SQL INSERT missing rows from Table A to Table B - sql

I'm trying to insert rows into table 'Data' if they don't already exist.
For each row in Export$, I need the code to check 'Data' for rows that match both Period (date) and an ID (int) - if the rows don't already exist then they should be created.
I'm pretty sure my 'NOT EXISTS' part is wrong - what's the best way to do this? Thanks for all your help
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Data, Export$ WHERE Data.ID = Export$.ID AND Data.Period = Export$.Period)
INSERT INTO Data (Period, Performance, ID)
SELECT Period, [Return], [ID] FROM Export$

try something like, will need tweaking to fit your tables
insert into data
select * from export
left join data on data.id = export.id
and data.period = export.period
where data.id is null

try this:
INSERT INTO Data (Period, Performance, ID)
SELECT Period, [Return], [ID]
FROM Export$ e
where not exists (
select *
from Data
where ID = e.ID and Period = e.Period)


SQL - trigger select into after update/insert

i have a table called Audit_Data, and from time to time there is an update coming. Every single update consists of around 300 rows (around 20 columns per row), and all of the rows from the same update share the same Audit_ID.
I have a select, that pulls out only this data, which is relevant for me. It basically transform the 300x20 field data into one row of data.
Is there a way to create a SQL trigger, that would perform the select on the updated Audit_Data table, and insert selected data into table named Audit_Final?
This is my select statement that i use to pull out the relevant data:
SELECT main.Audit_ID
FROM dbo.[Audit_Data] AS main
SELECT Audit_ID, Item_2, Item_16
FROM dbo.[Audit_Data] AS macaddr
(Item_2 NOT LIKE 'Hyper-V%')
AND (Item_17 = 'connected')
AND (Item_18 IN ('10000Mbps', '1000MBps') OR ITEM_9 IS NOT NULL AND ITEM_10 IS NOT NULL)
AND (Item_18 != '100Mbps')
) macaddr ON main.Audit_ID = macaddr.Audit_ID
SELECT Audit_ID, Category_ID, Item_1, Record_ordinal
FROM dbo.[Audit_Data] AS t1
Item_1 = 'Automatyczna konfiguracja sieci przewodowej' OR Item_1 = 'dot3svc' OR Item_1 = 'Wired AutoConfig'
AND Item_3 = 'Running'
AND Category_ID = '4100'
) t1 ON main.Audit_ID = t1.Audit_ID
main.Record_Ordinal = '2'
ORDER BY main.Audit_ID
Based on authors comment this is what is required here:
CREATE TRIGGER [TR_Audit_Data] ON [Audit_Data]
INSERT INTO [Audit_Final](cloumn_1, colum_2, ... all columns you have on target table)
Paste your select query here

How to fill Joining date and id based on following requirement?

I want to fill the joining date and id by creating a new view and output should be like second image
you might be looking for something like:
UPDATE mytable
SET tofill.ID = fillvalues.ID
,tofill.JOININGDATE = fillvalues.JOININGDATE
FROM mytable tofill
FROM mytable
) fillvalues
ON tofill.NAME = fillvalues.NAME
I am not familiar with Oracle, but statement should be teh same or similiar

Multiple conditions in having clause

I have a table like below (using SQL server 2008 R2):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Data](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[IsBad] [bit] NOT NULL
Insert into Data values(100,'Book!',1)
Insert into Data values(100,'Booklki**',1)
Insert into Data values(100,'Book',0)
Insert into Data values(100,'New Book ~~',1)
Insert into Data values(100,'New Book',0)
Insert into Data values(100,'B00k…>',1)
Insert into Data values(101,'Tim3#',1)
Insert into Data values(101,'%Timer%',1)
Insert into Data values(101,'T1mer**',1)
Insert into Data values(101,'Tim6',1)
Insert into Data values(101,'Time#me',1)
Insert into Data values(102,'ABC',0)
Insert into Data values(102,'CDE',0)
I need to select all the ID which are having all IsBad = 1. So, querying above table will return ID: 101 . It must not return 102 or 100 because these IDs are having at least one IsBad=0.
I tried below query
select id,count(distinct isBad) as Total
from Data
group by id
having count(distinct isBad)= 1
This query includes the IDs which are having all IsBad=0. but I dont need that. I tried to add some more conditions in having clause using AND , but getting error.
How to proceed ? Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I need to run the query against a table having 50 Million records. So, the query needs to be optimized to return the result in less time.
select *
from Data d1
where not exists
select *
from Data d2
where d1.id = d2.id
and d2.IsBad = 0
Live example at SQL Fiddle.
If you're just looking for the id, you can use:
select distinct id
... rest of the query is the same ...
Inverse it - you want "all the ID which have all IsBad = 1", which means the ID can't have any IsBad = 0:
The slowness of the current answer is likely due to the use of where not exists clause. I typically get around this peformance issue by using a left join and checking for the absence of a match.
select *
from Data d1
left join (select * from Data where IsBad = 0) d2
on d1.id = d2.id
where d2.id is null
This is an old post so it probably will not help the original individual but perhaps others will benefit.

