Tab Order in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express -

I've referred to this MSDN ARTICLE
I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - is there a quick way of seeing the tab order using this application?
There doesn't seem to be a Tab Order option in the View menu. Is this a feature left out of the express edition or am I looking in the wrong place?

Right click on the menu bar and choose customize, which is present at
the last menu item.
Click the commands tab and click rearrange button on it.
You'll see a phrase saying: Choose a menu or toolbar to arrange below
that you can see a radio button with tool bar as its text. select it.
Click Add command, from categories choose view, from commands choose
tab order then click OK. Well, they're arranged alphabetically.
Now click close and check the tab order button in the view toolbar
and you'll find it.
I hope this helps.

Make sure you have you view selected in your main window and not in your solution browser. This should give you the tab order option.
If still not present it could be it's not included in the Express edition.


B&R Automation Studio: Toolbox not showing

I want to import a program from the toolbox, but the toolbox on the right of Automation Studio is gone. I can't find it anywhere. How do I enable it?
I would say you are doing everything right and the Toolbox pane is there - I can see it (there is a small grey dot there).
You just need to drag the pane separator.
Try the right click on the project name and select "Add object.." the toolbox menu will be shown. 1
When disaster strikes you always have the capability of restoring the default window layout from Window -> Reset Window Layout
Window -> Reset Window Layout

Project and Structure navigation splitting in PhpStorm 7/8/9

Anyone know how to make project and structure navigation set in splitting mode?
See images ( I was able doing this, but don't know how )
This took me a really long time to figure out.
For you to set this up, you need to
First: make sure each Tool Window is set to "Pinned Mode" and "Docked Mode" (you can do this by right clicking on the Project/Structure tab)
Second: the Tool Window you want on top should have the "Split Mode" NOT checked
Third: the Tool Window you want at the bottom should have the "Split Mode" checked
Step :
Appearance & Behaviour
Appearance then untick side-by-side layout on the left at Window options
Project tab move to the left side and make sure untick split-mode
Structure tab move to the left side and make sure tick split-mode
Sure, just grab your "Structure" tool window button (the one on the left side, that has "7" in the title) and drag it to the bottom part of the same side.
Alternatively just right click on tool window button or title bar and choose "Split Mode" -- it will move it to the opposite part of the same side (e.g. will move from Left Top to Left Bottom -- just as per your image).
Official manual page.
As of version 2019.1, PHPStorm tool windows no longer behave the way the other answers say, that is, there is no explicit "split mode". Instead, it uses the location of the tab; you can no longer split tool windows if they are in the same tab group, but you can display two tool panes by putting them in different groups. So if you're looking for the standard projects half-pane at the top, and structure at the bottom, put structure in the top left group, and structure in the bottom left, and then enable them both - and the view will split.
To reiterate – if you have both project and structure in top left, there is no way to split them; you must move the tab.
To whom the other answers did not work:
At first go to Windows menu then click Restore Default Layout
Then go to View => Tool Windows => Project
Then go to View => Tool Windows => Structure

Remain in "SQL Mode" in Access?

Right now, if I want to enter SQL queries in Microsoft Access, I do this:
Click the Create tab, then Query design button, then close the popup. Click the SQL button. Type my query. Click Run.
For my next query, I have to do that all over again. How can I stay in an SQL environment in Access?
Newer versions of Access still support many of the same keyboard shortcuts for the old Menu commands (in addition to the newer, longer keyboard shortcuts for the Ribbon interface). So, in the Access 2010 query designer I still use:
Altv, d which was View > Design View
Altv, s which was View > DataSheet View
Altv, q which was View > SQL View
To run an action query, this old keyboard shortcut still works, too:
Altq, r which was Query > Run
Ah, it turns out it's one of the view modes (first button in the Home tab). Because none of my functions required a table, I hadn't bothered to choose a table to work in, which means the View menu was grayed out.

Customize Sql Server Object Explorer Right Click Menu Items

How can I add or customize right click menu items in object explorer in Sql Server 2012?
for example I wanna add new items to table right click menu for generate my customize table creator script?
You could write an SSMS add-in.
I'm working on a project at Red Gate to open up our SSMS extensibility code. It sounds like it's exactly what you need and it's more straight-forward than interacting with SSMS directly.
There's a developer guide here:

Attach a keyboard shortcut to 'Collapse All' items in solution explorer with Visual Studio 2012

Like I said in the title of this question, is it possible to attach a keyboard shortcut to collapse all items in the solution explorer with Visual Studio 2012?
In previous version; 2010, I was able to create a macro to enable this feature but in Visual Studio 2012, there is no more support for macros.
I'm able to right click onto item in the solution explorer and choose 'Collapse All' but I prefer to just typed 'Ctrl+Shift+C' to do the same job.
FWIW, this is the best I've been able to come up with so far.
Alternative 1
Press Ctrl+¨ to put focus in the search box above the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Tab to move focus to the toolbar.
Use the left arrow to move focus to the left, until you hit the Collapse All button (four times. YMMV).
Alternative 2
Press Ctrl+Alt+l (or whatever your personal shortcut is) to focus the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Alt to focus the Solution Explorer toolbar. This puts the focus on the Home button on the toolbar.
Use the right arrow to move focus to the right, until you hit the Collapse All button (three times).
Press Enter.
Alternative 3
Press Ctrl+Alt+l (or whatever your personal shortcut is) to focus the Solution Explorer.
Press and hold the left arrow until you've reached the top node (the Solution node).
Press the up arrow to put focus in the search box above the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Tab to move focus to the toolbar.
Use the left arrow to move focus to the left, until you hit the Collapse All button (two times. YMMV).
As you can see in the screenshot below, there is an option called Collapse All and a shortcut key next to it.
Now this shortcut key will not work for you !
Unless ofcourse, you set it up using Tools > Options > Keyboard. The command name is CollapseInSolutionExplorerAction. Search using this command name and assign a shortcut key of your choice.
That's it and you are ready to use your shortcut key !
Visual Studio 2012 / ReSharper 8.0.1:
The command is 'ProjectAndSolutionContextMenus.Project.ReSharper_CollapseInSolutionExplorer'.
I suggest you to try CodeMaid extension for Visual Studio. It provides a command "Collapse All Projects Recursively" that has customizable shortcut (by default, it is Ctrl+M,-). It has some other nice abilities, like switching between .cpp and its .h files, joining lines, etc.
I have searched on the net a way to do this when I have first install VS2012 ..
I have just found the solution, so I share it :)
you can do this by adding your visual studio version to an existing Extension ...
Download the extension for VS 10
Change the extension from vsix to zip
extract it and open the file extension.vsixmanifest
Find this xml section : SupportedProducts
Add this :
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
you can also try version 12 for visual studio 2013 ...
zip it, and change the extension from zip to vsix.
Now you can Install it.
after install it, Goto Tools -> Customise and click on the keyboard button.
Search "CrossProjectMultiProject.CollapseProjects" and assing the shortcut you like.
Have a nice codding.
Please +1 if this help you
ps. sorry for my bad English, im French ;-)