how to generate public key from windows command prompt - ssh-keys

I need to generate public key to set up in ssh. How do I do it from windows command prompt? I tried using ssh-keygen -t rsa from c:\ but received a message ssh-keygen is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

ssh-keygen isn't a windows executable.
You can use PuttyGen ( for example to create a key

Just download and install openSSH for windows. It is open source, and it makes your cmd ssh ready. A quick google search will give you a tutorial on how to install it, should you need it.
After it is installed you can just go ahead and generate your public key if you want to put in on a server. You generate it by running:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
After that you can just can just press enter, it will automatically assign a name for the key (example:

If you've got git-bash installed (which comes with Git, Github for Windows, or Visual Studio 2015), then that includes a Windows version of ssh-keygen.


How do I exclude a subdirectory during get with psftp?

I am using the PuTTY psftp get command to download files recursively from a remote Unix server to my local PC and I need to exclude the vendor subdirectory.
The vendor folder lives under /var/www/html/project/ together with other files and folders.
psftp does not have such functionality.
You would have to use another SFTP client. For example with WinSCP, you can use -filemask switch of its get command:
get -filemask=|vendor/ /remote/path/* C:\local\path\
There is also a guide for converting PSFTP script to WinSCP script.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Can we list the contents of a directory and sort them by modified time using scp command in windows

We want to connect to a remote machine using SCP in windows. We want to copy only the recently modified file and hence we would like to list the contents of the directory in sorted order so as to choose the required file. Need help with scp commands if any available in Windows which can help us perform the above action
Searched in the internet and could find only commands with respect to copy
WinSCP (which you have referenced yourself) can download the latest file from an SCP server.
The following batch file will do: /command ^
"open scp:// -hostkey=""...""" ^
"cd /remote/path" ^
"lcd c:\local\path" ^
"get -latest *" ^
Use WinSCP GUI to generate batch-file template like the one above for you, including the correct value for the -hostkey switch. You just need to add the -latest switch.
See also WinSCP article Downloading the most recent file.
Though note that SCP is an obsolete protocol. You better use SFTP. Majority of servers, that do support SCP, support SFTP too. Just replace scp:// with sftp://.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

chmod via cygwin not working properly on windows

I'm trying to change the permissions of some files on windows to 'rw' only for owner user. As you can see it says that the files are changed to 'rw-------'. When I list the files again nothing is changed.
chmod is just emulated in Windows for Cygwin and MSys.
The best way to solve the issue is to use icacls to change permissions.
The command line could be found in official doc from Microsoft, like here
Note that the chmod status in Msys or Cygwin might not be correct. For example, this is what I get in Msys after removing all accesss to "toto.txt"

How to use gitbash instead of windows cmd.exe with meteor Release

I am getting started with Meteorjs. I'm a windows user so I downloaded the windows installer package Release I use gitbash for my command line interface and can't get it to recognize meteor. I get the error "sh.exe": meteor: command not found". It works fine in windows command line but I prefer gitbash.
How do I get meteor to work with gitbash?
I have the perfect answer for you since I literally just solved the issue myself.
First of all make sure meteor works in the default windows command prompt. Next open git bash and check if the following command works:
cmd //c meteor
This runs the command meteor as if you were in the command prompt.
Next step is to set up an alias in git bash so you don't have to type that out each time.
Open git bash and enter the following:
vim ~/.bashrc
this will open/create the bashrc file in VIM, press i to insert and type the following:
alias meteor="cmd //c meteor"
Save and exit vim by first pressing the Esc key then press the ":" key. Now you should be able to enter commands in VIM. Type "wq" and press enter which will write into your .bashrc file and exit vim.
Almost there! Now that you are back in git bash, all you need to do is point to your .bashrc file by entering the following:
source ~/.bashrc
Now you will be able to run meteor commands straight from git bash! Hope that helped!
Here's the fix:
The problem is because of .bat files not being handled properly by
Go to this directory - C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\.meteor
You should see a meteor.bat file there. Create a new file called "meteor" (without any extension and ""). Open it with notepad and paste the following:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
save the file and now run git bash. You should be able to use meteor command in git bash.
To run a *.bat command from MinGW's MSYS shell, you must redirect the execution to cmd.exe, thus:
cmd //c foo.bat [args ...]
The foo.bat command file must be in a directory within $PATH, (or you must specify the full path name ... using slashes, not backslashes unless you use two of them for each path name separator). Also, note the double slash to inform cmd.exe that you are using its /C option, (since it doesn't accept the -c form preferred by the MSYS shell.
If you'd like to make the foo.bat file directly executable from the MSYS shell, you may create a two line Bourne shell wrapper script called simply foo alongside it, (in the same directory as foo.bat), thus:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
(so in your case, you'd create script file meteor alongside meteor.bat).
In fact, since this wrapper script is entirely generic, provided your file system supports hard file links, (as NTFS does for files on one single disk partition), you may create one wrapper script, and link it to as many command file names as you have *.bat files you'd like to invoke in this manner; (hint: use the MSYS ln command to link the files).
Credits to: Keith Marshall on SO and rakibul on Meteor Forums
It shouldn't be too hard - you just need to make sure that the meteor.bat file is in your executable. Check with echo $PATH from the bash console if it is already there.
For me, the meteor installer appended meteor's folder to the path automatically. However, you can add it manually with:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
(On CygWin my user folder is at /cygdrive/c/Users/adam - I'm not sure what the equivalent path would be on git bash).
If you like, append that line to your ~/.profile to make sure meteor gets added to the path when the console opens.
Finally, on Windows the executable file is meteor.bat. I made a symbolic link to the filename meteor, just so I wouldn't have to type the .bat:
cd /path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
ln -s meteor.bat meteor.
Please have a look at the issue
I would suggest maybe creating a trivial wrapper script or alias that invokes LaunchMeteor.exe with the original arguments.
After more research on google I see that there isn't an implemented way to do this yet. The guys at meteor are working on it and accepting pull requests if you have a solution. The conclusion I came to is to use Vagrant and virtualbox to set up a ubuntu vm for meteor development. You can find info at this site: on how to install virtual machines and provision to work with meteor.

Need help with ssh script

I'm very new with ssh so I need some help to write some scripts. The idea is I have files distributed in different folders on a remote server. I want to copy some certain folders into another new folder also on the same server. Suppose, I know all the name of folders that I want to copy and I can list them in a text file. How can write a script that will automatically transfer all those folders into the place I need?
Also, suppose there is one file in each folder that is encrypted with an individual password. All passwords are known by me. How can I write a script to automatically decrypt them?
If you don't have a directly answer, can you give me a link to a tutorial on writing ssh scripts?
Many thanks
I think you might be a little confused.
SSH is the tool you use to get to the remote server.
Once you're connected to that remote server, the prompt you see and command line interface is called "sh" or "bash", typically, and is a shell.
What you're looking for is a shell scripting tutorial. You can google for others, but that one looks reasonable.
The simplest thing to do would be to just turn your list of files into a script. It might look something like this:
for file in a, b, c, d; do
cp $file firstFolderName
for file in e, f, g, h; do
cp -v $file secondFolderName
decrypt secondFolderName/c "myPassword"
Obviously, the command to decrypt would depend on what encryption tool you used.
You could save this into a file called and execute it with sh from the command line. You might need to learn about nano, vi, or emacs, or another editor in order to actually edit this script from an ssh terminal session too.
Assuming that by SSH you mean bash accessed through SSH.
Assuming list of files is just like this:
You can do:
$ cp `cat listOfInputFiles | xargs` destinationDirectory