Query to calculate time between multiple trips - sql

We have a table that stores the number of trip and type of trip made for a given day by a driver as follows
Date Delivery Pick-up
==== ======== =======
01/01/2013 5 0
We also have an attendance table that stores the driver attendance as follows.
AttDate InTime OutTIme THours
======= ====== ======= ======
01/01/2013 10:00 13:00 3
How do I calculate the average time between the 5 trip using the employee Thours using MSSQL 2008/2012?. This is for performance monitoring purpose.

I'm assuming that you have some sort of driver_id, which you'll have to add to the join, or, as #Randy points out, you won't be able to determine which rows belong to which drivers.
Here's the general form of the query:
SELECT Trip.business_day,
DATEDIFF(minute, arrivedAt, leftBy) / CASE WHEN deliveries = 0
ELSE deliveries END
as average_deliveries_in_minutes
JOIN Driver_Attendence
ON Driver_Attendence.business_day = Trip.business_day
(working SQL Fiddle example)
You didn't actually list what you wanted to do deliveries = 0 is true - the CASE is there so you don't get 'divide-by-zero' errors. Excluding drivers without any deliveries would allow you to remove the case, and just reference the column.


How to add custom YoY field to output?

I'm attempting to determine the YoY growth by month, 2017 to 2018, for number of Company bookings per property.
I've tried casting and windowed functions but am not obtaining the correct result.
Example Table 1: Bookings
BookID Amnt BookType InDate OutDate PropertyID Name Status
789555 $1000 Company 1/1/2018 3/1/2018 22111 Wendy Active
478141 $1250 Owner 1/1/2017 2/1/2017 35825 John Cancelled
There are only two book types (e.g., Company, Owner) and two Book Status (e.g., Active and Cancelled).
Example Table 2: Properties
Property ID State Property Start Date Property End Date
33111 New York 2/3/2017
35825 Michigan 7/21/2016
The Property End Date is blank when the company still owns it.
Example Table 3: Months
Start of Month End of Month
1/1/2018 1/31/2018
The previous developer created this table which includes a row for each month from 2015-2020.
I've tried many various iterations of my current code and can't even come close.
Desired Outcome
I need to find the YoY growth by month, 2017 to 2018, for number of Company bookings per property. The stakeholder has requested the output to have the below columns:
Month Name Bookings_Per_Property_2017 Bookings_Per_Property_2018 YoY
The number of Company bookings per property in a month should be calculated by counting the total number of active Company bookings made in a month divided by the total number of properties active in the month.
Here is a solution that should be close to what you need. It works by:
LEFT JOINing the three tables; the important part is to properly check the overlaps in date ranges between months(StartOfMonth, EndOfMonth), bookings(InDate, OutDate) and properties(PropertyStartDate, PropertyEndDate): you can have a look at this reference post for general discussion on how to proceed efficiently
aggregating by month, and using conditional COUNT(DISTINCT ...) to count the number of properties and bookings in each month and year. The logic implicitly relies on the fact that this aggregate function ignores NULL values. Since we are using LEFT JOINs, we also need to handle the possibility that a denominator could have a 0 value.
you did not provide expected results so this cannot be tested
also, you did not explain how to compute the YoY column, so I left it alone; I assume that you can easily compute it from the other columns
MONTH(m.StartOfMonth) AS [Month],
AS Bookings_Per_Property_2017,
AS Bookings_Per_Property_2018
FROM months m
LEFT JOIN bookings b
ON m.StartOfMonth <= b.OutDate
AND m.EndOfMonth >= b.InDate
AND b.status = 'Active'
AND b.BookType = 'Company'
LEFT JOIN properties p
ON m.StartOfMonth <= COLAESCE(p.PropertyEndDate, m.StartOfMonth)
AND m.EndOfMonth >= p.PropertyStartDate
GROUP BY MONTH(m.StartOfMonth)

How many customers upgraded from Product A to Product B?

