SQL dependency on relational tables - sql

I have two related tables (tbVehicles and tbVehiclesDoc) I am running the below sql dependency but it is firring many time and my program freezes. please assist.
I want the program to update these tables when another user modifies them.
my Code:
Public Sub getdata()
If tbdataset.Tables.Contains("tbVehicles") Then
If tbdataset.Tables("tbVehiclesDoc") IsNot Nothing Then
For f As Integer = tbdataset.Tables("tbVehiclesDoc").ChildRelations.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
End If
tbdataset.EnforceConstraints = True
End If
gridVehicles.DataSource = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
' Exit Sub
End Try
command.Notification = Nothing
Dim dependency As New SqlDependency(command)
AddHandler dependency.OnChange, AddressOf dependency_OnChange
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
adapter.Fill(tbdataset, "tbVehicles")
End Sub
Private Sub toupdate()
If CanRequestNotifications() Then
If connection Is Nothing Then
connection = New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())
End If
If connection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
If command Is Nothing Then
command = New SqlCommand(GETSQL(), connection)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GETSQL() As String
Return "Select Rtrim(VehcID) as VehcID,RTrim(VehcModel), Rtrim(VehcRegNo) as VehcRegNo, Rtrim(VehcFourWheel), Rtrim(VehcCondition), Rtrim(VehcLastKM),Rtrim(VehcBranch), Rtrim(VehcDepartment), Rtrim(VehcDriver), Rtrim(VehcRemarks), VehcPic from dbo.tbVehicles"
End Function
Private Sub dependency_OnChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SqlNotificationEventArgs)
' This event will occur on a thread pool thread.
' It is illegal to update the UI from a worker thread
' The following code checks to see if it is safe
' update the UI.
Dim i As ISynchronizeInvoke = CType(Me, ISynchronizeInvoke)
' If InvokeRequired returns True, the code
' is executing on a worker thread.
If i.InvokeRequired Then
' Create a delegate to perform the thread switch
Dim tempDelegate As New OnChangeEventHandler( _
AddressOf dependency_OnChange)
Dim args() As Object = {sender, e}
' Marshal the data from the worker thread
' to the UI thread.
i.BeginInvoke(tempDelegate, args)
End If
' Remove the handler since it's only good
' for a single notification
Dim dependency As SqlDependency = _
CType(sender, SqlDependency)
RemoveHandler dependency.OnChange, _
AddressOf dependency_OnChange
' Reload the dataset that's bound to the grid.
End Sub


How to correctly use synclock to only allow one call to a function at a time

I have code that sends a ping to a batch of computers, and opens a VNC session to any that respond that they are online.
The pings are sent in a parallel.foreach loop, and an event is raised when a reply is receieved.
Despite putting a synclock block around the AddHost code, it is still being entered by multiple threads simultaneously.
I think it has something to do with the code being called by a raiseevent on another object.
This is the method that is handling the event
Private Sub AddHost(hostname As String)
' panesList is an list(of RemoteDesktop) prepopulated with 36 individual RemoteDesktop objects
Dim vnc As RemoteDesktop = panesList(Position)
vnc.GetPassword = New AuthenticateDelegate(Function() vncPassword)
SyncLock Semaphore
If Position = 36 Then
End If
vnc.Connect(hostname, 0, True, True)
Position += 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub HandleConnect(hostFilter As String)
AddHandler OnlineFinder.LiveComputer, AddressOf AddHost
Dim bg As New Task(Sub() OnlineFinder.CheckFilteredASync(hostFilter))
' AddHandler OnlineFinder.SearchComplete, AddressOf Finished
End Sub
From the object OnlineFinder.vb
Public Sub CheckFilteredASync(filterString As String)
Dim Ctable As DataTable = CTableAdapter.GetDataByPartName($"{filterString}%")
Dim clist As New List(Of String)
For Each drow As DataRow In Ctable.Rows
clist.Add(drow.Field(Of String)("Name"))
Searching = True
Dim parallelLoopResult = Parallel.ForEach(clist, Sub(site) Ping(site))
RaiseEvent SearchComplete()
End Sub
Private Sub Ping(host As String)
If ValidPing(host) Then
RaiseEvent LiveComputer(host)
End If
End Sub
How should I be doing this so only one event is processed at a time (but it doesn't hang the UI)

