In unpacking do you find the ECX value or the ESP value for Aspack 2.12? - malware

I am teaching myself how to do malware analysis. While attempting to analyze a malicious file found on a USB drive it came to my attention that this malware was packed with Aspacker 2.12 (PEiD). I've never come across Aspack before, and a quick google search led me to this video:
This guys says to find the ECX register to find the Original Entry Point.
another google search led me to another tutorial on a site calls tuts4you (I can't post the link because you need to download the file to view the tutorial) but THIS guy says to find the ESP register and the EDI register and do exactly the same thing.
They both use ollydbg and import REC, and it appears that the tutorials are showing the exact same thing - namely finding the OEP for unpacking ASpack.
Since I am new to this, would someone mind explaining which one is correct and why?

Hope the question is not too obsolete...
There are more ways to achieve this task. You can follow steps in the mentioned tutorial or try other ways (usually dependent on packers version/options, etc). To mention one alternative approach, try to find following instructions in you packed executable:
6800000000 push 0
C3 retn
Set the breakpoint to this push 0 instruction and run executable. This instruction will be modified during packers code exection and 0 (DWORD 0x000000) will be replaced with address (DWORD) of the original entry point (so the instruction will look like push 00451000 for example).
Once executed, address of OEP will be pushed to the stack and following ret instruction will take it as return address where the execution should continue....thus setting EIP (instruction pointer) to original entrypoint.
For search for these instructions, I recommend some hex editor or for following hex pattern:


Interpreting Cortex M4 hard fault error debug info

Sorry - this is long! I'm sure I'll get some TL;DRs. :/
I'm not at all new to the world of Cortex M3/4; I have encountered plenty of hard fault errors in the past and, without exception, they have been due to stack overflow on FreeRTOS. However, in this case, I'm really struggling to track down a hard fault on a system that has someone else's old code that I have slightly modified.
I have a system with an LCD and touch screen. We have new hardware, which is almost identical to the old hardware other than it changing from an LPC1788 to a drop-in equivalent LPC4088 and the touch screen being I2C rather than SPI.
I'm using Keil uvision (which is new to me) with an NXP4088 which is an M4 core and Keil RL-ARM RTOS (also new to me) which is using C/C++ hybrid, the C++ also not something I have much experience with. On top of this, there is Segger emWin (which I've never used) closed source code where it always seems to be crashing. It will render a few screens, read the touch screen buttons etc and then fall over. Sometimes it falls over immediately though.
I have followed this:
I have attached a picture of the debugger/IDE when it crashes below (click to enlarge).
When it crashes, the highlighted green task in the OS is, without exception, ApplicationTask (which I have not modified).
If I am reading the info correctly the Keil uvision debugger tells me that the stack being used was the MSP stack which is at address 0x20003238. There's a memory dump below:
If I understand correctly, this means that R0, 2, 3 and 12 are 0, the program counter is at 0 as are LR and PSR. However, this goes against what's in the Call Stack + Locals window in the first picture. If I right click on the 0x00005A50 underneath ApplicationTask:4 and choose caller code, it itells me it is
Which is in the emWin binary blob I think.
However, if I look at 0x20001B60 (which is the PSP stack value) as below:
That seems to tally up much better with what the Call Stack + Local Window tells me. It also seems to tell me that it's crashing in emWin and extensive Googling shows that Segger always completely wash their hands of any possibility their closed source code could be at fault. To be fair, it's unlikely as it's been working OK until I modified the code to use an I2C touch screen interface rather than SPI. However, where it's crashing (or seems to be) is nothing to do with the code I have modified.
Also, this window below:
Gives the BFAR address as 0xF00B4DDA and the memory manager fault address as 0xF00B4DDA. I don't know whether I should be interpreting this as to being the issue.
I have found a few other posts around the web, including one staggeringly similar one to this here on Stack Overflow (but all have no solution associated with them) where people have the same issue.
So, my questions are:
Am I reading this data correctly and understanding the Keil document I linked to? I really feel I must be missing something with this MSP/PSP issue.
Am I using the caller code function with uvision correctly? The bit where I right click on Call Stack + Locals' address below ApplicationTask:4 and it always seems to take me to some Segger code I can't examine and surely isn't what's at fault.
Should I really be reading the issue as a bus fault address with it trying to read from or write to 0xF00B4DDA which is reserved space?
I tried implementing a piece of code such as this:
But that just stops the whole system running properly and ends up in at BKPT instruction in some init code. On top of this, I am not convinced this kind of thing would tell me any more than uvision does, other than it showing me slightly faster and with zero effort. Am I right in this latter assumption?

