XAML: Tap a textbox to enable? - xaml

In XAML and WinRT, Is there a way to set up a textbox so that it is disabled for text input until it is tapped.
I tried setting up the Tapped event and then setting the IsEnabled=true, but that only seems to work if the IsEnabled=true in the first place.
I found this on MSDN:
Talks about adding the TappedEvent manually to the event handled for each TextBox, which is cumbersome, but also doesn't seem to work unless IsEnabled was already set to true.
Basically, I want a form where all textboxes display data but are disabled unless the user taps to enable the box and then type.

You can use IsReadOnly instead of IsEnabled to achieve what you are looking for. In addition, you can set up the tapped event handlers in code easily. I'm not sure if setting up handlers in code is a requirement for this to work, as you noted above; however, it does simplify things.
Here are the details.
In the constructor of your page class (here it is MainPage), call the setup function:
public MainPage()
// call the setup for the textboxes
Here is where we do the magic - make all textboxes on this page readonly and set up tap handler:
private void SetupTextBoxes()
var tbs = GetVisualChildren<TextBox>(this, true);
foreach (var tb in tbs)
tb.IsReadOnly = true;
tb.AddHandler(TappedEvent, new TappedEventHandler(tb_Tapped), true);
Utility function to get a list of all children of the given type (T) of the passed in parent.
private List<T> GetVisualChildren<T>(DependencyObject parent, bool recurse = true)
where T : DependencyObject
var children = new List<T>();
int numVisuals = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
for (int i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++)
DependencyObject v = (DependencyObject)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
var child = v as T;
if (child == null && recurse)
var myChildren = GetVisualChildren<T>(v, recurse);
if (child != null)
return children;
Finally, the event handler. This enables each textbox when tapped.
private void tb_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
((TextBox)(sender)).IsReadOnly = false;


MasterDetailView UWP - Access the ListView (or make it scroll)

I recently discovered the UWP Community Toolkit and I loved it. I'm using now the MasterDetailView and it's almost perfect for what I need: but it's missing one important thing: I cannot access the internal "ListView".
In my application I have two buttons: forward and back, and when pressing them I simply go forward and back in the list. I found a trick to access the prev/next element doing like this:
public void GoForward()
if (MasterDetailView.Items.Count > 0)
bool isNextGood = false;
MyItem selectedItem = MasterDetailView.Items[MasterDetailView.Items.Count - 1] as MyItem;
foreach (var v in MasterDetailView.Items)
if (isNextGood)
selectedItem = v as MyItem;
if (v == MasterDetailView.SelectedItem)
isNextGood = true;
MasterDetailView.SelectedItem = selectedItem;
This just because I cannot access the "SelectedIndex" and I have only SelectedItem avaiable. Now, obviously not all the item can be visible at the same time, so MasterDetailView provide a lateral ListView with a scrollbar. When pressing my next/prev buttons SelectedItem changes, but doesn't scroll at the selected element: selection goes forward/back but the list is locked. This produce a very negative feedback because I lost my selection somewhere in the list and I must search it.
How I though to solve it? I try this approaches:
1) Find the style for MasterDetailView. Inside I found a ListViewStyle, so I tried to put inside a simple "SelectionChanged" event and handle it at App.xaml.cs.
<ListView x:Name="MasterList"
ItemContainerStyle="{TemplateBinding ItemContainerStyle}"
ItemTemplate="{TemplateBinding ItemTemplate}"
ItemTemplateSelector="{TemplateBinding ItemTemplateSelector}"
ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding ItemsSource}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
private void MasterList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListView list = sender as ListView;
But, as said, "Events cannot be set in the Application class XAML file".
2) Think about taking the parent of SelectedItem: I tried to convert the SelectedItem in ListViewItem, then access the parent, but it fails at first conversion, as the SelectedItem seems no to be a ListViewItem, but it's of the "MyItem" type. Like this, I cannot access the parent.
private void MasterDetailView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var item = MasterDetailView.SelectedItem as ListViewItem;
var parent = item.Parent;
var list = parent as ListView;
And so I'm here... I don't want to throw away all my work with the MasterDetailView to pass to another control. Is there any simple method to access the list, or simply, scroll the list when I'm changing selection? Just wanna to do one thing, like this:
private void List_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListView list = sender as ListView;
Simply scrolling into selection when selection changed occurred, but I have no simple ListView but a MasterDetailView control. Even if it's done entirely in XAML: the most important thing for me is make scroll this list!
This method is fantastic. Just copy-paste.
public static T FindChildOfType<T>(DependencyObject root) where T : class
var queue = new Queue<DependencyObject>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
DependencyObject current = queue.Dequeue();
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(current); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(current, i);
var typedChild = child as T;
if (typedChild != null)
return typedChild;
return null;
Then simply use it to retrive the list and make it scroll. Yes babe!
private void MasterDetailView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var v = FindChildOfType<ListView>(MasterDetailView);
Please note that "MasterDerailView" Is the x:Name of my element, not the class.
You can use a FindChildOfType implementation to get the ListView through VisualTreeHelper, as indicated in this answer:
Windows UWP - How to programmatically scroll ListView in ContentTemplate