Creating an object when named pipe receives message

I have been creating a single instance application using a Mutex.
In the Sub Main code, the app checks to see if it is the first instance, if so it starts the form (called MainForm). The MainForm creates an asynchronous named pipe server to receive arguments passed from a new instance.
If the app is not the first instance, Sub Main creates a named pipe client, sends the command line arguments through to the first app, and proceeds to exit.
The application is tab-based, and each command line argument is a file path, which is used to create the tab. The argument is received (I can MsgBox() it), but when I try to pass it as an argument to the control I'm creating, nothing happen
Pipe classes:
Namespace Pipes
' Delegate for passing received message back to caller
Public Delegate Sub DelegateMessage(Reply As String)
Public Class PipeServer
Public Event PipeMessage As DelegateMessage
Private _pipeName As String
Public Sub Listen(PipeName As String)
' Set to class level var so we can re-use in the async callback method
_pipeName = PipeName
' Create the new async pipe
Dim pipeServer As New NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, PipeDirection.[In], 1, PipeTransmissionMode.[Byte], PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' Wait for a connection
pipeServer.BeginWaitForConnection(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf WaitForConnectionCallBack), pipeServer)
Catch oEX As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub WaitForConnectionCallBack(iar As IAsyncResult)
' Get the pipe
Dim pipeServer As NamedPipeServerStream = DirectCast(iar.AsyncState, NamedPipeServerStream)
' End waiting for the connection
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(254) {}
' Read the incoming message
pipeServer.Read(buffer, 0, 255)
' Convert byte buffer to string
Dim stringData As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
Debug.WriteLine(stringData + Environment.NewLine)
' Pass message back to calling form
RaiseEvent PipeMessage(stringData)
' Kill original sever and create new wait server
pipeServer = Nothing
pipeServer = New NamedPipeServerStream(_pipeName, PipeDirection.[In], 1, PipeTransmissionMode.[Byte], PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' Recursively wait for the connection again and again....
pipeServer.BeginWaitForConnection(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf WaitForConnectionCallBack), pipeServer)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Class PipeClient
Public Sub Send(SendStr As String, PipeName As String, Optional TimeOut As Integer = 1000)
Dim pipeStream As New NamedPipeClientStream(".", PipeName, PipeDirection.Out, PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' The connect function will indefinitely wait for the pipe to become available
' If that is not acceptable specify a maximum waiting time (in ms)
Debug.WriteLine("[Client] Pipe connection established")
Dim _buffer As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SendStr)
pipeStream.BeginWrite(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, AddressOf AsyncSend, pipeStream)
Catch oEX As TimeoutException
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub AsyncSend(iar As IAsyncResult)
' Get the pipe
Dim pipeStream As NamedPipeClientStream = DirectCast(iar.AsyncState, NamedPipeClientStream)
' End the write
Catch oEX As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
MainForm logic:
#Region "Pipes"
Public ArgumentPipe As New Pipes.PipeServer
Public Sub RecievedMessage(reply As String)
GetMainformHook.Invoke(MySTDelegate, reply)
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeServer()
AddHandler ArgumentPipe.PipeMessage, AddressOf RecievedMessage
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub RecievedMessageDel(txt As String)
Public MySTDelegate As RecievedMessageDel = AddressOf SetText
Public Sub SetText(txt)
TabStrip1.AddTab(txt.ToString) 'PROBLEM OCCURS HERE
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetMainformHook() As MainForm
Return Application.OpenForms("MainForm")
End Function
Public Shared Function GetTabControl() As TabStrip
Return CType(Application.OpenForms("MainForm"), MainForm).TabStrip1
End Function
Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
#End Region
In Sub Main when sending argument:
Dim _pipeClient = New Pipes.PipeClient()
If cmdArgs.Length > 0 Then
For i = 0 To cmdArgs.Length - 1
_pipeClient.Send(cmdArgs(i), _pipename, 1000)
End If
_pipename is a global string like "myappv6"
Am I missing something?
I'm thinking this has something to do with cross threading, but can't pinpoint where to fix it.

