How to make tests with find and date conditions? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to develop some tests for a method which is responsible for retrieve some users created after some date. I don't know how to mock tests for it. The method is the following:
def user_list
render :nothing => true, :status => 422 if params[:time_param].blank?
time = Time.parse(params[:time_param])
#users = User.find(:all, :select => 'id, login, email',
:conditions => ["created_at > ?", time])
render :json => { :users => #users }
This is my spec:
describe UsersController do
context "when receiving time parameter" do
before (:each) do
#time_param = "2013-01-25 00:01:00"
user1 = mock_model(User, :created_at => Time.parse('2013-01-25 00:00:00'))
user2 = mock_model(User, :created_at => Time.parse('2013-01-25 00:01:00'))
user3 = mock_model(User, :created_at => Time.parse('2013-01-25 00:02:00'))
#users = []
#users << user1 << user2 << user3
it "should retrieve crimes after 00:01:00 time" do
User.stub(:find).with(:all, :select => 'id, login, email').and_return(#users)
get :user_list, { :time_param => #time_param }
JSON.parse(response.body)["users"].size.should eq 1
The problem is that it always returns all users despite of returning just one. (the last one). Where am I mistaking?
Help me =)

You are not testing what you have to test there, on a controller spec you only need to test that the method that you want is called with the parameters that you want, in your case, you have to test that the User model receives :find with parameters :all, :select => 'id, login, email', :conditions => ["created_at > ?", time] (with time the value that should be there.
Also, that logic does not belong to the controller, you should have a class method on User, something like select_for_json(date) to wrap around that find method (you can find a better name for it)
Then your controller becomes:
def user_list
render :nothing => true, :status => 422 if params[:time_param].blank?
time = Time.parse(params[:time_param])
#users = User.select_for_json(time)
render :json => { :users => #users }
your spec would be
before(:each) do
#users = mock(:users)
#time_param = "2013-01-25 00:01:00"
it "retrieve users for json" do
get :user_list, { :time_param => #time }
assigns(:users).should == #users
that way you are sure that your action does what it does and the spec is A LOT faster since you are not creating users
then you can test that method on the model specs, there you have to create some users, invoke that method and check the users returned (don't stub/mock anything on your model spec)

Your stub call is telling find to ignore what it thought it was supposed to do and return #users instead. It will not attempt to match the conditions.
Unfortunately, to do your test I think you're going to have to allow the find to execute through your database which means you can't use mock_models. You probably will want to do either User.create(...) or FactoryGirl.create(:user) (or some other factory / fixture).
Of course doing it this way, you may hit MassAssignment issues if you use attr_accessible or attr_protected, but those are easy enough to stub out.
I hope that helps.


rails - find with condition in rails 4

I recently upgraded my rails to Rails 4.1.6.
This query used to work :
#user = User.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => 'batman' })
Now I get this error message:
Couldn't find all Users with 'id': (all, {:conditions=>{:name=>"batman"}}) (found 0 results, but was looking for 2)
When I check the logs I can see that rails is trying to do a completely different query :
User Load (0.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN ('all', '---
:name: batman
It looks like, it's trying to get all the users with the id "all" and "{:conditions=>{:name=>"batman"}}". Please help.
My real question behind that was I want to get a specific user and add to it his cars, only the cars that are blue. For example this is my query, the user id is 20.
#user = User.joins(:cars).find(20, :cars => {:color => "blue"})
But I get this error:
Couldn't find all Users with 'id': (20, {:cars=>{:color=>"blue"}})
(found 41 results, but was looking for 2)
You should definitely read this ActiveRecord Query Interface quide
User.where(name: "batman")
Some others already pointed out: The query syntax changed. Try this:
#user = User.joins(:cars).where(:cars => { :color => "blue" }).find(20)
Note that this will raise an exception if that record is not found, to return an array empty instead call:
#user = User.joins(:cars).where(:id => 20, :cars => { :color => "blue" })
I suggest to read:
If you want to load the user even if he does not have any cars and than display only his blue cars, I would do it like this:
#user = User.find(20) # returns the user => 'blue') # returns the user's blue cars (or an empty array)
The find method is deprecated in this version of Rails (see the reference).
Instead, you must use the where method.
In your case, you should write #user = User(:name => 'batman') or #user = User(name: 'batman')