ListView flickering when updating binding collection

I am working on a Windows 10 Universal app and see some flickering issues when I use a ListView in my app. My ListView is using x:Bind to bind to an ObservableCollection in my View Model.
When user performs some actions, or a background update occurs, I do some processing that requires the ObservableCollection to be refreshed.
private ObservableCollection<Item> UIItems = new ObservableCollection<Item>();
private bool IsUpdating = false;
private void UpdateUIProperties(List<Item> newItems)
DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
IsUpdating = true;
foreach (var item in newItems)
if (item.IsVisible)
IsUpdating = false;
After this code gets executed, the ListView flickers and then the Scrollviewer goes all the way to the top. Is there any way to prevent this and have the ListView's ScrollViewer stay at its original offset?
A solution that seem to work for me is to bind the Itemsource to an Observable collection and then have another collection that contains the items that you want to add. Have the Item in the collection implement the interface below. When you want to update the collection use the MergeCollection method to make sure the items in the collection are preserved, but they have the new config.
public interface IConfigureFrom<T>
void ConfigureFrom(T other);
public static void MergeCollection<T>(ICollection<T> source, ICollection<T> dest) where T : IConfigureFrom<T>, new()
// First remove entries at the bottom of the dest list that are no longer there
if (dest.Count > source.Count)
for (int i = dest.Count - 1; i >= source.Count; i--)
var coll = dest as Collection<T>;
if (coll != null)
// reconfigure existing entries with the new configureation
var sourecList = source.ToList();
var destList = dest.ToList();
for (int i = dest.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var target = destList[i];
var config = sourecList[i];
// add new entries at the end and configure them from the source list
for (int i = dest.Count; i < source.Count; i++)
T newItem = new T();
When changing all items in your ListView, it is usually better to just swap the whole ItemsSource.
Just set:
UIItems = new List<...>(your data);
And have it fire OnNotifyPropertyChanged of course.

How to make a form's area not clickable without disabling its controls

I have a Winform project in VB.net 2013.
On a form I have a lot's of controls.
When a condition is true , I need to make all the controls inside a specific form's area , not clickable ( but without disabling them )
Of course , when the condition became false the area should return to normal state.
Thank you !
You could assign a NativeWindow to each control and intercept the HITTEST message.
E.g. This example only does it for the immediate Form's children. You could also recurse through all the children.
Form f = new Form();
f.Controls.Add(new Button { Text = "test test test "});
Form f2 = new Form();
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox { Text = "Toggle" };
List<NW> nws = null;
cb.CheckedChanged += delegate {
if (nws == null) {
nws = new List<NW>();
foreach (Control c in f.Controls) {
nws.Add(new NW(c.Handle));
else {
foreach (var nw in nws)
nws = null;
class NW : NativeWindow {
public NW(IntPtr hwnd) {
const int WM_NCHITTEST = 0x84;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
if (m.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST)
base.WndProc(ref m);
Place all controls in a PANEL and then disable that panel.
panel.Enabled= false;

How to display a Labels 'Error on ErrorProvider1'

