vb.net select random folder name - vb.net

Dose anybody know how I can select an existing random directory name (C:\ drive) using vb.net and store its location in a variable.
I had to googel this one but seem to only be able to find example in relation to files, not folders

Try this out, hope this will suits your requirement,
'----------------- Global Variables
Dim xCnter = 0
Dim xRndNo = 0
Dim xSubdirectory As String
Private Sub Basement()
Dim xGenerator As System.Random = New System.Random()
xRndNo = xGenerator.Next(1, 100)
End Sub
Private Sub AssignRndDirectory(xPath as string)
For Each subdirectory In Directory.GetDirectories(xPath)
if xCnter = xRndNo then Exit sub
xCnter += 1
call AssignRndDirectory(subdirectory)
End Sub
[Note: This code is not tested with IDE, Tell me if anything cause errors.]
Dim xCnter = 0
Dim xRndNo = 0
Dim xSubdirectory As String
Private Sub Basement()
Dim xGenerator As System.Random = New System.Random()
xRndNo = xGenerator.Next(1, 100)
xCnter = 0
End Sub
Private Sub AssignRndDirectory(ByVal xPath As String)
For Each Subdirectory In Directory.GetDirectories(xPath)
If xCnter = xRndNo Then Exit Sub
xSubdirectory = Subdirectory
xCnter += 1
Call AssignRndDirectory(Subdirectory)
Catch ex As Exception
Exit Sub
End Try
End Sub

Just make a list of directories, and select a random item from it.
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim path As String = "C:\"
Dim dir = New DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim subDirs = dir.GetDirectories()
Dim randomDir = subdirs(rnd.[Next](subDirs.Length))
Or, if you prefer Linq, the last line can be:
Dim randomDirectory = subdirs.Skip(rnd.[Next](subdirs.Length)).First()


Item pairing between two .txt

I have been trying to combine or pair two text files.
One file contains User:Key
The other file contains Key:Pass
I want a 3rd text file created containing the corresponding pairs of User:Pass based on the key matching.
Here is what Ive tried most recently
Private Sub Rotate()
Dim Cracked() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(TextBox1.Text)
For Each lineA In Cracked
TextBox5.Text = lineA
End Sub
Private Sub check()
Dim toCheck() As String = TextBox5.Text.Split(":")
Dim tHash As String = toCheck(0)
Dim tPass As String = toCheck(1)
Dim lines1() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(TextBox2.Text)
For Each line In lines1
If lines1.Contains(tHash) Then
Dim toAdd() As String = line.Split(":")
Dim uHash As String = toCheck(0)
Dim uUser As String = toCheck(1)
ListBox1.Items.Add(uUser + ":" + tPass)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub CopyListBoxToClipboard(ByVal ListBox2 As ListBox)
Dim buffer As New StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
End Sub
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
End Sub
The delimiter changes but for now the : works.
I tried splitting and matching but either the textbox5 does not rotate or it rotates through the list and thats all.
Something like this?
Dim KeyPassFile As String = "..."
Dim UserKeyFile As String = "..."
Dim UserPassFile As String = "..."
Dim KeyPass As New Hashtable
' Read Key:Pass file
For Each Line In IO.File.ReadAllLines(KeyPassFile)
Dim iStart = Line.IndexOf(":")
Dim Key = Line.Substring(0, iStart)
Dim Pass = Line.Substring(iStart + 1)
KeyPass.Add(Key, Pass)
' Create User:Pass file
Dim OutFile = IO.File.CreateText(UserPassFile)
' Read User:Key file
For Each Line In IO.File.ReadAllLines(UserKeyFile)
Dim iStart = Line.IndexOf(":")
Dim User = Line.Substring(0, iStart)
Dim Key = Line.Substring(iStart + 1)
If KeyPass.ContainsKey(Key) Then
' We have a match for the key, write it to the file
OutFile.WriteLine(User & ":" & KeyPass(Key))
End If
This will probably not work for very large files that doesn't fit in memory, and there is no duplicate check for the key insertion in the hashtable, but I'll leave something for you to do.. :)
Also, in your code, you read the file specified in the TextBox2.Text as many times as there are lines in the TextBox1.Text file..

