WCF service consume, no response at all - wcf

Sorry to bother you guys again.
I am going to consume a WCF service on a server. The service was created by outside. If I look at it in the browser, it is fine. Please see the image below.
To consume it, I add service reference. with the url http://wsvc01/BOERPI/BOERPI.svc
Then I instantiate the proxy by the code.
BOERPI.PostPhoneCallResponse client = null;
client = new BOERPI.PostPhoneCallResponse();
double x = client.ActualCallCharge; // suppose to get a proper value but not
Some of the code of the service is:
public interface iBOERPI
PostPhoneCallResponse PostPhoneCall(PostPhoneCallRequest objCDRRequest);
public class PostPhoneCallResponse
public double ActualCallCharge = -1.0;
I assume the service code is 100% right, is any thing wrong when I consume the service?
When I righted click the definition of PostPhoneCallResponse, it is:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name="PostPhoneCallResponse", Namespace="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/nsBOERPI")]
public partial class PostPhoneCallResponse : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
private System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject extensionDataField;
private double ActualCallChargeField;

client = new BOERPI.PostPhoneCallResponse(); You are trying to use your DataContract here instead of Service client.
Check under Service References for your service name you used in your client application and
use it:
using(var client = new BingMapsGeocodeService()) // This should be your service client name
Sending and Received messages using request and response objects:
You need to create a request object as per your operation shows:
var request = new PostPhoneCallRequest(){ // populate all your properties you need to send to the service};
var client = new BOERPI.MyClient(); // Instantiate your client with the name you have given for your service client.
PostPhoneCallResponse response = client.PostPhoneCall(request); // You are sending your request and getting a response as PostPhoneCallResponse object


Adding service reference wcf

The issue has already discussed here, but it did not addressed it quite the way I am looking for.
I have already created a service reference from a client console app in visual studio, but I want to do it programmatically with the following contraint:
From Microsoft Docs - wcf, it obvious that we have to have the service interface reference available to the client. In my case I do have the reference available, instead I have the address where the service is hosted and this address is a dynamic one.
So I want to define a customized client class that will have its object declared with the host address only. Lets take the following snippet as an example:
public partial class CalculatorServiceClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<ICalculatorService>, ICalculatorService
As you can see that ICalculatorService is available while defining the class. What to do if the interface to the service is not available while defining the class.
You can connect to the WCF service pragmatically without having to use the generated class methods, but note that this can have issues if the service changes in future
The idea is simple .
Create a service contract that matches your service implementation
public class SomeDataContarctClass
public string SomeMember{get;set;}
Create the interface
public IServiceInterface
List<SomeDataContarctClass> GetSomeData();
Now this is where you start to Glue things together,
Then create the service
public IServiceInterface CreateIService()
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("SERVICE URL");
BasicHttpBinding binding= new BasicHttpBinding();
defaultBinding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.MaxBufferPoolSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.MaxBufferSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.ReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength = 2147483647;
ChannelFactory<IUpdaterService> myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IServiceInterface>(binding, myEndpoint);
myChannelFactory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new ServiceInterceptionBehavior());
// Create a channel.
return myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
Then you can call the service using
var myserviceImp = CreateIService();
var data = myserviceImp.GetSomeData();

How to get the WCF service address from DynamicEndpoint

I Crreated a DynamicEndpoint to find the WCF service automatically.
namespace Client
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DynamicEndpoint dynamicEndpoint = new DynamicEndpoint(ContractDescription.GetContract(typeof(ICalculator)), new NetTcpBinding());
using (ChannelFactory<ICalculator> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ICalculator>(dynamicEndpoint))
ICalculator caculate = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
Console.WriteLine("x + y = {2} when x = {0} and y = {1}", 4, 9, caculate.Add(4, 9));
Console.WriteLine("Find service, the service address is: " + dynamicEndpoint.Address.Uri);
The problem is when I try to print the service address, the return value is
That's not the real service address I published.
1. How to get the real service address?
2. If there are multiple services available, which one will DynamicEndpoint choose? Can I get the address array or list?
As far as I know, we could not get the actual use endpoint in client. except that we use the OperationContext object,which provides access to the execution context of a service method.
For example, we could refer to the following code to get the actual endpoint.
public string GetAddress()
OperationContext oc = OperationContext.Current;
string result=oc.Channel.LocalAddress.Uri.ToString();
return result;
ChannelFactory<IService> factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(dynamicEndpoint);
IService sv = factory.CreateChannel();
Besides,I don't think dynamic endpoint could list the endpoints that have been found. Dynamic Endpoint merge service discovery with service invokation. when a service is invoked using a dynamic endpoint, it will depend on the FindCriteria property to find the service endpoint and then invokes it.