I want to display the text that I put in the Label's "Error on ErrorProvider1" attribute whenever I get an error. See the following label's attributes below.
I try to display the text in the red rectangle into my ErrorProvider1 SetError(control, value) function.
If TextBox1.Text.Trim.Contains("'") Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, ErrorProvider1.GetError(lblErr))
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, "")
End If
How can I retrieve the 'Error on ErrorProvider1' text from the lblErr to display it in the ErrorProvider1 SetError value?
The ErrorProvider component is very awkward to use effectively. It is fixable however, I'll give an example in C# that extends the component with some new capabilities:
ShowError(Control ctl, bool enable) displays the text that you entered at design-time when the enable argument is true. The easier-to-use version of SetError().
HasErrors returns true if the any active warning icons are displayed. Handy in your OK button's Click event handler.
FocusError() sets the focus to the first control that has a warning icon, if any. It returns false if no warnings are remaining.
SetError() is a replacement of ErrorProvider.SetError(). You only need it if you add any controls after the form's Load event fired or if you need to modify the warning text.
Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop it from the top of the toolbox onto the form. The design-time behavior is identical. Modestly tested.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
class MyErrorProvider : ErrorProvider {
public void ShowError(Control ctl, bool enable) {
// Easy to use version of SetError(), uses design-time text
if (!enable) base.SetError(ctl, "");
else {
if (errors.ContainsKey(ctl)) base.SetError(ctl, errors[ctl]);
else base.SetError(ctl, "No error text available");
public bool HasErrors {
// True if any errors are present
get {
foreach (var err in errors)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.GetError(err.Key))) return true;
return false;
public bool FocusError() {
// Set the focus to the first control with an active error
foreach (var err in errors) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.GetError(err.Key))) {
return true;
return false;
public new void SetError(Control ctl, string text) {
// Use this only to add/modify error text after the form's Load event
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
if (errors.ContainsKey(ctl)) errors[ctl] = text;
else errors.Add(ctl, text);
base.SetError(ctl, text);
private void initialize(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Preserve error text
private void copyErrors(Control.ControlCollection ctls) {
foreach (Control ctl in ctls) {
var text = this.GetError(ctl);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
errors.Add(ctl, text);
base.SetError(ctl, "");
private Dictionary<Control, string> errors = new Dictionary<Control, string>();
// Plumbing to hook the form's Load event
public new ContainerControl ContainerControl {
get { return base.ContainerControl; }
set {
if (base.ContainerControl == null) {
var form = value.FindForm();
if (form != null) form.Load += initialize;
base.ContainerControl = value;
public override ISite Site {
set {
// Runs at design time, ensures designer initializes ContainerControl
base.Site = value;
if (value == null) return;
IDesignerHost service = value.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (service == null) return;
IComponent rootComponent = service.RootComponent;
this.ContainerControl = rootComponent as ContainerControl;
Your issue is that you are replacing the error message when nothing is wrong. As noted in your comment below, you are storing the localized error message in the label's Tag, so you can do the following:
If TextBox1.Text.Trim.Contains("'") Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, lblErr.Tag)
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, "")
End If
You were correct to use ErrorProvider1.GetError(Control) to get the value. It's just that you're more than likely replacing it with an empty string before you were retrieving it.

How do I hide a PivotItem?

