RavenDB sum of a count - indexing

I'm trying to do a sum of a count of a child collection in a Raven query. It is returning a count of 0. If I use the same LINQ on the object directly, then it works with a count of 2.
Is this query possible with auto-indexing on Raven? If I need to create a map-reduce index, can someone help me with that?
public void CalculateUserClickCount()
var db = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { RunInMemory = true };
using (var session = db.OpenSession())
var user = new User();
var product = new Product();
product.Clicks.Add(new Click());
product.Clicks.Add(new Click());
var users = session.Query<User>()
.Customize(t => t.WaitForNonStaleResults())
.Select(t => new
StoreFrontId = t.Storefront.StorefrontID,
itemCount = t.Storefront.EndoProducts.Count,
updateDate = t.Storefront.LastUpdateDate,
clickCount = t.Storefront.EndoProducts.Sum(r => r.Clicks.Count), // this is improperly set to 0
TotalAffiliateRevenue = t.Storefront.SaleReports.Sum(r => r.TotalAffiliateEarnings) // this works
int clickCount = user.Storefront.EndoProducts.Sum(t => t.Clicks.Count); // this is properly set to 2
Assert.AreEqual(2, users[0].clickCount);

You don't need a map/reduce for this, because you are only operating on a single document at any time.
What you do need it s transform results, most probably, to do this.


ASP.NET Core + Entity Framework changed data

I'm trying to save only changed entities.
If I remove this if:
if (!period.IsSame(_context.Periods.First(p => p.ID == period.ID)))
everything is fine.
But if I keep it, on the statement _context.Attach(period); or same if I use Update, I get an error:
InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type 'Period' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'ID'} is already being tracked.
I don't know how test that it's really modified.
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(List<Period> periods)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Page();
// _context.Periods.Add(Period);
int i = 0;
foreach (var period in periods)
TimeOnly startTime = TimeOnly.Parse(Request.Form["StartTime" + i].ToString());
TimeOnly endTime = TimeOnly.Parse(Request.Form["EndTime" + i].ToString());
period.StartHour = startTime.Hour;
period.StartMinute = startTime.Minute;
period.EndHour = endTime.Hour;
period.EndMinute = endTime.Minute;
period.StatusDate = DateTime.Now;
// if it already exists
if (period.ID > 0)
// if modified
if (!period.IsSame(_context.Periods.First(p => p.ID == period.ID)))
if (period.Delete)
period.Status = (int)Status.deleted;
period.Status = (int)Status.modified;
// if new
period.Status = (int)Status.created;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToPage("./Periods");
I have tried both update and attach. I have search for entity tracking but it seems to be detached as soon as it's on a webpage
EF uses concept of change tracking to determine what should be done with entities. By default querying data will lead to context starting to track it hence the exception. You can mitigate it by disabling tracking by default, for example using .AsNoTracking():
if (!period.IsSame(_context.Periods.AsNoTracking().First(p => p.ID == period.ID)))
// ...
But this is not very advisable approach, due to multiple reasons - possibly change tracker will not detect any changes and you will need to handle that manually, and bigger reason - you will be querying database in a loop which is bad for application performance. Just fetch everything from the database and update it accordingly:
var existingPeriods = await _context.Periods
.Where(p => periods.Select(p => p.ID).Contains(p.ID))
.ToListAsync(); // or ToDictionaryAsync if there a lot of the periods
foreach (var period in periods)
var existing = existingPeriods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == period.ID);
if (existing != null)
// maybe throw if period.ID != 0
// update data in existing
existing. ... = ...;
// if new ...
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

SaveChanges() outside of foreach saves only the last object added

Seems that the SaveChanges() only saves the last object added into the table:
static void Main(string[] args)
Category c = new Category();
using (GenericDBEntities db = new GenericDBEntities())
foreach (Match i in db.Matches)
if (!db.Categories.Any())
c.CategoryInternalId = i.CategoryId;
c.CategoryName = i.CategoryName;
c.SportId = i.SportId;
foreach (Category a in db.Categories)
if (i.CategoryId != a.CategoryInternalId)
c.CategoryInternalId = i.CategoryId;
c.CategoryName = i.CategoryName;
c.SportId = i.SportId;
I have tried it in a few different ways which all have the same or less result, the for loop saves them all, no matter if condition is met or not. Why is it only saving the last object of the Match table? What am I missing?
Clarification: The task is to go through Match table, which has duplicate CategoryIDs and to, if it is not already in the Category table, add it, so it won't store duplicates again, the problem is Category table is initially empty, hence the newbie logic, still learnin'!
You need to create the Category object for each inserted category, otherwise you have just one category object which you are editing all the time and hence just this one (the last edit) will be saved to the DB.
If you want to add all new categories from Matches based on CategoryId you can use something like this:
using (GenericDBEntities db = new GenericDBEntities())
var newCategories = db.Matches
.Where(m => !db.Categories
.Select(c => c.CategoryInternalId)
.Select(m => new { m.CategoryId, m.CategoryName, m.SportId })
.GroupBy(m => m.otherid)
.Select(g => g.FirstOrDefault())
foreach (var i in newCategories)
var c = new Category()
CategoryInternalId = i.CategoryId,
CategoryName = i.CategoryName,
SportId = i.SportId
Now you'll get all the new categories from the Matches table in one go. This is a first draft, meaning that the performance can be further tuned if needed.

breeze.js not honoring the "noTracking" option when end point returns multiple result sets

