enhanced assert scala macro - scala-2.10

I’ve come across some annoying problems when using asserts where there is either
no good information available: why did it fails, and what the assert was about
the assert information is buried under a sea of unneeded information like too many layers of scala functions.
I’ve kept these issues in the back of my head and, now that new scala macros are available , I plan to go on Stack Overflow and create a high-value question and answer pair for each issue. That way, the next person who has the problem won’t have to slog through so much misinformation. I might even learn some more about the various issues that plagued us if other experts chime in with their own knowledge.
This is a simple scala macro example.

Here is a solution giving more in depths details about assert failure and eliminating all scala layers of internal functions when throwing the exception:
def assert2(c: Context)(act: c.Expr[Any],exp: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[Unit] = {
import c.universe._
val actm = act.tree.toString
val expm = exp.tree.toString
if(act.splice!=exp.splice) {
try {
throw new Exception("AssertionError: "+c.Expr[String](Literal(Constant(actm))).splice+"["+act.splice+"]==["+exp.splice+"]"+c.Expr[String](Literal(Constant(expm))).splice)
} catch {
case unknown: Throwable => System.err.println(""+unknown+unknown.getStackTrace.toList.filter(_.toString.indexOf("scala.")!=0).mkString("\n ","\n ","\n ")); exit
def myAssert2(act: Any, exp: Any) = macro assert2


Proper error handling in Kotlin with Coroutines

I have a dilemma about handling exceptions in kotlin and coroutines. Will be thankful for any articles or your personal experience.
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/exceptions.html#checked-exceptions kotlin documentation says that exceptions were mistake so there are no checked exceptions in kotlin.
If you have multilayer architecture it is pain in the ass to handle an exception from bottom layer at the top one, cause there are no warnings or compile level checks for what exception you should wait for.
As an option you can catch exception asap, wrap it with some Result class and propagate it back as a return value.
return try {
} catch(ex: IOException) {
This solution works well until you get hands on coroutines with async/await.
If an exception is thrown inside the first async then whole scope becomes dead.
coroutineScope {
val r1 = async { }
val r2 = async { }
But if you use solution with return value, then both async will complete. Even if one of them completed with wrapped error. In 99% cases this behavior doesn't make sense.
So I run into situation interesting situation - there are no compile level/lint checks for catching/throwing checked exceptions so I can't use exceptions properly. But if I get rid of exceptions coroutines start act weird.

Extraordinary uses of Exceptions vs OOP rules

Me and my friend have some arguement about Exceptions. He proposes to use Exception as some kind of transporter for response (we can't just return it). I'm saying its contradictory to the OOP rules, he say it's ok because application flow was changed and information was passed.
Can you help us settle the dispute?
function example() {
result = pdo.find();
if (result) {
e = new UniqueException();
throw new e;
try {
} catch (UniqueException e) {
Using exceptions for application flow is a misleading practice. Anyone else (even you) maintaining that code will be puzzled because the function of the exception in your flow is totally different to the semantic of exceptions.
I imagine the reason you're doing this is because you want to return different results. For that, create a new class Result, that holds all information and react to it via an if-statement.

Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API

I have a basic stream processing flow which looks like
master topic -> my processing in a mapper/filter -> output topics
and I am wondering about the best way to handle "bad messages". This could potentially be things like messages that I can't deserialize properly, or perhaps the processing/filtering logic fails in some unexpected way (I have no external dependencies so there should be no transient errors of that sort).
I was considering wrapping all my processing/filtering code in a try catch and if an exception was raised then routing to an "error topic". Then I can study the message and modify it or fix my code as appropriate and then replay it on to master. If I let any exceptions propagate, the stream seems to get jammed and no more messages are picked up.
Is this approach considered best practice?
Is there a convenient Kafka streams way to handle this? I don't think there is a concept of a DLQ...
What are the alternative ways to stop Kafka jamming on a "bad message"?
What alternative error handling approaches are there?
For completeness here is my code (pseudo-ish):
class Document {
// Fields
class AnalysedDocument {
Document document;
String rawValue;
Exception exception;
Analysis analysis;
// All being well
AnalysedDocument(Document document, Analysis analysis) {...}
// Analysis failed
AnalysedDocument(Document document, Exception exception) {...}
// Deserialisation failed
AnalysedDocument(String rawValue, Exception exception) {...}
KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
KStream<String, AnalysedPolecatDocument> analysedDocumentStream = builder
.stream(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), "master")
.mapValues(new ValueMapper<String, AnalysedDocument>() {
public AnalysedDocument apply(String rawValue) {
Document document;
try {
// Deserialise
document = ...
} catch (Exception e) {
return new AnalysedDocument(rawValue, exception);
try {
// Perform analysis
Analysis analysis = ...
return new AnalysedDocument(document, analysis);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new AnalysedDocument(document, exception);
// Branch based on whether analysis mapping failed to produce errorStream and successStream
errorStream.to(Serdes.String(), customPojoSerde(), "error");
successStream.to(Serdes.String(), customPojoSerde(), "analysed");
KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, config);
Any help greatly appreciated.
Right now, Kafka Streams offers only limited error handling capabilities. There is work in progress to simplify this. For now, your overall approach seems to be a good way to go.
One comment about handling de/serialization errors: handling those error manually, requires you to do de/serialization "manually". This means, you need to configure ByteArraySerdes for key and value for you input/output topic of your Streams app and add a map() that does the de/serialization (ie, KStream<byte[],byte[]> -> map() -> KStream<keyType,valueType> -- or the other way round if you also want to catch serialization exceptions). Otherwise, you cannot try-catch deserialization exceptions.
With your current approach, you "only" validate that the given string represents a valid document -- but it could be the case, that the message itself is corrupted and cannot be converted into a String in the source operator in the first place. Thus, you don't actually cover deserialization exception with you code. However, if you are sure a deserialization exception can never happen, you approach would be sufficient, too.
This issues is tackled via KIP-161 and will be included in the next release 1.0.0. It allows you to register an callback via parameter default.deserialization.exception.handler. The handler will be invoked every time a exception occurs during deserialization and allows you to return an DeserializationResponse (CONTINUE -> drop the record an move on, or FAIL that is the default).
Update 2
With KIP-210 (will be part of in Kafka 1.1) it's also possible to handle errors on the producer side, similar to the consumer part, by registering a ProductionExceptionHandler via config default.production.exception.handler that can return CONTINUE.
Update Mar 23, 2018: Kafka 1.0 provides much better and easier handling for bad error messages ("poison pills") via KIP-161 than what I described below. See default.deserialization.exception.handler in the Kafka 1.0 docs.
This could potentially be things like messages that I can't deserialize properly [...]
Ok, my answer here focuses on the (de)serialization issues as this might be the most tricky scenario to handle for most users.
[...] or perhaps the processing/filtering logic fails in some unexpected way (I have no external dependencies so there should be no transient errors of that sort).
The same thinking (for deserialization) can also be applied to failures in the processing logic. Here, most people tend to gravitate towards option 2 below (minus the deserialization part), but YMMV.
I was considering wrapping all my processing/filtering code in a try catch and if an exception was raised then routing to an "error topic". Then I can study the message and modify it or fix my code as appropriate and then replay it on to master. If I let any exceptions propagate, the stream seems to get jammed and no more messages are picked up.
Is this approach considered best practice?
Yes, at the moment this is the way to go. Essentially, the two most common patterns are (1) skipping corrupted messages or (2) sending corrupted records to a quarantine topic aka a dead letter queue.
Is there a convenient Kafka streams way to handle this? I don't think there is a concept of a DLQ...
Yes, there is a way to handle this, including the use of a dead letter queue. However, it's (at least IMHO) not that convenient yet. If you have any feedback on how the API should allow you to handle this -- e.g. via a new or updated method, a configuration setting ("if serialization/deserialization fails send the problematic record to THIS quarantine topic") -- please let us know. :-)
What are the alternative ways to stop Kafka jamming on a "bad message"?
What alternative error handling approaches are there?
See my examples below.
FWIW, the Kafka community is also discussing the addition of a new CLI tool that allows you to skip over corrupted messages. However, as a user of the Kafka Streams API, I think ideally you want to handle such scenarios directly in your code, and fallback to CLI utilities only as a last resort.
Here are some patterns for the Kafka Streams DSL to handle corrupted records/messages aka "poison pills". This is taken from http://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/faq.html#handling-corrupted-records-and-deserialization-errors-poison-pill-messages
Option 1: Skip corrupted records with flatMap
This is arguably what most users would like to do.
We use flatMap because it allows you to output zero, one, or more output records per input record. In the case of a corrupted record we output nothing (zero records), thereby ignoring/skipping the corrupted record.
Benefit of this approach compared to the others ones listed here: We need to manually deserialize a record only once!
Drawback of this approach: flatMap "marks" the input stream for potential data re-partitioning, i.e. if you perform a key-based operation such as groupings (groupBy/groupByKey) or joins afterwards, your data will be re-partitioned behind the scenes. Since this might be a costly step we don't want that to happen unnecessarily. If you KNOW that the record keys are always valid OR that you don't need to operate on the keys (thus keeping them as "raw" keys in byte[] format), you can change from flatMap to flatMapValues, which will not result in data re-partitioning even if you join/group/aggregate the stream later.
Code example:
Serde<byte[]> bytesSerde = Serdes.ByteArray();
Serde<String> stringSerde = Serdes.String();
Serde<Long> longSerde = Serdes.Long();
