Why use Singletons? - objective-c

OK, I know this question might seem irrelevant or too basic, but - since I always want to know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, if it fits my design - please shed some light.
So, here's what I need :
Let's say we've got a class
We want to use its methods from pretty much anywhere
Instead of passing an object around, I decided to go for class methods and pseudo-global instances
So, let's say we've got a class named "MyDocumentManager".
This is what I usually do :
+ (MyDocumentManager*)documentManager
MyDocumentManager* newDocumentManager = [[MyDocumentManager alloc] init];
if (newDocumentManager)
// initialize that new document manager
return newDocumentManager;
And then use it like :
[[MyDocumentManager documentManager] someMethod];
However, I usually see people suggesting something like :
+ (MyDocumentManager*)sharedManager
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static MyDocumentManager *sharedManager;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedManager = [[MyDocumentManager alloc] init];
return sharedManager;
So, here's my questions :
Is is the same thing?
If not, what is the difference?
What are the pros/cons of its approach? (in terms of memory/speed/etc)
Which one should I use and why?
Do they both fit what I need them for?

Is it the same thing?
If not, what is the difference?
What you have doesn't implement a singleton, since it allocates a new instance of the class upon every function call. It's rather called a factory method. The definition of a singleton is that a certain class method always returns the same instance of the class.
Which one should I use and why?
You should generally avoid using singletons, because it's often considered bad practice, although there are cases when it's handy to have them. For example, if you have a class that uses encapsulated data but you only need quasi class-level methods, then it's better to implement a singleton with properly placed instance variables than implement class methods and tons of global/static variables (this is because in Objective-C, classes can't have member variables, only objects).
Do they both fit what I need them for?
You decide that.

The code you pasted in "what I usually do" is broken. It doesn't return a singleton. It returns a brand new object every time you call it (and if this isn't ARC then it's leaking it too).
The code you pasted as what people suggest is the correct code. Not only does it return a shared object each time, without leaking, but it's also thread-safe (so far as initialization of the object is concerned; it doesn't say anything about whether use of the object is thread-safe).


Objective-C: Use singleton vs. use class as an object?

