Run phantomjs using php without installing it - phantomjs

Is this possible to run the phantomjs without installing using php.
I don't want to install it in server.I just want to use it whenever i need using the source files.
Please help.

Obviously no, since PhantomJS is not part of PHP and it needs to be invoked as an external program.


Pyarmor - Marshal loads failed

How do I fix the issue "The python version in runtime is different from the build time".
When I try to run the obfuscated file present in a folder I am getting this error.
Please help me with this!!
According to this:
You are probably running Pyarmor (building your obfuscated code) with a different version than the environment where the app is running. Find out the version that runs the app and try to run Pyarmor with the same version, for example by creating an environment with that version.

Ember: error while i am running ember serve

I am try to upgrade exisiting ember project cli version by following this tutorial
after finishing this i try to run ember serve it shows error like
missing path
i doknow what exactly it was trying to say and also i am new to ember could any one help me sort out this issue.
I recommend using ember-cli-update to update your ember projects. Please check it out. It avoids user-mistakes while upgrading (no manual merges, etc. ...).
You could try to delete node_modules and run npm install again. It could a package in your package.json that ember serve can't find. Also check the releases it is not easy to upgrade from older version to the latest one, too many deprecations. Also if it si too old i suggest you to start over create again the ember app.

LUA windows: How do I launch windows metro app with Unified Remote script

I'm trying to make a custom remote for unified remote server in windows 8.1
The sample scripts have os.start(command). It works for something like calc, but I'm trying to launch a metro app 'netflix://' and Lua doesn't seem to want to accept it - I think it's not taking the front slashes.
Is there a way to get Lua to launch a metro app in windows? Thanks
Assuming you mean os.execute() command, to run commands that open files and run based on protocol association, you need to use start command:
If you need to put the parameter in quotes, then make sure to include a pair of empty quotes as the first parameter:
os.execute([[start "" "netflix://..."]])
For os.start(), it seems that you have to pass the whole path to a command. The Unified Remote API states that it should match installed applications, but I believe it might only be applicable to applications with binaries in the PATH, which is why their example of calc works.
With this in mind, and knowing that start works well directly from PoweShell, this command does what we need:
os.start("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "netflix:");
Answering this old question since it's the top google hit when looking for launching windows10 apps with Lua for Unified Remote
As a side note, due to limitations on the Netflix Win10 app, I ended up simply opening Firefox and giving it the Netflix URL. Assuming default installation:
os.start("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "");

Outdated version of Zend Engine API

I am hosting a website, using the Symfony framework, on a MAMP server on my Mac, and I'm trying to generate bundles automatically with the help of the terminal.
If it is relevant in any way, here is what I try to type into the terminal:
php -c /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/conf/php.ini php
app/console generate:bundle
And here is the error I get:
XCache requires Zend Engine API version 220100525. The Zend Engine API
version 220090626 which is installed, is outdated.
Could not open input file: php
Do any of you have an idea of how I could update the Zend Engine API or otherwise fix my problem? That would be of HUGE help!
Thanks to the help of whistlergreg I've gotten rid of one of the problems it seems, but I still get the following response:
Could not open input file: php
I was told by someone that the second php in my command shouldn't be there. Instead I should write:
php -c /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/conf/php.ini app/console
It seems like the second error was caused by a noobish typo by me, and now everything is working.
Note: With Xcache 3.0, is no longer a Zend Extension but a PHP extension
remove zend_extension = */
load it using extension =
This might be why the error is being thrown:
The main cause for the error is because of outdated build of XCache
(not related to its actual version though), that mostly happens when
user upgrades PHP version. When compiling and building XCache, it’s
been associated with the version of Zend Engine API that exists on the
system at the time.
When PHP is updated or upgraded, the Zend Engine API is updated too, causing XCache module to fail as the version no longer matched.
The solution for the Zend Engine API version is newer error is pretty
simple. Just download, compile and install XCache again will fix and
resolve the issue permanently (until new PHP major version update). 1
Switch MAMP to use APC from the MAMP preferences menu, that worked for me! Make sure you restart apache after making the change.

automate the loadui

I am using Windows OS. I went through the loadui website to understand the automation process. As I am very new with this software, I cant even understand how to run certain command. For example, there is command like this "loadUI-Agent-1_5_0.exe -c" need to be run in command line.
I try to paste it in command prompt, but it is not recognized. Anybody have any idea how to do that? It is very good if you guys can provide me link to learn from zero, where I can follow step by step to automate the load testing using loadui.
You have to use loadui-cmd.bat, which can be found in the LoadUI installation directory.
You should also use the latest version of LoadUI which is 2.1.1.
Source: Getting Started with Automation from the LoadUI documentation.