Random sort for SimplePie - simplepie

I'm looking specifically to randomly sort all SimplePie articles from a default installation. (no WordPress attachments or anything)
I'm not looking for any custom sorting options, just a completely random sort of the items and nothing else.
Looking to set this up for a simple page. The only examples i've found so far are the ones that display the php coding near the top, but do not show how to call out those features in html.
Example : Do separate classes need to be created ?

Did you try the standard PHP shuffle function?
Provided you store all the items fetched by SimplePie in an array, I think this is the shortest way to get them randomly sorted.


Intellij IDEA SDK - How can I programmatically handle spellcheck 'typos'?

Wrote a plugin to handle some custom format stuff in yaml files that I've written for a huge project. It's a chat bot that can respond in a huge number of ways. There is a lot of slang and non-standard words in the yaml.
I don't want to disable spellchecking as I want to fix legitimate speeling errors. But the annotations under the "misspelled" slang words are conflicting with the annotations in my plugin, and causing issue.
One yaml file has 349 "typos". 10% or so are legit. The rest are slang and custom words.
I need to do one of two things. Either add those words to the dictionary (I've found the method to do that - SpellCheckManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect()) OR get a list of the words and create a custom dictionary from them. Both approaches require me to grab a list of all typos in the document/editor/project.
That's the part I can't find. Looked everywhere. (List of current Annotations? List of current Problems?) Googled my fingers off. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
This is not the IDEAL solution, but it worked for my means, and I'm leaving the answer in case this is googled.
In DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl, there is a method:
DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl.getHighlights(Document document, HighlightSeverity minSeverity, Project project);
This returns a list of all highlights in the document. The method is Annotated with #TestOnly, and docs state that it should only be used in Test code because it breaks/shortcuts the normal way to access that. It still works in non-test code however.
Since the only thing I wanted was the strings of the typos, I pulled the list, then looped through the HighlightInfo's in the list, and pulled the .getText()s.
No danger of screwing anything up.
Then pushed all those strings into:
SpellCheckerManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect(word, project);
Viola! All current highlighted typos are now added to the dictionary.
Proper solution? No. Good enough for what I needed to accomplish? Yup.

What is the meaning of 'cimode' in react-i18next and why isn't it properly documented?

I started using react-i18next a few days ago and I am very satisfied with it. However, I've been seeing this 'cimode' language here and there, in some posts and while debugging, but have no clue what it means. I've searched all over, I believe, and can't find any documentation on it.
In my particular case, I am generating some boilerplate code in a new website and created a demo page to show how to use localization in the website. I am generating toggle language buttons from the languages I set on the whitelist and, to my surprise, I have a 'cimode' button. I know I can filter it out and I will, but I would like to know what it should be used for and maybe to see better documentation for it in https://react.i18next.com/.
From my understanding, CIMODE is used for testing to consistently return the translation key instead of the variant value.
It seems rather hidden on the FAQ.

