Customising an authentication dialog in OSX with SFAuthorizationPluginView - objective-c

I'm currently developing a custom dialog to be displayed via an Authorization Plugin, based upon the Apple example code of "NameAndPassword", which subclasses the SFAuthorizationPluginView (
From what I understand, this should allow me to provide different types of authorization / authentication, such as, for example, developing facial recognition for authentication. The problem I have is that when my dialog is launched by the authorization services, it is embedded in a parent dialog and there is additional text automatically added that states: -
"Type the name and password of the user in the "(null)" group to allow this".
After many hours searching the web, I have discovered that I can remove the "(null)" group section with an undocumented environment flag of "suggested-user" (
...but text still remains prompting for a password.
In testing, I can launch other available plugin dialogs by calling from my mechanism of the rules in /etc/authorization and these dialogs do not appear to be attached to the parent dialog.
Does anyone know what I need to do to prevent the default text being displayed, or even better, how to have my dialog launched, independently from the parent dialog? Is this even possible with inheriting from SFAuthorizationPluginView?


Hangouts Interactive cards: how to add text fields?

Can we design an interactive card with a text filed?
I went through the documentation, i couldn't find any idea on how to create
text field
can someone help me in this matter?
At the moment there are no such widgets available. You can only interact with buttons or clicking on text paragraphs.
You should definitely request this as a new feature if it's fundamental for your workflow.
Proposed workaround
However, since this is a messaging App you can build a system that uses the very same "reply" feature in order to get back the user input and therefore simulate a text field.
Respond to message events
You can play with the message events in order to parse the reply and use it in your application and provide an appropriate answer to your users.
Build your prompts based on custom commands
You can also create custom commands to trigger different input requests if you want to.
Custom commands

How can I completely disable user interface in Jasper Reports for specific user/role?

We have developed a few reports in Jasper v 6.3.0. we call these reports from a web interface we have developed. We would like to completely disable the Jasper user interface for the user/role that we have assigned these reports to.
Right now if the user strips the right hand side of the url they get a screen that allows them to see the repository, look at the reports, etc. Although as a non admin user they cannot change things we would like to disable this screen completely.
An alternative would be to disable this screen from access other than from the local server, or the local network.
What is the best way to resolve this issue?
Edit - clarification:
Basically we developed the report using ireport. and then we deploy it to JasperReportServer. We then "link" to the report on JasperReportServer from our web application. If you strip the url of everything after "/jasperserver" it displays a UI panel. I want to disable that panel.
Jasper Report generates a jasper design and this design is written a file/stream etc. I think this issue can be done in a higher level not in Jasper. When user onmouseover "link", you can control the user via ajax and if is enabled you can show the panel.

Cocoa: get and change text and selection in third-party apps (without simulating key presses nor using accessibility API)

I'm writing a Mac utility app in which I would like to manipulate text and selection in third-party apps. I found two methods for doing so:
Simulating key presses
Using the accessibility API
However, they both have major drawbacks and I'm wondering if there are any other methods I could explore?
This is precisely what services are for – see Services Implementation Guide. In a nutshell, you make an app and register it as a service provider. You advertise your service using Info.plist where you specify NSStringPboardType as both the sender and return type. The user will then be able to right-click on a text selection in any app and choose your service from the popup menu.

Add application to Privacy >> Accessibility in Objective-C

For enabling some of my application's features, I need the user to add the application in the accessibility list:
I understand this is not possible to do it without any user interaction, but at least I would like to know two things:
How to know if the application is already in this list or not?
If application does not yet belong to the list, how to display this dialog:
I am using the last version of XCode and Objective-C.
Thank you for your help.
AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions returns whether the current process is a trusted accessibility client. Option kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt indicates whether the dialog will be displayed.

Google Play Game Services - Welcome Back Popup not shown

I want to show "Welcome Back" popup after auto-signIn process as stated in the following documentation(FAQ part) :
I have tried some methods like reconnecting etc. but it couldn't work. How can I show Welcome popup without signing out the user and showing account selection popup again?
What you are asking does not appear to be possible. According to the documentation at Google Developer
public GamesClient.Builder setShowConnectingPopup (boolean showConnectingPopup)
Sets whether a "connecting" popup should be displayed automatically at the start of the sign-in flow. By default this is enabled.
Note that this call will use the default gravity for the "connecting" popup, which will display the popup at the center of the screen. If you prefer that the popup appear in a different section of the screen, you can use setShowConnectingPopup(boolean, int), and provide a Gravity value.
showConnectingPopup Whether or not to show a "connecting" popup at the beginning of the sign-in flow. Default behavior is for this to be true.
This Builder.
In watching the log output during a reconnect, I can find no discernible difference if performing it after backing out and immediately reconnecting (without logging out the user). Only if the user if forcibly disconnected.
Yet, looking at the flow, and this documentation, and the branding guidelines, the behavior Should be to show the "Welcome" popup as long as the setShowConnectingPopup is set to true.
It would be nice if Bruno (hint hint) or any other Google Play Services could weigh-in on this, as it would appear we are violating the branding guidelines if we DON'T have the "Welcome" on each sign in (even though this is a new requirement as worded by Google, along with some of the other branding stuff)
As far as I can tell my original answer StackOverflow link is still the only way to do this "Every" time, but if a user has multiple accounts, then yes the account selection will popup.
(my tests are on multiple devices, running from 4.1.32 and before.)