ComboBox Custom Winrt - xaml

I'm trying to create a app bar in Winrt app on top with, maybe, a ComboBox. I want to do like "Bing Sport" App in Windows 8. Like :
What's the best way to do that?

I think the best way is write your own code.
1) Create a AppBar.
2) Create a first StackPanel for Menu with Icons(set Orientation to Horizontal)
3) Then Menu Items as Grid's or StackPanel's
4) Add a Grid or StackPanel for slide content.(set visibility to collplased)
5) Handle a Click's events. OnClick Item with Arrow do: "change clicked event style", "set item with slide content Visibility to Visible", "Add Items"


Button control as ListView DataTemplate container wrt Drag-and-Drop of ListView Elements

When I use a Button control in DataTemplate for ListView (UWP app), Drag-and-Drop of ListView items doesn't work. If I use containers like StackPanel, RelativePanel or Grid, instead of Button control, everything works fine. I would prefer the Button control as a container, because I like its mouse Hover effect on ListView items. I can do something similar for StackPanel, etc, with a custom hover effect by using a combination of Style and Behavior programming but trying to avoid this route (too involved).
Can I do something to the Button control so that it gives me the hover and also responds to the Drag-and-Drop event when part of a ListView DataTemplate?
I am also curious what specifically makes the Button suppress the Drag-and-Drop of ListView items.
The Button is capturing the pointer which cause the pointer click event not be bubble up to the ListViewItem which cause the Drag&Drop to start.
You can take a look at ReleasePointerCapture method which will release the pointer capture allowing other item to capture it.
You will need to create a new class which extends the default Button class and override for example the OnPointerPressed method to choose the logic between the drag&drop and the click on the button.

StackPanel Transition Event

How can I call StackPanel to do its transition by a button click
Like when you search in the Metro(Start) Menu in Windows 8
I have tried
Panel1.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible
But it just changes the visible property and doesn't animate its entrance
Take a look at Windows Runtime transitions. In your case you would need AddDeleteThemeTransition (from MSDN: "Provides the animated transition behavior for when controls add or delete children of a panel")

Show hide content in List item in Windows Phone 8.1

I'm developing WP8.1 app in that I need to show some content with show/hide functionality. First 2 lines will be displayed and once clicking on that item the remaining content should expanded and display. How we can achieve this in WP8.1
In order to show or hide you have to go for binding.
And to expand the content, have your DataTemplate as StackPanel and set the Height property of TextBlock (through binding) with the value that is needed to display two lines.
And on tap of the item, just get the selectedItem instance and Increase the height property or set to auto
To know about binding see here
you can use visibility and collapsed
like that
myimage. visibility =visibility.visible;
you can control with this way

Xamarin Forms: Show an entrybox after tapping an image

I am trying to show an entrybox after tapping an image.
I have this:
And I want to achieve this after tapping on the keyboard image:
The gesture is not a problem I add this lines:
keyboard.GestureRecognizer.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer((view,args) =>
The problem is that I do not know how I can show the entry box, I use XAML. I tried relativelayout and I saw samples of absolutelayout but I can not achieve it.
I am using Xamarin forms to android and ios App.
Perhaps try a Grid?
In the center cell you can create two child controls:-
*) Label control.
*) Entry control.
and then give these controls each a name and set the appropriate .IsVisible value on each of these two controls accordingly, or alternatively hook the IsVisible for each of these controls into a ViewModel and set the state there instead.

MenuItem in Compact Framework 3.5

Is there anyway to programmatically force a MenuItem to raise their popup event? Basically, if you click on it with your stylus or finger, it shows the MenuItem collection for that specific MenuItem. I'd like to be able to do by using a button that I capture.
If you add your menu items to a ContextMenu you can then call ContextMenu.Show with a position and it will show the context menu at that position.
So you could do that in your button click event. Or did you want to 'fake' taps on the menu buttons on the soft menu bar?