subview from UIWindow and sending it back to UIwindow - objective-c

I have an UIWebView loaded with div, act as editor to write. Now i am adding UIWebView as sub view on UIWindow to set the frame equal to full screen and to hide the UIKeyboard, but at some button method, i need to get UIWebview from UIWindow and sent it back to UIKeyboard. Here is my code which is not working:
keyboardWindowFrame= nil;
for (UIWindow *testWindow in [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows])
if (![[testWindow class] isEqual:[UIWindow class]])
keyboardWindowFrame = testWindow;
[webViewForEditing setFrame:CGRectMake(5, 63, 310, 400)];
[webViewForEditing.scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(310, 400)];
[keyboardWindowFrame addSubview:webViewForEditing];
- (IBAction)keyboardButtonSelected:(id)sender
[keyboardWindowFrame sendSubviewToBack:webViewForEditing]; //need to send UIWebView back to UIWindow so i can write

I think I am trying to do the same thing as you and so although your question is not particularly clear hopefully my answer will help.
It seems that you have a view 'webViewForEditing' which you want to add and bring in front of the keyboard. When you click a button you want to put this view behind the keyboard again.
I have also tried using the sendSubViewToBack code with no joy.
In the end though I managed to get it to work using:
[[self view] exchangeSubviewAtIndex: withSubviewAtIndex: ];
(Credit goes to Sunny with it adapted from a question here)
I used the following code below, with to switch between a UIView and the keyboard:
- (IBAction)toggleButtonPressed:(id)sender {
UIWindow * window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows.lastObject;
if (window.subviews.count == 1) {
[window addSubview:_menuView];
else {
[window exchangeSubviewAtIndex: 0 withSubviewAtIndex: 1];
I am only working with two views (_menuView and the keyboard) which means I check how many subviews my window has to make sure I only add _menuView once.
Then it is easy to exchange the two views.
Even if you had more subviews in your window I am sure you could use a modified version of this. As long as none of your other views change places then exchanging them will always switch the same two views.
NOTE: As an aside. I am not sure if this code works if called when the keyboard is not first responder. I get the variable for Window using the last object in the window, which is always the keyboard if it has been made first responder. It might need tweaking to get it working at other times.

I formulated another, more eloquent, answer while working on this:
Add the views you want to the window view that holds the keyboard view:
#interface BViewController : UIViewController {
UIWindow * window;
// Add the code when the keyboard is showing to ensure it is added while we have a keyboard and to make sure it is only added once
-(void) keyboardDidShow: (NSNotification *) notification {
window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows.lastObject;
if (window.subviews.count == 1) {
[window addSubview:_menuView];
[window addSubview:_gameView];
[window addSubview:_stickerView];
[self hideViews];
- (void)hideViews {
_menuView.hidden = YES;
_gameView.hidden = YES;
_stickerView.hidden = YES;
So now we have our UIWindow view which contains our views and also our keyboard. They are all hidden so our keyboard appears at the front and can be typed on.
Now use a simple function to decide which view to bring in front of the keyboard:
- (void)bringViewToFront: (UIView *)view {
[self hideViews];
view.hidden = NO;
Hiding the views makes sure we only have our correct view at the front.
I spent a lot of time thinking how we could move different views forward and back, using the exchange function. Actually using hide and reveal means we can get our view immediately and still easily have access to the keyboard by hiding all the views.


