but I think this is just an implementation detail which should not bear any importance, since I'm looking for way that doesn't depend on a specific storage access.
While this is a specific scenario, it can applied to basically every object that will be restored by the repo.
Ok I don't know how I could forget about AutoMapper. I was under the wrong impression it can't map private fields/setter but it can, and I think this is the best solution.
In fact I can say the optimum solutions (IMO) are in order:
Directly deserializing, if available.
Factory method on the domain object itself.
The first two don't require the object to do anyting in particular, while the third requires the object to provide functionality for that case (a way to enter valid state data). It has clear intent but it pretty much does a mapper job.
Answer Updated
To answer myself, in this case the optimum way is to use a factory method. Initially I opted for the Automapper but I found myself using the factory method more often. Automapper can be useful sometimes but in quite a lot of cases it's not enough.
An ORM framework would take care of that for you. You just have to tell it to rehydrate an object and a regular instance of the domain class will be served to you (sometimes you only have to declare properties as virtual or protected, in NHibernate for instance). The reason is because under the hood, they usually operate on proxy objects derived from your base classes, allowing you to keep these base classes intact.
If you want to implement your own persistence layer though, it's a whole nother story. Rehydrating an object from the database without breaking the scope constraints originally defined in the object is likely to involve reflection. You also have to think about a lot of side concerns : if your object has a reference to another object, you must rehydrate that one before, etc.
You can have a look at that tutorial : Build Your Own dataAccess Layer although I wouldn't recommend reinventing the wheel in most cases.
You talked about a factory method on the object itself. But DDD states that entities should be created by a factory. So you should have a QueueItemFactory that can create new QueueItems and restore existing QueueItems.
Ok I don't know how I could forget about AutoMapper.
I wish I could forget about AutoMapper. Just looking at the hideous API gives me shivers down my spine.

DbContext, EF, & LINQ - Whats the best way to expose methods on DbContext via an Interface?

I am pretty new to EF and DBContext, and so am looking for some advise as to the best way to set out my code for a WCF service using EF, Stored Procs, or SQL.
The Background
I have an MVC3 front end that is hooked up to a WCF service layer for the Data access (Oracle). The actual Data access is via a separate DAO class library.
My goal is to have the service layer consume an interface only, on which it can call a set of methods to return the data. I do not want the service layer aware that we are using EF for the queries, as I may replace the slow EF bits with Stored Procs or plain SQL text as an when required.
Where I'm upto at the moment
I have an Interface for my database IDB, and a concreate implementation of IDB, MyDB, that also implements DBContext. MyDb then has a couple of derived classes called MyStdDB and MySecureDB. When I want the interface, I call my factory method which works out if I need a standard or secure db, and then returns that into my interface variable.
WCF Code:
public List<string> GetAccount() {
IDB _db = DBFactory.GetInstance();
return _db.GetAccount();
DBFactory code:
pubilc class DBFactory {
pubilc static IDB GetInstance()
if bSecure
return MySecureDB;
return MyStdDB;
So when I want to ask for a query I want to ask _db.GetAccount() within my Service call. At the moment I have added this as an extension method on the IDB interface. The reason for that was to prevent the service seeing my EF entities, and it allows spearation of the qqueries into logical files, eg. Class full of CUSTOMER queries, class full of ACCOUNT queries.
IDB Code:
public interface IDB : IDisposable
ObjectContext UnderlyingContext { get; }
int SaveChanges();
MyDB Code:
public class MyDB : DbContext, IDB
ObjectContext IDB.UnderlyingContext
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
int IDB.SaveChanges()
return SaveChanges();
public DbSet<Customer> Customer { get; set; }
Extension Method:
public static List<string> GetAccount(this IDB _db)
The Issue
As you may see, I have to cast the interface into the concrete object so that I can get to the EF entities. This is because the entities are on the implementation of the class rather than the interface. The Extension method is in my DAO class library, so that would change when my IDB implmentation changed, but I still dont like it.
Is there a better way to do this? Am I looking at DI?
The big drivers for me are:
Access to the database must be via an interface only, as we may be replacing the db soon.
The data access methods must be hidden from the service. I should only be able to access data via the methods provided by the interface/extension methods etc.
The workaround is moving your GetAccount to IDB instead of using extension methods:
public interface IDB : IDisposable
ObjectContext UnderlyingContext { get; }
List<string> GetAccount();
int SaveChanges();
It solves your issue because MyDB will implement the method and all derived classes will use implementation as well. If they provide other implementation they will simply override it.
The data access methods must be hidden from the service. I should only
be able to access data via the methods provided by the
interface/extension methods etc.
But they are not. The method / property is hidden if it is not public but currently any your service can convert IDB to MyDB and access DbSet directly.