valgrind compilation for ppc says cannot execute binary file - valgrind

Trying to run valgrind on my application.
I have copied the valgrind executable file (based on ppc compiler) into a machine based on intel compiler(i686).
I am stuck after this .
I have tried googling for the same but did not come across any standard document.
Can anybody please help? Just a nudge in the right direction ....

Yes, one of my processes running on PPC machine crashed. Wanted to check for memory leaks in that process. But the available valgrind is for x86 machine.


Clion Cmake Ninja build on Linux consuming all of the RAM and crashing PC because of that

I have quite an weird issue on Linux machine where trying to build c++ project using CLion, Cmake and Ninja Generator would result in PC freezing due to all of RAM being used up. This usually happens ether when reloading CMake project or building the project itself.
Is there a way to limit how much RAM will be consumed? Currently all my 32GB + 16GB swam get eaten, I tried adding -j4 to CMake build options, but that did not help.
EDIT: The PC did ran out of RAM for a different issue, but I still would like to limit how much ram can build and reloading take, so I'll leave my question

valgrind behaves differently on mac and linux server

When I test a program on mac and Linux server, valgrind gives different results, where valgrind on mac said there are some possibly memory leak. Could anyone explain why? Thanks a lot.
Result from Linux server
Result from Mac

How do I profile an Objective-C program without Xcode?

I want to create a Release-build of some Objective-C program with Xcode, install it on a very slow machine, generate profiling output, and analyze that output on my machine. I need to do this in order to chase down a specific bug, which only happens on the slow machine.
Machine 1: has Xcode installed. Can compile the program. Is relatively fast. macOS 10.12
Machine 2: doesn't have Xcode installed. Doesn't have Xcode Instruments installed. Will run the program. Should generate profiling output. If I install Xcode on that machine, it will probably slow down to a level that it becomes completely unusable. Is relatively slow. macOS 10.12
The Xcode command "Build for profiling" sounds promising. But.. if I run that "profile build", what has changed? Does it generate profiling output? If yes, where will it be stored? How can I analyze these files?
Any thoughts, or pointers to Apple documentation? I only found the "Instruments User Guide". It tells me how to use Instruments to profile an application.
This is not an iPhone-question. If you are an iPhone-developer and have never worked with macOS-applications, please don't answer ;)

Running a program written for freeRTOS (RTOS) in virtualmachine as a binary

I got a simple program written for freeRTOS (implements a timer).
I want to run this program in an empty virtual machine (VirtualBox, or QEMU, or something else).
I need to make a binary file that can run in and empty VM.
Any advice or direction of how can i do this?
I checked many stuff on freeRTOS homepage but couldn't find something useful.
For virtual box, you will need a binary of freeRTOS that is x86 or amd64 compatible. Check if this is of any benefit for you.
You can check this link, as I understand it's a simulator for freeRTOS which may enable you to test it without a virtual machine.
For QEMU, check this link
Emm..., if you need run just binary file without any OS started you can use qemu for that. Just pass your binary through option '-bios' into qemu. And after qemu will start it to run. Also use '-S -s' options in for enabling gdb server in qemu. After you can connect to qemu with gdb client and debug you binary step by step.

Raspberry Pi Raspbian Mono Program Shutoff

I am currently running a VB application through mono on Raspbian. After a bit of troubleshooting the program boots and appears to be running quite well. However if left to itself for a few minutes the VB application just shuts off. This program runs excellently on the windows pc for any duration. Barring this being an issue with the VB code itself is there any major PI related issues that I may have missed in setting up mono? I set up mono the usual way and am launching via "sudo mono app.exe" in terminal.
Thank you for any insight you may provide into this!
UPDATE: mono just FINALLY threw out an errot to me System.OutOfMemoryException : Not enough memory to complete operation [GDI+ status: out of memory]
UPDATE2: Memory leak, its a code related issue.
Hi to anyone else that runs into this issue. For us it was a memory leak.