I have a Page with an Pivot-control and in some cases I don't want to show a particular PivotItem.
Setting the Visibility to collapsed doesn't seem to affect it at all.
Any suggestions?
you should be able to remove or add PivotItems dynamically in your Pivot by using the respective collection methods on Pivot.Items .
Let me know if this doesn't work for your scenario.
I've created a custom behavior for showing/hiding pivot item
< i:Interaction.Behaviors>
< common:HideablePivotItemBehavior Visible="{Binding variable}" />
</ i:Interaction.Behaviors >
/// <summary>
/// Behavior which enables showing/hiding of a pivot item`
/// </summary>
public class HideablePivotItemBehavior : Behavior<PivotItem>
#region Static Fields
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(true, VisiblePropertyChanged));
#region Fields
private Pivot _parentPivot;
private PivotItem _pivotItem;
private int _previousPivotItemIndex;
private int _lastPivotItemsCount;
#region Public Properties
public bool Visible
return (bool)this.GetValue(VisibleProperty);
this.SetValue(VisibleProperty, value);
#region Methods
protected override void OnAttached()
this._pivotItem = AssociatedObject;
private static void VisiblePropertyChanged(DependencyObject dpObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs change)
if (change.NewValue.GetType() != typeof(bool) || dpObj.GetType() != typeof(HideablePivotItemBehavior))
var behavior = (HideablePivotItemBehavior)dpObj;
var pivotItem = behavior._pivotItem;
// Parent pivot has to be assigned after the visual tree is initialized
if (behavior._parentPivot == null)
behavior._parentPivot = (Pivot)behavior._pivotItem.Parent;
// if the parent is null return
if (behavior._parentPivot == null)
var parentPivot = behavior._parentPivot;
if (!(bool)change.NewValue)
if (parentPivot.Items.Contains(behavior._pivotItem))
behavior._previousPivotItemIndex = parentPivot.Items.IndexOf(pivotItem);
behavior._lastPivotItemsCount = parentPivot.Items.Count;
if (!parentPivot.Items.Contains(pivotItem))
if (behavior._lastPivotItemsCount >= parentPivot.Items.Count)
parentPivot.Items.Insert(behavior._previousPivotItemIndex, pivotItem);
You can remove the pivot item from the parent pivot control
Removing PivotItems is easy, but if you want to put them back afterwards I've found that the headers get messed up and start overlapping each other. This also happens if you set the Visibility of a header to Collapsed and then later make it Visible again.
So I solved my particular problem by setting the opacity of each unwanted PivotItem (and its header) to 0.
PivotItem p = (PivotItem)MainPivot.Items.ToList()[indexToHide];
p.Opacity = 0;
((UIElement)p.Header).Opacity = 0;
However, this leaves gaps where the missing PivotItems are.
For me, the gaps were not a problem because I only want to remove items at the end of my PivotItemList, so I get some whitespace between the last and first PivotItems. The problem was, I was still able to swipe to a hidden PivotItem. In order to fix this, I overrode Pivot.SelectionChanged() so that whenever the user swipes to a hidden PivotItem, the code moves on to the next item instead. I had to use a DispatchTimer from within SelectionChanged() and actually move to the next PivotItem from the DispatchTimer callback, since you have to be in the UI thread to change PivotItem.SelectedIndex.
private void MainPivot_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
t.Stop(); //t is my DispatchTimer, set to 100ms
if (MainPivot.SelectedIndex >= mFirstHiddenPivotItemIndex)
//move to the first or last PivotItem, depending on the current index
if (mCurrentSelectedPivotItemIndex == 0)
mPivotItemToMoveTo = mFirstHiddenPivotItemIndex - 1;
mPivotItemToMoveTo = 0;
mCurrentSelectedPivotItemIndex = MainPivot.SelectedIndex;
private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainPivot.SelectedIndex = mPivotItemToMoveTo;
foreach (PivotItem item in MyPivot.Items.ToList())
if (item.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
Setting IsLocked property to true will make all other Pivot items to disappear except the current pivot item.
But this will not hide one particular pivot item of our choice.
To elaborate on the solution of adding/removing pivotItems, rather than hiding them.
Let's say we want the pivotItem to be initially invisible, and appear only on a certain event.
Then to add it again,
if (!mainPivot.Items.Cast<PivotItem>().Any(p => p.Name == "someTab"))
I've used Insert rather than add to control the position where the tab appears.
You have to ensure you don't add the same tab twice, which is the reason for the if statement.
I've modified the Bajena behavior to improve it, solving the issue with losing the original position of the PivotItem when showing/hiding repeteadly and the issue when parentpivot control is null (not initialized yet).
Notice that this behavior must be attached to the Pivot, not to the PivotItem.
public class PivotItemHideableBehavior : Behavior<Pivot>
private Dictionary<PivotItem, int> DictionaryIndexes { get; set; }
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(true, VisiblePropertyChanged));
public static readonly DependencyProperty PivotItemProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(null));
public bool Visible
get { return (bool)GetValue(VisibleProperty); }
set { SetValue(VisibleProperty, value); }
public PivotItem PivotItem
get { return (PivotItem)GetValue(PivotItemProperty); }
set { SetValue(PivotItemProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.Loaded += AssociatedObject_Loaded;
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.Loaded -= AssociatedObject_Loaded;
private void AssociatedObject_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DictionaryIndexes = new Dictionary<PivotItem, int>();
int index = 0;
foreach (PivotItem item in AssociatedObject.Items)
DictionaryIndexes.Add(item, index++);
private static void VisiblePropertyChanged(DependencyObject dpObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs change)
var behavior = (PivotItemHideableBehavior)dpObj;
var pivot = behavior.AssociatedObject;
if (!behavior.Visible)
if (pivot.Items.Contains(behavior.PivotItem))
else if (!pivot.Items.Contains(behavior.PivotItem))
int index = 0;
foreach (var item in behavior.DictionaryIndexes)
if (item.Key == behavior.PivotItem)
pivot.Items.Insert(index, behavior.PivotItem);
else if (pivot.Items.Contains(item.Key))
<Behaviors:PivotItemHideableBehavior PivotItem="{x:Bind PivotItemName}" Visible="{Binding IsPivotItemVisible}" />