If directory exists in a VB.NET code

I have the following code to create a directory, the task accepts a recordcount and every time the recordcount reaches the required number, say 1000 records, a new directory is created. If the task is run a second time it will add another 1000 records to the existing directories, I want it to skip these existing directories and create a new one. I've tried adding various ifexists, but mess it up all the time, any help would be appreciated
Public Sub Main()
Dim SourceDirectory As String = "E:\Data"
Dim TargetDirectory As String = "E:\CN"
Dim FileExtensionsToProcess As String = "CON*.pdf"
Dim FileCounter As Integer = 0
Dim FolderName As Integer = 1
Dim recordcount As Integer
recordcount = CInt(Dts.Variables("RecordCount").Value)
For Each FileName As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(SourceDirectory, FileExtensionsToProcess)
Dim FileOnly As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileName)
If Not IO.Directory.Exists(IO.Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, FolderName.ToString())) Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(IO.Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, FolderName.ToString()))
End If
IO.File.Move(FileName, IO.Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, IO.Path.Combine(FolderName.ToString(), FileOnly)))
End Try
FileCounter += 1
If (FileCounter Mod recordcount) = 0 Then
FolderName += 1
End If
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Okay. The full solution is shown below and then I will explain some of it.
Public Sub Main()
Dim SourceDirectory As String = "E:\Data"
Dim TargetDirectory As String = "E:\CN"
Dim FileExtensionsToProcess As String = "CON*.pdf"
Dim FileCounter As Integer = 0
Dim FolderName As Integer = 1
Dim recordcount As Integer = CInt(Dts.Variables("RecordCount").Value)
Dim targetDir As String = SetOutputFolder(TargetDirectory, FolderName, recordcount)
For Each FileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(SourceDirectory, FileExtensionsToProcess)
Dim FileOnly As String = Path.GetFileName(FileName)
'Try - Leave this out to observe any exceptions, then add handling when you see any
' Check for file name conflicts before moving
File.Move(FileName, Path.Combine(targetDir, FileOnly))
'End Try
FileCounter += 1
If FileCounter >= recordcount Then
FolderName += 1
targetDir = SetOutputFolder(TargetDirectory, FolderName, recordcount)
FileCounter = Directory.GetFiles(targetDir).Count
End If
End Sub
Private Function SetOutputFolder(baseDir As String, ByRef folderName As Integer, ByRef recordCount As Integer) As String
Dim targetDir = Path.Combine(baseDir, folderName.ToString())
Dim filecounter = 0
While Directory.Exists(targetDir)
filecounter = Directory.GetFiles(targetDir).Count
If filecounter >= recordCount Then
folderName += 1
targetDir = Path.Combine(baseDir, folderName.ToString())
Exit While
End If
End While
If Not Directory.Exists(targetDir) Then
End If
Return targetDir
End Function
The additional function I created solves a few problems. Note that it is passing the folder counter and the record count as references ByRef folderName As Integer, ByRef recordCount As Integer, so it can continue with correct values after getting the right directory. It will search for the target directory, starting at 1, and for each directory it finds it will check to see if it is full or not. If it is, then it will carry on, otherwise it will select that directory.
Within this it also checked if the directory exists and if not, creates it before exiting, this removes the extra If statements that are needed throughout and puts them in one place.

A vb.net set of code does not resort the original text file, it only displays the highest alphabetical name 9 x

The code was taken from a YouTube video that I watched at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyN6pZmd2Pk.
There are no errors in the code, just a list of the name Aiden, which was in the original text file 9 places down.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim myArray As New List(Of String)
Using myReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(".\myFile.txt")
'telling VB that we're using a StreamREader, read a line at a time
Dim myLine As String
myLine = myReader.ReadLine 'assigns the line to String Variable myLine
Do While (Not myLine Is Nothing)
myArray.Add(myLine) 'adding it to the list of words in the array
myLine = myReader.ReadLine
End Using
End Sub
Sub SortMyArray(ByVal mySort As List(Of String))
Dim Tmp As String, writePath As String = ".\sorted.txt"
Dim max As Integer = mySort.Count - 1
Dim myWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(writePath)
For Loop1 = 0 To max - 1
For Loop2 = Loop1 + 1 To max
If mySort(Loop1) > mySort(Loop2) Then
Tmp = mySort(Loop2)
mySort(Loop1) = mySort(Loop1)
mySort(Loop1) = Tmp
End If
End Sub
End Module

VB 2010 compare string within directory and store latest revision letter of the file name