Troubles with UISearchBar \ UISearchDisplayViewController

I'm having a hard time with my SearchDisplayViewController on iOS 7.
I have a searchBar hidden over a UITableViewController, like
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = searchBar;
Problem is that when I tap on the searchBar to type in something, then the view starts greying out, and I quickly tap the screen in a random point to dismiss it, coming back to the tableView, the searchBar disappears. Totally. Only on iOS 7 though.
Debugging it, the frame is always the same: 0,0,320,44. But the bar is invisible!
Also tried to do
self.tableView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0,self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height);
still disappears when I do it quickly.
On iOS 6 it works just fine. Problem is only with iOS 7 as far as I'm seeing.
I don't know what it depends on, has anyone encountered the same problem I have?
As of Double tap UISearchBar with search delegate on iOS 7 causes UISearchBar to disappear, I found the workaround to actually work and solved the bug - for now.
- (void)searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
[self.tableView insertSubview:self.searchDisplayController.searchBar aboveSubview:self.tableView];
I encountered the same issue, and noticed that searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch was being called twice. The first time, the superview of self.searchDisplayController.searchBar is the UITableView, and the second time it's still a UIView.
With the accepted answer, I worry about unintended consequences or unneeded overhead from re-inserting the subview every time the search bar is double-tapped, and I also worry about it breaking with future iOS versions. Fortunately, we can take advantage of the superview strangeness like this:
- (void)searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller {
if (self.tableView != self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.superview) {
[self.tableView insertSubview:self.searchDisplayController.searchBar aboveSubview:self.tableView];
If I had to guess what was happening, the UISearchBar is automatically creating a temporary UIView as its superview when it's active – this is the view seen when the search is being performed. While the UISearchBar is being dismissed, the superview gets set back to be the UITableView it had before, unless it gets dismissed so quickly that it was never properly initialized, in which case it cleans up improperly and the UITableView never gets the UISearchBar back as its child.
This solution still isn't ideal, and I think Apple must be doing something different in its own apps because their search bar UX feels a bit better. I think it would be better not to handle the second tap in the first place until the UISearchBar was ready. I tried using the other UISearchBarDelegate methods to do this, but I couldn't find an appropriate hook to override the current behavior.
I had the same problem with iOS 7 and I solved it from the apple documentation. The error most people do is that they associate the UISearchBar variable to the self.searchDisplayController.searchBar as the same...! NO NO..! They are 2 different things!!! UISearchBar should be declared and initialized and then wrapped into self.searchDisplayController as searchBar then later wrapped into self.tableView.tableHeaderView by so doing it will not disappear!!!
self.searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 44)];
self.searchDisplayController = [[UISearchDisplayController alloc] initWithSearchBar:self.searchBar contentsController:self];
self.searchDisplayController.delegate = self;
self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsDataSource = self;
self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsDelegate = self;
[self.searchBar setPlaceholder:#"search the hell in me"];
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.searchDisplayController.searchBar;
More refined approach for #lehrblogger solution:
- (void)addSearchDisplayControllerBackToTableView {
if ([self.searchDisplayController.searchBar isDescendantOfView:self.tableView] == NO) {
NSLog(#"Search bar is not in current table view, will add it back");
[self.tableView insertSubview:self.searchDisplayController.searchBar aboveSubview:self.tableView];
[self.searchDisplayController setActive:NO animated:YES];
Reason for this approach: While searching the search bar is moved to search container and the superview of search bar is always some other view other than current table view.
Note: This will dismiss the search, because user tapped more than once on search bar.

UIPageViewController Traps All UITapGestureRecognizer Events

It's been a long day at the keyboard so I'm reaching out :-)
I have a UIPageViewController in a typical implementation that basically follows Apple's standard template. I am trying to add an overlay that will allow the user to do things like touch a button to jump to certain pages or dismiss the view controller to go to another part of the app.
My problem is that the UIPageViewController is trapping all events from my overlay subview and I am struggling to find a workable solution.
Here's some code to help the example...
In viewDidLoad
// Page creation, pageViewController creation etc....
self.pageViewController.delegate = self;
[self.pageViewController setViewControllers:pagesArray
self.pageViewController.dataSource = self;
[self addChildViewController:self.pageViewController];
[self.view addSubview:self.pageViewController.view];
// self.overlay being the overlay view
if (!self.overlay)
self.overlay = [[MyOverlayClass alloc] init]; // Gets frame etc from class init
[self.view addSubview:self.overlay];
This all works great. The overlay gets created, it gets show over the top of the pages of the UIPageViewController as you would expect. When pages flip, they flip underneath the overlay - again just as you would expect.
However, the UIButtons within the self.overlay view never get the tap events. The UIPageViewController responds to all events.
I have tried overriding -(BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch per the suggestions here without success.
UIPageViewController Gesture recognizers
I have tried manually trapping all events and handling them myself - doesn't work (and to be honest even if it did it would seem like a bit of a hack).
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to trap the events or maybe a better approach to using an overlay over the top of the UIPageViewController.
Any and all help very much appreciated!!
Try to iterate through UIPageViewController.GestureRecognizers and assign self as a delegate for those gesture and implement
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch;
Your code may be like this:
In viewDidLoad
for (UIGestureRecognizer * gesRecog in self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers)
gesRecog.delegate = self;
And add the following method:
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
if (touch.view != self.pageViewController.view]
return NO;
return YES;
The documented way to prevent the UIPageViewController from scrolling is to not assign the dataSource property. If you assign the data source it will move into 'gesture-based' navigation mode which is what you're trying to prevent.
Without a data source you manually provide view controllers when you want to with setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion method and it will move between view controllers on demand.
The above can be deduced from Apple's documentation of UIPageViewController (Overview, second paragraph):
To support gesture-based navigation, you must provide your view controllers using a data source object.

