Postgresql 8.3 duplicate rows - sql

I'm having a little problem with one query that I'm writing. I've a lot of joins, and a lot of columns that I extract, in the where clause I compare date column with the minimum value of the same table. But when I got a same date for two rows, I need to get only one row. The where clause is like that:
bt.da2 = (select min(btreg.da2) from bt btreg.....
the query results a lot of customers, every customer has that bt.da2 date. I need when one customer has two rows, with the same value of the bt.da2 , I need to take only one of the two rows, not the two.
I may not explained myself clear. Please if anyone have a little clue what I'm asking, and something is not clear, please ask me.
I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3

It's hard to tell with so little information, but I would try something like this:
select *
from (
select product_id, -- assumed to be the primary key
row_number() over (partition by product_id order by bt.da2) as rn
from products pr
left join bt on bt.da2 = pr.some_col
) t
where rn = 1
the row_number() function is used to create consecutive numbers for each product. The outer where clause then picks the first one. You can change the order by in the window definition to influence which one you pick.

You should be able to sort out duplicate values of da2 using:
bt.da2 = (select distinct min(btreg.da2) from bt btreg.....
I tried this out using PostgreSQL 9.1, but I am sure the distinct keyword will work as expected in 8.4 as well.


Get 5 most recent records for each Number

Data I have a table in Access that has a Part Number and PriceYr and Price associated to each Part Number.There are over 10,000 records and the PartNumber are repeated and has different PriceYr and Price associated to it. However, I need a query to just find the 5 most recent price and date associated with it.
I tried using MAX(PriceYr) however, it only returns 1 most recent record for each PartNumber.
I also tried the following query but it doesn't seem to work.
SELECT Catalogs.PartNumber,Catalogs.PriceYr, Catalogs.Price FROM Catalogs
WHERE Catalogs.PriceYr in
(SELECT TOP 5 Catalogs.PriceYr
FROM Catalogs as Temp
WHERE Temp.PartNumber = Catalogs.PartNumber
ORDER By Catalogs.PriceYr DESC)
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Desired Result that i am trying to get.
Consider a correlated count subquery to filter by a rank variable. Right now, you pull top 5 overall on matching PartNumber not per PartNumber.
SELECT main.*
(SELECT c.PartNumber, c.PriceYr, c.Price,
(SELECT Count(*)
FROM Catalogs AS Temp
WHERE Temp.PartNumber = c.PartNumber
AND Temp.PriceYr >= c.PriceYr) As rank
FROM Catalogs c
) As main
WHERE main.rank <= 5
MAX() is an aggregating function, meaning that it groups all the data and takes the maximal value in the specified column. You need to use a GROUP BY statement to prevent the query from grouping the whole dataset in a single row.
On the other hand, your query seems to needlessly use a subquery. The following query should work quite fine :
SELECT TOP 5 c.PartNumber, c.PriceYr, c.Price
FROM Catalogs c
WHERE c.PartNumber = #partNumber -- if you want the query to
-- work on a specific part number
(please post a table creation query to make sure this example works)

Oracle SQL Developer(

First time posting here, hopes it goes well.
I try to make a query with Oracle SQL Developer, where it returns a customer_ID from a table and the time of the payment from another. I'm pretty sure that the problems lies within my logicflow (It was a long time I used SQL, and it was back in school so I'm a bit rusty in it). I wanted to list the IDs as DISTINCT and ORDER BY the dates ASCENDING, so only the first date would show up.
However the returned table contains the same ID's twice or even more in some cases. I even found the same ID and same DATE a few times while I was scrolling through it.
If you would like to know more please ask!
FIRM.account_recharge.X__INSDATE FELTOLTES
INNER JOIN FIRM.account_recharge
ON FIRM.account.ACCOUNT_ID = FIRM.account_recharge.ACCOUNT
FIRM.account_recharge.X__INSDATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('14-01-01', 'YY-MM-DD') AND TO_DATE('14-12-31', 'YY-MM-DD')
Your select works like this because a CUSTOMER_ID indeed has more than one X__INSDATE, therefore the records in the result will be distinct. If you need only the first date then don't use DISTINCT and ORDER BY but try to select for MIN(X__INSDATE) and use GROUP BY CUSTOMER_ID.
FIRM.account_recharge.X__INSDATE FELTOLTES
Distinct is applied to both the columns together, which means you will get a distinct ROW for the set of values from the two columns. So, basically the distinct refers to all the columns in the select list.
It is equivalent to a select without distinct but a group by clause.
It means,
select distinct a, b....
is equivalent to,
select a, by a, b
If you want the desired output, then CONCATENATE the columns. The distict will then work on the single concatenated resultset.