VB.NET accessing class objects from launched thread

I am writing an application in VB.NET that allows users to schedule submissions (emails) to be sent at a later date. I use threads to wait until the time is right to send a particular submission, but for some reason I can't access one of the class objects from the listener threads (or something else is happening, that's what I'm trying to figure out). Here is the relevant code:
Public Class AppContext
Inherits ApplicationContext
Private submsnMngr As SubmissionManager
Public Sub New()
submsnMgr = New SubmissionManager()
menuAddEdit = New ToolStripMenuItem("Add/Edit Submissions")
End Sub
Private Sub menuAddEdit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles menuAddEdit.Click
' The user clicking this tray button is the ONLY way that the form can be shown
End Sub
End Class
Class SubmissionManager
Public currentSubmissions As SubmissionList
Public WelcomeForm As Welcome
Public Sub ShowWelcome()
If WelcomeForm Is Nothing Then
' Welcome is the form that needs to be refreshed down in the MailSender subroutine
WelcomeForm = New Welcome(Me)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub CheckDates()
For Each submsn In currentSubmissions.Submissions
SyncLock submsn
If Today.Date >= submsn.EffDate.AddDays(-90).Date And Not submsn.Sent90 And Not submsn.Denied90 And submsn.Thread Is Nothing Then
submsn.Sent90 = True
ElseIf Today.Date = submsn.EffDate.AddDays(-91).Date And submsn.Thread Is Nothing Then
Dim thd As New Thread(AddressOf MailSender)
thd.IsBackground = True
submsn.Thread = thd
Dim args As New ThreadArgs(submsn.Insured, 1)
End If
If Today.Date >= submsn.EffDate.AddDays(-60).Date And submsn.Thread Is Nothing Then
If WelcomeForm IsNot Nothing Then
End If
ElseIf Today.Date = submsn.EffDate.AddDays(-61).Date And submsn.Thread Is Nothing Then
Dim thd As New Thread(AddressOf MailSender)
thd.IsBackground = True
submsn.Thread = thd
Dim args As New ThreadArgs(submsn.Insured, 2)
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub DateListener()
End Sub
Private Sub MailSender(args As ThreadArgs)
Dim wait As New TimeSpan(14 - DateTime.Now.Hour, 23 - DateTime.Now.Minute, 0)
Dim submsn As Submission = currentSubmissions.GetSubmission(args.insured)
SyncLock submsn
If args.mode = 1 Then
submsn.Sent90 = True
submsn.Thread = Nothing
End If
End SyncLock
If WelcomeForm IsNot Nothing Then
' Here is the issue, this code is not being run, even though WelcomeForm is set
' in New() above
End If
End Sub
End Class
Paying special attention to the few comment lines in the code above, why is WelcomeForm Nothing when I clearly set it to reference the form created in the New() subroutine? I tried alternatively sending the reference to the MailSender thread as an argument, but the same thing happened. Note that I need the If statement there because the user may have closed the form before the thread gets to that point. But it is essential that RefreshSubmissions() be called on it if it is still open.
Sorry guys, realized my thread was being aborted elsewhere in my application's code. No problems with the actual code I posted above.