My application currently extracts data from an excel document, putting the data into a listview. I then am able to open each of the strings/items within the listview (which are pdf files in a given directory). However the pdf files within the given directory have revision letters at the end of their file names, starting with 'A' for the first revision and 'B' for the second revision...and so on.
So I am trying to approach it like comparing the string to the files in the directory and then once it's found, check what the latest rev letter is if any.
So if there is 07010302A.pdf file in the directory and there's also a 07010302B.pdf in the directory, I want to store that file name (07010302B.pdf) to a new string in my vb application. Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Here's what I am working with:
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim range As Excel.Range
Dim rCnt As Integer
Dim cCnt As Integer
Dim Obj As Object
xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Exp_Master.xlsm")
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
range = xlWorkSheet.Range("H1:H100") 'xlWorkSheet.UsedRange
For rCnt = 1 To range.Rows.Count
For cCnt = 1 To range.Columns.Count
Obj = CType(range.Cells(rCnt, cCnt), Excel.Range)
If IsNumeric(CType(range.Cells(rCnt, cCnt), Excel.Range).Value) Then
ListView1.View = View.List
End If
'Kill Excel Process that wouldn't close
Process.Start("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\batch archive\EXCEL_KILLER.bat")
'MsgBox("Total Item(s) in ListView:" & ListView1.Items.Count)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim str As String
For i = 1 To (ListView1.Items.Count)
Dim strng As String = "R:\"
n = (i - 1)
str = strng & (ListView1.Items.Item(n).Text) & (".pdf")
'Here I want to check the R:\ directory and compare it with each string to see
'what the latest revision letter of the filename is and store it in another string to add to
'a pdf merging list later in this for loop
End Sub
Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object)
obj = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
obj = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I was able to use your Directory.getfiles suggestion and I added a for loop to display only the last of the files labeled within that criteria. Thanks a bunch, just took a little more playing with it to determine what I actually wanted and how to put it in code.
If anyone cares, here is the update that works and gets the last file name and path of the directory.getfiles group within a search criteria.
For i = 1 To (ListView1.Items.Count)
Dim strng As String = "R:\"
n = (i - 1)
str = strng & (ListView1.Items.Item(n).Text) & (".pdf")
Dim substr As String
substr = str.Substring(3, 8)
' Only get files that begin with...
Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles("R:\", (substr & ("*.pdf")))
'MsgBox("The number of files starting with your string is {0}.", dirs.Length)
Dim dir As String
For Each dir In dirs
If dir Is dirs.Last Then
'do something with your last item'
End If
End Sub

Basic Name Sorting Program using VB.net

My teacher has instructed our class to create a basic word sorting program the 'old fashioned way' in visual basic. So comparing two array values, a and b, then if one is considered higher in the order than the other, swap them if not do nothing, continue until there are no more swaps. Here is the code I have so far:
Imports System.IO
Imports System
Public Class Form1
Public arrText As New ArrayList()
Private Sub btnImprt_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnImprt.Click
'Dim OpenAnswerFile As New OpenFileDialog
Dim objReader As New StreamReader("c:\Users\Adam\Desktop\unSortList.txt")
Dim sLine As String = ""
Dim arrText As New ArrayList()
sLine = objReader.ReadLine()
If Not sLine Is Nothing Then
End If
Loop Until sLine Is Nothing
Dim i As Integer = 0
txtImport.Text = arrText(i)
End Sub
Private Sub btnSort_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSort.Click
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim a As Integer = i + 1
txtImport.Text = i
txtImport.Text = a
Dim Temp As String
Dim Change As Boolean = True
While Change = True
Change = False
For Each i In arrText(i) - 1
If String.Compare(arrText(i), arrText(i + 1)) = 1 Then
Change = True
Temp = arrText(i)
arrText(i) = arrText(i + 1)
arrText(i + 1) = Temp
End If
i = 0
End While
txtSort.Text = arrText(39)
End Sub
My problem is that I am getting an Index error and I'm not sure where the error is located as the logic seems fine.
And yes I am aware of the sorting function built into Visual Basic. but as the teacher said. No cheating.
Your code has several flaws, which I'm ignoring and just concentrating on the sorting part, as your query is related to that. Replace your sort loop with the following and check again. The basic problem was that your loop should only iterate up to List.Count - 2 and not List.Count - 1 because you're comparing List(i) and List(i + 1) inside the loop:
Dim Temp As String
Dim Change As Boolean = True
While Change
Change = False
For i = 0 To arrText.Count() - 2
If String.Compare(arrText(i), arrText(i + 1)) = 1 Then
Change = True
Temp = arrText(i)
arrText(i) = arrText(i + 1)
arrText(i + 1) = Temp
End If
End While