Customize Sql Server Object Explorer Right Click Menu Items - sql

How can I add or customize right click menu items in object explorer in Sql Server 2012?
for example I wanna add new items to table right click menu for generate my customize table creator script?

You could write an SSMS add-in.

I'm working on a project at Red Gate to open up our SSMS extensibility code. It sounds like it's exactly what you need and it's more straight-forward than interacting with SSMS directly.
There's a developer guide here:


How to update colors for object explorer menu in SSMS

I am using dark mode on SQL Server and I have tried to update the font and colors for the object explorer menu, but I seem to be unable to find the appropriate settings to update the menu colors from Options > Fonts and Colors.
Here is what my menu looks like when a right-click an object from the Object Explorer
Is there a way to update the text on the right-hand side so it's easier to read?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17.
I don't think there is a solution for chaning the sub-menu color unless you can inject the dll / exe file of SSMS.
A workaround is here:

How to add custom SP calls to SSMS toolbar

Recently I've found out, that there's an option to include most commonly used queries to be executed by clicking a button on SSMS toolbar.
You can do that by following these steps:
Right mouse click on toolbar
Click Customize
Create new toolbar
Modify it
Add Command
Under Query categories there's option to add up to 9 Custom SPs
Now when I came here, things look like that:
However I'm struggling on how to add the actual procedure, that needs to be executed.
There's an option to add multiple SPs:
Custom SP 1
Custom SP 2
How do I assign my procedure to be Custom SP 1, for instance?
To be clear: My goal is to have a button in SSMS toolbar, which would execute my desired procedure (query) on click.
This is a great question imo, but to do this it's an awful way you'll have to go.
Unfortunately i have the German version of SSMS, so my screens might confuse you a little.
Following you can see a guide:
The Options-Window
Select a free Shortcut
Assign to Toolbar
This seems a bit uncomfortable, but this is the only way i know / can imagine on how to do this.
Let me know if this helps! Cheers
English version of SSMS
Go to Tools-> options

Can't find the workflow source code of a list or library on SharePoint Designer

I'm new using SharePoint. I am having trouble with find the code or workflow structure of a list or a library. In the left menu i can see the "Workflows" button but all workflows are not there.
There is a workflow section In the "List and libraries" view showing the running workflows in these list, but when i click on one of them it just move me to its settings in the browser and no to the structure or code that is what i'm looking for.
Is there a way to find the code or structure of my running workflows?
PD: I am working in place of the previous developer who build the entire site, however, he didn't show me anything about.
If these are workflows created using SharePoint Designer then:
Open SharePoint Designer
Open the site
Click on Lists and Libraries
Click on the list name
There will be a heading titled "Workflows"
Click on the workflow you are wanting to look at
Click "Edit Workflow" to view it
Go From there
If you are wanting to see the status of a workflow in regards to the item:
Go to the list
I recommend creating a personal view (so only you see it)
You can select the fields you are interested in and each workflow should have a column in the list associated with it. Include the column in your view
Go to your new view and you can click on the link to view the current status of the workflow
Go to All Files > Workflows Folder. Then select the workflow you want to work with. Right Click on the "xoml" file then select "Open With" > "SharePoint Designer (open as workflow)"
Once it's opened, published it again. Then it will show up again in the Workflow tab.
The workflow was a visual studio sequential workflow deployed in the site as a feature. It was not a SharePoint Designer one. Thanks

Remain in "SQL Mode" in Access?

Right now, if I want to enter SQL queries in Microsoft Access, I do this:
Click the Create tab, then Query design button, then close the popup. Click the SQL button. Type my query. Click Run.
For my next query, I have to do that all over again. How can I stay in an SQL environment in Access?
Newer versions of Access still support many of the same keyboard shortcuts for the old Menu commands (in addition to the newer, longer keyboard shortcuts for the Ribbon interface). So, in the Access 2010 query designer I still use:
Altv, d which was View > Design View
Altv, s which was View > DataSheet View
Altv, q which was View > SQL View
To run an action query, this old keyboard shortcut still works, too:
Altq, r which was Query > Run
Ah, it turns out it's one of the view modes (first button in the Home tab). Because none of my functions required a table, I hadn't bothered to choose a table to work in, which means the View menu was grayed out.

Tab Order in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express

I've referred to this MSDN ARTICLE
I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - is there a quick way of seeing the tab order using this application?
There doesn't seem to be a Tab Order option in the View menu. Is this a feature left out of the express edition or am I looking in the wrong place?
Right click on the menu bar and choose customize, which is present at
the last menu item.
Click the commands tab and click rearrange button on it.
You'll see a phrase saying: Choose a menu or toolbar to arrange below
that you can see a radio button with tool bar as its text. select it.
Click Add command, from categories choose view, from commands choose
tab order then click OK. Well, they're arranged alphabetically.
Now click close and check the tab order button in the view toolbar
and you'll find it.
I hope this helps.
Make sure you have you view selected in your main window and not in your solution browser. This should give you the tab order option.
If still not present it could be it's not included in the Express edition.