Oracle SQL: Returning a Record even when a specific value doesn't exist

I have a query where I'm trying to pull some values from a table where a specific ID is queried for. If that value doesn't exist, I would still like the query to return a record that only has that ID value I was looking for. Here's what I've tried so far.
Select attr.attrval, attr.uidservicepoint, sp.servicepointid
From bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
Join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype AND
type.attrtype IN ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW') and TO_CHAR( attr.starttime , 'mm/dd/yyyy')in ('05/01/2011')
Right Outer Join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
Where sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382') Order By sp.servicepointid ASC
In this example, I'm trying to look for RGE_R01000051574382. If that doesn't exist in table SP.servicepointid, I want it to still return the 'RGE_R01000051574382' in a record with nulls for the other values I'm pulling. Normally, when I'm running this, I will be pulling about 1000 specific values at a time.
If anyone has any insight that they can give on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
If I understand correctly, you just need to move the WHERE clause into the JOIN clause.
select attr.attrval,
from bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype
and type.attrtype in ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW')
and TO_CHAR(attr.starttime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') in ('05/01/2011')
right outer join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
and sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382')
order by sp.servicepointid
I think you're saying you want to have a record returned, with the servicepointid column populated, but all others null?
In that case, use a union.
select ...your query without order by...
and sp.servicepointid = 'RGE_R010000515743282'
select null, null, 'RGE_R010000515743282'
from dual
where not exists (select 'x' from (...your query without order by...))
Here's a complete example:
create table test (id number, val varchar2(10));
insert into test (id, val) values (1, 'hi');
select id,
from test
where id = 1
select 1,
from dual
where not exists (select 'x'
from test
where id = 1)

