How can i remove back stack entries in Windows 8 xaml - C# application. I found a similar question here in stackoverflow. But any of the answer provided conatins a clear way to achieve the functionality.
Your question is answered here:
In short, it's not supported. It can be done with a workaround but that workaround could change in a future release.
Dev support, design support and more awesome goodness on the way:
A way to solve this would be to get your frame, and remove the last entry from its BackStack, like so:
I'm looking into building a tagging feature in my Mac app. I would like to do something like in the attached image. Is the UI portion offered natively in Cocoa? If so, what is the class name?
You can use NSTokenField to accomplish that. Start by reading Token Field Programming Guide.
I had to do exactly that a couple of weeks ago. I decided to use NSTokenField as well but ran into quite a number of problems. See my endeavours here. Hope you fare better with your implementation as it gave me a couple of really short nights....
I am writing an app and I want stack overflow like tool-tips updated with ajax. And I want it in AJAX too.
Please tell me if any such library already exists and otherwise will it be helpful to write a one from scratch.
I found two solutions
The YUI3 Alloy Tooltip module. Which is poorly written and not suitable for my use.
The example provided by YUI3
It is helpful and customizable.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I started using Prestashop yesterday so I’m a total beginner, but I've got some questions.
Is there absolutely no API for this? I mean I found the wiki but it holds no good information.
I want to edit my theme completely, as I wish. Edit html, add/remove JavaScript, just being able to do what I want, but when I edit the tpl files in my active theme, NOTHING happens. The site remains exactly the same. Why is this, or where do I change it without hacking the core? Do I have to recompile these .tpl files in some way for the changes to take affect?
I also want to edit a lot of the modules to match my demands, but same here, if I edit their tpl files nothing seems to happen or rather I don’t want to hack the core, since I suppose these will be affected if I update the platform.
Where do I find my products page, I want to create a menu with a link to a page called products or something with an overview of the products available in my store.
I’m very confused, but I guess you just have to get through this, I’m used to developing in WordPress or without any CMS for that matter.
Did you clear the cache after editing your templates?
Prestashop uses caching system to speed up the shop loading, so empty the cache directory to compile the new templates
API and documentations are a completely different things.
The team has updated the documentation (no more wiki) which can be found at
You should also check out the forum (, you can find a low of questions / answers there.
Unsure if topic is dead, but here we go anyway. Make sure you have the theme you are working on loaded to start. You'll find this under Back Office > Modules > Themes.
As previous posters have mentioned head to Back Office > Preferences > Performance and enable "Force compile" and disable "cache".
There is a bit if an API available, but in my opinion start from the bottom up mate, there is reasonable documentation (again, as mentioned above: available that will at least give you some questions to start asking.
Just deleting the cache not worked for me. I had to delete /themes/<current_theme>/modules/<edited_module>/ directory.
you can disable cache Advanced Parameters >> Performance.
As mentioned the cache is an issue here so always clear it. Also you can completely structure the template system how you want it, even editing the controllers if need be. As this is MVC you have to think about the whole system when customising it.
Have a look into VQMOD, this allows you to have xml files that edit the controllers on the fly for added functinality i.e. added filters or product rollover images on the category page. VQMOD is perfect as then the core system can still be updated.
In Lua-scripting I found wxWidgets (wxLua) library very useful, so I'd wanted to found binding for Ada and GNAT Programming Studio 2010 (4.4.1) - does it exist at all and maybe somebody know how to link it with GNAT?
Only one I found is wxAda, which is about 5 years old and without any hyperlinks to load it.
I'm the author of wxAda and tbh, it's a dead duck as it currently stands. I am looking at the moment at a revival by generating the source automatically.
Well, the URL you are probably looking for is, but it says right there it is incomplete. Most likely that's the best you are going to get without doing the work yourself.
From the discussion of his problems here it looks like he had solvable issues.
I know the ESC key does code completion, but is there a way to get a pop-up(tool-tip I guess) that shows you all the possible choices for a piece of code? As an example, it would be nice when writing Javascript to get a list of available actions. Other apps I've used like Coda do this. I'd like to check out Textmate but I have a hard time getting past this missing feature which I find pretty valuable, particularly as a fairly new programmer who likes to see what options are there as it's a bit of a learning tool for me also. I thought I had found a plugin like what I'm looking for, Dialog2, but it seems to have disappeared as it was meant to be built-in to the never-released TM2.
I've looked around a fair bit for the answer to this question and figured this was my next best option. Thanks.
I don't have Textmate available to try it out, but I believe that option-Esc is supposed to show you the list of possible code completions.
Check out subtleGradient's tmbundle:
It knows how to auto-wrap for arrays, and objects. Documentation look-up too.