Is there a way to automatically add a new line or something when a column in my ultraGrid is full? Sometimes when i load some text into a column in my ultragrid it has a longer value length than the available column field, as a result some text stays hidden. So i want when this happens to show the rest of the text in another line. Is this possible in for ultrawingrid?
You could set the CellMultiLine property as in the example below. (supposing you have one band and the column with the long text is the second one)
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(1).CellMultiLine = DefaultableBoolean.True
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(1).VertScrollBar = True
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.DefaultRowHeight = 100
The next two lines are optional, but they serve the purpose to show immediately the column with a different height and with a vertical scrollbar
I created many option groups in MS Access 2013 and I am trying to populate my table according to what is selected in the option group. So, if the user selects option 1, I want "the text" not its value ex: "1" stored in my table. I tried the following code in AfterUpdate() event and it works fine:
Private Sub Frame49_AfterUpdate()
Dim D As Integer
Select Case Me![Frame49]
Case 1
Me![Name] = "text"
D = 1
Case 2
Me![Name] = "text1"
D = 2
Case 3
Me![Name] = "text2"
D = 3
Case 4
Me![Name] = "text3"
D = 4
Case 5
Me![Name] = "text4"
D = 5
End Select
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Rem D = Frame49.Value
End Sub
but when the end user answers the first question and tries to answer the next question, all options of the previous question get selected. How do I fix this?
Here is the file to see what I mean:
Thanks in advance.
even though the option group only takes numeric values, you can achieve what you want by hard coding the values using if statements e.g
If Frame5 = 1 Then orukolook = "okay"
If Frame5 = 2 Then orukolook = "right"
If Frame5 = 3 Then orukolook = "fine"
orukolook is the textbox control that you want the texts to be inserted, so if the first option of the option group is selected,the text "okay" will be inserted into the textbox control, if second option then the text "right" will be inserted.
The values hard coded in the place holder oruko look,e.g okay,right, fine are the labels associated to each value in the option group.
OptionGroup frame and associated buttons/checkboxes must have a number value. Therefore OptionGroup frame must be bound to a number type field. If you want controls to reflect selection in a text field, then need code to set UNBOUND OptionGroup frame with corresponding number value. In other words, convert saved text back to number value. Code would most likely need to be in form Current event. Something like:
Me.Frame49 = Switch([Name]="text",1, [Name]="text1",2, [Name]="text2",3, [Name]="text3",4, [Name]="text4",5)
Alternatively, save number value to number fields. Text equivalent is provided by labels on form. Use lookup tables to provide text equivalent on reports or calculate the equivalents with expressions in query or textboxes. An expression like:
Choose([Name], "text", "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4")
BTY, Choose() expression can be used in place of Case structure in your original code.
Me![Name] = Choose(Me.Frame49, "text", "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4")
Also recommend using radio (option) buttons instead of checkboxes.
Other alternatives are comboboxes and listboxes instead of option groups.
Advise not to use reserved words as names for anything. Name is a reserved word. Also, avoid spaces and punctuation/special characters in naming convention.
Frame49 is bound to a database field.
When the user clicks a checkbox, the field's value (along with Frame49's value) is set to an integer.
You then change the database field's value to a string.
This causes Frame49's value to be set to that string.
Since that is an invalid value for an Option Group, all the related checkboxes show as a solid black square, representing an indeterminate state. That is not the same as a checkmark, so your observation "all options of the previous question get selected" is incorrect.
The simplest way to do what you want is to use a 1-column ListBox instead of an Option Group. You can size each ListBox so that it shows all the options as text strings.
When the user clicks an "option" to select it, the corresponding text string will be written to the database, with no VBA code involved.
When the user goes back to a previous record, the ListBoxes will all show the proper selections.
If you don't want to change how your form looks, then you must do as others suggested, and make Frame49 unbound, i.e. set its Control Source to blank.
Then when you set the database field's value to a text string, Frame49's value will remain as an integer.
If you want the ability to go back and edit earlier records, you can do it but it is beyond what I can answer here.
I am using listboxes to display data in userforms in word. However I am not able to set header captions or figure out how to make it possible to click on the header to sort by that column.
GUI.Search_ListBox.ColumnCount = 5 ' Columns
GUI.Search_ListBox.ColumnWidths = "120;80;70;120;300"
GUI.Search_ListBox.ColumnHeads = True
'GUI.Search_ListBox.RowSource = "Hello;gkjfl;hsjgh;hdfjhgkj;fdjghjkdf" 'here it fails!!!
With VBA, simply set the ListBox.ColumnHeads Property to True.
Alternatively, you can also change the setting in the ActiveX control's Properties dialog:
If the button is disabled on the ribbon, you'll have to enter first.
More Information:
ListBox.ColumnHeads Property (Access)
You need to specify the headings in the rowsource:
Column headings are enabled and either field captions, field names, or the first row of data items are used as column headings.
I just create another list box and place it right above the primary listbox, make it flat etc. Then use the header row as the row source. That way any calculations made in the header row shows on the form as well.