How to add http header into WCF channel

I have MVC client that invokes a WCF service. The MVC client needs to pass one custom header in httprequest. The MVC client is also using Unity for DI.
I have already gone through SO POST and others links but they are all suggesting to use message inspector and custom behavior(which might be the correct way) but i'm looking for quick and dirty way because this will be temporary solution.
// Unity type Registration
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDocumentManagementChannel>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionFactory(f=> CreateDocumentManagementChannel()));
private static IDocumentManagementChannel CreateDocumentManagementChannel()
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IDocumentManagementChannel>("BasicHttpEndPoint");
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
// How do i add HttpHeaders into channel here?
return channel
In the code above How do i add custom header after i create a channel?
1- Below code should send the soap header from MVC
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
2- And this code should read it on WCF
string loginName = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<string>("String", "System");
3- As for the channel, i recommend you create your custom System.ServiceModel.ClientBase as follows:
public abstract class UserClientBase<T> : ClientBase<T> where T : class
public UserClientBase()
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
4- Create a custom client class that inherits from UserClientBase and use the base channel internally to call your IxxService which is the T here.

How to ge thet data from WCF Ria Service method that returns IQueryable<> using ChannelFactory

I have a WCF RIA Service with methods that return IQueryable<>. I want to access this methods using ClannelFactory from a
console application. I have an interface on the client that matches the the methods in my RIA Service. When I run the server and
the client applications I can see that the server method is called and an IQuery<> object is returned. The problem is that on the
client I can't get the data sent by the server. I can see that data actually comes by using Fiddler, but I think that the data can't be
deserialized to IQueryable.
For me the type of the data received doesn't matter. I'll be happy with just an array. But because the method in the
service returns IQueryable my OperationContract method on the client has the same type.
So the question is how to get the data from the server, without changing the return type (IQueryable) on the server side?
Server side:
public IQueryable<Customers> GetCustomers()
List<Customers> customersList = new List<Customers>();
customersList.Add(new Customer())
return customersList.AsQueryable();
Client side:
public interface CustoemrsService
IQueryable<Customers> GetCustomers();
And the ChannelFactory code:
var endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(_endpointAddress);
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<VfxSystemDomainServiceSoap>(new BasicHttpBinding());
var channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel(endpointAddress);
IQueryable<Customers> customersCollection = channel.GetVfxfopenQuery();

pass custom value in WCF context between IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest and IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest

I have an ASP application which is client of WCF SERVICE1 , which is client of WCF SERVICE2.
I have added IDispatchMessageInspector and IClientMessageInspector to WCF SERVICE1.
Now I need to pass a custom value from ASP to WCF1 , then to WCF2.
from ASP to WCF1 it is trivial , via Message Headers.
The question is , how to pass a custom value from IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest(request from ASP received by WCF1) to IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest(prepare to send request to WCF2) operation of WCF SERVICE 1 ?
Is there is some context which could be used ?
What does your code look like? Assuming that first Dispatch Message Inspector is the one making the request to WCF2, then simply using message properties would suffice.
However, if your dispatch message inspector does something; then the request continues processing and it is the service implementation that actually calls WCF2, then you'll need to jump through a few more hoops. In general, I'd say you'd need the inspector to put some data in the service request message properties that the service implementation would need to pick up and copy to the message to send to WCF2 so that the client inspector can pick them up.
That's ugly, and would kinda make the whole process more brittle.
Can you elaborate a bit more what you're trying to do? What kind of data are you hoping to pass around this way?
In my case, I had to identify and log nested service calls requested by client.
To do that, I stamp each service call by ThreadStatic property and add this property to the header of client call(service1 count as client for service2) than in AfterReceiveRequest method I have checked its existance. If exists,current method was requested by parent service.
public class GenericMessageInspector : IDispatchMessageInspector, IClientMessageInspector
private static string _masterServiceGUID;
public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel, System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext instanceContext)
if (request.Headers.Action == null)
return null;
//Control request header for nested call
string masterRequestId = string.Empty;
var IsMasterExist = request.Headers.FindHeader("MasterServiceGUID", "namespace");
if (IsMasterExist > -1)
//requested by internal service
masterRequestId = request.Headers.GetReaderAtHeader(IsMasterExist).ReadInnerXml();
public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_masterServiceGUID))
request.Headers.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader("MasterServiceGUID", "namespace", _masterServiceGUID));
return null;