// Input topic, which might contain corrupted messages
KStream<byte[], byte[]> input = builder.stream(bytesSerde, bytesSerde, inputTopic);
// Note how the returned stream is of type KStream<String, Long>,
// rather than KStream<byte[], byte[]>.
KStream<String, Long> doubled = input.flatMap(
(k, v) -> {
try {
// Attempt deserialization
String key = stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
long value = longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
// Ok, the record is valid (not corrupted). Let's take the
// opportunity to also process the record in some way so that
// we haven't paid the deserialization cost just for "poison pill"
// checking.
return Collections.singletonList(KeyValue.pair(key, 2 * value));
catch (SerializationException e) {
// log + ignore/skip the corrupted message
System.err.println("Could not deserialize record: " + e.getMessage());
return Collections.emptyList();
Option 2: dead letter queue with branch
Compared to option 1 (which ignores corrupted records) option 2 retains corrupted messages by filtering them out of the "main" input stream and writing them to a quarantine topic (think: dead letter queue). The drawback is that, for valid records, we must pay the manual deserialization cost twice.
KStream<byte[], byte[]> input = ...;
KStream<byte[], byte[]>[] partitioned = input.branch(
(k, v) -> {
boolean isValidRecord = false;
try {
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
isValidRecord = true;
catch (SerializationException ignored) {}
return isValidRecord;
(k, v) -> true
// partitioned[0] is the KStream<byte[], byte[]> that contains
// only valid records. partitioned[1] contains only corrupted
// records and thus acts as a "dead letter queue".
KStream<String, Long> doubled = partitioned[0].map(
(key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(
// Must deserialize a second time unfortunately.
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, key),
2 * longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, value)));
// Don't forget to actually write the dead letter queue back to Kafka!
partitioned[1].to(Serdes.ByteArray(), Serdes.ByteArray(), "quarantine-topic");
Option 3: Skip corrupted records with filter
I only mention this for completeness. This option looks like a mix of options 1 and 2, but is worse than either of them. Compared to option 1, you must pay the manual deserialization cost for valid records twice (bad!). Compared to option 2, you lose the ability to retain corrupted records in a dead letter queue.
KStream<byte[], byte[]> validRecordsOnly = input.filter(
(k, v) -> {
boolean isValidRecord = false;
try {
bytesSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
isValidRecord = true;
catch (SerializationException e) {
// log + ignore/skip the corrupted message
System.err.println("Could not deserialize record: " + e.getMessage());
return isValidRecord;
KStream<String, Long> doubled = validRecordsOnly.map(
(key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(
// Must deserialize a second time unfortunately.
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, key),
2 * longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, value)));
Any help greatly appreciated.
I hope I could help. If yes, I'd appreciate your feedback on how we could improve the Kafka Streams API to handle failures/exceptions in a better/more convenient way than today. :-)
For the processing logic you could take this approach:
.mapValues(inputValue -> {
// for each execution the below "return" could provide a different class than the previous run!
// e.g. "return isFailedProcessing ? failValue : successValue;"
// where failValue and successValue have no related classes
return someObject; // someObject class vary at runtime depending on your business
}) // here you'll have KStream<whateverKeyClass, Object> -> yes, Object for the value!
// you could have a different logic for choosing
// the target topic, below is just an example
.to((k, v, recordContext) -> v instanceof failValueClass ?
"dead-letter-topic" : "success-topic",
// you could completelly ignore the "Produced" part
// and rely on spring-boot properties only, e.g.
// spring.kafka.streams.properties.default.key.serde=yourKeySerde
// spring.kafka.streams.properties.default.value.serde=org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonSerde
// JsonSerde could be an instance configured as you need
// (with type mappings or headers setting disabled, etc)
new JsonSerde<>()));
Your classes, though different and landing into different topics, will serialize as expected.
When not using to(), but instead one wants to continue with other processing, he could use branch() with splitting the logic based on the kafka-value class; the trick for branch() is to return KStream<keyClass, ?>[] in order to further allow one to cast to the appropriate class the individual array items.
If you want to send an exception (custom exception) to another topic (ERROR_TOPIC_NAME):
public KStream<String, ?> kafkaStreamInput(StreamsBuilder kStreamBuilder) {
KStream<String, InputModel> input = kStreamBuilder.stream(INPUT_TOPIC_NAME);
return service.messageHandler(input);
public KStream<String, ?> messageHandler(KStream<String, InputModel> inputTopic) {
KStream<String, Object> output;
output = inputTopic.mapValues(v -> {
try {
//return InputModel
return normalMethod(v);
} catch (Exception e) {
//return ErrorModel
return errorHandler(e);
output.filter((k, v) -> (v instanceof ErrorModel)).to(KafkaStreamsConfig.ERROR_TOPIC_NAME);
output.filter((k, v) -> (v instanceof InputModel)).to(KafkaStreamsConfig.OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME);
return output;
If you want to handle Kafka exceptions and skip it:
public ConsumerErrorHandler(
KafkaProducer<String, ErrorModel> dlqProducer) {
this.dlqProducer = dlqProducer;
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<?, ?> kafkaListenerContainerFactory(
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer,
ObjectProvider<ConsumerFactory<Object, Object>> kafkaConsumerFactory) {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Object, Object> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
configurer.configure(factory, kafkaConsumerFactory.getIfAvailable());
factory.setErrorHandler(((exception, data) -> {
ErrorModel errorModel = ErrorModel.builder().message()
assert data != null;
dlqProducer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(DLQ_TOPIC, data.key().toString(), errorModel));
return factory;
All above answers although valid and useful, they are assuming that your streams topology is stateless. For example going back to the original example,
master topic -> my processing in a mapper/filter -> output topics
"my processing in a mapper/filter" should be stateless. I.e. Not re-partitioning (aka writing to a persistent re-partition topic) or doing a toTable() (aka writing to a changelog topic). If the processing fails further down the topology and you commit the transaction (by following any of the 3 option mention above - flatmap, branch or filter - then you have to cater for manually or programmatically eventually deleting that inconsistent state. That would mean writing extra custom code for automatic this.
I would personally expect Streams to also give you a LogAndSkip option for any unhandled runtime exception, not only for deserialization and production ones.
Has anyone any ideas on this?
I don't believe these examples work at all when working with Avro.
When the schema can't be resolved (i.e there is bad/non-avro message corrupting the topic, for example) there is no key or value to deserialize in the first place because by the time the DSL .branch() code is called, the exception has already been thrown (or handled).
Can anyone confirm if this i indeed the case? The very fluent approach you refer to here isn't possible when working with Avro?
KIP-161 does explain how to use a handler, however, it's much more fluent to see it as part of the topology.