Multithreading A Function in VB.Net

I am trying to multi thread my application so as it is visible while it is executing the process, this is what I have so far:
Private Sub SendPOST(ByVal URL As String)
Dim DataBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("")
Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(URL.Trim & "/webdav/"), HttpWebRequest)
Request.Method = "POST"
Request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Request.ContentLength = DataBytes.Length
Request.Timeout = 1000
Request.ReadWriteTimeout = 1000
Dim PostData As Stream = Request.GetRequestStream()
PostData.Write(DataBytes, 0, DataBytes.Length)
Dim Response As WebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
Dim ResponseStream As Stream = Response.GetResponseStream()
Dim StreamReader As New IO.StreamReader(ResponseStream)
Dim Text As String = StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.ToString.Contains("401") Then
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & URL & "/webdav/" & vbNewLine
End If
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub G0()
Dim siteSplit() As String = TextBox1.Text.Split(vbNewLine)
For i = 0 To siteSplit.Count - 1
If siteSplit(i).Contains("http://") Then
SendPOST("http://" & siteSplit(i).Trim)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim t As Thread
t = New Thread(AddressOf Me.G0)
End Sub
However, the 'G0' sub code is not being executed at all, and I need to multi thread the 'SendPOST' as that is what slows the application.
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
A very effective way to stop .NET from telling you what you did wrong. Not knowing why it doesn't work is however the inevitable outcome.
Delete that.
Public Class Form1
'This just shows some concepts of threading.
'it isn't intended to do anything
'requires a Button, and two Labels
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
'starts / stops a test thread
'isRun = 0 no thread running, start one
'isRun = 1 thread running, stop it
If Threading.Interlocked.Read(isRun) = 0L Then
'start thread
t = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf showTime)
'simple threading app - display time about twice per second
t.IsBackground = True 'from a background thread
'stop thread
Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(isRun, 0L)
t.Join() 'wait for thread to end
intervalList.Clear() 'clear the list
Label1.Text = "Stop"
Label2.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Dim t As Threading.Thread
Dim intervalList As New List(Of Double)
Dim listLock As New Object
Dim isRun As Long = 0L
Private Sub showTime()
Dim dlgt As New UpdLblDel(AddressOf UpdateLabel) 'delegate for UI access
Dim lastDateTime As DateTime = Nothing
Dim d As DateTime = DateTime.Now
If lastDateTime <> Nothing Then
'record difference of times - check sleep interval
intervalList.Add((d - lastDateTime).TotalMilliseconds)
End If
lastDateTime = DateTime.Now
dlgt.BeginInvoke(d, Nothing, Nothing) 'update the UI - note immediate return
Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) 'sleep for approx. 500 ms.
Loop While Threading.Interlocked.Read(isRun) = 1L
End Sub
Delegate Sub UpdLblDel(ByVal theTime As Object)
Private Sub UpdateLabel(ByVal theTime As Object)
If Threading.Interlocked.Read(isRun) = 1L Then
If Label1.InvokeRequired Then 'prevent cross-thread errors
Label1.BeginInvoke(New UpdLblDel(AddressOf UpdateLabel), theTime)
Exit Sub
Label1.Text = CType(theTime, DateTime).ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") 'show the time from the background thread
End If
If Threading.Interlocked.Read(intervalList.Count) >= 10L Then
'take average
Dim avg As Double = intervalList.Sum / intervalList.Count 'sum all of the intervals / count
intervalList.Clear() 'clear the list
intervalList.Add(avg) 'forward the average
Label2.Text = avg.ToString("n2") 'show average
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
You have to wrap the method that accesses the UI component in a delegate (it doesn't have to be a named delegate; it can be anonymous or an Action or Func), and then pass that to Me.Invoke, as others have alluded to.
In this example, I'm wrapping the split functionality in a lambda, and assigning that lambda to a variable of type Func(Of String()). I then pass that variable to Me.Invoke.
Public Sub G0()
Dim siteSplitFunc As Func(Of String()) = Function() _
Dim siteSplit As String() = CType(Me.Invoke(siteSplitFunc), String())
For i = 0 To siteSplit.Count - 1
If siteSplit(i).Contains("http://") Then
SendPOST("http://" & siteSplit(i).Trim)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Do something useful
End Try
End Sub
You cannot access UI object directly from a thread.
When you want to read/write a textbox, you have to do it in the UI thread. This can be done by using Invoke. Or better yet, send/receive the information with parameters.
Here's a Delegate and a matching method. You call the method to update the textbox and it figures out if it should proxy the method for you by basically asking form if its on the same thread:
Private Delegate Sub UpdateTextBoxDelegate(ByVal text As String)
Private Sub UpdateTextBox(ByVal text As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New UpdateTextBoxDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTextBox), text)
TextBox2.Text &= text
End If
End Sub
To use it, just change your catch statement to:
If ex.ToString.Contains("401") Then
UpdateTextBox(URL & "/webdav/" & vbNewLine)
End If