Use UISegmentedControl to switch to a MKMapView and UITableView

I'm making an app and i have a view controller with a UISegmentedControl, and a want to switch between a MKMapView and a UITableView.
In the MKMapView i want to display a map with the users current location, and in the TableView i want to list some data. Thats it.
Sounds simple but i'm don't know how to proceed, i tried to make my view controller a tableview controller and then add the MKMapview, also tried to just add both views and a simple view controller. Anyway, there is a right or better way to do that?
Thanks guys!
You can use target-action to have the segmented control hide one view and unhide the other when it's value is changed:
- (void)segmentChanged:(id)sender
switch ([sender selectedSegmentIndex]) {
case 0:
self.tableView.hidden = NO;
self.mapView.hidden = YES;
case 1:
self.tableView.hidden = YES;
self.mapView.hidden = NO;
add both as subview
then whenever you want to switch just do
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:YOURVIEW];
The clean way would be to switch the subview, as soon as the button is pressed.
[view1 removeFromSuperView];
[self.view addSubview: view2];
For better performance you could save both views as a member variable, so they don't get instanciated every time.
You could even add a Viewtransition, when doing it in that way. (Eg flipping or fading)
Also in iOS5 you could write your own ViewControllerContainer. But thats way too complicated for that task.
I would use 2 navigationControllers.
Declare your first navigationController as usual, then when user tap the segmentedControl, create your tableController with another navigationController, and display it as modalViewController.
UINavigationController* modalController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:tableViewController];
[modalController setToolbarHidden:NO];
[self.navigationController presentModalViewController:modalController animated:YES];
[modalController release];
Then, when user tap the tableViewController's segmented control, just dismiss the viewController.