Rails 3 ActiveRecord Query questions

I've implemented "following" function. Showing "people user A is following" was simple, but showing "people who are following user A" is giving me troubles.
I have follow_links, which have id, user_id, and follow_you_id column. When user A begins following user B, the columns will be like (user_id = A, follow_you_id = B).
To show users that A(#user) is following, I can simply do
#follow_yous = #user.follow_yous
But I'm not sure how to show users who are following A(#user)
To do this, I first found all the related links.
#follow_links = FollowLink.where(:follow_you_id =>
Now I thought I could just do #follow_mes = #follow_links.users, but it says user is an undefined method. So I guess I can either call user.follow_yous or follow_you.users.
My next approach was
#follow_links = FollowLink.where(:follow_you_id =>
#follow_mes = User.where(:id =>, :include => #follow_links)
I intended to find all the User objects that had the provided #follow_links objects, but I think the syntax was wrong. I couldn't find a decent solution after a bit of research. I'd appreciate any help.
FollowLink model
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :follow_you, :class_name => "User"
You can use joins like this:
#users = User.joins(:follow_links).where(:follow_links => { :follow_you_id => })
you can use following:
#follow_links = FollowLink.where(:follow_you_id =>
#follow_links.collect(&:user) # :user should be the name of your relation to user in your followlink model
=> [User1, User2,...]

Testing a before_save callback with Rspec and Factory Girl

I am pretty sure I am missing something really basic here.
I want to test if a before_save callback does what it is supposed to do, not just that it is called.
I wrote the following test:
it 'should add lecture to question_type' do
#course = Factory :course,
:start_time => - 1.hour,
:end_time =>
#question = Factory.create(:question,
:course_id =>,
:created_at => - 10.minutes)
#question.question_type.should == 'lecture'
And I have the following factories for course and question:
Factory.define :course do |c|
c.dept_code {"HIST"}
c.course_code { }
c.start_time { - 1.hour }
c.end_time { }
c.lecture_days { ["Monday",'%A'), "Friday"] }
Factory.define :question do |q|
q.content {"Why don't I understand this class!?"}
q.association :course
And I wrote the following callback in my Question model:
before_save :add_type_to_question
def add_type_to_question
#course = Course.find(self.course_id)
now =
if (time_now > lecture_start_time && time_now < lecture_end_time ) &&{|d| d.to_i}.include?(
self.question_type = "lecture"
The test keeps failing saying that "got: nil" for question_type instead of 'lecture'
Since I didn't see anything obviously wrong with my implementation code, I tried the callback in my development environment and it actually worked adding 'lecture' to question_type.
This makes me think that there might be something wrong with my test. What am I missing here? Does Factory.create skip callbacks by default?
I would not use Factory.create to trigger the process. FactoryGirl should be used to create the test setup, not to trigger the actual code you want to test. Your test would then look like:
it 'should add lecture to question_type' do
course = Factory(:course, :start_time => - 1.hour, :end_time =>
question =, :course_id =>, :created_at => - 10.minutes, :question_type => nil)!
question.reload.question_type.should == 'lecture'
If this test still fails, you can start debugging:
Add a puts statement inside add_type_to_question and another one inside the if statement and see what happens.

Rspec testing complex code with undefined variables

Just need alittle bit of help with rspec testing... very new to it and dont quite know how to test this piece of code
# Get a list of tasks recently used by the user
recent_task_ids = Effort.all( :select => "project_task_id",
:conditions => { :user_id => #user_id },
:group => "project_task_id",
:order => "MAX( week_commencing )" )
# For each of the task ids, get the actual project task records
#recent_tasks = []
recent_task_ids.each do |effort|
if ProjectTask.find_by_id( effort.project_task_id ) != nil
#recent_tasks.push( ProjectTask.find( effort.project_task_id ) )
Not sure if your even supposed to test undefined variables this way but any help would be great
You can stub out the Effort.all method.
it "tests with nil values" do
Source: and

Rails assigning names to variables

I'm building a user ranking system, and am trying to assign user.rank values with a name.
I wanted to define something like this in my User model and then be able to reference it when displaying each user's rank, but this probably isn't the best way:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
'Peasant' => (0..75),
'Craftsman' => (76..250),
'Vassal' => (251..750),
'Noble' => (750..1500),
'Monarch' => (1501..999999)
Perhaps it would be better to define a method in a controller or helper like:
if user.rank == 0..75
rank_name = "Peasant"
But not sure how to do that. Anyone have any thoughts? I'm not even sure what to call what it is I'm trying to do, thus making it difficult to research on my own.
It could be something even as simple as this, assuming user.rank exists.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def rank_name
case self.rank
when 0..75
when 76..250
when 251..750
when 750..1500
when 1501..999999
If rank_name is specific to the User, I'd make it a method of User.
You could try something like below. It might give you some ideas.
class User
{:name => 'Peasant', :min => 0, :max => 75},
{:name => 'Craftsman', :min => 76, :max => 250}
# ...
attr_accessor :rank
def rank_name
# TODO what happens if rank is out of range of all ranks or rank is nil
# or not an integer
def rank_index
User::RANKS.index { |r| (r[:min]..r[:max]).include? #rank }
user =
user.rank = 76
puts user.rank_name # -> Craftsman