I have a "daily changes" table that records when a customer "upgrades" or "downgrades" their membership level. In the table, let's say field 1 is customer ID, field 2 is membership type and field 3 is the date of change. Customers 123 and ABC each have two rows in the table. Values in field 1 (ID) are the same, but values in field 2 (TYPE) and 3 (DATE) are different. I'd like to write a SQL query to tell me how many customers "upgraded" from membership type 1 to membership type 2 how many customers "downgraded" from membership type 2 to membership type 1 in any given time frame.
The table also shows other types of changes. To identify the records with changes in the membership type field, I've created the following code:
FROM member_detail_daily_changes_new
WHERE customer IN (
SELECT customer
FROM member_detail_daily_changes_new
GROUP BY customer
HAVING COUNT(distinct member_type_cd) > 1)
I'd like to see an end report which tells me:
For Fiscal 2018,
X,XXX customers moved from Member Type 1 to Member Type 2 and
X,XXX customers moved from Member Type 2 to Member type 1
Sounds like a good time to use a LEAD() analytical function to look ahead for a given customer's member_Type; compare it to current record and then evaluate if thats an upgrade/downgrade then sum results.
CTE AS (SELECT case when lead(Member_Type_Code) over (partition by Customer order by date asc) > member_Type_Code then 1 else 0 end as Upgrade
, case when lead(Member_Type_Code) over (partition by Customer order by date asc) < member_Type_Code then 1 else 0 end as DownGrade
FROM member_detail_daily_changes_new
WHERE Date between '20190101' and '20190201')
SELECT sum(Upgrade) upgrades, sum(downgrade) downgrades
Giving us: using my sample data
| | upgrades | downgrades |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
I'm not sure if SQL express on rex tester just doesn't support the sum() on the analytic itself which is why I had to add the CTE or if that's a rule in non-SQL express versions too.
Some other notes:
I let the system implicitly cast the dates in the where clause
I assume the member_Type_Code itself tells me if it's an upgrade or downgrade which long term probably isn't right. Say we add membership type 3 and it goes between 1 and 2... now what... So maybe we need a decimal number outside of the Member_Type_Code so we can handle future memberships and if it's an upgrade/downgrade or a lateral...
I assumed all upgrades/downgrades are counted and a user can be counted multiple times if membership changed that often in time period desired.
I assume an upgrade/downgrade can't occur on the same date/time. Otherwise the sorting for lead may not work right. (but if it's a timestamp field we shouldn't have an issue)
So how does this work?
We use a Common table expression (CTE) to generate the desired evaluations of downgrade/upgrade per customer. This could be done in a derived table as well in-line but I find CTE's easier to read; and then we sum it up.
Lead(Member_Type_Code) over (partition by customer order by date asc) does the following
It organizes the data by customer and then sorts it by date in ascending order.
So we end up getting all the same customers records in subsequent rows ordered by date. Lead(field) then starts on record 1 and Looks ahead to record 2 for the same customer and returns the Member_Type_Code of record 2 on record 1. We then can compare those type codes and determine if an upgrade or downgrade occurred. We then are able to sum the results of the comparison and provide the desired totals.
And now we have a long winded explanation for a very small query :P
You want to use lag() for this, but you need to be careful about the date filtering. So, I think you want:
SELECT prev_membership_type, membership_type,
COUNT(*) as num_changes,
COUNT(DISTINCT member) as num_members
FROM (SELECT mddc.*,
LAG(mddc.membership_type) OVER (PARTITION BY mddc.customer_id ORDER BY mddc.date) as prev_membership_type
FROM member_detail_daily_changes_new mddc
) mddc
WHERE prev_membership_type <> membership_type AND
date >= '2018-01-01' AND
date < '2019-01-01'
GROUP BY membership_type, prev_membership_type;
The filtering on date needs to occur after the calculation of lag().
This takes into account that members may have a certain type in 2017 and then change to a new type in 2018.
The date filtering is compatible with indexes.
Two values are calculated. One is the overall number of changes. The other counts each member only once for each type of change.
With conditional aggregation after self joining the table:
2018 fiscal,
sum(case when m.member_type_cd > t.member_type_cd then 1 else 0 end) upgrades,
sum(case when m.member_type_cd < t.member_type_cd then 1 else 0 end) downgrades
from member_detail_daily_changes_new m inner join member_detail_daily_changes_new t
t.customer = m.customer
t.changedate = (
select max(changedate) from member_detail_daily_changes_new
where customer = m.customer and changedate < m.changedate
where year(m.changedate) = 2018
This will work even if there are more than 2 types of membership level.

Find the timestamp of a unique ticket number

I have a table that looks like this:
**ActivityNumber -- TimeStamp -- PreviousActivityNumber -- Team**
1234-4 -- 01/01/2017 14:12 -- 1234-3 -- Team A
There are 400,000 rows.
The ActivityNumber is a unique ticket number with the activity count attached. There are 4 teams.
Each activitynumber is in the table.
I need to calculate the average time taken between updates for each team, for each month (to see how each team is improving over time).
I produced a query which counts the number of activities per team per month - so I'm part way there.
I'm unable to find the timestamp for the previousActivityNumber so I can subtract it from the current Activity number. If I could get this, I could run an average on it.
select a1.Team,
a2.Timestamp as PrevTime,
datediff('n',a1.Timestamp, a2.timestamp) as WorkMinutes
from MyTable a1
left join MyTable a2
on ((a1.Team = a2.Team)
and (a1.PreviousActivityNumber = a2.ActivityNumber )