Let's say I want to make 2 text fields next to eachother.
On the screenshot below you can see 2 fields. The field on the left will always show.
But if the field on the right isn't filled in, I want to make it disappear but the text from the first field would have to go over the whole width of the page.
How do I make it overlap ONLY if the other field is empty?
Basically: When field 2 is present then field 1 has to be 275 width.
When field 2 is not present (so empty ) --> Field 1 would be 475 width
You can try to define expression for width property of field1.
However, I am not sure about the function which should check if value is not present. In version 3.5 for example, you can use IF(LEN([coachee_conclusion_html])>0;275;475)
Possibly, you would also need to hide the right field (to prevent overlapping) by setting expression for it's visible property
I'm having an issue since both of these lines separately produce the same result, which is resizing both the ColumnContent and the HeaderSize simultaneously.
I've searched and come up with no answer for this, i only need to resize by the HeaderSize but with the above example it seems not to be working correctly... or am i missing something?
And i've tested with more than one listview control...
Edit: I'm using it like this:
Private Sub UserListResize()
If Me.UserList.InvokeRequired Then
Me.UserList.Invoke(Sub() UserListResize())
End If
End Sub
I'm calling this when i'm finished with adding items on the listview.
They dont do the exactly the same thing, but it is sometimes hard to tell them apart.
HeaderSize resizes each column to the greater of HeaderText.Length or longest cell content, thereby never clipping the header text.
ColumnContent resizes to longest cell content which will clip header text if the HeaderText is longer then the content. Test this with a column containing 1 or 2 digits/characters, but a long header like "FooBar Counter of Foo".
Neither mode will clip column text though, which means when you are economic with header text, it can look like they do the same thing. Other things to consider:
The LV must have items in it for ColumnContent to be meaningful
Inspite of Auto in the name, it is not a persistent setting - as soon as you add something else the layout may be incorrect, so you may have to reset it periodically.
You can always lay them out how you want and set AllowColumnResize to False
You set AutoResizeColumn on a per column basis (note it is singular)
Individual column widths can be "auto sized" using the Width Property and the Magic Numbers of -1 (set to content) or -2 (size to Header). This allows you to only apply the AutoResize logic to only some columns or use a different setting depending on the column:
For n As Integer = 0 To myLV.Columns.Count -1 Step 2 ' just do every other
myLV.Columns.Width = -2 ' -2 = size to column header text
' -1 = size to longest content
Next n
One place this is very handy is when adding columns dynamically. Rather than guessing at the TextExtent, you can set the new column's width to something at least somewhat applicable to start with, then change it the first time content is added. Reference: MSDN ColumnHeader Width Property.
I'm trying to develop a calculator type from in InfoPath where the user will be asked to end weight,height, and age. I will then take those values and use them to look up other values that are based on that number. For example if the column headers are Gender, Age, Height, L, M, and S. I want to find the 'L,M,S' values associated with that height. All values in the case are different. So if height were 45, L=-1, M=1, S=2; if height were 50, L= -2, M= 5, S=3.
In excel you a Vlookup with the syntax of :
Dim A as double
Dim Height as double
height = txtHeight.Value
A = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(height, Range("C2:F652"), 2, False)
This would give you the "L" value for the row in which that height is located.
How can I do this in InfoPath? I have seen that are cascading queries you can do for dropdowns and comboboxes, but I want them to be able to type in a value, find a value on a SharePoint list based on that number and then return that number to another text box to use for my calculation.
If the values you want to look up are in a SharePoint list, then you need to create a data connection to that list. Make sure to include all the fields you need. Don't load the data connection at form load.
Let the user enter the height. Create a rule for the height field that fires when the field changes. Add an action that sets the query field for the secondary data source to the value of the height field, then query the data connection. Now the secondary data source contains the record with that height and the fields in the secondary data source contain the values. You can copy the values into text boxes on the canvas.
More details:
After you have set up a data connection to the Heights list, click the Heights field and add a rule by clicking New > Action.
Click the Add button and add an action to set a field's value.
Click the button next to the "Field" text box. If you don't see the top drop-down to select a different data source than the main data source, click the "Show Advanced View" link. Select the secondary data source for the Heights list, open the node for queryFields and the node below that and select the Height field.
Click the fx button next to the "Value" text box, then click "Insert Field or Group" and select the "height" field of the main data source.
OK out of all dialogs.
Add another rule to query for data.
Select the secondary data source to the Heights list.
Add another rule to set a field's value. For "Field" select the main data source field into which you want to copy the looked up value. For "Value" select the secondary data source and drill into the dataFields node until you see the field names. Select the desired field and OK out of all dialogs.
The rules panel should now look similar to this, but with your column names.
Test the form. Enter a valid height into the height field and click out of the field. The corresponding value from the height list will be written into the textbox. The screenshot shows the SharePoint list in the background with the item for heigt "66" highlighted. The value returned to the InfoPath text box "getV1" is from the "V1" field of the SharePoint list.
Hope that makes it clearer.