Query Wikipedia Software Infobox to Retrieve Current Version? - wikipedia-api

I would like to create a script to give me the current version of each software in a list of software. Wikipedia seems to do a good job of maintaining this information, and so I am trying to figure out how to query their API. For instance, it seems I get can get the current info by the call to API as such:
This gives me the info for the page on QuickTime, but in the Infobox section, I am unable to find the "Stable Release" field.
Am I missing something? Is there a better way to pull this off?

If you look at the Wikipedia article you're referring to, you'll notice that to change the version, you should click the small “Edit” link near the version number.
That will take you to the page Template:Latest stable software release/QuickTime, which actually contains information about the current version.
This is also indicated in the infobox as | frequently_updated = Yes.


Has anyone come across issue[]?

issue[] in UiPath.
So I downloaded an extension / package from UiPath GO! named as "Jira Integrating Software". This Packages comes with several APIs to access Jira tickets.
I was working with one of these APIs called "Search by JQL". JQL is Jira Query Language comes in handy for Advance searching. The output type of this "Search by JQL" activity is issues[].
Now when I am Iterating this array it gives me an output of "UiPath.JiraSoftware.Models.Issue"
You should use a For Each activity iterating the ResultArray Array you got from the Search JQL.
The following is just pseudo code! But it should work like this. Maybe the name of the property is not IssueId. That was not completely told in the document. But this you can when you inspect it by using the debug mode:
You should also have a look on the official Jira UiPath page. This resource contains all of the concepts you will need.

Alfresco Rest API to get the current node version

I'm making a call to GET service/api/version?nodeRef={nodeRef}, but I want to limit the query to just the most recent version. I found this StackOverflow post which suggests the use of &filter={filterQuery?} to filter results, but that looks like it only applies to the people query method. Is there something like this for the version method?
Before answering your specific query, a general point. Alfresco community is open source, and almost all of Alfresco Enterprise is too, so for many queries around this your best bet is simply to go and check the source code yourself! The rest APIs are held in the projects/remote-api
Looking in there, you can see that the versions webscript returns all versions for a given node. It's fairly fast to do that, so calling that and getting the most recent one isn't the end of the world
Otherwise, the slingshot node details api at http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/slingshot/doclib2/node/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id} (add the parts of the noderef into the URL) will return lots of information on a node quickly, including the latest version. In the JSON returned by that, inside the item key is something like
"version": "1.7",
Which gives you the latest version for the node
Some of the listing and search APIs will also include the version, but those are likely to be quite a bit more heavyweight than just getting the version history of a node

Is there anyway to get this table data into iOS app?

I work with a company who outsources their website. I'm trying to retrieve data from the site without having to contact those who run it directly. The table data I'm trying to retrieve can be found here:
My methodology thus far has been to use google chrome's Developer Tools to find the source page, but when I filter under the network tab for XHL, only the info of the current games can be found. Is there anyway to scrape this data (I have no idea how to do that; any resources or direction would be appreciated) or another way to get it? Am I missing it in the developer tools?
If I had to contact those who run the website, what exactly should I ask for? I'm trying to get JSON data that I can easily turn into my own UITableViewController.
Thank you.
Just load the page source and parse the html.
Depending on your usage there may well be a copyright issue, the page has an explicit copyright notice so you will need to obtain explicit permission for your use.

Creating an information repository referencing bot

I would like to create a bot. Someone would type "!123" the bot will search the repository for the value "123" and return(paste) the information found for that value back. I'd like this to be universal..meaning it can be used anywhere, so some sort of firefox plugin maybe.
Can someone provide me with information on where i can start?
I have an understanding of programming in c# and java.
P.s There is no intention for this to be some sort of spam bot, i just want to have a collection of information where people can easily reference it.
there are multiple portions to your project.
Bot that would crawl the data from the web and save the data in the db. (given you are considering to build your repository from web). Google Web Crawler/scraper for that.
Data extractor/Cleanser that would clean the data and extract relevant information about a particular document. (this is important so that you could tag the information for relevant information)
Then is the Search Engine part which enables you to retrieve relevant data from the repository. try vector similarity algorithm for that

How can I get the full change history for an article on Wikipedia?

I'd like a way to download the content of every page in the history of a popular article on Wikipedia. In other words I want to get the full contents of every edit for a single article. How would I go about doing this?
Is there a simple way to do this using the Wikipedia API. I looked and didn't find anything the popped out as a simple solution. I've also looked into the scripts on the PyWikipedia Bot page (http://botwiki.sno.cc/w/index.php?title=Template:Script&oldid=3813) and didn't find anything that was useful. Some simple way to do it in Python or Java would be the best, but I'm open to any simple solution that will get me the data.
There are multiple options for this. You can use the Special:Export special page to fetch an XML stream of the page history. Or you can use the API, found under /w/api.php. Use action=query&title=$TITLE&prop=revisions&rvprop=timestamp|user|content etc. to fetch the history.
Pywikipedia provides an interface to this, but I do not know by heart how to call it. An alternative library for Python, mwclient, also provides this, via site.pages[page_title].revisions()
Well, one solution is to parse the Wikipedia XML dump.
Just thought I'd put that out there.
If you're only getting one page, that's overkill. But if you don't need the very very latest information, using the XML would have the advantage of being a one-time download instead of repeated network hits.