Objective C - preferred way to create and initialize an object - objective-c

Is one of these two ways to create and initialize an object preferable?
MyClass oClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
oClass.length = 5;
oClass.text = #"Hello";
or using a class method that contains about the same code but looks like this:
MyClass oClass = [MyClass myClassWithLength:(int) 5 andText:(NSString *) #"Hello"];
I hate it when I see things done more than one way and I have no idea if one is better than the other, or why!

Don't be a hater. :-)
By the way, I'm assuming you meant:
(Edit: removed unnecessary casts)
MyClass oClass = [[MyClass alloc] initWithLength:5 andText:#"Hello"];
The reason for multiple init... methods is to make it more convenient for developers to create properly initialized instances. So, for example, if you find that developers often need to create instances of MyClass with a length and text, you make their life easier by providing an API that allows them to do that in one step. And if you find that developers also frequently need to create instances of MyClass with just a text string, you might also provide an -initWithText: method.
And if the instances created this way are frequently used as temporary objects (i.e., not stored in instance variables or static variables), you might also add a class convenience method like +myClassWithText: that returns an autoreleased instance of MyClass initialized with the provided text string.
As to which one is better: it's always better to fully initialize an object when possible, so if the object needs both values to be properly initialized, use the method that allows you to provide both arguments. And if you don't need to store a reference to the instance you're creating, use the class convenience method so your code doesn't have to deal with memory management.

If the object is unusable without the length and text, then the second option might be better. If those fields are optional, then the first one is better.
However, I don't think there is absolute truth to this question.

If you have a class with many properties it's very unlikely to initialize them all in one single line of code. Both ways work fine for me.

If an initWithSomething: method is available and you want to provide initial values for those properties, I would always prefer it just because it's simpler. It also will always work even with immutable versions of a class.
But neither init method is inherently "better." Classes usually have one or two designated initializers and all the others just call those with default values — it doesn't necessarily leave the instance's properties untouched. The documentation for a class should indicate what its initializers do and which is the designated initializer for the class. For example, [[NSDate alloc] init] uses NSDate's designated initializer, initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:, to create a date object representing the current date and time.
Incidentally, this also means that when you're subclassing a class, you only need to override its designated initializer. Since the others just call that, they get your new behavior for free.


Why use Singletons?

OK, I know this question might seem irrelevant or too basic, but - since I always want to know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, if it fits my design - please shed some light.
So, here's what I need :
Let's say we've got a class
We want to use its methods from pretty much anywhere
Instead of passing an object around, I decided to go for class methods and pseudo-global instances
So, let's say we've got a class named "MyDocumentManager".
This is what I usually do :
+ (MyDocumentManager*)documentManager
MyDocumentManager* newDocumentManager = [[MyDocumentManager alloc] init];
if (newDocumentManager)
// initialize that new document manager
return newDocumentManager;
And then use it like :
[[MyDocumentManager documentManager] someMethod];
However, I usually see people suggesting something like :
+ (MyDocumentManager*)sharedManager
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static MyDocumentManager *sharedManager;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedManager = [[MyDocumentManager alloc] init];
return sharedManager;
So, here's my questions :
Is is the same thing?
If not, what is the difference?
What are the pros/cons of its approach? (in terms of memory/speed/etc)
Which one should I use and why?
Do they both fit what I need them for?
Is it the same thing?
If not, what is the difference?
What you have doesn't implement a singleton, since it allocates a new instance of the class upon every function call. It's rather called a factory method. The definition of a singleton is that a certain class method always returns the same instance of the class.
Which one should I use and why?
You should generally avoid using singletons, because it's often considered bad practice, although there are cases when it's handy to have them. For example, if you have a class that uses encapsulated data but you only need quasi class-level methods, then it's better to implement a singleton with properly placed instance variables than implement class methods and tons of global/static variables (this is because in Objective-C, classes can't have member variables, only objects).
Do they both fit what I need them for?
You decide that.
The code you pasted in "what I usually do" is broken. It doesn't return a singleton. It returns a brand new object every time you call it (and if this isn't ARC then it's leaking it too).
The code you pasted as what people suggest is the correct code. Not only does it return a shared object each time, without leaking, but it's also thread-safe (so far as initialization of the object is concerned; it doesn't say anything about whether use of the object is thread-safe).