silverstripe dynamic backend for flexible frontend

I'm searching for a while, but didn't find a practical answer for the following problem:
An Articlepage in the Frontend can contain different types of sections. For example a block text section and than a text section with left photo an at the end an wallpaper photo.
Now I want to implement this in my backend dynamically, so that I can choose, which type of section and -even more important- how many sections my article should contain.
In my recent project I've solved the problem as an Articlesection with a Dropdown, wich contains the different section styles. And one article hat xy Artilesections as childpages. In the frontend I included all Childpages of the Article - so to speak the Articlesections, where I've checked with if conditions, which sectionsystyle I have in this Section and here I styled the section as I want.
For example Artilce1 has 2 Childpages: Articlesection1 and Artilcesection2.
In AS1 I have choose in the dropdown: right text with left photo and check with if conditions, to style the section. The same with AS2, that is for example a wallpaper photo.
This semiprofessional solution worked, but there are some bugs with displaying the Article correct in the backend, because I have to declare the Articlesections as Includes and not native childpages. And in generell this don't seems like the developers of silverstripe want the users to do it this way..
Are there better ways to implement a dynamically changing backend, so I can decide, which and how much sections I have in the frontend.
Take a look at https://github.com/sheadawson/silverstripe-blocks. There's quite a few addons that offer similar functionality as Blocks such as Elemental. The following blog post might also be useful too - https://www.silverstripe.org/blog/silverstripe-strips/.
Thank you for your reply, but there is a problem, because I don't work a lot with the terminal and the composer. In principle I want to install sheadawsons silverstripe-block. I have installed the composer and run the command:
"composer require sheadawson/silverstripe-blocks" it seems like it installed that correctly, because I became no errors, but what then? With dev/build -to refresh the database- happened nothing and the following instructions in the readmy chanced nothing. Should I copy any files in my Sivlerstripe web folder or what else..? I'm a bit desperate, because there is such a poor documentation.
Tank you

custom error pages for IBM Domino iNotes

we're currently customizing iNotes for a customer (platform currently is Domino 9). We almost reached our goals, but one thing that's on our todo list I can't really figure out: they want us to also customize any possible error pages; see the following example screenshot:
This and other similar pages seem to come from the central Forms9.nsf which I'd love to leave as it is. We so far tried domcfg.nsf mappings, but as this is an iNotes internal error it obviously can't work; I also tried to figure out a way to put seomething into our customized Forms9_x.nsf but without any hint this is too abstract for me.
So my questions are:
has anyone ever done this?
what options do we have (apart from "hacking" Forms9.nsf)?
Many thanks in advance...
After continuing to play with domcfg mappings I suddenly saw a first result; not sure what's the difference to the first attempts, though; maybe moving the error form to Forms9_x.nsf did the trick? I'll keep investigating and post an answer if I can find one...
Alright, this has been an afternoon of wild guessing and hacking along, but finally I think I found it:
first of all, my playing around with domcfg mappings didn't have to do with solving the problem; instead, I just by chance had put my error page form into my Forms9_x.nsf and named it $$ReturnGeneralError (that's simply the name used in Forms9.nsf...; I completely had forgotton about those 4 pre-defined form names back from Domino 5 times).
What did not work was the old method of simply including a text file named MessageString to display the exact error message returned from the server; obviously iNotes is handling those error strings differently.
After a few hours of testing, and comparing codes between the standard iNotes error page and mine I finally found it: include some iNotes specific computed text into the page, in my case that is
#{{MessageString}; html}
See this document for some details (last row in the table)
Hopefully this can help someone else as well...

Trimming the leading THE in SQL results on Joomla module Articles Category

I am trying to trim the leading "the" in a query that returns the titles of articles in Joomla, so that results are displayed in alphabetical order and the leading "the", if present, is disregarded. The module responsible for this is the Article Category (which is Joomla core module) and the file I think I should modify is helper.php in modules/mod_articles_category.
I replace the following line:
$articles->setState('list.direction', $params->get('article_ordering_direction',
With this:
$articles->setState('list.direction', $params->get('article_ordering_direction',
'TRIM(LEADING \'THE \' FROM a.title) ASC'));
However, if I enable the debug mode, the TRIM is not showing. SO I guess, that I need to make the change somewhere else. Sorry but I am not familiar with Joomla so don't really know where this query is coming from. Any pointer is very much appreciated.
Okay, the short answer is no, I don't believe you can modify a query from a module, just like this. I haven't worked with modules, but I have some experience with components, so I would suggest two approaches:
Try to query the database yourself from the module, not by using setState, but building the query yourself.
You can cheat. Since Joomla has already done the heavy lifting for you, you could just manipulate the result object (i.e. $list) rearranging it and stripping off whatever you don't want. I would also suggest that you treat your code as a layout override, that way you'll be able to update your site without overriding the changes you have made.