Print NASM program on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit excluding DOSBOX, excluding C, and "possibly" Excluding Windows API calls

I've been filling myself up with notes trying to successfully create my first program on Windows 7 with NASM, but with a few self imposed stipulations (until I'm ready to move forward). In creating this first program, however, I have a ton of questions.
The stipulations for now are that:
I'm running Window 7 SP1 - 64-bit
I do not wish to use DOSBox so Interrupts 0x21-24 are likely not applicable
I do not wish to rely on C so this is all NASM
I would really like to avoid downloading Visual Studio or associated WDK tools if I can (this depends on whether or not I NEED to interact with the Windows API and relates to Question 2 below)
I've downloaded and installed MinGW
I'm writing my code in Notepad++ and saving as *.asm
I am linking using "ld" for now, but from what I've read, most seem to recommend "GoLink" (and Alink hasn't been updated in years?). I'll probably migrate to GoLink after I've assured myself that "ld" may be too limiting
I want to know if printing is possible without the use of the Windows API or C because of the code below?
The only code example that has worked for me in some capacity can be found here.
nasm is not executing file in Windows 8
;FILE: main.asm
[section] .text
global _main
mov eax, 6
ret ; returns eax (exits)
c:\Users\James\Desktop>nasm -fwin32 main.asm
c:\Users\James\Desktop>ld -e _main main.obj -o main.exe
c:\Users\James\Desktop>echo %errorlevel%
My questions (a ton):
The fact that in the code above "ret" by itself gives output, although it just returns whatever is in EAX, is there a way to use it (or another directive outside of the Windows API) to return the contents of a variable (hopefully a string variable)? I tried to use ret with DOS calls, but as noted above, that definitely doesn't work because I'm on a 64-bit system.
In case I absolutely must use the Windows API, is the only way to interact with it by using the WDK tools? Is there some other way because that last time I downloaded Visual Studio and associated WDK tools it took up a ton of memory and massively slowed down my computer. Is there another way to make programs give output or print to the screen either by using internal commands or some other method to use API calls? One thread I admittedly skimmed (amidst 40 more tabs I have open) mentions "Russinovich's Windows Internals" but not a direct answer. At current every time I use code with the extern commands "ld" tells me that the references to commands like WinMain/WinMain#16 are undefined. In the same vein is there a table I can consult containing accurate calls to the API (i.e. _ExitProcess#4 vs. ExitProcess). I found this link to what think may be the NT API but I'm not sure it applies given my stipulations, but in reality, I'm just kind of confused:
In bits of code I've encountered I've seen directives for [Bit 16], [Bit 32], and [Bit 64]. [Bit 16] is likely ignorable, but I'm confused by the [Bit 32] and [Bit 64] for the following reasons which may not even be related: Via the code above I'm using the command, "nasm -fwin32 main.asm", then I'm linking it successfully and going on to receive output. For some reason - though I have not read the full "ld" documentation yet - when I use the command "nasm -fwin64 main.asm" and link it in the same way I receive an error saying "main.obj: File not recognized: File format not recognized". I don't understand why differentiating between 32 and 64 while I'm on a native 64-bit machine causes an error although this probably is just unique to ld.
In the meantime I'll be reading this question and will post an update it if helps: Executable isn't compatible with 64 bits processor
I can't answer some parts in great detail, so I expect somebody either putting up better answer, or feel free to edit this one.
you are linking against default clib, so your _main is called after Clib is initialized, the ret with value in eax is like return 6; in C++. Then Clib correctly destructs everything and calls windows exit process with exit code 6. You can return only int from _main, and I'm not even sure if full int is propagated to exit process call, or only 8 bit value is used. So you can return single char in ASCII encoding, if you treat that number as char.
You must call Windows API, if you want to display something in console/window, or write something into file, ie. do any output (and of course also for input). There's no peripheral available to win32/64 executable directly, like in DOS CGA/EGA/VGA text modes accessible trough int 10h or video ram at B800:0000. Any try to access some I/O peripheral directly should result into access violation. Only Win API should be legal for user-level application code.
How much of WDK you need I have no idea, haven't developed anything for windows for years. I think it's even possible to create executable without WDK, which would provide correct externs and dependencies on kernel32.dll and similar, but the amount of effort is way beyond simply using proper parts of WDK or clib from MinGW.
I think your linker is set to default to 32b executable, you have to figure out what kind of object format is produced by nasm for -fwin64 and how link that one with ld.
Why the difference. The 64b OS can run 32b binaries. But you can't mix 32/64 in single executable so easily (if at all). So you are either producing 32b or 64b binary, and you have to adjust everything to it (asm instructions used, directives and options, and WinAPI calls).