I've been wondering in what cases it is really necessary to adopt the singleton pattern in objective-C (e.g., define a dedicated class and create a single instance), that using the class as an object won't do.
Particularly, I'm thinking of the following solution:
Define and use appropriate class methods, instead of instance methods on the singleton instance;
Use static variables (file-scope globals), instead of instance variables of the singleton instance;
Use the class object when registering as an observer for notifications, instead of the singleton instance. Although the class object is an objective-C object in its own right (right?), this would require that the notification handler registered be a class method; (is this possible?)
For example, instead of having a Texture class (model object) and a TextureManager singleton (resource manager), you could have all texture creation/cleanup implemented as class methods and static variables of the same Texture class (factory pattern plus some resource management).
Any thoughts on this design?
Now that I think of it, and still in the Texture example above, even if I keep the two classes separate (Texture and TextureManager) I must choose between A. Having the manager be a singleton, and operate it with instance methods, or B. Having the manager be an instanceless, auxiliary class. To clarify:
Texture* myTexture = [[TextureManager defaultManager] textureWithName:#"TextureName"];
// (singleton, client uses instance methods)
Texture* myTexture = [TextureManager textureWithName:#"TextureName"];
// (Class standing in for singleton, client uses class methods)
The latter looks more straightforward and less cumbersome/verbose, but I wonder which design is "more correct". Of course, the former allows for more than one TextureManager instance shall the need arise (not in my case).
I have been thinking about the same thing and I think I have an answer for you.
It depends on what you need to do with it. Neither is necessarily more "correct".
Read on if you want the details of how I came to my conclusion or scroll down to the tl;dr section.
As you said, it would appear (externally) less cumbersome to access the singleton to have the class manage the singleton for you. Essentially you would do this by replacing the singleton's factory method with an initializer method. Looking at Apple's documentation on this you can see where they show a "shared" method that acts as the factory to produce the singleton upon demand.
static MyGizmoClass *sharedGizmoManager = nil;
+ (MyGizmoClass*)sharedManager
if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
sharedGizmoManager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedGizmoManager;
Instead of doing this you could replace the method with a void initializer like so:
+ (void)initializeMyGizmo
if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
sharedGizmoManager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
// whatever else needs to be done to the singleton to initialize it
and then ONLY ever use class methods and allow the MyGizmoClass to manage updates to the singleton like [MyGizmoClass setGizmoName:#"Gadget"].
NOTE: In this scenario it would be confusing to someone looking at the .h file to see properties, in which case they may come to the conclusion that they should create an instance of the object themselves, or be able to have access to the singleton in some form or fashion. So if you were to go the route of encapsulating access to the singleton it would not be wise to use public variables.
To that point:
If you do limit access to solely through the class itself you lose any getters and setters or other free things that come along with properties. This means that if MyGizmoClass were to have as part of it's model an NSString *gizmoName you would be forced to create custom getters and setters for this "property" and keep it either as an ivar or property in an interface extension in the .m file (i.e. private) of the singleton class, or as an adjacent static variable.
So this begs the question (and is what got me pondering in the first place), should we even include the line static MyGizmoClass *sharedGizmoManager = nil; at all or can we nix the internal interface extension altogether and replace any possible ivars or properties that we want to limit access to with static implementations in the implementation?
I answered that already...
It depends on what you need to do with it.
First Scenario
If you ever (even the slightest chance) need to subclass your
TextureManager or could create multiple instances of it (making it
no longer a singleton) it would be better to stick to the regular
Apple convention for a singleton.
This includes multiple "singletons" wherein you might have several
TextureManagers preconfigured with different settings.
In this case you would use properties as you need them (publicly or
privately) as well as ivars. You could also use a mix of ivars and
statics but you would still always need to have a static instance of
your TextureManager inside of the TextureManager implementation.
Second Scenario
If you ONLY will ever need ONE instance of the TextureManager and it will run completely standalone with no intermixing further down the line then you could completely remove the static instance of your class within the implementation in the .m file and replace ivars and properties with static variables within that implementation.
This can be useful if you are storing off properties or settings in CoreData and only need them for configuration.
Just remember in this case you will have to create all getters and setters for the static variables and will only be able to access them using class methods (but that's sorta the point).
Other Interesting Stuff
This answer offers an interesting solution to the question of when and how to call the "initializer" method or create the singleton. This can be used with each scenario to either initialize the singleton in the first scenario, or preload defaults into the class-level statics in the second scenario.
If you want to stick with a static singleton in the implementation you might look at this article to give you a better idea at the true "global scope" of your singleton.
Yes you can definitely make a Texture class without needing a singleton.
Singletons probably should not be created and used as an object.
Singletons can be used for many important things.
I certainly don't know all of the things they can be used for, but i will tell you what i have used them for in the past.
I usually use singletons for level navigation in a game with many levels (like Angry Birds).
By level navigation, i mean... when a player completes a certain level in a game i simply call a class method on the singleton and pass in the level number, then the singleton's class method figures out which level is next (if user presses 'next level' button).
I can help you understand the Singleton class better and when it applies.
Pattern : Singleton
Intent : Enforce that a class can only have a single instance, as well as making that instance accessible to any other object.
Motivation : Sometimes we need to make sure that there exists only a single object of a certain type in our problem domain. Example: A student carries around only a single backpack, which he can fill with books. We would not want to relate him to secondary backpack, with even more books.
Use when :
There is need for only a single instance of a class, and that instance must be accessible from different objects within your code.
When you (possibly) need to be able to add more functionality to that class by subclassing it.