Understand Objective-C runtime

I have read about how Objective-C runtime works, so please comment if I misunderstood something.
Let's say I have class called Person. That class may or not have method getSex.
Person *p = [[Person alloc]init];
Here the memory is allocated for Person instance (isa is created also which points to class Person), init is used to initialize Person ivar's
[p getSex];
Here objc_msgSend(Person,#selector(getSex) is called on Person class.
If Person class not have such method the runtime look for that method in Person root class and so on. When the method is found IMP is called which is a pointer to method block code. Then the method is executed.
Is that correct ?
Yes, everything is correct, except the behavior of init may or may not initialize all its member variables such that the accessors return valid results, although it is reasonable to guess that it initializes properties unless told otherwise.
There's one piece that's slightly off.
The call will actually be one of these three:
objc_msgSend(p, #selector(getSex))
objc_msgSend_fpret(p, #selector(getSex))
objc_msgSend_stret(p, #selector(getSex))
One difference here is that the first argument is to the object and not to the class.
Also, since you didn't share what the getSex method returns, it's not possible for us to know whether it will be one of the fpret/stret versions or not. If the method returns a double (on certain platforms), the fpret version will be used. If the method returns a structure value (on certain platforms), then the stret version will be used. All others will use the standard version. All of this is platform dependent in many different ways.
As the others said, allocation will create an object with all instance variables set to 0/NULL and a valid isa pointer as well. Initialization methods may or may not update the instance variables with something meaningful.

How does accessing ivars directly differ from using an accessor?

So in some of the codes I see, they access an objects ivar directly instead of using accessors . What are the advantages of using them instead of accessors?
So how would this
thing = object->ivar
differ from this?
thing = object.ivar
First let me say, I totally loathe the Objective-C dot notation. It sacrifices understandability for brevity and that is a bad thing. In fact, the other two answers here both show evidence of the kind of confusion dot notation introduces.
Having got the rant out of the way, I'll now try to answer the question.
Under the hood, Objective-C objects are implemented as pointers to C structs. This is why
sometimes works. Given that it's a C struct
should also work exactly as you would expect for C. Having said that, you can make ivars private or protected, in which case using the above outside a scope where they are visible will cause a compiler error.
The dot operator when applied to an Objective-C object (which is a pointer don't forget) has a totally different meaning. It's syntactic sugar for sending an accessor message to the object meaning that:
foo = obj.property;
obj.property = foo;
is identical in effect to
foo = [obj property];
[obj setProperty: foo];
That is all there is to dot notation. If you go through your code changing all instances of the first form to instances of the second form, you have done everything the compiler does wrt dot notation.
In particular
you do not need a declared #property to use dot notation. You can declare the set and get accessors in the traditional way as Objective C methods, although it is definitely best practice to use #property declarations for things that are logically properties.
you do not need a backing instance variable. There's no reason why your getters and setters can't calculate values.
Given the above, the major difference between obj->ivar and obj.ivar is that the former modifies the ivar directly and latter invokes an accessor, this means that the latter can do any memory management stuff needed (retains, releases, copies etc) and can also invoke key value observing.
This is one thing with a huge difference between c/c++ and objective-c.
In C/C++ the . accesses the variable directly and the -> accesses the variable if it's a pointer to the variable, so basically it is the same.
In Objective-C the . is a shortcut to access the property using the setter and getter function and it is always using those functions. You can't access ivars with it if there is no property with that name.
Some say it's "dirty" to allow direct access to the variables. If more people work on the code it's "cleaner" to use accessors because it might be easier to debug where variables are changed since you can always break in the setter.
You can even do "bad" things with it, like:
NSArray *array = [NSArray alloc] init];
int count = array.count;
this will technically work, because the array.release is a shortcut for [array release] but it is bad style to use . for other things then properties.
The advantage of properties is that they call methods that work with your ivars, in stead of calling the ivars directly, so you can do things like this:
if([self frameIsValid:frame])
frame.size = CGSizeMake(frame.size.height,frame.size.width);
[super setFrame:frame];
[delegate viewSubclass:self ChangedFrameTo:frame];
Four advantages shown here are:
The possibility to override
The possibility to check a given value
The possibility to alter a given value (use with caution)
A way to react to calls
Another advantage:
-(NSInteger) amountOfMinutes
return amountOfSeconds * 60;
You can use 1 ivar for multiple properties, saving memory and preventing/reducing redundancy, while keeping useful different formats.
There's not really an advantage to using ivars, except when you don't want to use a property so your class is more encapsulated. That does not make it impossible to reach, but it makes it clear it isn't supposed to be reached.
All ivars are private. There is no way to access them directly from outside the object. Therefore, both of your code samples are equivalent, in ObjC terms.
When you call object.ivar, what you are really doing is calling object's ivar selector. This may be either a getter method that you wrote yourself, or more likely, a synthesized getter method that you created with #synthesize.
thing, however, is an ivar. Your code would be calling the ivar selector on object and assigning the result directly to your instance's thing ivar.
If you had instead written it as self.thing = object.ivar, then you would be using your instance's setter method to assign to thing.
Some of the advantages of using accessors (specifically, synthesized properties) in ObjC are KVO/KVC compliance; better concurrency support; access control (readonly, readwrite); as well as all of the advantages that accessors give you in any other OO language.

How to initialize a class with many constructor arguments?

