Is there a way to clear XDomainRequest.responseText in IE8 - server-push

I'm implementing server push solution.
Is there a way to clear XDomainRequest.responseText of IE8, since it gets filled with the every response chunk?
(to get same effect as in Firefox xhr.responseText with multipart where it contains only the last response part.)

It turns out there is no way to change this behavior.
Check out the comments where former product manager for IE says it's a limitation.


Can someone clarify IOS Safari Service Worker Support

Looking at the MDN documentation IOS/Safari fully supports ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onfetch but when you look at the FetchEvent specification it says it is not supported at all by Safari.
In particular, I would like to store some state for each client and was hoping to use the fetchEvent.clientId property of the event to index it. Of course I presume I also have access to the fetchEvent.request object otherwise I can't see how a service worker can do anything useful and I could simulate clientID from a passed in parameter in the url. But the docs don't really tell me what IOS/Safari supports and doesn't so I don't know which way to go.
Can someone please tell me precisely what does IOS/Safari pass when it calls the defined onfetch function.
I found the answer to my question by using
connecting my iPad to my Macbook and debugging my iPad. I was eventually able to open the web inspector for the Service worker for that page, and the console.log showed the event passed in.
FetchEvent.clientID is present but a zero length string. As it happens I did the same thing on my (linux) Desktop using Chrome and its also a zero length string, BUT it has another parameter resultingClientId with what looks like a UUID in it. That parameter is not there in Safari.
The FetchEvent.request is there, and in particular the URL. So I can generate my own client id in the client (I am using as that is good enough for my purposes) for use in the service worker. In fact my site without a service worker was using the in the URLs I need to intercept already, so I am happy that I have a solution.

Getting metadata (track info, artist name etc.) for radio stream

I have already checked the following links but they weren't much helpful (in parenthesis I've explained why it didn't work in my case as suggested in their answers)
Streams - hasOutOfBandMetadata and getStreamingMetadata (our content is already HLS)
Sonos player not calling GetStreamingMetadata (getMetdata is not called, only getMediaMetada is called since radio stream has unique id and is not a collection)
In Sonos API documentation it is mentioned that "hasOutOfBandMetadata" is deprecated and it is recommended that metadata be embedded inline with the content. However due to some limitations it can't be achieved in our service thus I have to go with the old way itself (whatsoever it is).
I suppose, ideally "getStreamingMetadata" should be called after setting "hasOutOfBandMetadata" to true but it's not happening.
Secondly, for testing purposes I set "secondsRemaining" and "secondsToNextShow" for different values to find out that "description" is also being displayed for those different time intervals (if I set secondsRemaining/secondsToNextShow to 20 then description is displayed for 20 seconds, if set to 200 then for 200 seconds and likewise). After the time lapses, information inside "description" disappears. So I guess there must be some call going to refresh metadata after the time lapses but couldn't figure out which call.
Kindly explain what is the proper way to get metadata for a continuous radio stream. On TuneIn radio you can find Radio Paradise for which metadata is getting updated as track changes. Even if they use metadata inline with their content there must be some way to achieve this.
Can you please post the calls and the the response that you are sending? This would help with troubleshooting this issue. Also what mimeType are you trying to use?
At this time the only full supported method for getting metadata for a continuous radio stream on Sonos that will be guaranteed to work in future releases is to embed metadata in line.

Why behat keeps request headers between different scenarios?

A header (Authorizathion) I set in the one scenario still exists when second scenario is ran.
I've looked through the documentation but I could find anything about my problem there.
Why is that ?
Use #insulated feature tag, this will start a clean browser for each scenario.
If this is not the issue use a method in #BeforeScenario hook where you can call reset/restart session methods.