Objective-C: when to use function vs method

I've started using Xcode's refactoring abilities (edit > refactor > extract) and noticed that Xcode offers to extract a method or a function.
I've read here and elsewhere about the differences between the two and understand that a method is connected to a class while a function is not. So I'm not looking for definitions, please.
Assuming that no arguments are involved, when is it appropriate to use one instead of the other? I understand that if something isn't really about the class then it could be a function but again, that's just about the definitions. I'm looking for good ol' use cases.
In my personal case, I'm trying to refactor some code out of the AppDelegate's applicationDidEnterBackground. As it is the only place to handle events upon entering the background, the only way to clean up the code is to extract subroutines into .. well, functions. But they'd be inside AppDelegate.m so wouldn't they be methods?
Personally, I only use functions if, and only if, the following two requirements are met:
I use it so frequently within a given class, or throughout the project, that it warrants being generalized.
It has no side-effects or context dependancies (none of that void *context mess).
In my opinion, C-style functions should only be used as a last resort or in cases where you truly need functional behavior within this kind of an application. Event handling is both application-specific, and context sensitive, so it's best if you left that alone and focused on refactoring common patterns out.
You use functions when you have a, well, function ;-) You know the definitions: a method has an implicit argument self and can access instance variables using that; a function has no implicit arguments - everything it needs must be passed in.
If you are refactoring part of a larger method, that part does not access instance variables, and you are not refactoring it so that a subclass can override it, then let Xcode build you a function. When its done add static to it so it is private to the class.
In doing this you've lost nothing and made it clear that the piece of code is a function - it does not alter the state of the object.
There is of course no hard line between picking a function and a method, its a fuzzy boundary. If a piece of code, say, just accesses one or two instance variables but does not update them then you might pick a function - again making it clear that the object state is not being modified. But you don't want to pass lots of instance variables in as parameters, that is just hard to read (and inefficient).
Using functions can be good, and its certainly not bad to do so in Objective-C.
Method of a class usually need to access instance variables connected to that class. Functions in Objective-C are not connected to a class, and therefore have no access to any non-public member variables of classes.
Consider the class KNode, which contains member variable _memberVar.
#interface KNode : NSObject {
int _memberVar;
Any method of this class could access and change the member variable, but any old function cannot, as it is private.
#implementation KNode
- (void)modify {
_memberVar = 10;
The following function will not work
void modify(KNode * node) {
_memberVar = 10;
Two small but meaningful advantages of functions:
They can be internal-only by marking them static, or
__attribute__((visibility("hidden"))), which is helpful for framework developers
They can be inlined. For example, I use this pattern for fast lazy queue creation:
static inline dispatch_queue_t sharedQueue() {
static dispatch_queue_t queue;
static dispatch_once_t once;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
queue = dispatch_queue_create("foo", 0);
return queue;

Dynamic Getters and Setters with Objective C

I am in a situation where I want to dynamically generate getters and setters for a class at runtime (in a similar manner to what NSManagedObject does behind the scenes). From my understanding, this is possible using resolveInstanceMethod: on a specific class. At this point, you would have to use class_addMethod to dynamically add the method based on the selector. I understand this at a theoretical level, but I haven't delved much into the obj-c runtime, so I was curious if there were any great examples of how to do this. Most of my knowledge comes from this article:
Any thoughts / examples?
The only nice discussion I know is at Mike Ash's blog post. It's not that hard, actually.
I once needed to split a big NSManagedObject subclass into two, but decided to keep the fact an implementation detail so that I don't have to rewrite other parts of my app. So, I needed to synthesize getter and setter which sends [self foo] to [self.data foo], automatically.
To achieve that, I did the following:
Prepare the new method, already in my class.
- (id)_getter_
return objc_msgSend(self.data, _cmd);
- (void)_setter_:(id)value
objc_msgSend(self.data, _cmd,value);
Note that _cmd has the selector in it. So, usually, _cmd is either #selector(_getter_) or #selector(_setter_) in these methods, but I'm going to plug the implementation of _getter_ as the implementation of foo. Then, _cmd contains #selector(foo), and thus calls self.data's foo.
Write a generic synthesizing method:
NSString*setterName=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%#%#:",
[[getterName substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],[getterName substringFromIndex:1]];
Method getter=class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(_getter_));
class_addMethod(self, NSSelectorFromString(getterName),
method_getImplementation(getter), method_getTypeEncoding(getter));
Method setter=class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(_setter_:));
class_addMethod(self, NSSelectorFromString(setterName),
method_getImplementation(setter), method_getTypeEncoding(setter));
Note that this is a class method. So self stands for the class. Note also that I didn't hardcode type encodings (which tells Objective-C runtime what the arguments of the particular method are). The syntax of type encodings is documented, but constructing by hand is very error-prone; I wasted a few days that way until Mike Ash told me to stop it. Generate it using an existing method.
Generate forwarders at the earliest possible time:
for(NSString*selectorName in [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"foo", #"bar", #"baz",nil]){
[self synthesizeForwarder:selectorName];
This generates foo, setFoo:, bar, setBar:, and baz, setBaz:.
Hope this helps!
Another example is one I wrote, called DynamicStorage, available here:
The primary impetus behind it was this question, which was asking how to use an NSMutableDictionary as the backing store for any object ivar. I wrote a class that will generate getters and setters for any #property, respecting things like a custom getter/setter name, the object memory management policy, etc. The neat thing about it is that it's using imp_implementationWithBlock() so that it only has to calculate the appropriate property name once (and then captures and saves it as part of the block).