Tricky MS Access SQL query to remove surplus duplicate records

I have an Access table of the form (I'm simplifying it a bit)
ID AutoNumber Primary Key
SchemeName Text (50)
SchemeNumber Text (15)
This contains some data eg...
ID SchemeName SchemeNumber
714 Malcolm ABC123
80 Malcolm ABC123
96 Malcolms Scheme ABC123
101 Malcolms Scheme ABC123
98 Malcolms Scheme DEF888
654 Another Scheme BAR876
543 Whatever Scheme KJL111
Now. I want to remove duplicate names under the same SchemeNumber. But I want to leave the record which has the longest SchemeName for that scheme number. If there are duplicate records with the same longest length then I just want to leave only one, say, the lowest ID (but any one will do really). From the above example I would want to delete IDs 714, 80 and 101 (to leave only 96).
I thought this would be relatively easy to achieve but it's turning into a bit of a nightmare! Thanks for any suggestions. I know I could loop it programatically but I'd rather have a single DELETE query.
See if this query returns the rows you want to keep:
SELECT r.SchemeNumber, r.SchemeName, Min(r.ID) AS MinOfID
Len(SchemeName) AS name_length,
FROM tblSchemes
) AS r
Max(Len(SchemeName)) AS name_length
FROM tblSchemes
GROUP BY SchemeNumber
) AS w
(r.SchemeNumber = w.SchemeNumber)
AND (r.name_length = w.name_length)
GROUP BY r.SchemeNumber, r.SchemeName
ORDER BY r.SchemeName;
If so, save it as qrySchemes2Keep. Then create a DELETE query to discard rows from tblSchemes whose ID value is not found in qrySchemes2Keep.
FROM tblSchemes AS s
WHERE Not Exists (SELECT * FROM qrySchemes2Keep WHERE MinOfID = s.ID);
Just beware, if you later use Access' query designer to make changes to that DELETE query, it may "helpfully" convert the SQL to something like this:
DELETE s.*, Exists (SELECT * FROM qrySchemes2Keep WHERE MinOfID = s.ID)
FROM tblSchemes AS s
WHERE (((Exists (SELECT * FROM qrySchemes2Keep WHERE MinOfID = s.ID))=False));
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 from Table t2
WHERE t1.SchemeNumber = t2.SchemeNumber
AND Length(t2.SchemeName) > Length(t1.SchemeName)
Depend on your RDBMS you may use function different from Length (Oracle - length, mysql - length, sql server - LEN)
delete ShortScheme
from Scheme ShortScheme
join Scheme LongScheme
on ShortScheme.SchemeNumber = LongScheme.SchemeNumber
and (len(ShortScheme.SchemeName) < len(LongScheme.SchemeName) or (len(ShortScheme.SchemeName) = len(LongScheme.SchemeName) and ShortScheme.ID > LongScheme.ID))
(SQL Server flavored)
Now updated to include the specified tie resolution. Although, you may get better performance doing it in two queries: first deleting the schemes with shorter names as in my original query and then going back and deleting the higher ID where there was a tie in name length.
I'd do this in multiple steps. Large delete operations done in a single step make me too nervous -- what if you make a mistake? There's no sql 'undo' statement.
-- Setup the data
DROP Table foo;
DROP Table bar;
DROP Table bat;
DROP Table baz;
id int(11) NOT NULL,
SchemeName varchar(50),
SchemeNumber varchar(15),
insert into foo values (714, 'Malcolm', 'ABC123' );
insert into foo values (80, 'Malcolm', 'ABC123' );
insert into foo values (96, 'Malcolms Scheme', 'ABC123' );
insert into foo values (101, 'Malcolms Scheme', 'ABC123' );
insert into foo values (98, 'Malcolms Scheme', 'DEF888' );
insert into foo values (654, 'Another Scheme ', 'BAR876' );
insert into foo values (543, 'Whatever Scheme ', 'KJL111' );
-- Find all the records that have dups, find the longest one
create table bar as
select max(length(SchemeName)) as max_length, SchemeNumber
from foo
group by SchemeNumber
having count(*) > 1;
-- Find the one we want to keep
create table bat as
select min(a.id) as id, a.SchemeNumber
from foo a join bar b on a.SchemeNumber = b.SchemeNumber
and length(a.SchemeName) = b.max_length
group by SchemeNumber;
-- Select into this table all the rows to delete
create table baz as
select a.id from foo a join bat b where a.SchemeNumber = b.SchemeNumber
and a.id != b.id;
This will give you a new table with only records for rows that you want to remove.
Now check these out and make sure that they contain only the rows you want deleted. This way you can make sure that when you do the delete, you know exactly what to expect. It should also be pretty fast.
Then when you're ready, use this command to delete the rows using this command.
delete from foo where id in (select id from baz);
This seems like more work because of the different tables, but it's safer probably just as fast as the other ways. Plus you can stop at any step and make sure the data is what you want before you do any actual deletes.
If your platform supports ranking functions and common table expressions:
with cte as (
select row_number()
over (partition by SchemeNumber order by len(SchemeName) desc) as rn
from Table)
delete from cte where rn > 1;
try this:
Select * From Table t
Where Len(SchemeName) <
(Select Max(Len(Schemename))
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber )
And Id >
(Select Min (Id)
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber
And SchemeName = t.SchemeName)
or this:,...
Select * From Table t
Where Id >
(Select Min(Id) From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber
And Len(SchemeName) <
(Select Max(Len(Schemename))
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber))
if either of these selects the records that should be deleted, just change it to a delete
From Table t
Where Len(SchemeName) <
(Select Max(Len(Schemename))
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber )
And Id >
(Select Min (Id)
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber
And SchemeName = t.SchemeName)
or using the second construction:
Delete From Table t Where Id >
(Select Min(Id) From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber
And Len(SchemeName) <
(Select Max(Len(Schemename))
From Table
Where SchemeNumber = t.SchemeNumber))