Consider this breze query:
return EntityQuery.from('myAPI')
My API is defined like this:
public object myAPI()
// var userId = get the users id from auth ticket
var userPref = _contextProvider.Context.UserPreferences.Where(u => u.userId == userId);
var userOptions = _contextProvider.Context.UserOptions.Where(u => u.userId == userId);
return new
I know I can get access to the raw data, which is great. But in addition to this, the entities are created in the entity manager, which I would prefer they not be. This works fine for apis that return IQueryable. Is there a different syntax for noTracking for web apis that returns multiple result sets?
I can't reproduce the error you describe. I have a similar DocCode test that passes which references Breeze v1.5.3.
Here is the pertinent NorthwindController method:
public object Lookups()
var regions = _repository.Regions;
var territories = _repository.Territories;
var categories = _repository.Categories;
var lookups = new { regions, territories, categories };
return lookups;
And here's the passing QUnit test:
asyncTest('object query (e.g., lookups) w/ "no tracking" does not add to cache', function () {
var em = newNorthwindEm();
function success(data) {
var lookups = data.results[0];
var hasLookups = lookups &&
lookups.categories && lookups.regions && lookups.territories;
ok(hasLookups, 'Expected a lookups object w/ categories, regions and territories');
var cached = em.getEntities();
var len = cached.length;
equal(0, len, 'Expected ZERO cached entities of any kind and got ' + len);
If I comment out the noTracking(true) clause, the test fails and tells me that there are 65 entities in cache ... as predicted.
What am I missing?

MS Dynamics CRM. Get users who current record shared with

I have a entity record which is shared with or more users. I would like to unshare this record when Deactivate it. I want to do that in Plugin. But I can't understand how to get all users from sharing list who have access to this record. How to do that?
Here is my code snippet:
protected void ExecutePostPersonSetStateDynamicEntity(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
var context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
var targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["EntityMoniker"];
var state = (OptionSetValue)context.InputParameters["State"];
var columns = new ColumnSet(new[] { "statecode" });
var retrivedEntity = localContext.OrganizationService.Retrieve(targetEntity.LogicalName, targetEntity.Id, columns);
if (state.Value == 1)
RevokeAccessRequest revokeRequest = new RevokeAccessRequest()
Target = new EntityReference(personEntity.LogicalName, personEntity.Id),
Revokee = new EntityReference(neededEntity.LogicalName, needed.Id)
// Execute the request.
As you can see, I need an entity "neededEntity", I don't know how to get it from "targetEntity" or "retrievedEntity".
You need to use a RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest
You can start from the included example, basically inside the foreach you call your RevokeAcessRequest

EntityFramework, Insert if not exist, otherwise update

I'm having a Entity-Set Countries, reflecting a database table '<'char(2),char(3),nvarchar(50> in my database.
Im having a parser that returns a Country[] array of parsed countries, and is having issues with getting it updated in the right way. What i want is: Take the array of countries, for those countries not already in the database insert them, and those existing update if any fields is different. How can this be done?
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
//Code missing
I was thinking something like
for(var c in data.Except(db.Countries)) but it wount work as it compares on wronge fields.
Hope anyone have had this issues before, and have a solution for me. If i cant use the Country object and insert/update an array of them easy, i dont see much benefict of using the framework, as from performers i think its faster to write a custom sql script that inserts them instead of ect checking if an country is already in the database before inserting?
See answer of post instead.
I added override equals to my country class:
public partial class Country
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Country)
var country = obj as Country;
return this.CountryTreeLetter.Equals(country.CountryTreeLetter);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 13;
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[0];
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[1];
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[2];
return hash;
and then did:
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using (var db = new entities())
foreach (var item in data.Except(db.Countries))
I would do it straightforward:
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
foreach(var country in data)
var countryInDb = db.Countries
.Where(c => c.Name == country.Name) // or whatever your key is
if (countryInDb != null)
I don't know how often your application must run this or how many countries your world has. But I have the feeling that this is nothing where you must think about sophisticated performance optimizations.
Alternative approach which would issue only one query:
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
var names = data.Select(c => c.Name);
var countriesInDb = db.Countries
.Where(c => names.Contains(c.Name))
.ToList(); // single DB query
foreach(var country in data)
var countryInDb = countriesInDb
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == country.Name); // runs in memory
if (countryInDb != null)
The modern form, using later EF versions would be:
context.Entry(record).State = (AlreadyExists ? EntityState.Modified : EntityState.Added);
AlreadyExists can come from checking the key or by querying the database to see whether the item already exists there.
You can implement your own IEqualityComparer<Country> and pass that to the Except() method. Assuming your Country object has Id and Name properties, one example of that implementation could look like this:
public class CountryComparer : IEqualityComparer<Country>
public bool Equals(Country x, Country y)
return x.Name.Equals(y.Name) && (x.Id == y.Id);
public int GetHashCode(Country obj)
return string.Format("{0}{1}", obj.Id, obj.Name).GetHashCode();
and use it as
data.Countries.Except<Country>(db, new CountryComparer());
Although, in your case it looks like you just need to extract new objects, you can use var newCountries = data.Where(c => c.Id == Guid.Empty); if your Id is Guid.
The best way is to inspect the Country.EntityState property and take actions from there regarding on value (Detached, Modified, Added, etc.)
You need to provide more information on what your data collection contains i.e. are the Country objects retrieved from a database through the entityframework, in which case their context can be tracked, or are you generating them using some other way.
I am not sure this will be the best solution but I think you have to get all countries from DB then check it with your parsed data
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
List<Country> mycountries = db.Countries.ToList();
foreach(var PC in data)
if(mycountries.Any( C => C.Name==PC.Name ))
var country = mycountries.Any( C => C.Name==PC.Name );
//Update it here
var newcountry = Country.CreateCountry(PC.Name);//you must provide all required parameters
newcountry.Name = PC.Name;