Whats the best way to write an iterator supporting multiple logic branches?

In Rust I've started writing iterators, converting them from code which took a callback function.
I ran into the problem where the code that used a callback in multiple branches of the function didn't convert so cleanly into a Rust iterator.
To give some pseudo-code.
// function using callbacks where the caller can exit at any time,
// can be used in a similar way to an iterator.
fn do_stuff(args, callback_fn(cb_args)) {
// define a, b, c... args
if callback_fn(a, b, 0) == false { return; }
for i in 0..n {
if callback_fn(c, d, i) == false { return; }
if callback_fn(e, f, -1) == false { return; }
Converting this to an iterator was rather awkward since I needed to store some state representing each branch.
impl Iterator for MyStruct {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MyResult> {
let out = match (self.state) {
0 => {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.a, self.b, 0))
1 => {
self.i += 1;
if self.i == self.n {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.c, self.d, self.i - 1))
2 => {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.e, self.f, -1))
_ => {
return out;
// --- snip
With the example above, this is arguably acceptable, (if a little awkward). Consider cases with multiple for loops, variable scopes, where its much harder to track state.
While I didn't try these, I imagine there are some ways to achieve this which in most cases are less-then-ideal workarounds:
Using the callback version, building a vector, then iterating over it... (works but defeats the purpose of using an iterator, no way to early exit and avoid creating the entire data set for eg).
Writing an iterator which communicates with a thread that uses similar logic to the callback version.(while possible, the overhead of creating OS threads makes it a poor choice in many cases).
Besides the workarounds above:
Are there ways to write iterators like the example given, with less convoluted logic?Ideally more like the example that uses callbacks.
Otherwise are there other ways to handle this?
Or is this simply not supported in Rust?
Note, the same logic applies coming from Python generators (using yield instead of a callback, using callbacks as an example here since they're ubiquitous with first class functions).
Languages like C# and Python provide a way to generate iterators from methods written using a special yield keyword. As of Rust 1.11, there is no such feature in the language. However, such a feature is planned (see RFC) (indeed, yield is a reserved keyword!) and would likely work as in C# (i.e. the compiler would generate a struct with the necessary state and implementation for Iterator).
In the meantime, you could try Stateful, a project that attempts to provide this feature. (This blog post explains how Stateful works, and the challenges involved.)