Override forcedownload behavior in Sitecore

We had a problem with some of our IE clients failing to download a PDF, even after clicking on the link. We found the answer here resolved our problems: set forcedownload=true for PDF mime types in web.config.
However, that created another problem: we are now unable to render a PDF in a browser when we want to. We used to do this with an iframe. However, as you can see, the PDF just downloads, and does not render in the browser.
I learned that the forcedownload=true setting is actually a default in a subsequent version of Sitecore (v7.2). So, I'm hesitant to revert that.
So, how do I render a PDF in a browser in this situation?
You can leave forceDownload=false on the PDF mime type and instead set the following setting to false:
<setting name="Media.EnableRangeRetrievalRequest" value="false"/>
I faced the same dilema a few months back with the same initial fix. Found out the actual issue last week, I wrote a blog post about it. (In fact, I wrote the answer you linked to, I've updated it with the same information now for future visitors)
The issue is basically a combination of Adobe Reader plugin for IE9, chunked transfer encoding and streaming the file directly from the database. I found if you close your browser and try again, or force refresh with Ctrl+F5 it worked fine. Once Sitecore had cached the file to disk it would continue to work for everyone.
The above setting disables chunked transfer encoding, instead sending the file down to the browser as a single piece. This setting was introduced in Sitecore 6.5+
This is one of the flaws in the MediaRequestHandler and in my opinion; the forceDownload option is pretty useless the way it is designed by default. (Why would ever want to configure this option on media extension only?)
You’ll have to basically turn off the forcedownload option again and replace the MediaRequestHandler with your own one. I usually end up with writing my own anyway because if other issues with the default handler, such as dealing properly with CDN’s etc.
In the ProcessRequest pipeline, you can determine if the item should be “downloaded” or not by setting the Content-Disposition header. You basically need to get rid of the default handling of forceDownload and set your headers based on your own logic.
Personally I prefer to set a query string parameter, such as ?dl=1, and base the Content-Disposition header on this. You could also extend the MediaItem template to contain a default behavior on each item or sub tree (leverage from Sitecore inheritance and standard values), and potentially you could thereby also define (override) a specific filename on each item for the attachment part in the Content-Disposition header.
When rendering the link, you can leverage from the properties collection (write a suitable extension method or similar), so that you can clearly mark your code that the link is meant for download, but still leverage from the built in field render methods. Thereby you eliminate the risk of messing up the page editor etc.
/ Mikael
You have to disable range retrieval request in web.config by setting its value to false.
<setting name="Media.EnableRangeRetrievalRequest" value="false" />
MediaRequestHandler enables Sitecore to download PDF content partially in range using HTTP 206 Status code. You can also overwrite MediaRequestHandler and write your own custom implementation to handle media request.

Does internet Explorer 7 honour the Vary header by caching properly?

I'm using a technique similar to Rick Strahls example, but have notcied using google's speed tracer that
Resource Caching : #10.88s - The following resources specify a "Vary" header that disables caching in most versions of Internet Explorer. Fix or remove the "Vary" header for the following resources: ...
The question is Which versions of internet explorer? If I include a way of only outputting Vary for all browsers except early version of internet explorer, will this get resolved?
If AllowsCacheingOnVaryHeader() Then
Response.AppendHeader("Vary", "Content-Encoding")
Response.AppendHeader("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
End If
In the function "AllowsCacheingOnVaryHeader()" - what exactly should I be checking for? All version of IE prior to 7, 8 or 9?
See EricLaw's for the background on this.
Response.AppendHeader("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
Should be OK. An up-to-date IE6 should ignore Vary: Accept-Encoding. I believe older IE6 SPs didn't.
Response.AppendHeader("Vary", "Content-Encoding")
I'm not sure what that's for. Content-Encoding is a response header not (typically) a request header so how can you Vary on it? It will certainly trip IE up, can you simply remove that and be done with it?
To answer the question: no, IE7 is still just as broken as IE6 re Vary, as it's using the same underlying wininet code. I haven't tried it but I expect IE8 is the same. IE7 does behave less badly when an ETag is supplied (it revalidates the resource instead of fully refetching it), but the basic bug is unaltered.