Detect horizontal panning in UITableView

I'm using a UIPanGestureRecognizer to recognize horizontal sliding in a UITableView (on a cell to be precise, though it is added to the table itself). However, this gesture recognizer obviously steals the touches from the table. I already got the pangesturerecognizer to recognize horizontal sliding and then snap to that; but if the user starts by sliding vertical, it should pass all events from that touch to the tableview.
One thing i have tried was disabling the recognizer, but then it wouldn't scroll untill the next touch event. So i'd need it to pass the event right away then.
Another thing i tried was making it scroll myself, but then you will miss the persistent speed after stopping the touch.
Heres some code:
//In the viewdidload method
UIPanGestureRecognizer *slideRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc]initWithTarget:self action:#selector(sliding:)];
[myTable addGestureRecognizer:slideRecognizer];
-(void)sliding:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan)
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:favoritesTable];
if (sqrt(translation.x*translation.x)/sqrt(translation.y*translation.y)>1) {
horizontalScrolling = YES; //BOOL declared in the header file
//And some code to determine what cell is being scrolled:
CGPoint slideLocation = [recognizer locationInView:myTable];
slidingCell = [myTable indexPathForRowAtPoint:slideLocation];
if (slidingCell.row == 0) {
slidingCell = nil;
if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded || recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateCancelled)
horizontalScrolling = NO;
if (horizontalScrolling)
//Perform some code
//Maybe pass the touch from here; It's panning vertically
So, any advice on how to pass the touches?
Addition: I also thought to maybe subclass the tableview's gesture recognizer method, to first check if it's horizontal; However, then i would need the original code, i suppose... No idea if Apple will have problems with it.
Also: I didn't subclass the UITableView(controller), just the cells. This code is in the viewcontroller which holds the table ;)
I had the same issue and came up with a solution that works with the UIPanGestureRecognizer.
In contrast to Erik I've added the UIPanGestureRecognizer to the cell directly, as I need just one particular cell at once to support the pan. But I guess this should work for Erik's case as well.
Here's the code.
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
UIView *cell = [gestureRecognizer view];
CGPoint translation = [gestureRecognizer translationInView:[cell superview]];
// Check for horizontal gesture
if (fabsf(translation.x) > fabsf(translation.y))
return YES;
return NO;
The calculation for the horizontal gesture is copied form Erik's code – I've tested this with iOS 4.3.
I've found out that this implementation prevents the "swipe-to-delete" gesture. To regain that behavior I've added check for the velocity of the gesture to the if-statement above.
if ([gestureRecognizer velocityInView:cell].x < 600 && sqrt(translate...
After playing a bit on my device I came up with a velocity of 500 to 600 which offers in my opinion the best user experience for the transition between the pan and the swipe-to-delete gesture.
My answer is the same as Florian Mielke's, but I've simplified and corrected it some.
How to use:
Simply give your UIPanGestureRecognizer a delegate (UIGestureRecognizerDelegate). For example:
UIPanGestureRecognizer *panner = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(panDetected:)];
panner.delegate = self;
[self addGestureRecognizer:panner];
Then have that delegate implement the following method:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer {
CGPoint translation = [(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer translationInView:gestureRecognizer.view.superview];
return fabsf(translation.x) > fabsf(translation.y);
Maybe you can use the UISwipeGestureRecognizer instead? You can tell it to ignore up/down swipes via the direction property.
You may try using the touch events manually instead of the gesture recognizers. Always passing the event back to the tableview except when you finally recognize the swipe gesture.
Every class that inherits from UIResponder will have the four touch functions (began, ended, canceled, and moved). So the simplest way to "forward" a call is to handle it in your class and then call it explicitly on the next object that you would want to handle it (but you should make sure to check if the object responds to the message first with respondsToSelector: since it is an optional function ). This way, you can detect whatever events you want and also allow the normal touch interaction with whatever other elements need it.
Thanks for the tips! I eventually went for a UITableView subclass, where i check if the movement is horizontal (in which case i use my custom behaviour), and else call [super touchesMoved: withEvent:];.
However, i still don't really get why this works. I checked, and super is a UITableView. It appears i still don't fully understand how this hierarchy works. Can someone try and explain?

Bring to front DatePicker on an UITextField

When an UITextField is firstResponder, I would like to bring to front an UIDatePicker (bottom part of the screen) without the "going down keyboard" (no call to UITextField resignFirstResponder).
The aim is to process like UIKeyboard of UITextField which pop-up on nearly everything when it becomeFirstResponder. modalViewController seems to be fullscreen only.
- showDatePicker:(id)sender {
if([taskName isFirstResponder]) [taskName resignFirstResponder];
[self.view.window addSubview: self.pickerView];
// size up the picker view and compute the start/end frame origin
[UIView commitAnimations];
This example is an animation of keyboard going down, and DatePicker going up, behind and not in front.
Do you know a solution ? A piece of code would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
This is simply done by setting the input view of the text field to the Picker View. Then, on Editing did begin tell the picker view to becomeFirst responder. Like this
textField.inputView = pickerView
then using an IBAction called when the Editing Did Begin
-(IBAction) setPickerViewAsFirstResponder:(id)sender
[pickerView becomeFirstResponder];
This works perfectly. You'll need to implement code to actually set what the picker view is currently showing to be a string in the text field still.
This definitely can be done... simply implement the method below after setting UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate> in your .h
Long story short, this overrides the keyboard loading before text editing begins.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
// Make a new view, or do what you want here
UIDatePicker *pv = [[UIDatePicker alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,245,0,0)];
[self.view addSubview:pv];
return NO;