I have a class that takes many arguments to create. It’s a sort of an audio processor that needs a sample rate, sample resolution, number of channels etc. Most of the parameters have sane defaults. And most of them should be only settable in the initializer (constructor), because it makes no sense to change them afterwards. I do not want to create a gargantuan initializer with all the parameters because (1) it would be huge and essentially it would only copy the passed values, doing no real work, and (2) the user would have to specify values for all the parameters. What’s a good way to solve this?
I’ve tried writing getters and setters for the params. This means that I could not create the “real” audio processing unit in the constructor, since the parameter values are not known then. I had to introduce a new method (say prepareForWork) so that the users can do something like:
AudioProcessor *box = [[AudioProcessor alloc] init];
[box setSampleRate:…];
[box setNumberOfChannels:…];
[box prepareForWork];
[box doSomeProcessing];
This is nice because it does not require an unwieldy constructor. Also the defaults are set in the initializer which means that I can take a fresh AudioProcessor instance and it could still do some work. The flip side is that (1) there is an extra method that has to be called before the instance can do any real work and (2) the class should refuse to change any of the parameters after prepareForWork was called. Guarding both these invariants would take some boilerplate code that I don’t like.
I thought I could create a special “preset” class that would look like this:
#interface SoundConfig : NSObject {
NSUInteger numberOfChannels;
NSUInteger sampleResolution;
float sampleRate;
And then require an instance of this class in the AudioProcessor initializer:
#interface AudioProcessor : NSObject {…}
- (id) initWithConfig: (SoundConfig*) config;
Default values would be set in the SoundConfig initializer, the AudioProcessor constructor would be simple and there would be no invariants to keep watching by hand.
Another approach I thought of was a kind of AudioProcessorBuilder class. You would create an instance of that, set the audio params through accessors and then finally it would build an AudioProcessor instance for you, setting all the properties through a non-public setters so that you could not change them later (and break the invariant).
Now that I write this I favour the SoundConfig approach. How do you solve this, is there a better approach?
See how NSURLConnection is implemented and used. It uses an NSURLRequest object to parameterise it, similarly to the way your SoundConfig object parameterises the AudioProcessor object.
The usual way is indeed to create a gargantuan initializer together with several initializers for non default values or sets of values.
But the SoundConfig approach looks simpler.
Usually, when you have class with many constructor parameters, especially when some or most of them are optional, you want to use Builder Pattern. Funny thing, I cannot find examples for objective-c, so I am not sure if it could be easily applied here...

I need a good analogy to make sense of Class methods vs. instance methods

Im getting fairly confused as the book im reading is delving into the NSNumber class and talks about all the different methods you can call on it. I have a couple questions:
1.) Do you not have to call a typical alloc or init on foundation classes?
2.)in what cases would you use, say, numberWithChar: as opposed to initWithChar (i think this is the part that is messing me up the most, not really sure im groking this concept on the level i need to be, if you folks could break it down for me I think it would really help me get over this humper-roo.
Class/Instance Analogies
Classes are like blueprints for a type house. Instances are like actual houses. So you can only have one blueprint for a single type of house, but you can have multiple actual houses of the same type. Also, you can have multiple blueprints, and each blueprint describes a different type of house.
Another analogy you can use is that classes are like cookie cutters, and instances are like cookies made from a cookie cutter.
How It Applies To Objective-C
There is one "class object" for every class in your code. To refer to the class object, you just use the class name. alloc is a class method that allocates a new instance like so:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc];
However, alloc doesn't initialize the class, so none of the member variables will be set up. init is an instance method that will initialize a newly allocated instance. So to allocate and initialize a new instance, you do this:
MyWidget* w = [[MyWidget alloc] init];
Which is equivalent to this:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc]; //alloc is being called on the class
w = [w init]; //init is being called on the instance
Another common type of class method is a factory method like numberWithChar:. This is basically what numberWithChar: does:
+(NSNumber*) numberWithChar:(char)c;
return [[[NSNumber alloc] initWithChar:c] autorelease];
The only real difference is that numberWithChar: returns an autoreleased object.
All objects must be allocated and initialized. That includes foundation classes.
1) alloc and init need to be called virtually always. numberWithChar is a convenience method, which means it calls alloc, init, and autorelease for you and returns the autoreleased instance.
2) Since numberWithChar returns an autoreleased object, that means unless you retain it (or pass it to something like an NSArray which will retain it), it'll be destroyed shortly. initWithChar returns a retain-ed object, which means you have to release it when you're done with it.
I found when I was starting out that it was helpful to use init-alloc as a rule, instead of the convenience methods, because it made me pay close attention to my memory management.
The difference between class and instance methods is addressed from a number of angles in the answers to this question What is the difference between class and instance methods?
To be honest, the analogy I use when I call a class method on, say NSString, is praying to the god of NSStrings to bestow upon me a magnificent new NSString. Notice that class methods are almost 100% used for creation. e.g. alloc is a class method, stringWithFormat is a class method, and so on.
Yes, it's ridiculous, I know.
Ok, first thing: In Objective-C, you don't call a method, you send a message to an object. The runtime looks up the methods and calls them.
It might help you to think of a class as a factory. In fact, years ago, we used to refer to class methods as factory methods.