Objective C - preferred way to create and initialize an object

Is one of these two ways to create and initialize an object preferable?
MyClass oClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
oClass.length = 5;
oClass.text = #"Hello";
or using a class method that contains about the same code but looks like this:
MyClass oClass = [MyClass myClassWithLength:(int) 5 andText:(NSString *) #"Hello"];
I hate it when I see things done more than one way and I have no idea if one is better than the other, or why!
Don't be a hater. :-)
By the way, I'm assuming you meant:
(Edit: removed unnecessary casts)
MyClass oClass = [[MyClass alloc] initWithLength:5 andText:#"Hello"];
The reason for multiple init... methods is to make it more convenient for developers to create properly initialized instances. So, for example, if you find that developers often need to create instances of MyClass with a length and text, you make their life easier by providing an API that allows them to do that in one step. And if you find that developers also frequently need to create instances of MyClass with just a text string, you might also provide an -initWithText: method.
And if the instances created this way are frequently used as temporary objects (i.e., not stored in instance variables or static variables), you might also add a class convenience method like +myClassWithText: that returns an autoreleased instance of MyClass initialized with the provided text string.
As to which one is better: it's always better to fully initialize an object when possible, so if the object needs both values to be properly initialized, use the method that allows you to provide both arguments. And if you don't need to store a reference to the instance you're creating, use the class convenience method so your code doesn't have to deal with memory management.
If the object is unusable without the length and text, then the second option might be better. If those fields are optional, then the first one is better.
However, I don't think there is absolute truth to this question.
If you have a class with many properties it's very unlikely to initialize them all in one single line of code. Both ways work fine for me.
If an initWithSomething: method is available and you want to provide initial values for those properties, I would always prefer it just because it's simpler. It also will always work even with immutable versions of a class.
But neither init method is inherently "better." Classes usually have one or two designated initializers and all the others just call those with default values — it doesn't necessarily leave the instance's properties untouched. The documentation for a class should indicate what its initializers do and which is the designated initializer for the class. For example, [[NSDate alloc] init] uses NSDate's designated initializer, initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:, to create a date object representing the current date and time.
Incidentally, this also means that when you're subclassing a class, you only need to override its designated initializer. Since the others just call that, they get your new behavior for free.

How unit testing a singleton in obj-c?

I have a singleton class, and can't unit test their code.
I have test like:
Db *db = [[Db alloc] initWithName:#"sample.db"];
[db createDb];
STAssertEquals([db existDb],YES,#"The db is not created!");
But only work the first. When the second is executed, I always get "null" from the initWithName method. When I remove the singleton support code, all work as expected.
I could hack the testing (but I don't know how right now) but wonder if exist a "poper" way to deal with this.
The singleton is located here: http://code.google.com/p/chibiorm/source/browse/trunk/src/Db.m
Singletons are hard to unit test and are sometimes the result of poor design.
My recommendation would be to think hard about whether you really need a singleton in the first place.
Maybe you could use the Factory pattern and create a factory that hands out only one instance (effectively your singleton). Then the implementation is not a singleton and you can unit test it to your hearts content.
The only drawback is that you are not protected by the language to create your own instance if you don't retrieve it from the factory. In C++ you may overcome this by making the constructor private and the factory and the unit test friends. I am not sure if Objective-C has a similar feature.
I think you shouldn't return nil on the second alloc but raise an exception. If you want to use a singleton you should not try to create two :).
However, if I decide to create a singleton my class looks like:
#implementation MySingleton
static id _instance = nil;
+ instance
if (_instance == nil) {
// alloc/init
_instance = [[self alloc] init];
return _instance;
As you can see I am not enforcing that there may never be more than one instance. Instead I am using the convention to get the instance only with the instance method.
The guy here has written what I would have written as the answer, which is use categories to provide differnet instances from your singleton methods as needed.
The other guys above who are all pontificating their opinions of "singletons are bad m'kay" should be ignored. The first thing I did when I switched to objective c was write an iOC library, which I never used because I realised that objective c is NOT java, so please ignore people who bleet on about about java dogma : it doens't always apply to objective c.