Debugging interpreter in VM when changing vm primitives

As a university project we want to change the the pharo vm to use an object-table and see what happens.
We use a pharo-vm clone from github and VMMaker. Building the VM works fine.
To get started we added a primitive that returns an incremented Integer:
"increments an integer"
self pushInteger: self popInteger + 1 .
and modified StackInterpreter class>>initializePrimitiveTable accordingly
MaxPrimitiveIndex := 576.
"... and so on ..."
(575 primitiveFail)
(576 primitiveIntegerIncrement))
And it works.
When we make changes to the VM we want to test-run already in the SmalltalkImage so we do not need to compile and see it did not work.
Something like:
StackInterpreter test: '1 inc'
And then I can debug if the primitive is wrong or an error occurs. Of course there needs to be done much more but how can I achieve this?
What we tried
category VMMaker-InterpreterSimulation class StackInterpreterSimulator. Trying the code in the comments
^ (StackInterpreterSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
displayForm := 'Display has not yet been installed' asDisplayText form.
the ByteString does not understand asDisplayText
(CogVMSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
(InterpreterSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
PrimitiveFailed: primitive #basicNew: in Array class failed
I also found this screen cast but it only debugs the VM from outside using gbd:
Our project is hosted here:!/~kirstin/PharoObjectTable
Current Status
We started implementing an object table. The lookup of attributes can go throught the object table. Full object table support and no usage of direct pointes is very tricky since pointers are expected everywhere. So we use pointers into the object table to identify when a lookup should go through the OT. We also found all object creation primitives and add new objects to the table.
How long is your project and how many people are you ? To me what you try to do is quite some work. Do you have good knowledge about low level behavior ?
To answer your question, the main problem here is that the cog simulator is not maintained in the pharo vm fork. This is because no one in the pharo crew use the simulator. We only use external debugging from gdb. In fact the pharo folks work mostly on VM plugins, the core of the VM is mainly maintained and developed by Eliot Miranda which works on Squeak. Therefore we report to him when there's a bug in the VM core.
For your project you would have to split it in at least 2 steps:
step 1: make the object table work with the stack VM
step 2: make the JIT work with your object table
Note that for step 2 I would recommend not to change the way an object access its header, therefore having a VW-like object table where you have the fixed size header on the one in the the object table, and the fields of the objects (and maybe header extensions) in the heap.
So use the StackVMSimulator and build the StackVM first. When everything will work (including context), you can think about hacking the JIT. Recently Guillermo Polito ported the Stack VM to the build process (see PharoSVMBuilder instead of PharoVMBuilder), a guy reported problems with this builder but you could hack it a bit to make it work.
Now to make the simulator work on Pharo 2.0 (which is the Pharo version of the generator image you have), you have to open the monticello browser and merge from Eliot's branch the Cog package (repo MCHttpRepository location: 'http: //source. squeak. org/VMMaker'), but not the latest Cog, the one at around the same date as the current VMMaker package of pharo-vm because the latest Cog and VMMaker of Eliot's branch are not stable.
The alternative being to start from Eliot's build image and merge things from the pharo branch. Here are infos about how to build the squeak development image (
Then Eliot gave me this script once:
| cos |
cos := CogVMSimulator newWithOptions: #(Cogit SistaStackToRegisterMappingCogit).
cos desiredNumStackPages: 8.
cos openOn: 'my/favourite.image'.
cos openAsMorph; toggleTranscript; halt; run
You don't need the SistaStackToRegisterMappingCogit option. I guess some similar script with the StackVMSimulator should work.
Lastly there are some documentation about the simulator but it is only for the CogSimulator (these documentations expects you already knows how the StackSimulator works, and just give you hints about how to use it with the JIT):
and in one of the video named "Cog VM (part x)", x being from 1 to 6, Eliot shows how he uses the simulator to disassemble x86, print the stack and inspect the heap.
Another tip, ask your questions on the pharo mailing list (pharo users or pharo dev), because here no one may notice your question (fortunately someone pointed me out your question this time).
And tell on the pharo mailing list if you managed to run the simulator in Pharo 2.0, some people (as me) are very interested in it. I was planning to do it at some point.
Good luck ! Nice project anyway.
The last time I tried to use the simulator is roughly a year ago, and I did not make it work.
However, there are a few patches, which I assume never got integrated that might be of help:
Issue 107 includes a patch for your asDisplayText issue.