SELECT DISTINCT returns more rows than expected

I have read many answers here, but until now nothing could help me. I'm developing a ticket system, where each ticket has many updates.
I have about 2 tables: tb_ticket and tb_updates.
I created a SELECT with subqueries, where it took a long time (about 25 seconds) to get about 1000 rows. Now I changed it to INNER JOIN instead many SELECTs in subqueries, it is really fast (70 ms), but now I get duplicates tickets. I would like to know how can I do to get only the last row (ordering by time).
My current result is:
67355;69759;"COMPANY X";"2014-08-22 09:40:21";"OPEN";"John";1
67355;69771;"COMPANY X";"2014-08-26 10:40:21";"UPDATE";"John";1
The first column is the ticket ID, the second is the update ID... I would like to get only a row per ticket ID, but DISTINCT does not work in this case. Which row should be? Always the latest one, so in this case 2014-08-26 10:40:21.
It is a postgresql database. I did not share my current query because it has only portuguese names, so I think it would not help at all.
Used_By_Already had the best solution to my problem.
Without the details of your tables one has to guess the field names, but it seems that tb_updates has many records for a single record in tb_ticket (a many to one relationship).
A generic solution to your problem - to get just the "latest" record - is to use a subquery on tb_updates (see alias mx below) and then join that back to tb_updates so that only the record that has the latest date is chosen.
, u.*
FROM tb_ticket t
INNER JOIN tb_updates u
ON t.ticket_id = u.ticket_id
, MAX(updated_at) max_updated
FROM tb_updates
) mx
ON u.ticket_id = mx.ticket_id
AND u.updated_at = mx.max_updated
If you have a dbms that supports ROW_NUMBER() then using that function can be a very effective alternative method, but you haven't informed us which dbms you are using.
by the way:
These rows ARE distinct:
67355;69759;"COMPANY X";"2014-08-22 09:40:21";"OPEN";"John";1
67355;69771;"COMPANY X";"2014-08-26 10:40:21";"UPDATE";"John";1
69759 is different to 69771, and that is enough for the 2 rows to be DISTINCT
there are difference in the 2 dates also.
distinct is a row operator which means is considers the entire row, not just the first column, when deciding which rows are unique.
Used_By_Already's solution would work just fine. I'm not sure on the performance but another solution would be to use cross apply, though that is limited to only a few DBMS's.
FROM tb_ticket ticket
SELECT top(1) *
FROM tb_updates details
ORDER BY updateTime desc
WHERE details.ticketID = ticket.ticketID
) updates
U Can try something like below if your updateid is identity column:
Select ticketed, max(updateid) from table
group by ticketed
To obtain last row you have to end your query with order by time desc then use TOP (1) in the select statement to select only the first row in the query result
select TOP (1) .....
from .....
where .....
order by time desc

