post comments to google plus with api and fetch them - api

In facebook, we can specify a web page url and add comments to it, or fetch comments for it, with the Graph API.
Later we can fetch the comments for the page, using a sample code, and display them on my page, as a widget, using a javascript code.
Similarly, is it possible to setup comments for a web page virtually using google plus, and display them with a code, using the API ? I came across google plus client library for php, but not sure about how to achieve what i wanted, with it.

Currently there is no public write API for Google+ or a way to bi-directionally integrate Google+ comments with an outside web page.
You can incorporate comments from a Google+ post onto your static page. Here are a couple of resources that can illustrate how:
The full documentation for the Google+ read API is at and there are libraries for PHP and JavaScript at contains some examples about how to echo comments from a Google+ post.


Google Custom Search refinement redirect

So I'm using Google Custom Search (Google CSE) and I'm trying to use the refinement functionality to redirect search queries to Google Scholar.
Basically I'm following exactly the documentation found here. However it turns out that, despite there being documentation, this functionality doesn't exist, and it doesn't appear that Google has any plans to implement it in the near future (see the StackOverflow post here).
My question is, does anyone have a hack/workaround for this problem, so that I could use Google CSE to search Google Scholar?
Server Side
You can use something like to parse the results from google scholar yourself and expose it as an API that you could consume and render any way you liked.
It would use scholar search under the hood. However, since this isn't an official API this might break at any time, it also requires you to have server side resources to service the requests, but would let you have the nicest interface that you have full control over.
You can open an iframe at the particular URL, and this can be embedded inside your page. It looks a bit clunkier, but it means you don't have to link externally and you can embed it locally
<iframe src='{query}'></iframe>
See documentation here. It might be specifically what renders well for you.
External Link
Alternatively, you can just open a new tab/window with:
<a href='{query}' target='_blank'> My Link </a>

dynamic share posts to google plus page using rss feed

Is it possible to dynamically share posts or links to google plus page using rss feed?
I can automatically share links to my Twitter page or my Facebook page using any Rss Feed, but I can't find any similar application or tool to send my site posts to my google + page automatically
I hope someone can help me find a tool or give me a hint to develop an application can do that task
Some of the third-party tools might enable you to do this for your Google+ Page (not for an individual), such as HootSuite as this Video seems to suggest. However, you should be careful to follow the Google+ user content and conduct policy and to make quality posts to avoid having your content becoming classified as spam.
There is no API that is available to the public that will allow your own app to publish content for a profile.

Can I submit an html-like link to Twitter API

I am trying to submit a tweet to the Twitter API (v1.1) that looks like this:
here is a tweet link
Right now, if you submit a raw link, twitter automatically substitutes its link wrapper. Can I use my own? I don't care if Twitter wraps my shortener too (two layers of redirection).
EDIT: Can I submit a URL entity via post to the Twitter API?
Links posted to and from Twitter will come out as regardless.
Read this for some more clarification:
FAQs about Twitter's Link Service (
Because of the reasons listed above, Twitter will shorten URLs you
post on You cannot opt out of link shortening.

Custom Twitter Pictures in stream

There are multiple servies that let you insert pictures and videos into the twitter stream. - with instagram and youtube being two of the first that come to mind.
The question is - how do I do that?
If I want a custom image, and I want to link them back to my site - do I have to use the /statuses/update_with_media.json endpoint (which adds it to along with my own link? Meaning two links?
Is there a trick to how these sites do it, or are they officially supported by Twitter?
To play "in-line" on Only a select few services will allow this.
in case of videos for example, refer to this article on Twitters website.
You would need two links if you wanted to host a picture on Twitter itself and have it link to another place. The pictures hyper-link would be converted and another link would need to be added next to it.
How do I add an image to a tweet or how does twitter decide which image urls to render
Is there a public API or meta data to integrate with Twitter new media system?
(PS great CI articles, thanks for all your help! :)

Tumblr Integration: What is best practice for caching data from API?

I have a websites that has a blog section, which pulls the data using the Tumblr API.
My client just updates her Tumblr blog and the website would just access the Tumblr API to populate the blog page on the website. Also, any blog items tagged as news will show up on the home page.
I could be wrong, but I am sure there are limits to the rate of accessing the API, and so I am thinking I should somehow store the data in a database or even json file.
What would be a good way to "cache" the Tumblr API data so that I am not accessing the API everytime somebody views the website?
thank you!
phpTumblr has a caching class (