Form is not updating, after custom class event is fired

I'm having an issue where my main form isn't updating even though I see the event fire off. Let me explain the situation and share some of my code which I'm sure will be horrible since I'm an amateur.
I created a class to take in the settings for running a process in the background. I add some custom events in that class so I could use that in my form instead of a timer.
I put a break on the two subs for that handle those events and I see them get kicked off as soon as an install starts.
I look at the data and it's coming across and no exceptions are thrown.
At first I thought it was because the datagridview had some latency issues. I set that to be double buffered through some tricks I found but it didn't matter. There was still a roughly 10 second delay before the data showed up in the datagrid.
I thought about it and decided I really didn't need a datagridview and replaced the control with a multiline textbox, but it didn't make a difference. It's still taking 10 seconds or longer to show updates to the form/textbox.
I've included some of my code below.
Public Shared WithEvents np As NewProcess
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
np = New NewProcess
AddHandler np.InstallFinished, AddressOf np_InstallFinished
AddHandler np.InstallStarted, AddressOf np_InstallStarted
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub np_InstallFinished(ByVal Description As String, ByVal ExitCode As Integer)
InstallInProcess = False
If Not Description = Nothing Then
If Not ExitCode = Nothing Then
AddLog(String.Format("Completed install of {0} ({1}).", Description, ExitCode))
AddLog(String.Format("Completed install of {0}.", Description))
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub np_InstallStarted(ByVal Description As String)
InstallInProcess = True
If Not Description = Nothing Then AddLog(String.Format("Started the install of {0}.", Description))
End Sub
Public Class NewProcess
Dim ProcessName As String
Dim ProcessVisibile As Boolean
Dim Arguments As String
Dim WaitforExit As Boolean
Dim Description As String
Dim ShellExecute As Boolean
Dim EC As Integer = Nothing 'Exit Code
Private IsBusy As Boolean = Nothing
Dim th As Threading.Thread
Public Event InstallFinished(ByVal Description As String, ByVal ExitCode As Integer)
Public Event InstallStarted(ByVal Description As String)
Public Function Busy() As Boolean
If IsBusy = Nothing Then Return False
Return IsBusy
End Function
Public Function ExitCode() As Integer
Return EC
End Function
Public Function ProcessDescription() As String
Return Description
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Starts a new multithreaded process.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="path">Path of the File to run</param>
''' <param name="Visible">Should application be visible?</param>
''' <param name="Arg">Arguments</param>
''' <param name="WaitforExit">Wait for application to exit?</param>
''' <param name="Description">Description that will show up in logs</param>
''' <remarks>Starts a new multithreaded process.</remarks>
Public Sub StartProcess(ByVal path As String, ByVal Visible As Boolean, Optional ByVal Arg As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal WaitforExit As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Description As String = Nothing)
Me.ProcessName = path
Me.ProcessVisibile = Visible
If Arguments = Nothing Then Me.Arguments = Arg
Me.Description = Description
Me.WaitforExit = WaitforExit
If IsBusy And WaitforExit Then
MessageBox.Show("Another install is already in process, please wait for previous install to finish.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
Exit Sub
End If
If Not fn_FileExists(ProcessName) Then
MessageBox.Show("Could not find file " & ProcessName & ".", "Could not start process because file is missing.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
th = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf NewThread)
With th
