Do I need a database reference for a linked server in a SQL Server database project? - sql

In my database project, I have added a reference to a linked server. When I use this linked server in a view and try to build my database project, SSDT reports errors because it cannot understand references to any of the schemas referenced on the linked server:
The above would returns an error that SSDT cannot decipher the reference to [DB1].[dbo].[Table1]. I tried to add a reference to this database, but SSDT required either a .dacpac file (produced by another database project) or a system database on the same server as the database in my project.
How do I handle referencing an external database? There are use cases where a project needs to reference an remote database that is not an SSDT database project. In my case, I am accessing the database of another company and putting this database under version control as a SSDT project is out of the question.

Create a new SQL project for the remote database, place any objects in the project that you need to reference (doesn't have to be the whole database), and then add that project as a Database Reference to your project. You don't have to deploy the remote database, just have the definition of objects you use so they can be referenced.

The option we finally settled on was to use SSIS for importing of data. This way, transfer of remote data happened in an ETL layer. Our database did not reference any remote databases this way, which also can improve performance (eliminates transfers over the network, cross server joins etc).
I would recommend using SSIS or a similar method to ETL your data into local tables that your database project can reference (without needing an external project reference).


ReadyRoll server details for VSTS Build phase

I am trying to implement the CI/CD for ReadyRoll. For the release portion I am using an Azure SQL Server so I have specified the server name, db name and cred there. However, I am not sure what details do I give for the build component when creating the shadow db. I thought they were the same but then I get an error saying that its trying to create a db in my azure sql server and it fails because there's already a db with that name there. This led me to think I am supplying the wrong values but I am not sure what is that I am to supply.
ReadyRoll maintains two databases:
•Target database
This is the development database or sandbox that you use for
debugging and to edit schema objects (e.g. using SSMS). When you
deploy, ReadyRoll executes your migration scripts against this
database to upgrade it. You shouldn't drop the target database from
your SQL Server instance.
•Shadow database
This is an exact copy of your database schema created automatically
from your project scripts (001.sql, 002.sql, 003.sql, etc). It's
created every time you use the ReadyRoll DbSync tool to view pending
changes or import. The shadow database is used by the SQL Compare
engine (that powers ReadyRoll) as the base from which to generate a
new migration script. It is safe to drop the database at any time.
More information: Target and shadow databases
You can specify these arguments for shadow database: ShadowServer, ShadowUserName, ShadowPassword, ShadowDatabase. (You also can just specify target database)
More information: Shadow database
The sample for MSBuild Arguments of Visual Studio Build task:
/ /p:TargetUsername=XXX /p:TargetPassword=XXX /p:ShadowServer=XXX /p:TargetDatabase=XXX /p:GenerateSqlPackage=True /p:SkipDriftAnalysis=True /p:ShadowUserName=XXX /p:ShadowPassword=XXX /p:DBDeployOnBuild=True

Add a data connection to TFS version control

I am working on a visual studio web project in express 2013.
I also created a (localdb)\v11.0 data connection and added a bunch of tables and stored procedures.
My question is how can I check in this data to TFS version control?
The website project I am working on is already in TFS. I looked around and I see that I can add a sql project and then create tables and procedures which can be checked in.
Do I need to create an SQL database project and check it in?
If yes, is there an easy way to move the existing tables and procedures to the project?
You can create a Database project using the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
This project helps you in bringing tables, views, stored procedures and permissions under version control. After creating a new, empty database project you can choose to import the schema from an existing database. After importing the project you can make your changes directly in Visual Studio in the Database project and then update your localdb or the other way around.
Importing an existing schema is only possible when your Database project is empty. After an initial import, you need to use Schema Compare to import further changes from your database into your project.

How to add breaking views to an Visual Studio SQL Server Database Project

I've created an SQL Server Database Project so that I can capture my database schema and add it to source control.
My problem is that the database contains Views which reference external databases. Given the business and project environment, this is an acceptable solution in the short tomedium term.
Sadly, this stops the database project from compiling, (since it don't contain the external database tables).
What are my options for getting around this error? I'm currently storing the schema in a single generated script, which is a pain to update.
Look at creating dacpac files out of the external databases and add them as database references. I did that by using the SQLPackage command line to generate the file, put the files in a "shared" folder (optional, but useful if this pattern persists with other projects), then add a database reference to the project. I recommend removing the variable for the DB name unless it can change in different environments. I blogged a bit about this here:
Now if it's a truly breaking change, I've done this through post-deploy scripts. Drop/recreate the view and reapply any permissions necessary. That's not ideal, but it can work.

Managing a subset of the database in a SQL Server 2008 DB Project

I'm new to using SQL Server 2008 DB Project's in VS 2010. I found a good intro to setting them up. It's nice how they create Tables, Stored Proc's etc as objects. But is it also a limitation?
I want to use this project to manage 1 stored procedure (for learning). I do not want to import the entire database because 90% of the database is stuff we do not manage.
I created a new project without doing the import process. I then added a new stored procedure. Now I am having difficulty getting the thing to build. I'm getting various errors saying that I have unresolved references to objects.
How can I add a new stored it and deploy it to the database? Is it possible with this kind of SQL project or do I need to drop back to the old, simple type of SQL projects that VS 2008 and below used?
According to another post, support for the Database Project type is gone. Support for my situation appears to have been erased.
UPDATE 2 3/21/2012
I installed MSSCCI which allows me to use SSMS directly with TFS 2010. I no longer needed and found the setup process to be unmanageable for a large database SQL 2008 project. Especially when you only manage a small % of the DB.
You can Partition a Database Project by Using Partial Projects. This allows the database project to know the entire schema of the database, at the same time, you need not maintain the entire schema. You can work with the subset of the database that's under active development, for instance (or the subset which is your responsibility), yet the project knows the entire schema. This permits it to create change scripts at deployment time, by comparing the schema in the project with the schema in the target database.
You must import all schema objects referenced by your new stored procedure. But this can become a large task because every referenced object need all it's references too.
More trouble with linked server objects.

How can I copy tables from one SQL Server database to another using Visual Studio 2010 & SQLEXPRESS

I have two *.mdf databases and trying to copy the ASP.NET membership tables from one to the other.
I have tried the data\schema compare tool which I am either not using correctly or it won't find anything to add\update for some reason.
Publish to provider created an sql file with the data and schema. Don't know how I can use it from within VS to pull some tables I need and add to another existing database.
Is there a console or something I can launch a query from for SQL Server Express to copy tables from one of the db's in its DATA directory to another ?
Update: Just used the import/export data wizard. It finally copied all my tables without error but for some reason did not retain the relationship data/foreign keys. The tables that I copied over to the other database did not exist on the database, so no type conflict could arise but it still didn't copy the diagram and relationships.
Is it require to Copy in real time?..i had made code that copy Data from Sqlserver to MySql but it's real time and if you want to copy data not in real time then You Have to Use Migration toolkit.