Porting newlib to a custom ARM setup

this is my first post, and it covers something which I've been trying to get working on and off for about a year now.
Essentially it boils down to the following: I have a copy of newlib which I'm trying to get working on an LPC2388 (an ARM7TDMI from NXP). This is on a linux box using arm-elf-gcc
The question I have is that I've been looking at a lot of the tutorials talking about porting newlib, and they all talk about the stubs (like exit, open, read/write, sbrk), and I have a pretty good idea of how to implement all of these functions. But where should I put them?
I have the newlib distribution from and after poking around I found "syscalls.c" (in newlib-1.18.0/newlib/libc/sys/arm) which contains all of the stubs which I have to update, but they're all filled in with rather finished looking code (which does NOT seem to work without the crt0.S, which itself does not work with my chip).
Should I just be wiping out those functions myself, and re-writing them? Or should I write them somewhere else. Should I make a whole new folder in newlib/libc/sys with the name of my "architecture" and change the target to match?
I'm also curious if there's proper etiquette on distribution of something like this after releasing it as an open source project. I currently have a script which downloads binutils, arm-elf-gcc, newlib, and gdb, and compiles them. If I am modifying files which are in the newlib directory, should I hand a patch which my script auto-applies? Or should I add the modified newlib to the repository?
Thanks for bothering to read! Following this is a more detailed breakdown of what I'm doing.
For those who want/need more info about my setup:
I'm building a ARM videogame console based loosely on the Uzebox project ( ).
I've been doing all sorts of things pulling from a lot of different resources as I try and figure it out. You can read about the start of my adventures here (sparkfun forums, no one responds as I figure it out on my own):
I followed all of this by reading through the Stackoverflow questions about porting newlib and saw a few of the different tutorials (like ) but they also suffer from telling me to implements stubs without mentioning where, who, what, when, or how!
But where should I put them?
You can put them where you like, so long as they exist in the final link. You might incorporate them in the libc library itself, or you might keep that generic, and have the syscalls as a separate target specific object file or library.
You may need to create your own target specific crt0.s and assemble and link it for your target.
A good tutorial by Miro Samek of Quantum Leaps on getting GNU/ARM development up and running is available here. The examples are based on an Atmel AT91 part so you will need to know a little about your NXP device to adapt the start-up code.
A ready made Newlib porting layer for LPC2xxx was available here, but the links ot teh files appear to be broken. The same porting layer is used in Martin Thomas' WinARM project. This is a Windows port of GNU ARM GCC, but the examples included in it are target specific not host specific.
You should only need to modify the porting layer on Newlib, and since it is target and application specific, you need not (in fact probably should not) submit your code to the project.
When I was using newlib that is exactly what I did, blew away crt0.s, syscalls.c and libcfunc.c. My personal preference was to link in the replacement for crt0.s and syscalls.c (rolled the few functions in libcfunc into the syscalls.c replacement) based on the embedded application.
I never had an interest in pushing any of that work back into the distro, so cannot help you there.
You are on the right path though, crt0.S and syscalls.c are where you want to work to customize for your target. Personally I was interested in a C library (and printf) and would primarily neuter all of the functions to return 0 or 1 or whatever it took to get the function to just work and not get in the way of linking, periodically making the file I/O functions operate on linked in data in rom/ram. Basically without replacing or modifying any other files in newlib I had a fair amount of success, so you are on the right path.