Determine overlapping times between record sets

I have 2 sets of data I need to compare via time stamps. I need to determine how long a staff member is with a patient in a specific room. Initially, we were told the patient arrives to a room first and is the last to leave. This is not the case looking at our data now. This is the query we were using:
Inner Join Staff on Staff.LocationId = Patient.LocationId
Where Staff.StartTime >= Patient.StartTime and Staff.EndTime <= Patient.EndTime
While this query works for those scenarios, there are times where the staff is already in the room and may leave later or earlier. What we want to gather is the time at which both people are in the room to the time they are no longer together.
Given the example below, the staff member is already in the room before the patient. The staff member leaves before the Patient has left.
PatientId LocationId LocationName StartTimeInRoom EndTimeInRoom
========= ========== ============ =============== =============
7109 19 Testing 2015-05-19 10:02:11.483 2015-05-19 10:36:24.617
UserId LocationId LocationName StartTimeInRoom EndTimeInRoom
====== ========== ============ =============== =============
27 19 Testing 2015-05-19 10:00:11.900 2015-05-19 10:03:41.547
The desired outcome would look like this:
PatientId UserId LocationId LocationName TimeWithPatient StartTimeInRoom EndTimeInRoom
========= ====== ========== ============ =============== =============== =============
7109 27 19 Testing 90 2015-05-19 10:02:11.483 2015-05-19 10:03:41.547
So the above scenario is when the Staff member is already in the room. So, we can use the time at which the patient enters the room until the staff member leaves.
The problem I am having is figuring out if there is an overlap and if one exists between a patient and a staff member then determine which dates to use for their visit.
I have tried creating separate queries for each scenario, but it did not help me to determine the overlaps.
I wonder if this would work:
Inner Join Staff on Staff.LocationId = Patient.LocationId
where (Staff.StartTime BETWEEN Patient.StartTime and Patient.EndTime)
or (Patient.StartTime between Staff.StartTime and Staff.EndTime)
You can use inequalities in the join condition to get overlaps. Then use case to get the earliest and latest time:
Select (case when p.StartTime > s.StartTime then p.StartTime else s.StartTime
end) as StartTime,
(case when p.EndTime < s.EndTime then p.EndTime else s.EndTime
end) as EndTime
from Patient p Inner Join
Staff s
on s.LocationId = p.LocationId qne
s.StartTime <= p.EndTime and s.EndTime >= p.StartTime;
Note: If a patient and/or staff enters a room multiple times without the other leaving, then this will produce the longest time from the first time both were together to the last time. If this is an issue, then ask another question with sample data and desired results.
with cte (startime,endtime)
(select top 1 startime from staff where staffid = 27 and locationid = 19
and startime > '2015-05-18' order by startime),
(select top 1 endtime from staff where staffid = 27 and locationid = 19 and
startime > '2015-05-18' order by endtime desc)
select * from cte
Let me know if I am heading in the right direction, what this code does is shows the first time the staff entered the room on the day (let's say we are querying the database on 19/05/2015) and the last time they left...using the inner join it could be modified to show the first and last time the staff entered the room whilst the patient was in there. I realise it might have to work the other way round (ie staff entered first) and the various combinations, but these could all be incorporated into modified versions of this. Of course we are dealing only with the time from when the second individual to enter the room, entered the room, to the time when the first individual to leave the room, left the room, there would be no difficulty with adding up only the times they were in the room together if you wish...

count occurrences for each week using db2

I am looking for some general advice rather than a solution. My problem is that I have a list of dates per person where due to administrative procedures, a person may have multiple records stored for this one instance, yet the date recorded is when the data was entered in as this person is passed through the paper trail. I understand this is quite difficult to explain so I'll give an example:
Person Date Audit
------ ---- -----
1 2000-01-01 A
1 2000-01-01 B
1 2000-01-02 C
1 2003-04-01 A
1 2003-04-03 A
where I want to know how many valid records a person has by removing annoying audits that have recorded the date as the day the data was entered, rather than the date the person first arrives in the dataset. So for the above person I am only interested in:
Person Date Audit
------ ---- -----
1 2000-01-01 A
1 2003-04-01 A
what makes this problem difficult is that I do not have the luxury of an audit column (the audit column here is just to present how to data is collected). I merely have dates. So one way where I could crudely count real events (and remove repeat audit data) is to look at individual weeks within a persons' history and if a record(s) exists for a given week, add 1 to my counter. This way even though there are multiple records split over a few days, I am only counting the succession of dates as one record (which after all I am counting by date).
So does anyone know of any db2 functions that could help me solve this problem?
If you can live with standard weeks it's pretty simple:
person, year(dt), week(dt), min(dt), min(audit)
group by
person, year(dt), week(dt)
If you need seven-day ranges starting with the first date you'd need to generate your own week numbers, a calendar of sorts, e.g. like so:
with minmax(mindt, maxdt) as ( -- date range of the "calendar"
select min(dt), max(dt)
from blah
cal(dt,i) as ( -- fill the range with every date, count days
select mindt, 0
from minmax
union all
select dt+1 day , i+1
from cal
where dt < (select maxdt from minmax) and i < 100000
person, year(blah.dt), wk, min(blah.dt), min(audit)
(select dt, int(i/7)+1 as wk from cal) t -- generate week numbers
inner join
on t.dt = blah.dt
group by person, year(blah.dt), wk