Positioning UI controls without relying on centers - objective-c

I'm creating a sample login screen to practice Auto Layout. In portrait mode, it looks like this.
However when I rotate to landspace mode, it looks like this.
Below are the constraints I have set in this layout.
I understand why this is happening. It is because I have a constraint for the User ID UILabel [ Vertical Space(196) ]. How can I position the UIlabel+UITextField set slightly below the horizontal center line of the screen when turned to Landscape?
I assume I can set maybe the middle label to Horizontal Center in Container and then have the other 2 labels positioned relative to that one. But what I'm looking for is a way to position them without the help of center positioning in container. I want them to position slightly below the horizontal center line. How can I do that?
Thank you.

I don't think there's any way to do that in IB, without using the center property -- you could make your views appear below the center by putting another label above User ID, but with no text in it, so it will be invisible. Center that one, and have all the others positioned relative to it.

select all controls and select Top space to superview
Now select only textfields and select Widths Equally
This should work. If not, then let me know i will send you sample code or screens of constraints.


Xamarin - how to center controls using the IDE , visually?

I have a splashscreen / launchscreen. It contains a title (label), an image 300x300 and a small label that says copywrite info. I'm trying to center the 3 controls vertically so they fill the screen. (at least look nice) I can't figure out or find instructions how to center the 3. I can create vertical constraints, width contraints and constraints relative to the other controls. But they never appear centered on iPhone5, iPhone6, 6plus etc...
how do you center 3 controls vertically and horizontally using the IDE, so they appear correctly on ALL devices/layouts?
thanks in advance.
how do you center 3 controls vertically and horizontally using the IDE, so they appear correctly on ALL devices/layouts?
Its strange that Xamarin Studio doesn't have a quick auto layout toolbar similar to XCode where you can align your controls vertically or horizontally with one click.
But they provide one not so obvious way to do it.
1. Make sure when you place any control on any screen on storyboard, you place it vertical center with the help of guiding lines.
2. Once you place it click on the control again when it shows the constraint guidelines.
3. At the center of the control there is a dot, drag that dot to until you see the vertical guideline and place it once the line turns blue.
Now your control should be aligned vertically center for all devices.
Hope this helps, happy coding :)

NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask and title/toolbar height?

I am attempting to implement something similar to Safari where the window's style mask is set to NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask so the NSToolBar and title bar blur the background view.
This works fine, however I have a view that I need to not be clipped by the toolbar/titlebar, similar to how Safari's WebView has an initial top padding that doesn't cover the content when the view is unschooled.
My attempted solution was to create a dummy NSView which the unclipped views align their top value to, then changing the height constant of the dummy view to the height of the titlebar/toolbar. The issue, however, is that there seems to be no way to calculate the height of the toolbar.
This suggests that I calculate the height by subtracting the height of the contentView from the height of the window, but that only works (returns 0 otherwise as the two heights are equal) if I don't use NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask which I want to use for the blurring effect.
Am I overlooking something simple, or is there no simple way to accomplish this?
Check NSWindow's contentLayoutRect property.

Having troubles fitting the UIImageView and Label into Scroll View

I want to fit the Image + Label into Scrollable View.
It looks like so My setup
So trouble here is that width of the picture and the label did not match the screen width.
I tried to change the UIImageView width from 400 to 300 or so, BUT those changes either wont take the effect(if above 300), OR those changes make label disappear (with width setted up on 300 or below). Observe.
Funny thing is - label actually appears when you see view hierarchy, even though it looks kinda distorted. But no label on the iOS screen for you, sir.
I also tried to set equal width and height from the superview, but this option just disabling scroll, making view strictly fit the screen (label appears to be cropped)
I want the label to be nice and scrollable, but I also want to see it on the screen. Too much to ask?
EDIT: I just tried removing Auto-layout and got the same as with auto-layout. (click "Observe" link to take a look again, exact same situation) Could somebody explain why?
This is quite a simple fix. For the image, you should use equal width & center horizontally; however, make sure you use a fixed width. For the image to look nice, play with the scale modes - I find Aspect Fit/Fill work best.
The label should also be equal width & centered horizontally. You may need to calculate the height of the label programmatically if the text isn't always going to be the same size.
So the answer to my particular question was - shortening the actual text that is passed to the label.
Apparently UIScrollView can't handle stuff with crazy abnormal heights (I was passing a huuuge text to it) So in my particular situation solution was - shorten the text. Now it works like a charm (even though I still need to play a little with constraints to get rid of the warnings and stuff)

weird gap when using uiscrollview and uilabel

here is the problem i have a tow muti-line label with many content, so I use a scroll view to show them all
then I follow this to do the autolayout: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/AutoLayoutbyExample/AutoLayoutbyExample.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010853-CH5-SW2
basic idea is to make a container view outside the scroll view to make sure the labels can fill the scroll view no matter what direction it is.
here is the hierarchy and constraint:
and the portrait mode works well:
but when it change to landscape mode some wired gap pops up!
and the more text i put in the label the higher gap i got!
my question is what should i do to kill those gap?
please give me some explicit solution or just give me an example, thank you!
and i am using autolayout in ios7, so some solution without coding are preferred!

How to center NSSegmentedControl

I've added an NSSegmentedControl to a pane on an horizontal split view on a normal window. I thought that adjusting the springs would make the segmented control centre itself automatically, but it doesn't. How can keep it centred?
I was told to add an observer for when the parent view's frame changes, and manually adjust the position of the centered view, but I've no idea how to go about that.
Any ideas are very welcome.
The layout you describe sounds totally plausible in IB.
Just testing it out, I dropped a segmented control in one of the views in a split view, and it stays centered, so I'm sure there's just a configuration issue.
Be sure that:
Your split view is set to stay centered and resize appropriately with the window as appropriate (just to make sure the behaviour you're seeing is not related to the segmented control's container not resizing properly).
You position your segmented control dead centre, and then leave all 3 horizontal "springs" unclicked (ie: no left anchoring, no right anchoring, no horizontal growing).
I don't know if it's been "fixed" in recent OS versions, but if I recall correctly, NSSegmentedControl does a -sizeToFit each time segments change. If the control isn't changing at all, Jarrett's instructions should work.