Hex Decompilers for PIC

I've faced to a problem with a PIC Micro controller.
I have a micro-controller programmed by me long time ago and I lost the relevant source code and the schematic diagrams. Now I need to invert the value of a port. I can do this using some NOT gates but it is a big hassle to do so. or alternatively I will need to write the whole program back.
I don't expect to see the code back in PIC C or MikroC. Having an understandable assembly code would be sufficient.
So do anyone has any experience on a good HEX decompiler that I can use for this purpose? Any comments based on your experience? :)
EDIT : Device PIC 16F84A
Decompilation is unlikely to be a practical solution, and it is even less likely that a tool for your specific compiler and instruction set combination even exists.
Disassembly however is straightforward, though whether you will be able to make sense of the resulting code is a different matter since no comments or symbols are preserved in the HEX file; if you have the original object code it may render the disassembly more readable. There are many PIC disassemblers available, just Google it; I can't direct you at any specific one because there are a number of PIC families with different instruction sets, and you did not specify.
A simple approach to disassembly would be to simply load your HEX file into MPLAB and select View->Disassembly Listing, then right-click the windows and select "Output to File". This output may need some massaging for it to be suitable for input to an assembler.
I know this is an old post, but I have recently encountered a similar problem and didn't find a very complete answer online. I lost my MPLAB X IDE project due to hard drive failure, luckily I had already programmed a device with a working version of the code.
Recover the .hex
Follow the steps below to recover the .hex information from a programmed device:
Use MPLAB X IDE and your PIC programmer (I used PICkit3) to read the .hex file from the programmed device:
Start a new project for your device.
In "Project Properties" select your programmer.
Right click on the project folder and select "Set as Main Project".
Click on the arrow next to the "Read Device Memory Main Project" and select "Read Device Memory to File". Reading device memory to .hex file
Disassemble the .hex
You can view the disassembly in MPLAB X IDE, but you cannot edit or save it (or at least I couldn't figure out how to) and it is very cryptic. I found the easiest, no strings attached, disassembler to be the one packaged with gputils, it is called gpdasm. To download and install, visit the gputils page here:
Now open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where your .hex file is located. Generate an assembly source file from the .hex with the following command:
gpdasm -p p16f84a -csno hexfile.hex > asmfile.dis
With the -c -s -n and -o options, this generates quite a good listing which is very near to being able to be assembled as is. Obviously the variable names and labels cannot be recovered, but at least subroutines are identified which makes things a lot easier. Hope this helps someone in the future.
There is a list of PIC disassemblers at the official PICList technical reference.
Many people never use a stand-alone disassembler, but prefer to use the disassembler inside their favorite PIC simulator.
You should be able to load the hex file into the MPLAB IDE and view the assembly code from there as well as run it and step through the code in the simulater if I am not mistaken.
You can also use it to read the code from a device if it is not code protected.