How can I detect if a user is invisible on Yahoo Messenger - api

There are some existing online services (like this one) where you can enter a yahoo user, and it will tell you if the user is online, invisible or offline.
Is there a way I can do that? (using some Yahoo API? or using some tricks?)
Note: The programming language doesn't matter too much. It could be Python, C#, etc.


Instagram DM Automation without API (read only)

me and my colleagues receive quiet many instagram dms accross all of our accounts and it became taxing to get ahold of everything which is why I want to automate the process.
If I want to filter my instagram messages on specific keywords and get an altert on dms that match certain keyword - do I need to use the instagram api or can I automate the process myself? Scraping content is against the api as far as I know, is it the same for dms?
If I have to use the api (sadly), am I the only one that has to setup the facebook app and can my colleagues also use the app with their accounts?
I fear that it might be against their tos if I dont use their api, I tried reading through the tos and developer guidelines but there is so much input.
But this seems like an against their terms of use to me.

Can I track if someone clicked a link on my Twitter post

I have a private business Twitter account and I would like to know when someone clicks any link inside one of my posts. This solution cannot assume that we know the form of the link being posted.
For example a twitter post like this:
Have you guys heard of this amazing site called google?
I would like to see how many people clicked on this link. I don't need to know any specific information about who they are, just if it was clicked or not.
Ideally I would want this from the API but crawlers and plugins are also possible. I would like to avoid using a paid tool but those would be acceptable.
I think you have multiple choices:
Use google firebase or google analytics
Create your own short link services by python or any other programming languages.
Just search in the google and look for short link generators which gives appropriate service.
Hi using the twitter api you should be able to understand how many clicks a link has.
But to have all this info automated you might need to use a third-party tool.
This should be the most straight forward solution.

Hosting Google Plus Communities on My Website

Is it possible to embed a google community into a website page?
This way our clients can benefit from content and all other features in our website, yet be able to collaborate using Google Communities.
Ideally I would like to grab a Javascript code just like +1 button and paste it into my website page, add an iframe or something of this nature!
Sounds like if I try to be convincing, I may be able to influence some decisions!
More details: Our website services offers login with Google using Google OAuth, This way the user is either logged in or is forced to login with Google to get access to private areas of our customer portal, where you can review the status of Support Tickets, submit new support tickets, have access to knowledge base, documents, blogs, etc.
We have incorporated all sort of social plugins into the blogs, product catalogs and so forth.
It would be fantastic is the users can have access to a community (Forum or Discussion Board) within the same place. Google Community seem to be the tool but in the wrong place.
No such widget exists at this time, but it's an interesting idea. If you want to share more details on precisely what you're looking for, you can file the issue here: The more details you can provide, the more likely that, if we decide to implement this feature, we'll end up with something that you want.

Google API: show online contacts for Google Talk/Chat and Google Hangout

I might have overlooked this, but I'd like to implement Google Talk and Google Hangout on my site and I'm looking for some kind of (official, preferably PHP) API call that retrieves the online/offline contacts of a Google+ user. (similar to the list of online contacts next to Gmail)
Is this API functionality available and is it possible to provide the user with the option to select contact(s) to start a Google Hangout with?
To start, you're likely going to need to leverage a few different APIs. Since I cannot add a comment to ask questions, here's a recommended reading list based on my recent work with the Plus & Hangouts APIs:
Google Plus - - Collect a list of people in your circles. This will not tell you who's online or offline. May be optional (see #2). Unfortunately, this call is not available yet in the PHP Client Library, so I created one for my personal project and am waiting on some vetting to submit it back to the Google project. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share.
Google Talk - - Use that query the Talk service to see who's online and/or offline.
Starting a Hangout - Seems this discussion # the developer group is similar to your question and can best point you in a good starting direction.!topic/google-plus-developers/r_f7iweZ7c8
Hope that helps & curious to hear how it goes!

How to create a Web Intent service for my own site?

Twitter offers 'web intents' that are an alternative to OAuth access to their API. Basically, this provides a less feature rich experience, but can still be quite handy. User clicks on 3rd parts websites can create popup windows that check whether the user is logged in to twitter and if they are, allows them to us some Twitter features such as tweeting, retweeting, or following users.
My question is, how could I go about implementing an API like this? Are there tutorials or libraries? I'm not sure what technologie(s) power web intents or where I should start searching.
You can read more about web intents at and read the W3C's draft spec. As far as I know, web intents are still somewhat of a new beast on the web and they have not been standardized.
Still, you may want to read this blog which contains a few examples of registering web intents and check out Paul Kinlan's git repo
Hope that helps you get started.