Google custom search auto complete not working - google-custom-search

I am implementing Google Custom search, I want auto complete in my custom search box, even though I have enabled auto complete from my control panel, it is still not showing up.
Please help me out with this.

Here is limited documentation from google about this. Newly enabled or added autocompletions may take several hours to appear. In addition make sure that your site is being indexed by checking the settings under the Index tab.

make sure you have enableAutoComplete set to true in your element


is there a way to determine which layout has been selected in a Google Meet

In a Google Meet, you can click the vertical ellipsis and then change the layout.
I have written an extension for which the tiled layout gives the best results, but I can't seem to find (programmatically) which view is being used. Any tips or suggestions?
There is no mention as of today of getting or setting Meet layout in its documentation; neither you can list its activities or get them from System Parameters. If you need this feature, I would suggest you to open an Issue Tracker case asking for it. Feel free to ask me more if needed.

How to customize auto completing list in intellij?

I am intellij user. I am not sure this post is fits to stackoverflow or super user.
Recently, I am working on a project with customized language, which developed by co-workers. It is customized HTML.
However I want to add some words to suggestion list. i.e when I make a div, then I want to find lang attribute on auto suggestion list.
If you know how to customize auto completing suggestion, please reply!
Thanks in advanced!
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I found it! when you type div and waiting, a bulb pop up appears.
There is where users can add custom suggestions.
However, I want to know where to store all this suggestions.
(So I can add several keywords at once!)

Is it possible to use a textarea for a Safari extension settings?

I've made a couple small Safari extensions. For one of them, I would like to collect a set of user-entered strings (e.g., URLs or URL patterns) using a textarea in the settings screen. The only setting types offered in the documentation are one line text, check box, slider, select lists, and radio buttons. I could use a one line text field as an ugly workaround, but I'm hoping there's a better option. I've googled for hints and looked through Safari extensions in GitHub, but haven't found an example of anyone doing this yet.
Does anyone have an example of how to use a textarea for a Safari extensions setting? Is there an undocumented feature I've not been able to find? Or is there a way to trigger a custom popup window from the settings?
Thanks for any tips.
No, there is no way to build a more complex UI inside the settings dialog. What extensions typically do is add a button (checkbox, even if it's not quite the correct element) in the settings page which then launches a separate Safari page which contains the full settings UI, written in HTML.
For an example of this, install uBlock and take a look at how it launches its setting UI.

how to prevent dojo name text box remove/delete name onclick

I want prevent users from possibility to delete a name by accident from the list.. It should be possible to delete a name by clicking only on [x]...
Reconsider the plan as Stephan says. My advice: you have used filter elements from OneUI framework. That's not a good choice in my opinion.
My suggestion is to use list element of OneUI instead, for example:
You might want to reconsider that plan :-) - the behavior of the dojo value picker in any other application is to make the full entry a click target - since you don't control other applications, you create an interaction inconsistency that will rather annoy users.
... But if you have to:
The Dojo UI interaction is deeply wired into that control and can't be changed easily. Your sensible option is to take the source of the control and create your own dojo/dijiit widget. Since dojo supports name spaces, that can coexist with the default control. Check the dojo documentation. It contains tutorials how to do that.
You might find there are better uses for your time.

How to customize issue display in YouTrack?

Is there a way to customize the style for the issue displayed from search?
The specific features I am looking for:
To be able to choose whatever fields to display and the order. The popup windows
from "Visibility Setting" does not seem to work completely for this purpose.
To break down issues into groups with headings, such as priorities, milestone, etc
(again, from user choice).
Here is the sample screen from fogbugz:
Anyway to do the same? That is the simple useful feature I assume must be already supported.
I have search the doc, but could not find an answer.
What you request is clear, but unfortunately, it's not possible.