Programmatically execute Gatling tests

I want to use something like Cucumber JVM to drive performance tests written for Gatling.
Ideally the Cucumber features would somehow build a scenario dynamically - probably reusing predefined chain objects similar to the method described in the "Advanced Tutorial", e.g.
val scn = scenario("Scenario Name").exec(Search.search("foo"), Browse.browse, Edit.edit("foo", "bar")
I've looked at how the Maven plugin executes the scripts, and I've also seen mention of using an App trait but I can't find any documentation for the later and it strikes me that somebody else will have wanted to do this before...
Can anybody point (a Gatling noob) in the direction of some documentation or example code of how to achieve this?
EDIT 20150515
So to explain a little more:
I have created a trait which is intended to build up a sequence of, I think, ChainBuilders that are triggered by Cucumber steps:
trait GatlingDsl extends ScalaDsl with EN {
private val gatlingActions = new ArrayBuffer[GatlingBehaviour]
def withGatling(action: GatlingBehaviour): Unit = {
gatlingActions += action
A GatlingBehaviour would look something like:
object Google {
class Home extends GatlingBehaviour {
def execute: ChainBuilder =
exec(http("Google Home")
class Search extends GatlingBehaviour {...}
class FindResult extends GatlingBehaviour {...}
And inside the StepDef class:
class GoogleStepDefinitions extends GatlingDsl {
Given( """^the Google search page is displayed$""") { () =>
println("Loading www.google.com")
When( """^I search for the term "(.*)"$""") { (searchTerm: String) =>
println("Searching for '" + searchTerm + "'...")
Then( """^"(.*)" appears in the search results$""") { (expectedResult: String) =>
println("Found " + expectedResult)
The idea being that I can then execute the whole sequence of actions via something like:
val scn = Scenario(cucumberScenario).exec(gatlingActions)
and then check the reports or catch an exception if the test fails, e.g. response time too long.
It seems that no matter how I use the 'exec' method it tries to instantly execute it there and then, not waiting for the scenario.
Also I don't know if this is the best approach to take, we'd like to build some reusable blocks for our Gatling tests that can be constructed via Cucumber's Given/When/Then style. Is there a better or already existing approach?
Sadly, it's not currently feasible to have Gatling directly start a Simulation instance.
Not that's it's not technically feasible, but you're just the first person to try to do this.
Currently, Gatling is usually in charge of compiling and can only be passed the name of the class to load, not an instance itself.
You can maybe start by forking io.gatling.app.Gatling and io.gatling.core.runner.Runner, and then provide a PR to support this new behavior. The former is the main entry point, and the latter the one can instanciate and run the simulation.
I recently ran into a similar situation, and did not want to fork gatling. And while this solved my immediate problem, it only partially solves what you are trying to do, but hopefully someone else will find this useful.
There is an alternative. Gatling is written in Java and Scala so you can call Gatling.main directly and pass it the arguments you need to run the Gatling Simulation you want. The problem is, the main explicitly calls System.exit so you have to also use a custom security manager to prevent it from actually exiting.
You need to know two things:
the class (with the full package) of the Simulation you want to run
example: com.package.your.Simulation1
the path where the binaries are compiled.
The code to run a Simulation:
protected void fire(String gatlingGun, String binaries){
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
System.setSecurityManager(new GatlingSecurityManager());
String[] args = {"--simulation", gatlingGun,
"--results-folder", "gatling-results",
"--binaries-folder", binaries};
try {
}catch(SecurityException se){
LOG.debug("gatling test finished.");
The simple security manager i used:
public class GatlingSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
public void checkExit(int status){
throw new SecurityException("Tried to exit.");
public void checkPermission(Permission perm) {
The problem is then getting the information you want out of the simulation after it has been run.