Selecting rows where price changed

I have a problem much like this one
SQL: selecting rows where column value changed from previous row
Although not in mysql in SQL Server. i tried ypercube's first answer jiri's answer and egor's as well. All of them just run for over 5 min with no results (one i let run over 10min). The table contains over a million records so i know this is a big part of the problem. I have a feeling ypercube's second answer might work well but don't know how to change this variable driven mysql query to SQL.
Any help would be appreciated.
SQL version 2008 r2
Basically i need to determine when a price has changed on table containing the price,productID, serialnumber and a datestamp.
I can get a quick list of what productids/serial numbers need to be checked to compare against. Sorry i did not include this earlier i was thinking i could just adapt a solution to fit it.
A common table expression should do it fairly efficiently;
WITH cte AS (
SELECT a.timestamp, a.system, a.statusa, a.statusb
FROM cte a JOIN cte b ON a.system = b.system AND a.rn = b.rn+1
WHERE a.statusa <> b.statusa
An SQLfiddle to test with.

Remove duplicate rows - Impossible to find a decisive answer

You'd immediately think I went straight to here to ask my question but I googled an awful lot to not find a decisive answer.
Facts: I have a table with 3.3 million rows, 20 columns.
The first row is the primary key thus unique.
I have to remove all the rows where column 2 till column 11 is duplicate. In fact a basic question but so much different approaches whereas everyone seeks the same solution in the end, removing the duplicates.
I was personally thinking about GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
Is that the way to go or what do you suggest?
Thanks a lot in advance!
As a generic answer:
WITH cte AS (
PARTITION BY <groupbyfield> ORDER BY <tiebreaker>) as rn
FROM Table)
WHERE rn > 1;
I find this more powerful and flexible than the GROUP BY ... HAVING. In fact, GROUP BY ... HAVING only gives you the duplicates, you're still left with the 'trivial' task of choosing a 'keeper' amongst the duplicates.
ROW_NUMBER OVER (...) gives more control over how to distinguish among duplicates (the tiebreaker) and allows for behavior like 'keep first 3 of the duplicates', not only 'keep just 1', which is a behavior really hard to do with GROUP BY ... HAVING.
The other part of your question is how to approach this for 3.3M rows. Well, 3.3M is not really that big, but I would still recommend doing this in batches. Delete TOP 10000 at a time, otherwise you'll push a huge transaction into the log and might overwhelm your log drives.
And final question is whether this will perform acceptably. It depends on your schema. IF the ROW_NUMBER() has to scan the entire table and spool to count, and you have to repeat this in batches for N times, then it won't perform. An appropriate index will help. But I can't say anything more, not knowing the exact schema involved (structure of clustered index/heap, all non-clustered indexes etc).
Group by the fields you want to be unique, and get an aggregate value (like min) for your pk field. Then insert those results into a new table.
If you have SQL Server 2005 or newer, then the easiest way would be to use a CTE (Common Table Expression).
You need to know what criteria you want to "partition" your data by - e.g. create partitions of data that is considered identical/duplicate - and then you need to order those partitions by something - e.g. a sequence ID, a date/time or something.
You didn't provide much details about your tables - so let me just give you a sample:
;WITH Duplicates AS
DELETE FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE RowN > 1
The CTE ( WITH ... AS :... ) gives you an "inline view" for the next SQL statement - it's not persisted or anything - it just lives for that next statement and then it's gone.
Basically, I'm "grouping" (partitioning) my Orders by CustomerID, and ordering by OrderDate. So for each CustomerID, I get a new "group" of data, which gets a row number starting with 1. The ORDER BY OrderDate DESC gives the newest order for each customer the RowN = 1 value - this is the one order I keep.
All other orders for each customer are deleted based on the CTE (the WITH..... expression).
You'll need to adapt this for your own situation, obviously - but the CTE with the PARTITION BY and ROW_NUMBER() are a very reliable and easy technique to get rid of duplicates.
If you don't want to deal with a new table delete then just use DELETE TOP(1). Use a subquery to get all the ids of rows that are duplicates and then use the delete top to delete where there is multiple rows. You might have to run more than once if there are more than one duplicate but you get the point.
You get the idea hopefully. This is just some pseudo code to help demonstrate.