.IsBackground = True
If Not Description Is Nothing Then .Name = Description
End With
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub NewThread()
Dim p As Process
p = New Process
With p
.EnableRaisingEvents = True
.StartInfo.Arguments = Arguments
.StartInfo.FileName = ProcessName
.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = ProcessVisibile
End With
If ProcessVisibile Then
p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
End If
IsBusy = True
RaiseEvent InstallStarted(Description)
If WaitforExit Then
Do While p.HasExited = False
IsBusy = False
RaiseEvent InstallFinished(Description, p.ExitCode)
End If
EC = p.ExitCode
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
ProcessName = Nothing
ProcessVisibile = Nothing
Arguments = Nothing
WaitforExit = Nothing
Description = Nothing
EC = Nothing
InstallInProcess = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Sub AddLog(ByVal s As String)
s = String.Format("[{0}] {1}", TimeOfDay.ToShortTimeString, s)
Form1.tbLogs.AppendText(s & vbCrLf)
Using st As New StreamWriter(LogFilePath, True)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Any idea's? I'm at a complete loss.
I've tried adding application.doevents, me.refresh and quite a few other things :(
Form1.tbLogs.AppendText(s & vbCrLf)
Standard VB.NET trap. Form1 is a class name, not a reference to the form. Unfortunately, VB.NET implemented an anachronism from VB6 where that was legal. It however falls apart when you use threads. You'll get another form object automatically created, one that isn't visible because its Show() method was never called. Otherwise dead as a doornail since the thread is not pumping a message loop.
You'll need to pass a reference to the actual form object that the user is looking at to the worker class. The value of Me in the Form1 code. You will also have to use Control.Invoke since it isn't legal to update controls from another thread. I recommend you fire an event instead, one that Form1 can subscribe to, so that your worker class isn't infected with implementation details of the UI.
Some suggestions:
First make it work without threads. (Ironical you call yourself an amateur, It so happened I only learned to do that after I was past the 'amateur' stage)
Don't try to update the GUI Controls from a background thread. That's forbidden in windows. I'm not sure that's what you do (no VB guru), but it sure looks like it.
Use the .net BackgroundWorker class. It has builtin functionality to talk back to the main thread from a background thread. It's not perfect but a good start.
You got me pointed in the right direction. Thanks Hans. This was my solution:
Private Sub SetText(ByVal [text] As String)
If Me.tbLogs.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[text]})
Me.tbLogs.Text = [text]
End If
End Sub
Private Sub np_InstallStarted(ByVal Description As String)
InstallInProcess = True
If Me.tbLogs.Text = "" Then
SetText(String.Format("[{0}] Started the install of {1}.{2}", TimeOfDay.ToShortTimeString, Description, vbCrLf))
SetText(tbLogs.Text & vbCrLf & String.Format("[{0}] Started the install of {1}.{2}", TimeOfDay.ToShortTimeString, Description, vbCrLf))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub np_InstallFinished(ByVal [Description] As String, ByVal [ExitCode] As Integer)
InstallInProcess = False
If Not Description = Nothing Then
If Not ExitCode = Nothing Then
SetText(tbLogs.Text & vbCrLf & String.Format("[{0}] Completed install of {1} ({2}).{3}", TimeOfDay.ToShortTimeString, Description, ExitCode, vbCrLf))
SetText(tbLogs.Text & vbCrLf & String.Format("[{0}] Completed install of {1}.{3}", TimeOfDay.ToShortTimeString, Description, vbCrLf))
End If
End If
End Sub
So when the event kicks off that the install has started or finished, I use the SetText to update the log on the original form.
Problem is I posted that original post as an "unregistered user" so now I'm trying to figure out a way to say the question was answered. Thanks again for your help!